Figure 6: Delay of Synchronization Message.
sage. Additionally to T
O f f set
the times for processing
the synchronization message of the first change T
well as the transfer time T
are necessary. The times
for the second change are T
and T
. An additional
offset for the second change is not necessary because
it is sent within the same synchronization message.
All values can be determined with the help of the cost
model. The synchronization message can sent at the
latest at (t1 +∆t)−(T
O f f set
which equals t
In the example, the third change at t
cannot be
included in the same synchronization message. The
sum of all processing times T
, T
, T
, all transfer
times T
, T
, T
and the offset exceeds the time
left between t
and t
+ ∆t. Bulking all three changes
in on synchronization message violates the temporal
distance ∆t for the first change V
This paper discusses an approach for adaptive syn-
chronization of business objects replicated at the
middle-tier. We introduced a profiling for BOs and
system parameters. Profiling allows determining the
processing and transfer costs for the synchronization.
The sending of full copies of BOs or delta synchro-
nization messages as well as temporal consistency
constraints are considered. A cost model based on an
experimental evaluation allows configuring the used
replication strategy to achieve an efficient synchro-
nization. A validation was done by profiling real BO
instances and the implementation of a simulation en-
vironment. The introduced approach of adaptive syn-
chronization is applicable for an initial configuration
of the replication strategy for BOs and an adoption
during runtime.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies