An Architecture and a Metamodel
Saber Lajili
ISET, Gafsa and ISIG, Kairouan, Tunisia
Slimane Hammoudi, Olivier Camp
ESEO, 4 rue Merlet de la Boulaye, Angers, France
Mohamed Mohsen Gammoudi
ESSAIT, Universit
e 7 novembre, Tunisia
MDD, Context-awareness, Metamodeling, Transformation.
The development of context-aware application has been the subject of many research works in ubiquitous com-
puting. Nowadays, there is a lack of generic approaches for formalizing the activity of development for this
type of applications, and consequently this activity is very cumbersome and time consuming. This work pro-
poses to use Model Driven Development to promote reuse, adaptability and interoperability in the development
of context-aware applications. Through the separation of concerns in individual models and transformation
techniques, context can be modeled and adapted independently of business logic and platform details. This
paper presents an architecture and a metamodel for model driven development of context-aware applications.
The architecture illustrates the different steps and techniques involved in the process of development. The
metamodel provides a formal representation of contextual information.
As envisioned by Weiser in (Weiser, 1991), pervasive
computing, where computers are everywhere and a
person interacts with portable devices that are sen-
sitive and responsive to him, has become a reality
nowadays. In contrast to the more traditional desktop-
based computing paradigm, pervasive computing is
characterized by constant changes in the environment,
often caused by the mobility of the users. In the scope
of pervasive computing, a class of applications that
has raised increasing interest in the research commu-
nity is context-aware mobile applications. These ap-
plications can capture dynamically and take advan-
tage of contextual information (such as user loca-
tion, time, weather, device or user activities). Thus,
context-aware applications can sense their context of
use, and adapt their behaviour accordingly. From an
implementation point of view, the emerging technol-
ogy of web services seems promising for such mobile
applications in pervasive environments.
In this paper, we focus on context-aware services.
This means, services which use the context to carry
out activities and provide relevant information to the
user without any human interaction from his part. To
develop context-aware services, the following three
main issues need to be considered:
Context identification;
Context provisioning;
Context-awareness mechanism.
The first issue is to identify what kind of context
information will be used. This will allow for the defi-
nition of a model describing the contextual domain in
which the application or service is defined. A number
of context models have been proposed in the litera-
ture, and have been reviewed in (Strang and Linnhoff-
Popien, 2004).
The second issue of provisioning concerns the
derivation of context information. Due to heterogene-
ity of context providers, sensor imperfection, quality
of context information, and dynamic context environ-
Lajili S., Hammoudi S., Camp O. and Gammoudi M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 43-52
DOI: 10.5220/0002254200430052
ments, context provisioning is not trivial (de Farias
et al., 2007a).
The third issue deals with the mechanisms that can
be used by context-aware services in order to adapt
automatically their behaviors according to context in-
In this paper, we concentrate on the first of these
three issues i.e.; the identification of context informa-
tion. A majority of existing context aware service ori-
ented applications model and implement both, busi-
ness and contextual activities together. This design
practice hampers software reuse and context manage-
ment. Motivated by this problem we propose to ap-
ply Model Driven Development (MDD) in context-
aware services development. The Object Manage-
ment Group (OMG) recommends the Model Driven
Architecture (MDA) approach as a standard in Model
Driven Development and considers models as the best
way to represent the structure and the semantic of the
concepts manipulated by a system. Through the sep-
aration of concerns (business and context), the reuse,
adaptability and management of context information
can be improved. Context models can be built as in-
dependent pieces of application models at different
abstraction levels that are then attached by suitable
transformation techniques.
The remaining of this article is structured as fol-
lows: section 2 presents the concepts of context and
context-aware applications; section 3 introduces the
Model Driven Development approach; section 4 de-
scribes our proposed modeling architecture using the
MDA approach to develop context-aware mobile ap-
plications; in section 5 we lay out the most recent re-
searches on context modelling; we then present and
give a detailed description of our context metamodel;
finally we conclude our work in section 6.
New technologies, in particular, wireless communi-
cations, together with the increasing use of portable
devices (smart phones, personal digital assistants -
PDA-, laptop . . . ) have stimulated the emergence
of a new computing paradigm: pervasive computing.
In fact, we have moved from the desktop comput-
ing paradigm to the mobile and ubiquitous computing
Pervasive computing firstly introduced in 1991 by
Weiser, refers to the seamless integration of devices
into the users’ everyday life. ”Appliances should dis-
appear into the background to make the user and his
tasks the central focus rather than computing devices
and technical issues.”(Weiser, 1991). Computing ap-
plications now operate in a variety of new settings;
for example, embedded in cars or wearable devices.
They use information about their context to respond
and adapt to changes in the computing environment.
They are, in short, increasingly context aware. The
context awareness of such applications is the subject
of a recent field of studies in pervasive computing:
context-aware systems.
This terminology was discussed in (Schilit and
Theimer, 1994) and presented as ”software that adapts
according to its location of use, the collection of
nearby people and objects, as well as changes to those
objects over time”. Since then, there have been nu-
merous attempts to define context-aware computing.
In (Pascoe, 1998) they define context-awareness
as the ability of a program or device to sense or cap-
ture various states of its environment and itself. Con-
sidering these definitions, a context-aware applica-
tion must have the ability to capture the necessary
contextual entities from its environment, use them to
adapt its behavior (run time environment) and finally
present available services to the user. In this sense and
to describe context-awareness independently from ap-
plication, function, or interface, (Pascoe, 1998) pro-
poses four features of context-aware applications :
(1) Contextual sensing which refers to the detection
of environmental states and their presentation to the
user; (2) Contextual adaptation refers to the adapta-
tion of the application’s behavior to the current con-
text; (3) Contextual resource discovery is the use of
context data to discover other resources within the
same context; (4) Contextual augmentation in which
the environment is augmented with digital data asso-
ciated to a particular context.
In (Dey and Abowd, 1999), the authors intro-
duce another definition in which they insist on the
use of context and the relevance of context informa-
tion. The authors consider that ”a system is context-
aware if it uses context to provide relevant informa-
tion and/or services to the user, where relevance de-
pends on the users task”. They explain how to use
context and propose a classification of the features
of context-aware applications that combine the ideas
of (Schilit and Theimer, 1994) and (Pascoe, 1998).
They consequently define three categories of features
that context-aware applications may support: (1) pre-
sentation of information and services to the user; (2)
automatic execution of a service; and (3) tagging of
context to information for later retrieval.
In order to describe how an application can
be context aware, a lot of works are described in
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
(Matthias et al., 2007) and propose various architec-
tures for context-aware systems. All the works con-
verge to a general architecture composed of five or-
dered layers presented in figure 1. The complete de-
scription of every layer is given in (Matthias et al.,
Raw Data Retrieval
Figure 1: Architecture of context-aware systems.
What is understood by ”context information” in
context-aware systems and what could be the defini-
tion of context have been the subjects of many recent
works. The various definitions of the term are given
and summarized in (Mary and Patrick, 2005). The
first definitions define specific contexts for specific
applications by enumerating concrete contextual en-
tities (Brown et al., 1997; Ryan et al., 1997). For
example the authors in (Brown et al., 1997) define
context as being information about location, the iden-
tity of people in close proximity, physical conditions.
In (Ryan et al., 1997), the authors add to this defi-
nition the notion of time. Other definitions are ex-
tremely broad; the most popular one is given by (Dey
and Abowd, 1999): ”Context is any information that
can be used to characterize the situation of an entity.
An entity is a person, place, or object that is consid-
ered relevant to the interaction between a user and an
application, including the user and applications them-
selves”. The authors give a general definition that can
be used in a wide range of context-aware applications.
To refine their definition, they identify four categories
of context that they feel are more practically impor-
tant than others. These are location, identity (user),
activity (state) and time (Dey, 2001).
In (Winograd, 2001) the author approves this def-
inition and claims that it covers all proposed works in
context. However he considers it as a general defini-
tion that does not limit a context. Thus he proposes
his own definition in which he limits a context to ”a
set of information, which is structured and shared. It
evolves and is used for interpretation”. We stress that
the notion of hierarchy (structure) of context intro-
duced by (Winograd, 2001) is important.
The definition proposed in (Chen and Kotz, 2000)
also presents the context as hierarchically organized.
In this work the authors differentiate between envi-
ronmental information that determines the behavior
of mobile applications and that which is relevant to
the application. They thus define the context as ”the
set of environmental states and settings that either de-
termines an application’s behavior or in which an ap-
plication event occurs and is interesting to the user”.
As we have said previously, it is difficult to give
a complete definition for a context. In fact, as stated
in (Mary and Patrick, 2005), the notion of context is
not universal but relative to some situation and appli-
cation domain. We are interested, in our research, in
user centred mobile application. Thus, we consider
that the defining context here is a set of information
structured in three dimensions:
Actor. A person which is a central entity in our sys-
Environment. In which the person evolves and,
Computational Devices. Which are used by a per-
son to invoke services and that captures the differ-
ent states of the environment.
All the information relative to the three dimensions
can also be shared by other mobile applications.
At the beginning of this century, software engineering
needed to handle software systems that were becom-
ing larger and increasingly complex. Object-oriented
and component technology were insufficient to pro-
vide satisfactory solutions to support the development
and maintenance of these systems. In order to adapt
to this new context, software engineering has applied
an old paradigm, i.e. models, but with a new ap-
proach, i.e. Model Driven Development. In this
new global trend called Model Driven Development,
Model Driven Architecture MDA is a particular vari-
3.1 MDA: A Four Layer Architecture
MDA is based on standards from the OMG; it
proposes a four layer architecture (OMG, 2001):
metametamodel, metamodel, model and information
(i.e. an implementation of its model).
Figure 2 presents the basic Metamodeling archi-
tecture of MDA and shows the relationships between
the different levels of the models. In this approach,
everything is a model or a model element.
In level M0, a real system is representedBy a
model in level M1, and a model in level M1 conform-
sTo a metamodel in level M2. These two important re-
lationships of MDA are discussed in (B
ezivin, 2005):
Another UML
model m2
model m1
Another particular
use of m1
A particular
use of m1
Self described
Figure 2: The four meta-layers MDA architecture.
In level M3, a metametamodel is a well-formed spec-
ification for creating metamodels such as the Meta
Object Facility (MOF), a standard from the OMG. In
level M2, a metamodel is a well-formed specification
for creating models.
In level M1, a model is a well-formed specifica-
tion for creating software artefacts. In level M0, an
operational example of a model is the final represen-
tation of a software system. Besides the four layer
MDA architecture, the development is based on the
separation of concerns (e.g. business and technical
concerns), which are later recombined. Business con-
cerns are represented using the Platform-Independent
Model (PIM), whereas technical concerns are repre-
sented using the Platform-Specific Model (PSM).
3.2 Model Transformation in MDA
It is well recognized nowadays that model transfor-
mation is one of the most important operations in
MDA. In the context of the basic four level Meta-
modeling architecture of MDA, various scenarios of
model-to-model transformation have been identified.
To transform a given model into another model, trans-
formation rules map a source metamodel into the cor-
responding target metamodel. The transformation
rules are based on a transformation language, such as
the standard QVT and are executed by a transforma-
tion engine to produce the target model as output.
Figure 3 illustrates our proposal of an architecture for
model driven development of context-aware applica-
tions. In section 2, our studies on context representa-
tion have conducted us to the conclusion that the most
promising assets for context modeling for ubiquitous
computing environments and context-aware applica-
tions in particular can be found in the ontology for-
MDA and its four-layer architecture, presented
in section 3, has provided a solid basis for defining
metamodels for any modeling language, so it was a
straight choice to define an ontology-modeling lan-
guage using MOF. The Ontology Definition Meta-
model (ODM) was recently adopted as a standard by
the Object Management Group (OMG, 2006). It sup-
ports ontology development and conceptual model-
ing in several standard representation languages. fur-
thermore, it provides a coherent framework for vi-
sual ontology creation based on MOF and UML. The
main goal of ODM is to bridge the gap between tra-
ditional software tools for modeling (like UML) and
artificial intelligence techniques (Description Logics)
for describing ontologies. The principle of ODM is
to merge Model Driven Architecture and Semantic
Web. Basically, ODM allows creating ontologies us-
ing UML and transforming them to OWL/RDF, Topic
Map or Common Logic. Thus, in our architecture the
specification of metamodels (layer M2) involves two
formalisms: UML for the definition of the business
logic of a given application (PIM Metamodel).
This definition occurs at the highest level of ab-
straction. The second formalism is ODM from which
we define a metamodel for context information using
the ontology language RDF. Our metamodel of con-
text information (Ctxt metamodel) groups the main
entities and their relationships, found in Context-
Aware Mobile Applications. Three types of relation-
ships are involved in our architecture. The conform-
sTo relationship represented by filled arrow and which
link a model from layer M1 to its metamodel at layer
M2, and a metamodel from layer M2 to a general
and unique MOF formalism at layer M3. The de-
scribedBy relationship represented by the dotted ar-
row and which specifies the formalism in which a
given metamodel is described: UML for the PIM
metamodel and ODM for the context metamodel. Fi-
nally, hollow arrows reference models that are either
used (input) or produced (output) by a transformation
The separation of concerns (business and context)
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
is emphasized at layer M1 of our architecture where
PIM and context models are defined independently,
then merged by suitable transformation techniques.
Two types of transformations are involved in our pro-
posal. The first type of transformation called ”Pa-
rameterized transformation” represented by ovals, al-
lows merging context information with business logic
at model level. This type of transformation, which
has been investigated recently (Vale and Hammoudi,
2008), is rarely explored and has no standard transfor-
mation language. A CPIM model (Contextual Plat-
form Independent Model) is then obtained and fits
together business requirements with contextual data.
The second type of transformation is the traditional
transformation technique using a language such as
QVT, which maps a CPIM model into a CPSM model
(contextual platform specific model). As our main ap-
plication domain concerns mobile applications, Web
service platforms seem the most adapted.
Parameterized transformations have been intro-
duced by Frankel (Frankel, 2003), who mentions the
importance of parameterization in model operations
using the association of tagged values with PIM and
PSM models. Tagging model elements allows the
model language to easily filter out some specific el-
ements. Transformation by parameter could be used
to improve new functionalities or to change the appli-
cation’s behavior (activities).
In our proposal, the designer has to mark, in the
PIM Model
Context Model
CPIM Model
Web Service
in out
M3 Layer
M2 Layer
M1 Layer
CW service mngt
M0 Layer
Figure 3: The model driven development architecture.
application model (PIM), the elements that will re-
ceive the context information (a mark, identified by
the symbol #, is given for these elements to be rec-
ognized by the transformation engine). The marked
elements represent context-aware elements, in others
words, the model elements that can be contextualized.
The transformation language must thus support such
parameterization. In our case the parameters can be a
Context Property and/or a Context Data Type. We use
templates to specify which elements in the applica-
tion model are potentially context-aware ; This is pre-
sented and discussed in (Vale and Hammoudi, 2008).
The transformation engine has to navigate through the
PIM verifying the parameters and the elements that
are marked and then carry out the transformation.
Template parameters (Frankel, 2003) are used to
specify how classifiers, packages and operations can
be parameterized. UML 2.0 states that any model el-
ement can be templateable. For independent context-
aware models we need to identify context elements
that could be used as parameters. Such elements
would then be exposed as formal parameters for tem-
plate transformations and specified as actual parame-
ters when binding the template (Vale and Hammoudi,
To define and store context data in machine process-
able forms, it is necessary to define and build a con-
text model. The number of new mobile applications
that take care of context is growing every year. Thus
the task of modeling and designing context seems rel-
evant and constitutes a challenge for researchers. This
section investigates a number of context models de-
scribed in the literature for context-aware mobile ap-
plications, and proposes a context metamodel based
on the main concepts found on these models.
5.1 Related Work
In the earlier stage of the research, many works fo-
cused on building a very specific context aware ap-
plication such as the Active Badge Location System
(Want et al., 1992). Some of them proposed location
centered models (Schilit, 1995). These metamodels
are very limited and the applications are very spe-
cific. In (Henricksen et al., 2002), the authors pro-
posed models that take care of some contextual en-
tities like place, person, temperature, devices, etc..
These models have been proposed in their own graph-
ical language ORM. As a consequence, it is impossi-
ble to exchange model and context information due to
the lack of uniform metamodel.
Recent researches benefit from the standard tools
in particular UML/MOF and ontology tools in or-
der to build a uniform infrastructure and to facili-
tate the use and the exchange of models. As a re-
sult, some works focus on defining metamodels to
design specific kinds of applications. These works
limit the scope of the context information that is con-
sidered. However, they take care of the natural di-
versity of context information. Most of them use an
ontology based approach. The relevant works based
on such an ontology based approach are summarized
in (Strang and Linnhoff-Popien, 2004) and presented
in more details in (Matthias et al., 2007). Other re-
cent researches (de Farias et al., 2007b; Sheng and
Benatallah, 2005) propose a high abstract level meta-
model based on UML/MOF standards. These works,
aim at defining and building a uniform infrastructure.
However, literature often considers UML as a limited
language regarding its capacity to adequately capture
contextual information (de Farias et al., 2007b). In-
deed, UML is a general purpose modeling language,
whose semantics was never intended to accommodate
the specific features of ubiquitous applications. Con-
text modeling demands a more specific metamodel.
In what follows, we present and discuss the two main
approaches for context modeling: UML/MOF and on-
tology, and we finally give our point of view.
5.2 UML/MOF Approach
Some recent works based on the UML/MOF approach
have been proposed to model a mobile context-aware
application and mobile services. These applications
must react to the constant changes in context within
a dynamic environment. Following this approach, the
authors in (Sheng and Benatallah, 2005), propose a
high abstract level metamodel in which a metamodel
named ContextUML is dedicated to context-aware
web services. On the one hand, they present a lan-
guage to model the context for mobile applications;
on the other hand, they propose a mechanism to adapt
the selected services to the necessary context infor-
mation available. The proposed context metamodel
consists of two main classes the Context and the Con-
textSource classes. The first models the context infor-
mation, and is further specialized by two sub classes
AtomicContext and CompositeContext, whereas the
second class, ContextSource, models the resource
from which the contexts are retrieved. It is also spe-
cialized in two sub classes ContextService and Con-
textServiceCommunity. This metamodel does not re-
fine contextual information. So, it is hard to identify
contextual entities. Another recent work is presented
in (de Farias et al., 2007b); It proposes a MOF-based
contextual information metamodel, more expressive
than ContextUML. In addition the MOF metamodel
takes the dynamics of the context into account by
adding the notion of time. To best match contextual
information with the selected service, they define an
environment composed of ve views; amongst them
the metamodel service view and a context metamodel
core view (de Farias et al., 2007b).
5.3 Ontology-based Approach
Modeling context using an ontology-based approach
allows describing contexts semantically and provides
a vocabulary for representing knowledge about a do-
main. In addition ontologies are very suitable and ap-
plicable to model a specific-domain. Thus a lot of ef-
forts on modeling context based ontologies have been
proposed. The majority of them are oriented to de-
scribe the context of specific context-aware applica-
tions like smart homes, virtual guide tours, smart as-
sistants, etc.
In 2003, a promising emerging context modeling
approach, based on ontologies, was proposed for the
CoBrA system (Chen et al., 2003). This system pro-
vides a set of ontological concepts to characterize en-
tities such as persons, places, intentions or several
other kinds of objects within their contexts.
In 2005, in (Gu et al., 2005), the authors propose
a metamodel to describe a smart home environment.
They define a hierarchical context ontology in which
two layers are distinguished: 1) Common upper on-
tology in which the basic concepts are defined such
(e.g.; A person, location, computational entities, ac-
tivity, etc). 2) The domain-specific ontology in which
the details of basic concepts are defined and their
properties (eg: person have properties name, role, sta-
tus, etc.).
Other works, proposing a high level context meta-
model, are presented in (Capiello et al., 2005). The
authors focus on modeling a general domain which
covers a large type of user centered applications. For
example applications related to the tourism domain
such as virtual traveler’s guide, hotel guides, etc..
They define a top ontology that specifies the generic
contextual entities and a specific ontology which de-
fines subclasses of the basic element that are defined
previously in the top ontology. The define a context
top ontology that is composed of many contextual en-
tities such as the user profile, the environment and the
channel. The user profile describes the properties as-
sociated with the user. The environment consists of
location, the ambient condition, the time, etc. Finally
the channel describes the element that characterizes
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
the interaction of the users with the platform used to
access services. It includes a device, a network etc..
As an example of specific ontology, a basic concept
location specialized in three subclasses: political ge-
ography, physical geography and architectural posi-
tion. The political geography is a street, city, country,
state or country. This metamodel uses only two types
of relation: aggregation (part of ) and inheritance (is
The ontology based approaches are characterized
by: (1) Simplicity of use; (2)Flexibility and extensi-
bility by appending a new context elements; (3) Pos-
sibility to have a hierarchical context ontology; (4)
Expressiveness to describe as many context states as
possible. (5) Genericity so as not to be limited to spe-
cial kinds of context atoms but to allow the definition
of generic context classes that can then be specialized
by subclasses.
5.4 ODM: A Good Compromise
Although some approaches, e.g. (Sheng and Be-
natallah, 2005) or (de Farias et al., 2007b) advo-
cate a rather generic knowledge of context-awareness,
nowadays no single approach for modeling context
provides for all relevant contexts in the necessary de-
tail. The main objective of the ODM is to bridge the
gap between traditional software tools for modeling
(like UML) and artificial intelligence techniques (De-
scription Logics) for describing ontologies. The prin-
ciple of ODM is to merge two main domains of re-
search: namely, Model Driven Development and Se-
mantic Web. Basically, ODM allows the description
of ontologies using UML (by using a UML profile
with existing tools like Rational Rose or Poseidon)
and transforming it to OWL/RDF.
5.5 Our Metamodel
As we said above, we are interested in modeling a
broad spectrum of user centered context aware mobile
applications and thus, have designed a high level con-
text metamodel from which various models can easily
be instantiated to describe their own specific context
Figure 4 presents our context metamodel which
illustrates the most important and generic contextual
entities. By contrast to the other works discussed in
section 4, our work does not focus on proposing nei-
ther, a low level context metamodel for very specific
context aware applications for example smart home
(Gu et al., 2005). Indeed such a choice does not pro-
vide a reusable metamodel. Nor does it attempt to
define a high level and very abstract metamodel for
the design of mobile applications (de Farias et al.,
2007b). In (Sheng and Benatallah, 2005), the au-
thors propose an original approach for modeling con-
text aware mobile applications. Their metamodel for
context information is centered on the Context entity
that represents generic contextual information. This
model does not represent the main contextual entities
that should be considered in a given mobile context-
aware application. In (Broll et al., 2007), the authors
present a similar context metamodel and illustrate its
use in the development of a mobile application that
helps a user finding a restaurant. Also, they introduce
the notions of atomic and composite context. How-
ever, the entities in the metamodel are in our opinion
not described with a sufficient level of detail, and are
thus poor semantically.
In this study, we propose a solution to these short-
comings and adopt a UML/ODM/MOF approach to
express our vision. Using such an approach it is possi-
ble to create a high level metamodel and benefit from
all the advantages of the object, model and ontology
based approaches. Our context metamodel appears
both generic and rich semantically; It identifies and
adds the most relevant and generic contextual entities
that can be encountered when modeling any mobile
and context aware application.
This context metamodel consists of six generic
classes and three generic contextual entities. It en-
riches semantically the Context and Contextual Entity
classes by adding specific attributes and associations.
The Context class models context information, it is
identified by a name and has two types of relation: the
aggregation includes and the association uses. The
first relation expresses that a Context is composed
of many Context Entity. It illustrates the low level
composite context (e.g: a composite context informa-
tion ”profile” is composed of three atomic contexts:
”name”, ”sex”, ”date of birth”). The second relation
uses expresses the possibility of using other contex-
tual information to specify a context; this could for
instance be past context information encountered by
the application. This allows to derive new context in-
formation from other contexts (e.g: the user favourite
food deduced from the user previous preferences).
Furthermore, atomic context information is elemen-
tary context information that is acquired from one
source (e.g: sensor, database . . . ). On the opposite, a
composite context is an interpretation of various other
context informations. It comprises and relates to var-
ious pieces of context information whose combina-
tion has a meaning of its own. Composite context in-
formation consists of multiple atomic and/or compos-
ite context information (Sheng and Benatallah, 2005).
The second generic entity of the metamodel is the
+name: string
+id: string
+type: string
+source: string
+timestamp: time
+state: string
+id: int
Figure 4: Our context metamodel.
Context Entity. It is enriched semantically by three
The Source. From which the context informa-
tion is captured. We characterize four main
sources: Sensors, actors (users), user applications
and derivation from other context information.
According to these sources, we classify context
informations into three types: (Henricksen et al.,
Sensed. Information obtained from hardware
sensors (e.g: user location coordinates cap-
tured from GPS sensor) or software sensors (eg:
the weather information obtained from Internet
Deduced. Information obtained from one or
more other context information using inference
functions or rules. (e.g accordingly to user lo-
cation coordinates, the user can be located near
or far the selected restaurant)
Profiled. Information supplied directly by the
users (eg: user profiles sush as preferences,
constraints) or indirectly through users applica-
tions (e.g: software that maintains a history of
user preferences)
Timestamp. To indicate the dynamics of context
Further, Context Entity is specialized by three
main classes: Actor, Environment and Computa-
tional Device.
Actor. It can be a person or another object that has a
state and profile. It evolves in an environment and
uses computational devices to invoke services.
The state of an Actor can be ”moving” or ”fixed”.
Computational Device. It is the mobile computing
system used by the actor to access the services and
capture contextual information from the environ-
ment. The computational device can obtain infor-
mation concerning the type of device it is (PDA,
laptop, cellular phone . . . ), the application, the
network, etc.
Environment. It is constituted of all information sur-
rounding the actor and its computational device
and, that can be relevant for the application. It
includes different categories of information:
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Spatial context information can be location,
city, building . . .
Temporal context information comprises time,
date, season . . .
Climate can be temperature, type of weather . . .
The last entity is a profile: it is important to mention
it here because this entity is capital in any user cen-
tered context aware application. In addition profile
is strongly attached to the actor and contains the in-
formation that describes it. An actor can have both
a dynamic and/or a static profile. In fact, the static
profile gathers information relevant for any mobile
context-aware application. It can be the ”date of
birth”, ”name” or ”sex”. On the opposite, dynamic
profile includes customized information depending on
the specific type of application and/or the actor. It can
be goals, preferences, intentions, desires, constraints,
etc. For example the goal of a tourist searching for
a restaurant is to have dinner. He has a pain in his
stomach as a constraint.
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information modeling and have proposed an archi-
tecture for the development of context-aware mobile
applications according to a model driven approach.
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ual models and by suitable transformation techniques,
context can be provided, modelled and adapted inde-
pendently of business logic and platform details. We
have proposed an architecture with three main objec-
A separation between context information and
business logic in individual models;
The integration of the context model into the
business logic using parameterized transforma-
tion techniques;
The mapping of the contextualized business logic
model into a web service platform.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies