Georgios Voulalas and Georgios Evangelidis
Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, 156 Egnatia St., Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Software Evolution, Runtime Evolution, Dynamic Applications, Runtime Compilation, Software
Maintenance, Java ClassLoader.
Abstract: In our previous research we have presented a framework for the development and deployment of web-based
applications. The framework enables the operation of multiple applications within a single installation and
supports runtime evolution by dynamically recompiling classes based on the source code that is retrieved
from the database. The feasibility of our solution has been successfully verified with the use of an
architectural prototype. Given the importance of the maintenance activities in the software lifecycle, in this
paper we are going to evaluate our framework as a software maintenance tool and position it in the domain
of software evolution with a use of a related taxonomy.
It is impossible to produce systems of any size
which do not need to be changed. Once a software
system is put into use, new requirements emerge and
existing requirements change as the business
running that software changes. Parts of the software
may have to be modified to correct errors that are
found during its operation, and/or improve its
performance or other non-functional characteristics.
All of this means that, after delivery, software
systems evolve (Somerville, 2000).
A great part of the research in the area of
software evolution has been carried out by Lehman
and Belady (Lehman and Belady, 1985). Their
research resulted in a set of ‗laws‘ (Lehman‘s Laws)
concerning system change that are regarded as being
invariant and widely applicable. The proposed laws
were derived from measurements conducted upon
large software systems. The first two laws are the
most important. They state that evolution is required
in order to cope with the continuously changing
requirements but inevitably makes the system more
complex and degrades its structure.
In (Warren, 1998) three main types of software
change are identified:
Software maintenance: Changes to the
software are made in response to errors or
changed requirements but the core structure of
the software is not modified.
Architectural transformation: It involves
significant modifications to the architecture of
the software system.
Software re-engineering: The system is
changed in order to become easier to
understand and evolve. System re-engineering
may involve some structural modifications but
does not usually involve major architectural
From the three types of software change listed
above, software maintenance is the most common.
Software maintenance is defined in IEEE Standard
1219 (IEEE, 1993) as: ―The modification of a
software product after delivery to correct faults, to
improve performance or other attributes, or to adapt
the product to a modified environment.‖ Note that
the term software evolution lacks a standard
definition and it is usually used as a preferable
substitute for maintenance. In practice, there isn‘t
always a clear distinction between these different
types of maintenance. It is difficult to find up-to-date
figures for the relative effort devoted to the different
types of maintenance. A rather old survey by Lientz
and Swanson (Lientz and Swanson, 1980)
discovered that about 65% of maintenance was
concerned with implementing new or modified
Voulalas G. and Evangelidis G. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 31-38
requirements, 18% with changing the system to
adapt it to a new operating environment, and 17% to
correct system faults. Similar figures were reported
by Nosek and Palvia (Nosek and Palvia, 1990) ten
years later. Updating the system in order to cope
with new or changed requirements consumes most
of the maintenance effort. The costs of system
maintenance represent a large proportion of the
budget of most organisations that use software
systems. In the 1980s, Lientz and Swanson found
that large organisations devoted at least 50% of their
total programming effort to evolving existing
systems. McKee (McKee, 1984) found that the
amount of effort spent on maintenance is between
65% and 75% of total available effort.
Summarizing the above-mentioned findings we
can state that after the delivery of a software system
significant effort is inevitably devoted to the
implementation of new features, the modification of
existing features and the correction of bugs.
In the traditional approach to software
maintenance, the programmer edits or extends the
source code of a software system, and re-compiles
(possibly incrementally) the changes into a new
executable system. The running software system has
to be restarted for the change to become effective.
However, in many cases it is not acceptable to
frequently shut down the system in order to perform
changes, therefore, it must be possible to modify it
while at runtime.
Runtime adaptations are supported by
programming languages, such as CLOS, Smalltalk,
and Self (Zdun, 2004). These dynamically typed
programming languages provide both a
programming environment and a program execution
environment, allowing one to influence the language
behaviour from within a program. Similar features
are provided by a number of scripting languages,
including Tcl, Python, Perl, and Ruby. Those
features are mostly used in an ad-hoc way and not as
a distinct evolution technique. Modern statically-
typed commercial programming languages such as
Java and C#, through various concepts such as
typing, encapsulation and polymorphism, encourage
programmers to write code that should be easier to
maintain and evolve (Evans, 2004). However, focus
is placed on the non runtime issues of reusing
program source code and trying to make it easier to
manipulate the codebase of a particular application.
Although it is possible to dynamically update both
Java and C# programs neither of these languages
directly address the issues of runtime evolution by
defining an evolution model.
Toward this need, in (Voulalas and Evangelidis,
2008a), (Voulalas and Evangelidis, 2007) and
(Voulalas and Evangelidis, 2008b) we introduced a
development and deployment framework that targets
to web-based business applications and supports
runtime adaptations. The framework takes
advantage of the options that the Java Programming
Language provides for the creation of dynamic
applications and operates as a runtime evolution
infrastructure. In this paper we evaluate this
framework and position it within the software
evolution domain. For this reason we use one of the
available taxonomies that are related to software
The paper is further structured as follows. In
Section 2, we outline our framework. In Section 3,
we present the selected taxonomy, and in Section 4
we apply it in our framework. We discuss the main
conclusions in Section 5.
2.1 Database Model
The framework is structured on the basis of a
universal database model (meta-model). As
presented in Figure 1, the database model is divided
into three regions.
Region A holds the functional specifications
of the modelled application and includes the
following entities: Classes, Attributes,
Methods, Arguments, Associations and
Imports (class dependencies). For example,
the method definition consists of a name, a
return type, a set of arguments, and a body.
For each class the entire source code is stored
in the database.
For each table of Region A a companion table
using ―_versions‖ as suffix is included in
Region A΄. This enables us to keep all
different versions of the modelled
Region B holds data produced by the
applications and consists of the following
tables: Objects, AssociationInstances and
AttributeValues. Those tables are structured in
a way that is independent of the actual data
structure of the applications. Thus, changing
the database structure of a modelled
application (e.g. adding a new field in an
existing table or creating a new table) does not
affect Region B.
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 1: The Database Model.
2.2 Development Process
The framework facilitates the development process
as follows:
Since the Database tier is common for all
applications, generic methods for the
materialization and dematerialization of
objects are provided. The user does not have
to write SQL code and interfere at all with the
database layer.
For the development of the Application tier
(i.e., business objects) the user should be
provided with a custom editor implementing a
moderated development environment. This
editor should enable the user to take advantage
of all pre-build mechanisms that are supported
by the framework.
For the User Interface tier, a more flexible and
less moderated approach is proposed in order
for the user to be able to freely and creatively
implement the user interface of the
2.3 Deployment
The framework operates as a deployment platform
that hosts multiple applications within a single
installation. There always exists one deployed
application, independently of the actual number of
running applications.
The running application constitutes of generic
components and application-specific components
that are produced by the runtime compilation of the
application-specific source code. The generic
components operate as an abstraction layer that
allows application-specific classes and their
methods to be utilized.
2.4 Runtime Evolution & Versioning
Since source code is retrieved from the database and
compiled at runtime, we can deal with business logic
changes at deployment time without interrupting the
operation of the application.
What‘s more, we can anytime refer to a previous
version of an application and examine old data in its
real context (i.e., within the version of the
application that created this data) by retrieving the
corresponding data instances from the database,
without the need for maintaining additional
installations (one for each different application
Finally, we can easily support a policy for the
management of active instances that allows existing
threads to continue to call old code, whereas new
threads to call new code.
2.5 Architectural Prototype
In order to verify the feasibility of our proposal, we
have developed the core functional and data
mechanisms. The underlying database schema
resides in MySQL. For the functional components,
Java was an obvious choice for us to consider since
it supports two features that are essential for the
implementation of our framework: reflection and
runtime compilation of source code.
2.5.1 Reflection
Using the Java reflection API included in the Java
Development Kit (JDK) version 1.1 or higher, a
programmer can obtain meta information about the
Java objects at runtime. That is, the programmer can
look inside a Java object at runtime and see what
variables it contains, what methods it supports, what
interfaces it implements, what classes it extends
basically everything about the object that is known
at compile time. The Class class supports
getMethods, getMethod, getDeclaredMethods,
getDeclaredFields, getFields, and getField for user
code to call. User code can access the fields or the
methods of an object via field objects or method
objects. Similarly, the Java reflection API supports
method invocations and accessing of field values.
2.5.2 Runtime Compilation of Source Code
The javax.tools package, added to Java SE 6 as a
standard API for compiling Java source, enables the
addition of dynamic capabilities that extend static
applications (Biesack, 2007). It is an approved
extension of Java SE, which means it is a standard
API developed through the Java Community Process
(as JSR 199). The main benefit is that the developer
uses what he better knows: Java source, not
bytecodes. He can create correct Java classes by
generating valid Java source without needing to
worry about learning the more intricate rules of valid
bytecode or a new object model of classes, methods,
statements, and expressions.
Several taxonomies related to software evolution
exist (Lientz & Swanson, 1980), (Chapin & Hale,
2001), (Pukall & Kuhlemann, 2007). These
taxonomies can be used for evaluating frameworks,
tools and techniques within the domain of software
evolution. Most of them focus on the purpose of the
change. In order to evaluate our framework, we have
selected a taxonomy that focuses on technical
aspects and is based on the characterizing
mechanisms of change and the factors that influence
these mechanisms (Mens & Buckley, 2003). The
selected taxonomy is more comprehensive, in
comparison to the others, as it includes several
properties organized around four logical groups:
temporal properties, object of change, system
properties, and change support.
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
3.1 Temporal Properties (when)
―The ‗whenquestion addresses temporal properties
such as when a change should be made, and which
mechanisms are needed to support this.‖ (Mens &
Buckley, 2003) (Table 1).
Table 1: Temporal Properties.
Supported types
Time of change
Compile-time evolution
(alternatively called static
evolution): the traditional
approach to software
maintenance, where the
programmer edits the source
code and re-compiles the
changes into a new executable
system. The running software
system has to be shut down
and restarted for the change to
become effective.
Runtime evolution (also
called dynamic evolution):
the software change occurs
during execution of the software.
The system evolves dynamically
for instance by hot-swapping
existing components or by
integrating newly developed
components without the need for
stopping the system.
Load-time evolution: changes
are incorporated as software
elements that are loaded into
an executable system. It is
well-suited for adapting
statically compiled
components dynamically on
demand, so that they fit into a
particular deployment context.
Depending on whether load-
time coincides with runtime or
it coincides with a system‘s
start-up time, load-time
evolution is either dynamic or
Change history
Completely un-versioned
systems: changes are applied
destructively so that new
versions of a component
override old ones.
Systems that support
versioning statically: new and
old versions can physically
coexist at compile- or load-
time, but they are identified at
runtime and therefore cannot
be used simultaneously within
the same context.
Table 1: Temporal Properties (cont.).
Change history
Fully versioned systems:
allow different versions of
one component to coexist
at runtime. This is
particularly important for
the dynamic evolution of
systems, since safe
updates of existing
components often require
that new clients of the
component use the new
version whereas existing
clients of the old
component continue to use
the old one.
Change frequency
3.2 Object of Change (where)
The second group in the selected taxonomy
addresses the ‗where‘ question. ―Where in the
software can changes be made, and which
supporting mechanisms are required? (Mens &
Buckley, 2003) (Table 2).
Table 2: Object of Change.
Supported types
Artifacts that are subject to changes
can range from requirements through
architecture and design, to source
code, documentation and test suites.
They can also be a combination of
several or all of the above.
Very local to system-wide changes.
3.3 System Properties (what)
―A logical grouping of factors that influence the
kinds of changes allowed as well as the mechanisms
needed to support these changes has to do with the
properties of the software system that is being
changed, as well as the underlying platform, and the
middleware in use.‖ (Mens & Buckley, 2003) (Table
Table 3: System Properties.
3.4 Change Support (how)
―During a software change, various support
mechanisms can be provided. These mechanisms
facilitate the analysis, management, control,
implementation and measurement of software
changes.‖ (Mens & Buckley, 2003) (Table 4).
Table 4: Change Support.
Supported types
Degree of
Partially automated
Degree of
Implemented in an ad-hoc way
Based on an underlying
mathematical formalism
Change Type
Structural changes: changes
that alter the structure of the
software. In many cases, these
changes will alter the software
behaviour as well. A
distinction can be made
between adding new elements
to the software, removing
elements from the software,
and modifying (e.g., renaming)
an existing element.
Semantic changes: can either
be semantics-modifying (such
as refactoring) or semantics-
preserving (such as the
replacement of a ‗for loop‘ by
a ‗while loop‘).
Having presented the core elements of the selected
taxonomy, we are going to apply the taxonomy to
our framework in order to evaluate its usability and
identify missing properties or properties that can be
improved. For each of the framework dimensions,
we describe the extent to which it is supported by
our framework. In Table 5, we summarize our
4.1 Temporal Properties (when)
Using this group of properties we will identify the
phase changes occur at, the frequency of changes
and the way the different software versions
(produced during evolution) are handled.
4.1.1 Time of Change
Technically our framework is based on Java‘s
ClassLoader architecture that is a prominent
example of load-time evolution mechanism.
However, since classes are loaded at runtime and
changes become effective without the need of
restarting the application, it is clear that our
framework supports runtime changes.
4.1.2 Change History
The database model upon which our platform is
based, incorporates a simple data versioning
technique (inspired by the Jboss Envers project) that
allows us to keep all different versions of the
modelled applications. What‘s more, it enables the
identification of the objects that have been produced
from a specific version of an application and the
identification of the version that should be invoked
in order for a specific object to be processed. In
other words, multiple versions of the same
application can co-exist at runtime level. Thus, our
framework provides a fully versioned environment.
4.1.3 Change Frequency
Our framework does not impose any restriction
related to the frequency of changes. The frequency
of changes is arbitrary, since changes are triggered
by the users.
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
4.2 Object of Change (where)
This group of properties will help us define the
subject of changes and the granularity of supported
4.2.1 Artifact
Our platform supports changes directly (and only) to
source code.
4.2.2 Impact
Changes can range from local to system-wide.
4.3 System Properties (what)
We will examine the following two attributes: the
availability of the deployed systems while
maintenance takes place and the runtime safety.
4.3.1 Availability
Our framework can successfully support the
evolution of software systems without interrupting
their operation. In other words, in ensures high
availability of the deployed applications throughout
their lifecycle.
4.3.2 Safety
Since source code can be changed in an arbitrary
way and classes are recompiled and loaded just
before the execution of a method, it is quite difficult
to prevent undesired functionality at runtime level.
However, we should work on mechanisms that will
restrict the runtime errors. One such method could
be the provision of a test platform that will run in
parallel with the main deployment platform and will
allow new versions to be tested by the developers
before becoming available to the end-users. Since
the proposed platform already supports the parallel
deployment of different versions of the same
application, the implementation of a test platform
will mainly require the distinction between
production and test versions.
4.4 Change Support (how)
This group of properties will help us identify the
supported degree of automation in the implementa-
tion of changes and the covered types of changes.
4.4.1 Degree of Automation
Our platform is a semi-automated tool. Taking as a
basis the 3-tier architecture that is the most
outstanding architectural paradigm, changes are
implemented as follows:
The Database tier is generic for all
applications. The developer does not write
SQL code, neither for the creation of the
database, nor for the manipulation of data. A
structured API that includes generic methods
for inserting / updating / deleting objects,
along with methods for retrieving objects
using multiple filters is provided, facilitating
the user during the development process.
Changes in the database structure of an
application result in data changes in the
underlying meta-model and are transparently
and automatically handled by the API.
In the final prototype of the platform, the
development of the Application tier should be
supported by an editor supporting a list of
custom features, such as code generation and
auto-complete features. Thus, initial
implementation and changes in the application
tier should be implemented in a semi-
automated manner.
For the User Interface tier, we have selected a
more flexible and less moderated approach.
The developer should be able to freely
implement the user interface of the
application. Changes in the user interface
could be only manually supported.
4.4.2 Degree of Formality
Our platform has no underlying mathematical
foundation. It is very interesting to try to identify
parts of the development process that could be
formalized. The interaction of the functional layer
with the database layer and the way changes in one
level are propagated to the other seems to be such a
4.4.3 Change Type
Our platform puts no constraints on the types of
change that can be made to the software system. It
can be a semantics-preserving or semantics-
changing change. It can be an addition, subtraction,
or alteration at functional or database level.
However it doesn‘t support all types of changes with
the same degree of automation.
Table 5: Evaluation of our platform based on the selected
Time of change
Change history
Fully versioned
Object of
Source code
Global changes
No down-time
Change type
By applying the taxonomy on the development and
deployment platform that we have presented in our
previous research efforts we are now able to
evaluate it as a software maintenance mechanism
and identify its strengths, along with its weaknesses.
The most important strengths are:
Our platform is a run-time change support
mechanism since deployed platforms do not
need to be restarted in order for changes to
become effective. This is very important
feature for systems that undertake frequent
changes and / or for systems that are business
critical and require high availability.
Our platform is a fully versioned change
support mechanism since it supports the
runtime coexistence of multiple versions of
the deployed applications (within a single
installation of the platform).
Our platform should be considered as a semi-
automated change support tool as it will
support the developer in the implementation
of changes at the database and application (in
a future version) level.
On the other hand, the most important weakness
is that since source code can be changed in an
arbitrary way and classes are recompiled and loaded
just before the execution of a method, the deployed
applications seem to be vulnerable to runtime
errors. In order to limit the possibility of unwanted
runtime scenarios we should elaborate on auxiliary
mechanisms at two-levels: (a) at implementation
level in order to assist the developer, (b) at test-level
in order new versions to be thoroughly tested before
there are delivered to end-users.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies