worked Decision support Systems
project was focused on engineering large-scale, open
systems in a constantly changing environment [7]. The research was validated on the
Rotterdam Harbor Scenario that describes a crisis situation when a ship collision pro-
duces a spread of toxic gas in the harbor and threatens surrounding areas. Focus in
Combined Systems was on development of technologies known as intelligent building
blocks for communication, interoperability, iconic information sharing, information fu-
sion, and coordination. However, we noticed that, while Combined Systems was in fact
a multi-agent system, it did not employed agent-based development methodologies.
IsyCri – Interop´erabilit´e des Syst`emes en Situation de Crise
project is focused on
inter-organizational inter-operability for crisis reduction in order to assure high degrees
of responsiveness and flexibility [8]. Specific to IsyCri is the focus on realizing en-
terprize inter-operability using a meta-modeling approach based on ontologies. This
is different from DIADEM, where we are seeking for the development of a practical
system to support decision-makers in crisis situations. Nevertheless, we think that Isy-
Cri results, including the crisis meta-model [8], could be useful for devising service
ontologies that are subject of further investigation during DIADEM project.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
We have shown how starting from an initial utilization scenario, agent-oriented method-
ologies (in particular Prometheus) can help us in guiding the systematic development
of an agent-based model of collaborative processes for chemical incidents responses.
In particular we intend (i) to expand our model with service ontologies and service ne-
gotiation; (ii) to investigate potential problems regarding complexity and scalability of
the approach; and (iii) to extend the design by considering other utilization scenarios.
Currently an initial prototype has been developed based on the initial design described
in this paper. We shall report on its evaluation and improvement in subsequent papers.
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See Combined Systems project Web page at
See IsyCri project Web page at