tively measuring the differences between the storage
alternatives regarding different query types.
Our results indicate that it is important to con-
sider the XML storage approach individually for each
project. A main distinction is whether the database
has to “understand” the data or can just consider them
as one large file. Other important points to consider
are, e.g., read vs. write or the update frequency.
Clobbing and shredding are limited to certain
characteristics and more or less suitable for data-
oriented documents. Hybrid systems are a good
choice for document-oriented documents. Also hy-
brid systems offer often more flexibility as they sup-
port a wider range of features especially in cases
where XML and relational data must be combined.
As the focus of this study was the comparison of
different approaches it is interesting to compare dif-
ferent implementations of those approaches by differ-
ent products such as Oracle’s XML DB, IBM’s DB2
and Microsoft’s SQL Server. Furthermore, we plan to
extend the query set and extend the XML data used
(e.g., different document sizes). Another issue is the
evolution of XML schemata when performing update
Finally, we plan to observe index related perfor-
mances including speed-up and time for index cre-
ation. Here we assume that those results will vary
significantly across different storage options.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies