the systems, in its current and future forms, financ-
ing sources, responsibility information, technical and
developing choices, and the processes to be auto-
mated. All this knowledge is precious and could be
used in several different ways, for instance, to esti-
mate costs and necessary resources for new projects,
to find similarities in different contexts, to increase
the code reusability. When the project started, the
company was organized as a collection of atomic
groups, each working independently by the others;
different teams replied the same development activ-
ities, so reuse was minimal, there was no effort to
organize and share experiences and knowledge ac-
quired by previous projects, and any technical tool
(such as search engines) to search and compare dif-
ferent projects. This situation produced knowledge is-
lands not shared among product groups and program
teams, with generational gaps between seasoned and
newly hired employees, limited ability to learn from
existing knowledge and no unified vision.
The Application of Kromos. The experience car-
ried out during the process of development in the bo-
som of Sicilia e-Innovazione gave us the chance to
define an ontological representation of the specific
domain, and to test our general-purpose Knowledge
Management prototypal system in a real applicative
Our working activity in the firm consisted of two dif-
ferent phases: the first one, after the acquisition of
specific knowledge through the observation of busi-
ness activities and processes, allowed us to build an
ontological model for the domain representation; the
latter was centered on the fitting of Kromos reasoner
and document management services to the company’s
needs. In the meanwhile some new requirements
emerged and that permitted us to refine our system
with new features in order to improve Knowledge
accessibility to different skilled users. This expe-
rience provided all the information to comprehend
the importance of a correct and efficient knowledge
resources, people and organization management; to
estimate the efficacy of adopted technical solutions,
their advantages and disadvantages; and to evaluate
needs satisfaction degree using these solutions. The
document management and information acquisition
mechanisms, such as those developed for this proto-
type, proved to be necessary in a dynamic environ-
ment like the one we observed.
Benefits using the KMS Kromos. The adoption
of Kromos for the data management evidenced the
advantages of a correct knowledge management in
every organization, emphasizing the importance of
sharing and reusing information with different skilled
workers. The use of a modifiable ontology below
the expert system gave flexibility to the platform, so
that its use is also an activity which continually re-
fines the knowledge base. During use of the system,
more information was collected and ontology struc-
ture changed and grew, but the functionalities of the
expert system did not require any modification. The
web based interface, hiding the complexity of the sys-
tem’s functionalities, gave the platform a characteris-
tic of usability, so that the collection of data and doc-
uments and the sharing of information seemed to be
The key thrust of this article has been to analyze the
benefits of knowledge-based systems for knowledge
management and the definition of expert system rules
which can adapt their results to changes in ontol-
ogy. Reuse and information sharing are essentially
Knowledge Management problems. From this point
of view Kromos provides: an improvement of knowl-
edge sharing between employees because it acceler-
ates the transfer of knowledge; an improvement on the
knowledge retrieval through document management
system; an improvement in knowledge reuse through
an expert system able to provide a support in the adap-
tation of old solution to new problems. The use of
such a system in a real case, an ICT Sicilian Govern-
ment company, gave the opportunity to measure the
increase in information sharing and reuse, seconding
the advice obtained by the elaboration of the expert
The authors would like to acknowledge the contribu-
tion of Marco Sicilia and Mirella Marrone to the sup-
port for Kromos graphics.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies