Christian Kop
Institute of Applied Informatics, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt, Universitätsstrasse 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria
Keywords: Requirements Engineering, Conceptual Modelling, Data Schema Quality, Controlled Language Queries.
Abstract: Since a conceptual database schema is the backbone of data intensive software, the schema must be
continuously checked during the requirements engineering step in order to get the proper quality. One
possibility is to check if the conceptual schema of the database provides the necessary data for retrieval
needs. Talking about the retrieval needs would help but SQL is too technical for that purpose. To solve this
problem, this paper presents an approach which uses controlled language queries for checking a conceptual
Since a database schema is the backbone of data
intensive software, effort must be spent already
during the early design of a conceptual schema (i.e.
during requirements engineering). A conceptual
database schema described in an UML class diagram
or an ORM diagram must be of high quality.
Therefore such a schema must be continuously
checked in order to get the proper quality.
Particularly, the database must be able to manage all
kind of structured information which the software
will need to make retrievals from the data base.
Therefore, a conceptual database schema has a good
quality, if all necessary concepts and their relations
are modelled to offer all retrieval possibilities which
the future software must provide to the end users.
The earlier the designer knows which data will be
retrieved in which way, the better he will be able to
decide if the conceptual schema has already a good
quality. It is also necessary that end users are
strongly involved in this quality checking step. But
how can end users be involved? Some of them are
not willing to read conceptual schemes. Some of
them will try to read the schema but will not be able
to understand the schema. Many others will try to
check the quality of the schema, but without any
additional support, they will not know what to check
and if they do their job well according to the purpose
of quality checking. Thus it might also happen, that
end users ignore those diagrams at all and just rely
that the designers have done their job well. To
overcome this problem one strategy is to generate a
fast prototype or at least user interfaces. However
even here, some assumptions about the data retrieval
must already be made. Another strategy is to offer
the end user a possibility to talk about the data he
needs in his reports and future user interfaces. Then
it can be checked if these information given by the
end users are already fulfilled by the schema. This is
an idea which is worth to look for. However the
problem remains, how can the retrieval and
manipulation of data in a database be expressed?
Using SQL here is not very successful since in SQL
many technical terms are used. Furthermore SQL
operates in a stage where the database is already
created and stable.
Therefore, the query language must be more user
centred than SQL and more related to the conceptual
modelling notions. There are many approaches
which visualize and create SQL by navigating
through the conceptual schema (see section 5).
However, also all these strategies need an already
final and stable schema. In contrary to other
approaches this paper focuses on the idea:
That the user must not be influenced by the
schema when he expresses his retrieval needs.
Schema checking must be done as early as
possible and
A query cannot be applied on a stable schema
since the aim and purpose of the query is the
improvement of the schema.
To fulfil the above stated needs, an approach which
uses controlled language is proposed. A controlled
language is a subset of natural language with a
restricted grammar. Such kind of natural languages
Kop C. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 186-193
are in use in approaches that try to extract tuples
from a database or which try to generate SQL.
However they are not used for schema checking.
Therefore, the paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 explains the quality checking process. In
section 3, information is given about the schema
checking with a controlled language. Section 4
continues with an overview of a prototype that was
built for a technical proof of concepts of this
approach. Section 5 describes related work. Finally a
summary and outlook is made in section 6.
In this section, the idea proposed will be embedded
into a defined procedure of continuous quality
checking where all stakeholders can participate.
Continuous quality checking means, that checking
using queries starts as early as possible. This is
visualized in figure 1.
According to initial requirements on the database
(1), a first draft schema is generated (2). This is done
by a designer. These initial requirements already
cover some query needs. However, it cannot be
expected, that these initial requirements already
completely fulfil all the retrieval needs for the
Therefore, together with the other stakeholders,
the additional retrieval needs are generated (3). It is
not necessary that the end users see the conceptual
schema of the database when they generate the
queries. Designers and end users are only talking
what kind of retrievals they need. These needs are
then expressed in controlled language queries. Each
of the queries is then automatically executed on the
schema using a query parser and interpreter (4).
Based on the reports of the parser (5), a discussion
of the schema is made (6). In the reports for each
query, the end users can see which parts of the
schema are affected. If defects are found in the
schema, new requirements can be derived from them
(7a) and the schema is refined (2). The iterative
process is finished if no more new requirements can
be found and the schema becomes stable (7b).
It is also a good practice that at least the designer
checks which concepts in the schema were not
affected by any of the query tests. Thus checking the
quality of the schema together with the end user
becomes an integrated part of the schema modelling
A controlled language is used to prevent the
ambiguities of pure natural language. It is a well
established technique in many disciplines (e.g.
ontology representation (Fuchs, 2005) and is
also used in query languages (Owei, 1997)
(Stratica, 2005). Following the strategy of using
a controlled language has also the advantage that no
additional huge lexicons for words must be used or
even generated. Instead, the conceptual schema
itself is the lexicon.
3.1 Provided Schema Information
The conceptual schema, which is checked by the
queries, is based on a lean model. This model
describes a graph of concepts. Classes and attributes
are all concept nodes in the graph. Hence course
as well as course name will become concepts in
this model (see section 4, figure 2 for a schema).
This idea was adopted from NIAM/ORM diagrams
(Nijssen, 1989). Especially during the early
phase of modelling where changes often occur, such
models have the advantage that schema changes can
be made easily. Since the checking procedure is
applied to classes and attributes, a mapping from
concepts to classes and attributes and vice versa
UML class diagrams are transformed in the
following way to the model which is used here:
Classes as well as attributes become concepts in
the graph.
The information if this concept is a class or
attribute is kept since it will be used during the
checking procedure.
If an attribute belongs to a class, then the graph
has an edge between them.
If two classes are related to each other by a
binary association, then this is represented as an
edge between them in the graph.
If classes are related by a n-ary association or an
association class, then an artificial concept
(node) is introduced in the graph. This artificial
node represents either the n-ary association or
the association class. Edges connect the
artificial concept with the other involved
If the attribute has already a related value type
(e.g. “Integer”, “String”, “Boolean”) this
(1) state
(5) get report
/ refine
(4) apply each query
to check the
(6) discuss
the schema based
on the report
(3) generate
(7a) define further requirements
final schema
(7b) finished
(1) state
(5) get report
/ refine
(4) apply each query
to check the
(6) discuss
the schema based
on the report
(3) generate
(7a) define further requirements
final schema
(7b) finished
Figure 1: Continuous Conceptual Schema Quality Checking.
information is stored in the respective concept node
for the attribute.
Additionally, the approach allows collecting and
storing synonyms and examples of concepts in
additional dictionaries.
3.2 The Requested Result
The idea here is, to use the queries mainly to detect
defects and not to produce an SQL statement.
Looking in detail on the restrictions between the
concepts (classes, attributes) mentioned in a query
and the concepts defined in the schema several types
of defects can be found.
The following typical restrictions must hold
between a query and the schema which is queried:
If a concept (class, attribute) appears in the
query then the concept itself or at least a similar
concept must also appear in the schema.
If a concept (especially a class) is found in a
schema then it can be found only once in the
If two or more schema classes are involved in a
query, then a path between these classes must
If there is a restriction clause in the query (i.e.
WHERE attribute ….) of course the concept
mentioned in the query must also be an
If there is a restriction clause in the query (i.e.
imagine the SQL WHERE Clause: WHERE
attribute >= 100) then the value to which the
attribute is restricted must be of the same type
as it’s value type in the schema.
If the aggregate functions sum, average,
minimum, maximum are defined on a concept,
then the concept must be an attribute.
If the aggregate functions sum, average,
minimum, maximum are defined on an attribute,
then the attribute must have a numeric value
(numeric value type in the schema definition).
From that restrictions possible schema defects can
be derived, using a controlled language query:
Concept in the query cannot be found in the
Query concept is found more then once in the
Concepts are not related.
Mismatch of concept type. A class is used
where an attribute was assumed.
Mismatch of the value type of an attribute (E.g.
a string was defined in the schema but a number
is expected according to the query).
It is recommended that the designer discusses the
query as well as the schema with the end user if a
schema defect is detected.
3.3 The Query Language
Sentences patterns are used to support the parsing of
the query. Following the typical structure of a simple
SQL query with it’s SELECT clause, FROM clause,
WHERE clause, ORDER BY clause, sentence
patterns must exist for specifying the SELECT,
WHERE and ORDER BY clause. Furthermore
aggregation queries must be allowed. The FROM
clause is not necessary. This information can be
derived by finding a path between the concepts of
the graph. Hence, the following kinds of sentence
patterns must be considered:
Sentences that reflect the SELECT clause of
SQL (e.g. List the first name, last name and
address, show me …, give me …).
Sentences that reflect the WHERE clause (e.g.
The age must be greater than 32).
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Aggregation queries: Count the number of
students or “Show the minimal price
Sentences that reflect the ORDER BY clause
(“The result must be ordered by first name”)
Interrogatives like which”, how many, How
much are also part of the controlled language
(e.g. which student visits the course “xyz” or
which students visit which course).
Because of the special usage of the queries also
queries must be formulated which have the
additional aspect to query the structure of the
schema. Examples for such queries are: Does a
customer exist? Is the customer a person? Does
a person have a car? Is a student connected
with a course?
These building blocks can be combined as
different sentences in a query text.
3.4 Parsing and Schema Checking
The query parsing and schema checking procedure
consists of five steps: query parsing, concept
matching, concept type and value type checking,
path finding and report generation.
During query parsing, the query text is divided
into sentences and the sentences into tokens. Each
sentence then is firstly scanned by the parser to
classify the sentence pattern to which a query
sentence belongs. After that, the parser parses that
sentence according to the underlying syntax of the
certain sentence pattern.
After sentence parsing, schema concept
candidates are collected from the sentence pattern by
the parser. For the tasks mentioned before, a special
parser was implemented.
In the concept matching step, the selected
concepts are matched with the schema. The best case
is a match for identical names. That means, a
concept in the query (e.g. first name“) also appears
in the schema. If this cannot be achieved, the query
interpreter tries to find a match on similarity. Similar
concepts are either:
Concepts found in the query which contain a
schema concept (e.g. graduate student was
found in the query and student appears in the
schema ) or
Concepts found in the query which are only part
of a schema concept (e.g. member was found in
the query but the schema contains university
Synonyms and similar words with a special
If the query concept is more specialized as
described in the first case (e.g. graduate student vs.
student), then collected examples are searched in a
example dictionary to decide if the query concept is
a valid schema concept. It is a usual design task,
that concept examples are also collected during a
conceptual schema design. This strategy is based on
the idea, that a modifier like graduate can also
either be an example of a concept itself or an
example of the attributes of that concept (if the
concept is a class).
If the query concept is more general like in the
second case, then the number of schema concepts
that would fit with that query concept is counted.
Here the match is successful if only one schema
concept was found. Otherwise the query was not
well defined since an ambiguous concept was taken
for the query.
If the query concept cannot be found in the
schema using the strategies above, then the list of
synonyms is scanned for the query concept. If the
query notion is a synonym for a schema concept,
then the synonym is replaced by the schema concept.
A synonym check is done by searching in a
synonym dictionary. It is also a usual conceptual
design task, that synonyms of concepts found during
design are collected.
The concept type and value type check provides
additional possibilities to check the schema. Here
the category of a schema concept (class vs. attribute)
is compared with the location of the concept in the
query. For example, if the query concept was found
in an aggregation function (e.g. List the minimal
price) or in a restriction sentence (e.g. The price
must be  WHERE price = ) then this
schema concept must be an attribute. For the
aggregate functions sum, minimal, maximal, average
the value of the attribute must be numeric. It is a
further defect if it is not! An exception to this rule is
the aggregation function which only counts
something (e.g. the number of cities, number of
customer names etc.)
Furthermore, if a value restricts an attribute in a
restriction sentence (The age must be greater than
20”), then the value must be compatible with the
value type specified in the schema. A defect is
detected if the value is not compatible. In the given
example the value type specified in the schema for
age must be a numeric type (e.g. Number,
If attributes from different classes were
mentioned in the query, then in the path finding
step the interpreter tries to find a path between these
classes. Therefore for each of the attributes stated in
the query the corresponding class is determined.
Afterwards the interpreter searches for a path
between these classes. This step is necessary since
the user has expressed a query where a connection
(join) between the classes is needed. Thus it has to
be checked if the schema can provide this
Finally, a report about the “success” of the query
is generated and presented to the user (report
generation). If at least one of the above checks were
not successful, then the designer together with the
end users must analyse the schema as well as the
query. They must decide if something is missing in
the schema.
For a technical proof of concepts a prototype was
extended. The prototype consists of two parts, an
editor which displays the graph of concepts (see:
figure 2) and the new feature of a query editor (see:
figure 3). In the upper part of the query editor the
query text can be either inserted or loaded from a
file. In the text area at the bottom, the report is
returned, after the query is executed. Following the
process described in section 3 this could look as
follows with the tool. Figure 2 shows a schema
which might be derived from initial requirements in
an university domain.
The discussion group consisting of end users and
designer can now start to find queries that check if
the built schema fulfils their needs. After the queries
in the controlled language are defined by the
discussion group, each of them is applied on the
schema. Figure 3 shows the first query that might be
generated by such a discussion group.
If all the query concepts as well as the path between
them are found in the schema, then the involved
classes derived from the query are marked in red
colour together with the path between these concepts
(see figure 4)
. The current version of the tool only
visualizes the classes which are affected and the
connection between these classes, since they
represent the tables which will be joined in a future
relational database schema. The attributes are not
considered in this visualization. In the first query
shown in figure 3 instead of type”, categorywas
specified. If category is a defined synonym for
course type then the synonym is replaced by the
original schema concept (see figures 2 and 3).
For a better readability in the print out, red coloured
matches are additionally marked manually with a dotted
line in the figure.
Figure 2: A simple university schema.
Figure 3: The query applied on the schema with the query
editor/schema analyzer.
Figure 4: Result - found classes and the path marked in
red color.
However if one of the queries fails (see figure 5)
then the defect report shows where it failed (see
report message: Found concept course but course
description cannot be resolved”). Based on the
results of the discussions, new requirements are
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
derived which are returned to the designer for a next
schema refinement iteration
According to (Lindland, 1994) three
dimensions have to be considered for conceptual
modelling quality, namely: syntax, semantics and
pragmatics. If the schema follows the rules and the
grammar defined in its corresponding model, then
the schema has a syntactic quality. Semantic quality
is given, if the schema only contains true statements
of the domain and is complete (no important
concepts or statements are missing). Lastly,
pragmatic quality relates the schema to the
interpretation of the user. A pragmatic quality of a
schema is given, if it is understandable to the user.
There is much research on this topic, either how to
check the quality or how to improve the quality.
However, no extensive research was found about
(controlled) natural language queries and quality
In order to improve the quality, in (Assenova, 1996) it is proposed to use well defined schema
transformations. Also a proposal to raise the
comprehensibility of a conceptual schema by
introducing icons and pictures instead of simple
graphical primitives (rectangles, ellipses etc.) are
introduced in (Moody, 1996). An exploratory study
showed that view points are also an important
technique to improve the quality of the schema
(Easterbrook, 2005).
Figure 5: Second query.
The verbalization approaches in (Dalianis, 1992),
(Halpin, 2005) aim at getting a better
understanding of the conceptual schema by
presenting users a natural language translation
(verbalization) of the schema.
In (Moody, 2005) an extensive research of
literature on the quality of models was made. That
author found out that some important factors are
missing and he concluded that conceptual modelling
must shift from an art to an engineering discipline
were quality plays an important role. Any
engineering discipline nowadays aims at continuous
quality checks of products and intermediate
products. Quality is not checked at the end of a
process but throughout the process. Thus the
approach described here is thought to be such a
strategy using controlled language queries for
continuous schema checking.
Since queries are based on natural language,
another important topic for this work is the research
on user centred query languages. User centred query
language approaches all aim to query the schema
with a technique that is more suitable to the user
(e.g. natural language based queries and visual query
Techniques of natural language querying are
described in (Berger, 2003), (Hofstede,
1996), (Kardovácz, 2005), (Kapetainos, 2005),
(Kao, 1988), (Owei 1997), (Stratica,
2005). Some operate on a relational schema, others
on the conceptual schema. Some uses additional
information derived from linguistic lexicons or
ontologies. However, the main objective of all is to
support the generation of a SQL query that can be
executed on the relational schema. In addition it is
recommended, that the schema is already complete
and consistent. It is thus not the task of the query to
validate if something in the schema is missing.
This also holds for visual query tools described in
(Bloesch, 1996), (Jaakola, 2003), (Järvelin, 2000) which operate on the conceptual
schema. Their main purpose is to produce a good
SQL statement. It is not their purpose to check the
schema, since the schema must be already stable.
Beside these, also form based query languages are
used to generate queries (Embley, 1989) and to use
them for a better understanding of the data in a
database (Terwillinger, 2007).
To summarize the related work: A lot of research
results were proposed in the topic of quality of
conceptual modelling. The approach described here,
is aimed to complement the previous work. It is
seen as an additional support for checking the
quality of a schema during requirements- and
software engineering. Furthermore it is not expected
that the complete and stable schema is already given.
This approach must be applied during the
construction of a schema as early as possible and
then during each refinement iteration step. Therefore
the focus is not a generation of SQL but on checking
the quality of the schema. It is thought as a help, if it
is necessary to check the schema, before any
prototype or user interface form can be built.
Opposite to the graphical query languages where the
query is constructed by navigating through the
schema, the end user must not necessarily be
confronted with the schema during creation of the
queries. This has the advantage that the user is not
influenced by the schema but freely names the
notions which he needs for the query. The query
then helps to check if the designed schema can
handle the notions used in the query.
This work uses controlled language queries for
continuous schema quality checking. Each query is
applied on the schema in order to find defects which
can be a basis for discussion and further refinement
of the schema.
This strategy was chosen to give both developers
and end users the possibility to communicate about
the end users retrieval needs. It was of interest how
far such a language can be constructed without huge
linguistic lexicons. Instead only information which
is necessary to define a good schema and
information that could support the development of
data intensive software itself was allowed.
In future, the approach might be extended to
transform column names of an EXCEL sheet into a
query. The query language itself might be extended
to formulas.
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