Javier Portillo-Rodríguez, Aurora Vizcaíno
Alarcos Research Group – Institute of Information Technologies & Systems, Escuela Superior de Informática
University of Castilla – La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
Juan Pablo Soto, Mario Piattini
Alarcos Research Group – Institute of Information Technologies & Systems, Escuela Superior de Informática
University of Castilla – La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: Recommender system, Multi-agent system, INGENIAS.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to provide a guideline for novel multi-agent systems developers in order to assist
them in the development of this kind of systems. Papers frequently focus on describing how systems work,
but seldom describe the different steps carried out to attain the final product. We shall attempt to show how
the usage of a methodology facilitates the analysis, design and implementation phases, along with how the
INGENIAS methodology has helped us to systematically construct a recommender system.
Papers related to software agents and multi-agent
systems are often focused on explaining how the
agents work or the goal of the system for which
either the agents or the multi-agent systems have
been designed. However, explanations are rarely
provided of how the methodological development of
this kind of systems should be tackled, i.e. how a
methodology should be used to tackle the analysis
and design phases of a multi-agent system. The
explanation of these methodological aspects might
be of use to future developers who have to confront
the problem of developing these kinds of systems by
using confirmed techniques and methods.
Numerous methodologies focusing on the
development of multi-agent systems currently exist.
This paper will show the steps involved in
developing a multi-agent recommender system. The
first step was to study which was the most suitable
methodology for our problem, finally INGENIAS
methodology was chosen. There now follows a brief
description of the system developed. This is a multi-
agent system whose goal is to recommend
documents in a Community. The system will
therefore offer document recommendation, and will
take into account both the evaluations that the
documents obtain and the trust related to the
evaluators. The reason for using the trust parameter
to make recommendations is that some communities
are often “virtual” as their members may be
geographically distributed. This implies a lack of
face-to-face communication which affects certain
aspects of interpersonal relationships, such as the
possible decrease of trust between members and we
consider that it is highly important to be able to
discover how trustworthy a knowledge source (in
this case are the own members) is. This paper is
structured as follows. The following section explains
the reasons for using the INGENIAS methodology
to develop the recommender system (multi-agent
system). The analysis and design of this system will
be explained in Section 3. Section 4 describes some
implementation aspects in relation to the design
described in Section 3. Section 4 also shows the tool
developed and the recommendation results generated
by this tool. Finally, Section 5 presents our
conclusions and future work.
In INGENIAS, the general approach used to specify
Portillo-Rodríguez J., Vizcaino A., Soto J. and Piattini M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 175-178
DOI: 10.5220/0002253801750178
Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) is to divide the
problem into more concrete aspects that form
different views of the system. The difference
between this proposal and others which already exist
is how these views are defined and built, and how
they are integrated into the MAS development. Each
type of view is described by using a meta-modelling
language which specifies a kind of grammar with
which models are built, known as views. INGENIAS
recognizes five meta-models that describe system
After studying other methodologies, we
developed an analysis with which to identify the
advantages of INGENIAS in comparison with the
other methodologies. First, we concluded that
INGENIAS provides the best support in all the
phases of the lifecycle of an agent-based application,
including its management. Second, INGENIAS
provides a tool support that others do not yet have.
For instance, INGENIAS provides a visual language
for multi-agent systems definition, which is a
process to guide the lifecycle of software
development based on the Rational Unified Software
Development Process (RUP). In addition, the code
generator itself is another tool developed for
INGENIAS. It produces codes according to the
instructions given by the specification of the system.
This tool can be used to generate a code no matter
what agent platform is being used (Pavón and
Gómez-Sanz 2006).
The analysis and design of the recommender
system mentioned in the introduction is described in
the following sections.
Before describing the analysis and design it is first
necessary to give a detailed description of the
system that it is going to be developed, in this case a
multi-agent system that must be able to recommend
documents in a comunity.
Software agents must recommend documents to
users that will prevent them from making costly
searches which, on many occasions, do not generate
the expected results. In these communities it is
important to know which users are trustworthy
document sources. A trust model presented in
(Portillo, Soto et al. 2008) is therefore used to make
recommendations and to calculate the trust between
members. The model then uses these trust values to
weight the evaluation values given by users to the
documents once they have used them. The
evaluations made by trustworthy users will therefore
have more importance than the evaluations made by
non-trustworthy users.
Once the kind of system to be developed is
known, system requirements must be extracted.
Moreover, the design requirements specify that each
user is represented in the system by one software
agent and that the communities will be managed by
another software agent.
These requirements are the starting point of the
INGENIAS analysis phase in which requirements
are used to identify use cases that will be modelled
by using interaction models such as the use case
Obtain Recommendation.
Figure 1: Obtain_Recommendation Use case.
Figure 1 shows an example of the modelling of
the Obtain_Recomendation use case through the
use of an interaction model (called
document_recommendation). In this model the goal
of the use case is to Recommend Documents. The
roles that participate in the use case are also
specified, indicating which one initiates the use case
and which one collaborates. In the case of Figure 1
there are three roles: the user (played by a human
being), the recommender and the community
manager (both of which are played by software
agents). It is important to emphasize that these
kinds of diagrams are previously modelled by using
UML collaboration diagrams, and this is indicated
by using the HasSpec Relationship.
The task of specifying use cases by using
interaction models must be carried out for each of
the use cases previously identified. In this case, only
one use case model (that which is most closely
related to the main goal of the system
(recommending documents) is mentioned owing to
space limitations.
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 2: Agent Model for User Agent.
To specify which agents will interact in the
systems and which tasks they will carry out it must
be used what is termed as the ‘agent model’ in
INGENIAS. These models must be used at the
beginning of the analysis phase to identify which
kind of agents must be considered in the multi-agent
system but, in this case, the agents were identified
with the design requirements and these models have
therefore not yet been used.
As was mentioned in the design requirements,
one type of software agent is needed to represent
users in the communities which is able to
recommend documents (User Agent) (see Figure 2),
and another agent is needed to manage community
information (Manager Agent)(not included due to
space limitations).
Figure 2 therefore shows that the User Agent has
the goal of Recommend Documents and it can play
the roles of community member or recommender.
This analysis phase is completed by representing
all the identified elements, including the agents, in
an organization model which will represent the
architecture of the multi-agent model.
One of the most important elements that must be
incorporated into the architecture through the
organization model are WorkFlows (WFs). WFs are
sets of tasks created by grouping the tasks
previously identified during the analysis phase.
Figure 3: Agent Model for Manager Agent.
WFs are the starting point of the design phase.
Two main WFs have been identified in this system:
Community Management WF: This
includes tasks related to community
management such as registering, connections,
Documents Management WF: This WF is
specialized in three SWFs: Add Documents,
Documents Evaluation, Documments
Recommendations (see Figure 3).
Each WF can be divided into different Sub-
WorkFlows (SWFs) by analysing which tasks might
be necessary to complete the SWF. These tasks will
be carried out by the agents.
Once the tasks that are related to each SWF have
been identified it is important to establish the
sequence of execution, that is, it is vital to indicate
which task will be the first to be executed, which
will be the second, etc.
Moreover, when setting this sequence, it is
necessary to include all the elements (in INGENIAS
these are called Facts) that are needed for each task
to be executed and those elements
produced/generated for each task after being
It is necessary to specify not only the sequence
of execution but also the interactions generated
between agents when executing these tasks in each
SWF. This activity can be modelled by using the
INGENIAS Interaction Models. These models
specify each interaction by identifying a set of
Interaction Units that represent each occasion on
which an agent communicates with another agent.
By completing this specification for each WF
sufficient detail can be obtained to translate these
models to the implementation of the multi-agent
system by using any agent platform.
The tool constructed by using the previously
explained multi-agent system is also shown.
The main idea behind translating the design of the
multi-agent system to implementation in JADE is to
consider each SWF as a JADE Behaviour. That is, in
each SWF there is a set of tasks, and some of these
tasks are executed by one agent and others are
executed by another agent. The intention is to codify
each set of tasks that an agent executes in each SWF
into a Behaviour. Thus, each agent will carry out
each SFW by executing the corresponding
Behaviour when necessary. Using this idea we have
developed our tool. This tool allows users to search
communities in order to register or connect and ask
for recommendations. Moreover, the user can obtain
information regarding all the active communities to
discover which might be of interest to the user.
Therefore, once the user is connected to a
community there are several possibilities. The user
can send documents to the community by accessing
the Contribution Menu or solicit documents related
to a topic by accessing the Recommendations Menu.
Figure 4 shows the results of a recommendation
where in the left part of the screen there is a list of
documents recommended and on the right there is
another list with the documents that should be
Figure 4: Recommendation results.
In order to evaluate the tool we are carrying out a
performance test. The test is oriented towards the
Manager Agent’s performance. There is only one
Manager Agent per Community and it is important
to discover whether this agent is able to manage all
the incoming messages from User Agents when a
high number of users are connected to a Community.
The preliminary results indicate that the tool starts to
become less efficient when there are more than 800
users consulting at the same time. However, as we
recommend this tool to small/medium-sized
companies it is expected that the number of users
will be less than 800 and that the tool will work
This paper shows how to confront a multi-agent
system development by using a systematic method
which, in this case, was the INGENIAS
methodology. In our case INGENIAS was chosen
since it is a complete methodology which is well
supported by a design tool. The only problem is that
INGENIAS involves the generation of a
considerable amount of documentation which is
sometimes redundant.
We have explained how to carry out the activities
proposed in INGENIAS in the analysis and design
phases with the goal of assisting future multi-agent
system developers to discover which steps to follow
when developing a system. We have also described
the different models used for developing a
recommender system.
As future work, we intend to explore the
possibility of automatic code generation that
INGENIAS offers through the latest versions of its
Ingenias Development Kit (IDK).
This work is partially supported by the MELISA
project (PAC08-0142-3315) y ENGLOBAS project
(PII2I09-0147-8235) Junta de Comunidades de
Castilla-La Mancha, Consejería de Educación y
Ciencia, in Spain and partially supported by the
ESFINGE project (TIN2006-15175-C05-05)
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Dirección
General de Investigación)/Fondos Europeos de
Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) in Spain, and
CONACYT (Mexico) under the third author’s
scholarship grant 206147.
Pavón, J. and J. Gómez-Sanz (2006). INGENIAS web site.
Portillo, J., J. P. Soto, et al. (2008). A Model to Rate Trust
in Communities of Practice. International Conference
on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2008),
Barcelona, Spain.
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies