Preliminary Design of an Agent-based System for
Human Collaboration in Chemical Incidents Response
Mihnea Scafes¸ and Costin B
University of Craiova, Software Engineering Department
Bvd.Decebal 107, Craiova, RO-200440, Romania
Abstract. In this paper we introduce initial design of an agent-based system to
support human collaboration processes occurring in situations of chemical inci-
dents response. The design process includes: (i) description of initial agent rea-
soning mechanisms using goals and plans; (ii) abstraction of external agent func-
tionalities using tasks and services; (iii) organization of agents into communities.
The design is illustrated by considering a realistic utilization scenario.
1 Introduction
The work reported in this paper was carried out in the context of a project interested
in creation of a distributed information system to support population and environment
protection against hazards produced by chemical incidents in urban and industrial areas:
DIADEM Distributed information acquisition and decision-making for environmen-
tal management
. This aim is achieved by employing heterogeneous techniques de-
rived from various domains including software engineering, decision making, human-
computer interaction, chemical engineering, and environmental and crisis management.
Management of ecient response to hazards produced by chemical incidents re-
quires inter-organizational collaboration of multiple and possibly geographically dis-
tributed stakeholders, usually assisted by appropriate tools. Therefore, at the core of
our proposed solution there is an agent-based service-oriented infrastructure that will
support flexible and distributed collaboration processes between humans and agents
engaged in arbitrary problem solving and reasoning tasks, as they are typically encoun-
tered in real situations dealing with chemical incidents response.
Our solution will be demonstrated by application on a number of representative real-
world situations that are currently being captured as utilization scenarios. They will help
us to identify, among other things, the various stakeholders, the tasks they are engaged
with, together with their typical collaboration patterns. A key aspect of our proposed
system is that it is agent-based. Basically this means that software agents are the “glue”
that (i) will integrate all the active entities including active stakeholders, information
sources, and support tools and (ii) will orchestrate them into coherent cooperative pro-
cesses for ecient response to chemical incidents.
Work of Mihnea Scafes¸ and Costin B
a was supported by FP7 ICT-2007.6.3 DIADEM
project, reference 224318.
DIADEM Web site:
Z M. and B
a C. (2009).
Preliminary Design of an Agent-based System for Human Collaboration in Chemical Incidents Response.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages 53-62
DOI: 10.5220/0002250200530062
This paper is focused on introducing our initial proposal for capturing and agent-based
modeling of collaborative processes, as they are required to support realistic utilization
scenarios. Our approach is based on: (i) describing agent reasoning mechanisms using
goals and plans; (ii) abstracting external agent functionalities using tasks and services;
(iii) organizing agents into communities. The proposal is illustrated by considering the
first utilization scenario inspired from the requirements document [2].
The paper is structured as follows. We start with presentation of the general mod-
eling approach, followed by the discussion of the utilization scenario and associated
stakeholders. The next section introduces the system goal model and defines agent be-
haviors using plans, tasks and services. We follow with agent communities and finally
we conclude and point to future works.
2 General Approach and Utilization Scenario
General Approach. Special features of software agents, including autonomy and proac-
tiveness, demand for special support during the development of agent-based software.
This support goes beyond what is provided by traditional structured and/or object-
object oriented development methodologies. Therefore, researches in the area of agent-
oriented software engineering resulted in a number of proposals of methodologies to
guide developers during the development of agent-based software systems [3].
In particular, problem instances (i.e. incidents) of our application domain (i.e. dis-
aster management) are characterized as very complex situations that require fast and
ecient response through flexible and dynamic collaboration between various actors in-
cluding emergency units, local and/or regional authorities, human experts, a.o. Usually
underlying business processes involve interactions that go beyond organizational and
geographical boundaries and that are highly dynamic and unpredictable in nature, thus
demanding flexible composition of problem solving and reasoning patterns that cannot
be captured using traditional workflow technologies. In this context, sound analysis and
design of support systems require application of principled agent-based methodologies.
Basically, an agent-oriented methodology defines the elements of the development
process together with the associated products. In our work we did not strictly adhere
to a particular methodology. Rather, we have adopted a more pragmatic approach by
employing concepts inspired from Prometheus methodology [5] with the goal of pro-
ducing an initial software prototype useful for checking and refining our solution.
In our approach we start with utilization scenarios that guide us in the identification
of the agent types and system goals and sub-goals. We then follow with assignment of
goals to agents and with definition of goals as plans composed of actions, sub-goals and
tasks assigned to external agents.
In this section we introduce a sample utilization scenario and show how this scenario
can guide the identification of agent types and their initial responsibilities. Nevertheless,
our solution is general enough to be applicable to other, possibly more complex, scenar-
ios. Also note that, due to paper restrictions, the utilization scenario has been simplified,
while retaining most of the actions that we considered relevant for treatment of hazards
produced by chemical incidents. This simplification resulted also in the order of some
actions being changed, but this does not aect the relevance of this work for the pur-
pose of the modelling illustrated in this paper. Finally note that we omitted the location
names, because they are not relevant in the context of the paper.
Scenario Description. The utilization scenario is based on a real chemical incident that
occurred in an urban area. The description captures the viewpoint of DEMA Rescue
. Following requirements document [2], we provide in table 1 a simplified (but
complete for the purpose of this paper) narrative description of the scenario.
Table 1. The utilization scenario.
A freight train crashes into a stationary passenger train. The engines of the two trains clash and goods wagons are scattered
all over the tracks. A railway worker on the platform notices the incident and gives the alarm, calling someone to resolve the
incident. The local fire department and the local police department engage in resolving the incident.
The police commander arrives.
The fire service on-scene commander arrives and investigates the incident, discovering a leaking tank in the set of goods
The tank wagon is tipped over onto the platform and has a leak originating at the bottom. The out flowing liquid turns into an
aerosol-gas mixture, leading to more investigation. The investigation reveals that the tank was supplied with orange plates
on both sides. He requests information about the substance. He then finds out the substance involved is Chlorine and that a
plastic based cover has to be used to prevent the chlorine from spreading. DEMA auto alarms itself.
The on-scene commander requests information about a safety distance, which is computed by DEMA with help from a
weather agent that uses weather forecasting tool to predict the atmospheric conditions.
As the local fire brigade does not have access to a proper cover, the on-scene commander delegates the covering task to
DEMA. DEMA dispatches its duty hazmat ocer to the incident location.
The duty hazmat ocer makes contact with the provider of the chlorine. The provider agrees to coordinate the work of getting
hold of a tank to transfer the remaining chlorine into.
The first cars from the DEMA Rescue Center arrive. They start applying the plastic based cover over the chlorine.
The DEMA team has applied the plastic cover and stabilized the situation. The safety distance is reduced to less that 200 m.
The transfer tank arrives and the transfer of the remaining chlorine is started.
Agents in the System. Analyzing the utilization scenario we were able to identify an
initial list of stakeholders that are involved in the collaborative incident resolving pro-
cess. Each stakeholder is mapped onto a software agent with a series of responsibilities.
The list of these agents together with their brief description is illustrated in table 2.
Table 2. The list of agents for the utilization scenario.
Agent Description
The railway worker that gives the alarm.
Fire Department
The fire brigade center.
Fire Fighter Commander
On-scene local fire brigade commander. Responsible for all coordinating on the scene
of the incident. Not necessarily experienced with Hazmat incidents.
Police Department
The police center.
Police Commander
On-scene local police commander. Not necessarily experienced with Hazmat incidents.
DEMA Rescue Centre
Regional DEMA center that can provide manpower (conscripts trained in fire fighting
and rescue) and specialized equipment for Hazmat incidents.
DEMA Duty Hazmat Ocer
DEMA ocial responsible for guidance about Hazmat incidents.
Employees of DEMA.
Hazmat Owner
The company or governmental department owning the hazardous material involved in
the incident.
Weather Agent
Agent equipped with weather prediction tools.
Danish Emergency Management Agency DEMA Rescue Centre, see http://www.brs.
Fig. 1. Goal diagram for the utilization scenario.
3 Agent Model
In this section we develop an agent model using concepts of goals, plans, and beliefs.
Goal Model. The goal concept is commonly agreed in organizational and multi-agent
modeling for describing system objectives. A goal characterizes a property of a desired
state-of-aair that the system as a whole would like to achieve. An objective is usually
conceptualized by a set of goals. Most agent methodologies include goals as primitive
modeling elements. For example, Prometheus requires capturing of goals in the early
stages of system specification by means of goal diagrams [5].
A goal diagram represents the system goals and how they are decomposed in sub-
goals. The decomposition dependency between goals and sub-goals is represented by a
directed acyclic graph. Each graph node represents a goal (or sub-goal) while the set of
nodes that are adjacent out from a give node represent the associated set of sub-goals.
By examining the utilization scenario, we could identify an initial set of goals of
the system. This set was further refined by decomposing each goal into a set of sub-
goals. The decomposition process was iterated, finally producing a goal diagram that
contains all the goals in the system together with their inter-dependencies (sub-goals).
The resulted goal diagram for our utilization scenario is illustrated in figure 1.
Goals are assigned to agents in the system (see table 3). Note that this assignment
process may introduce new goals or remove/merge existing goals. For example, Fire
Department is an organization that usually contains many Fire Fighter Commander
agents to which the task of resolving an incident may be delegated. We introduce a new
goal in the system – Help Resolve Incident of Fire Fighter Commander agent to model
this example. Generalizing, this situation may occur in goal delegation chains from
manager to subordinate agents. The Maintain safety goal has been erased and each of
the two descendant goals have been assigned to two agents. The Worker agent monitors
the situation and whenever an incident emerges it triggers an alarm that will be prop-
agated as a percept to all the agents. The Fire Department and the Police Department
will handle this percept. Also the Handle substance goal has been refined.
Plans. Achievement of agent goals is realized using plans. A plan is a sequence of
plan elements. In our approach a plan element can be a goal (actually a sub-goal of the
goal to which the plan is assigned), an action or a task. A plan can optionally specify
a contextual condition that must evaluate to true before the plan can be executed. Note
that most practical reasoning approaches use plan libraries rather than planning from
first principles from action descriptions [6].
Actions represent agent capabilities of changing the state of the environment. For
example Fire Fighter Commander agent is able to mark the unsafe zone for people
protection against chemical contamination. Tasks model situations when agents cannot
successfully achieve goals by themselves and consequently they need to use capabilities
of other agents and must ask these others to adopt their goals.
Note that the view of this goal adoption on the requester agent side is called task,
while the view of goal adoption on the provider agent side is called service. An example
is when Fire Fighter Commander agent needs more information about the chemical
substance and asks DEMA Rescue Centre agent to provide this information via the
Provide Substance Information service.
The distinction between tasks and services is important for at least two reasons: (i)
we might have several agents in the system that provide the same service, i.e. that are
able to realize the same task; (ii) we cannot always assume that a service provider agent
will automatically adopt a task requested by a requester agent; for example the service
agent might be overloaded or it might even consider that pursuing the required task is
inappropriate given the current context.
In our plan models from table 3 a plan is denoted by: (i) a plan header containing
the goal to which the plan is assigned, optionally qualified with a contextual condition
written between square brackets, and (ii) a plan body consisting of a sequence of plan
elements. Formally, the abstract syntax of a plan can be described as follows:
hPlani := hPlanHeaderihPlanBodyi
hPlanHeaderi := hGoalihConditioni
hPlanBodyi :=
hPlanElementi := hGoali | hT aski | hActioni
There are situations when agents must react to respond to significant changes in the cur-
rent situation. These changes are captured by means of events that can trigger updates
of the current plan and/or goal. In our utilization scenario we have initially identified a
few situations when events trigger agents to adopt goals. For example, the event that the
chemical substance has been covered triggers the adoption of the goal Safe conditions
by Fire Fighter Commander which basically means recalculation of the safe distance
(see table 3).
Note that resulted model already has all the necessary ingredients for devising the
Table 3. Agents goals and plans for the utilization scenario.
Agent Plans Events
Observe current situation [Bad situation]
raise alarm (action)
Fire Department
Handle alarm [Alarm for incident]
Resolve incident (goal)
Resolve incident[Alarm for incident]
Help resolve incident (task: Fire Fighter Commander)
alarm Handle alarm
Fire Fighter Commander
Help resolve incident
Go to incident (goal)
Investigate incident (goal)
Eliminate incident (goal)
Investigate incident
gather information (action)
Eliminate incident [Chemical substance involved]
Substance info (task: DEMA Rescue Centre)
Safe conditions (goal)
Handle substance (goal)
Eliminate incident [NO Chemical substance involved]
Safe conditions (goal)
Safe conditions [Chemical substance involved]
Safe distance (task: DEMA Rescue Centre)
mark the unsafe zone (action)
Safe conditions [NO Chemical substance involved]
compute safe distance (action)
Handle substance [has access to proper cover]
do cover (action)
Handle substance [does not have access to cover]
Handle hazard (task: DEMA Rescue Centre)
Go to incident
move to incident location (action)
subst covered
Safe conditions
subst transferred
Safe conditions
Police Department
Handle alarm [Alarm for incident]
Resolve incident (goal)
Resolve incident
Help resolve incident (task: Police Commander)
alarm Handle alarm
Police Commander
Help resolve incident
Go to incident (goal)
Go to incident
move to incident location (action)
DEMA Rescue Centre
Substance info [Substance identification features available]
identify substance (action)
Safe distance [Chemical substance involved]
Weather conditions (task: Weather Agent)
compute safe distance (action)
Handle hazard
Do cover the substance (task: DEMA Sta)
Eliminate hazard (goal)
Eliminate hazard
Help eliminate hazard (task: DEMA Duty Hazmat Ocer)
incident with dangerous
Eliminate hazard
DEMA Duty Hazmat Ocer
Help eliminate hazard
Go to incident (goal)
Eliminate substance (goal)
Go to incident
move to incident location (action)
Eliminate substance
Transfer substance (task: Hazmat Owner)
Do cover the substance
Go to incident (goal)
cover subst (action)
Go to incident
move to incident location (action)
Hazmat Owner
Transfer substance
Go to incident (goal)
transfer subst (action)
Go to incident
move to incident location (action)
Weather Agent
Weather conditions
Get weather conditions at location (action)
agents’ reasoning mechanism. In particular, the model has all the elements of belief-
desire-intention framework [6], one of the most successful intelligent software agent
architectures for practical applications. However, the reasoning mechanism is not yet
finalized, being the subject of further investigation. Nevertheless, for the current pro-
totype we chose a simple reasoning mechanism that follows the execution of plans
associated to goals and was augmented with special event handling features.
Beliefs. Note that a lot of data is generated or gathered from various stakeholders, dur-
ing the process of resolving an incident. One important aspect of the system is the
management of this data. The system workflow is goal-oriented by executing plans and
it assumes, among other things, reading external input data, generating external output
data, and performing data transfers between agents. In particular, the data can also be
mapped to beliefs ([6]) and stored at the agent level as agent beliefs (i.e. agent local
data) and at the system level as system beliefs (system or global data).
Agent beliefs are queried whenever an action is executed, a plan condition is evalu-
ated or information is passed to other agents in the process of contracting tasks. Agent
beliefs can be updated when actions are executed or tasks are achieved by service con-
tracting and information is returned to the task initiator agent. In particular, when the
system is not capable of deriving a belief, the process of filling in the belief value can
be delegated to human experts via specialized GUIs. Finally, agent beliefs can also be
updated when percepts (i.e. changes in the environment) arrive. For example, when the
Fire Commander receives an alarm percept he may add an incident belief to its belief
repository. Percepts are usually generated when a change in the system beliefs occurs.
An example of agent belief is an agent’s current location.
System beliefs represent data that is useful to a group of agents. If this data is stored
at the agent level and passed between agents rather than being kept as system beliefs
then the process would be time and resource consuming. An example of system belief
is the location of an incident.
4 Agent Communities
Further analysis of the utilization scenario reveals that it is useful to conceptualize the
agent society as logically decomposed into communities on the basis of organizational
or functional criteria. In this context, the logical partitioning of agents into communities
is particularly useful for focusing agent interactions, for defining special relationships
(functional, social, or managerial) between agents, and also for partitioning incident
information into local (i.e. agent level) or global (i.e. community level) beliefs and
context information. For example, the type of organizational relationship, i.e. peer-to-
peer or subordination, can influence the degree of openness of allocation of tasks to
services [4]. Note also that the decomposition of a society into communities matches
well with the requirements of inter-organizational collaboration for incident response.
Following the description of the utilization scenario we identified the following
communities: Fire, Police, DEMA, Weather, and Incident. The first three communities
are defined by organizational criteria, and thus they exhibit a specific organizational
structure. In contrast, the Incident community is defined by functional criteria and con-
tains agents that collaborate in resolving a specific incident. That is why this community
can be characterized as dynamic or ad-hoc. Finally the Weather community incorporates
agents equipped with appropriate tools for weather prediction.
We are using Prometheus system overview diagram [5] for describing system architec-
ture. This diagram is structured as a graph showing agents, events, actions, and mes-
sages as nodes represented in Prometheus notation. Note that we augmented the system
overview with representation of agent communities (see figure 2). Large ellipses repre-
Fig. 2. System overview diagram.
sent communities. Incident community contains all the agents that are outside the other
communities. Smaller ellipses are agents. Shaded smaller ellipses are agents after they
have joined another community. Actions are represented using pentagons and events
are represented using “explosions”. Tasks that are contracted are depicted using associ-
ations between agents.
On this diagram we can observe that some agents are subordinated to other agents.
For example, Police Commander responds to Police Department, Fire Fighter Com-
mander responds to Fire Department, and both DEMA Duty Ocer and DEMA Sta
respond to DEMA Rescue Centre. Using agent communities (defined based on organiza-
tional relationships in this particular case) manager agents can isolate their subordinates
from the rest of society and thus focus communication only on them when necessary.
This approach is needed for example when Fire Department searches for someone to
help resolve the incident. If the subordinates of the Police Department would not have
been isolated from the rest of society then Fire Department would be able to find a Po-
lice Commander (as Police Commander advertises a Help resolve incident service too)
and dispatch him to the incident location that is obviously incorrect behavior.
The ad-hoc Incident community is of particular importance. This community is dy-
namically constructed by joining in all agents that are actively involved in resolving
a particular chemical incident. By default, Incident community initially contains the
following agents that represent regional authorities in the incident region: Police De-
partment, Fire Department and DEMA Rescue Centre.
Focusing communication in a community may be accomplished by community ori-
ented service discovery. This requires agents to advertise their services and search for
provided services in the context of communities they are members of, using community
oriented Yellow Page agents. In particular, when an ad-hoc community is created, a new
community Yellow Page agent will be also created and added to that community. All
agents that will later join the community are required to register their services at the
community’s Yellow Page agent. Moreover, when an agent requires an external service,
he will have to search for it using Yellow Page agents of his communities – note that an
agent can be simultaneously member of several communities. For example, on figure
2, when Fire Commander agent performs action Move to incident, additionally to the
action eect of changing the agent location, Fire Commander also dynamically joins
the Incident community, and so, using the Yellow Pages mechanism, he will be able to
directly talk to DEMA Rescue Centre during the process of resolving the incident.
5 Related Work
ADEPT Advanced Decision Environment for Process Tasks is probably one of the
first business process management systems that proposed the utilization of intelligent
software agents to cope with inter-organizational collaborative aspects of business pro-
cesses including: multiple and geographically distributed organizations, autonomous
management of resources, highly dynamic and unpredictable nature of business pro-
cesses, decentralized control, mixtures of human activities and automated tasks [4].
ADEPT introduced many concepts that we found useful including loosely coupling of
agent tasks and services by means of service matchmaking and negotiation and usage of
the notion of agency (with peer-to-peer and hierarchical relationships in organizations)
that we found similar with our communities. However ADEPT was an early work and
could not benefit on the recent developments including principled approaches of agent-
oriented methodologies and technological advancements in software agent platforms.
Additionally we did not find in ADEPT the concept of ad-hoc community that we in-
troduced to model teams of agents that act together towards resolving a given incident.
A recent solution for providing agility to goal-oriented business processes using
BDI agents based on LS/TS – Living Systems Technology Suite is presented in [1] (and
papers cited there). While this approach seems to have many similarities to our pro-
posal (excepting maybe service negotiation which is present in our work), we could not
find any details of the algorithms and implementation of the suite only very general
descriptions and short application reviews are provided.
Combined Systems Chaotic Open world Multi-agent Based Intelligently NEt-
worked Decision support Systems
project was focused on engineering large-scale, open
systems in a constantly changing environment [7]. The research was validated on the
Rotterdam Harbor Scenario that describes a crisis situation when a ship collision pro-
duces a spread of toxic gas in the harbor and threatens surrounding areas. Focus in
Combined Systems was on development of technologies known as intelligent building
blocks for communication, interoperability, iconic information sharing, information fu-
sion, and coordination. However, we noticed that, while Combined Systems was in fact
a multi-agent system, it did not employed agent-based development methodologies.
IsyCri Interop´erabilit´e des Syst`emes en Situation de Crise
project is focused on
inter-organizational inter-operability for crisis reduction in order to assure high degrees
of responsiveness and flexibility [8]. Specific to IsyCri is the focus on realizing en-
terprize inter-operability using a meta-modeling approach based on ontologies. This
is dierent from DIADEM, where we are seeking for the development of a practical
system to support decision-makers in crisis situations. Nevertheless, we think that Isy-
Cri results, including the crisis meta-model [8], could be useful for devising service
ontologies that are subject of further investigation during DIADEM project.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
We have shown how starting from an initial utilization scenario, agent-oriented method-
ologies (in particular Prometheus) can help us in guiding the systematic development
of an agent-based model of collaborative processes for chemical incidents responses.
In particular we intend (i) to expand our model with service ontologies and service ne-
gotiation; (ii) to investigate potential problems regarding complexity and scalability of
the approach; and (iii) to extend the design by considering other utilization scenarios.
Currently an initial prototype has been developed based on the initial design described
in this paper. We shall report on its evaluation and improvement in subsequent papers.
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