construction of a schema as early as possible and
then during each refinement iteration step. Therefore
the focus is not a generation of SQL but on checking
the quality of the schema. It is thought as a help, if it
is necessary to check the schema, before any
prototype or user interface form can be built.
Opposite to the graphical query languages where the
query is constructed by navigating through the
schema, the end user must not necessarily be
confronted with the schema during creation of the
queries. This has the advantage that the user is not
influenced by the schema but freely names the
notions which he needs for the query. The query
then helps to check if the designed schema can
handle the notions used in the query.
This work uses controlled language queries for
continuous schema quality checking. Each query is
applied on the schema in order to find defects which
can be a basis for discussion and further refinement
of the schema.
This strategy was chosen to give both developers
and end users the possibility to communicate about
the end users retrieval needs. It was of interest how
far such a language can be constructed without huge
linguistic lexicons. Instead only information which
is necessary to define a good schema and
information that could support the development of
data intensive software itself was allowed.
In future, the approach might be extended to
transform column names of an EXCEL sheet into a
query. The query language itself might be extended
to formulas.
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