Marco Pereira, Marco Fernandes, Joaquim Arnaldo Martins and Joaquim Sousa Pinto
IEETA - Instituto de Engenharia Electr
onica e Telem
atica de Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Peer-to-Peer, Digital Libraries, Service Oriented Architecture, Web Services.
Digital libraries tend to be based on centralised models. This centralised approach has both advantages and
drawbacks. Regarding the drawbacks we notice that the central server used is a single point of failure that
can effectively render a digital library unusable if it fails. In this kind of approach we are also ignoring
potential resources that are available in other computers on the network. This paper describes a peer-to-peer
network architecture based on JXTA and on SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) that can be used as a support
infrastructure for a digital library.
Digital libraries can be seen as infrastructures used
in the management, storage and distribution of dig-
ital content. As such they often employ centralised
architectures in the support services that they require
as well in the servers that are exposed to the outside.
This approach is not without problems, as a failure in
any centralised node can render the digital library un-
usable. Such failure can come from physical events
such as power loss or from the inability to cope with
increased demands for content.
We proposed that a peer-to-peer network could
be used as underlying infrastructure for digital li-
braries (Fernandes et al., 2008a). With the use of a
peer-to-peer network designed to take advantage of
free resources that exist on computers (both storage
resources and CPU cycles) it would be possible to
create a scalable and reliable digital library, always
taking into account that peer-to-peer networks suf-
fer from specific problems. One of those problems
is that searching for content, which is a key opera-
tion in digital libraries, on a peer-to-peer network is
not an trivial task. Existing peer-to-peer networks
search capabilities are rather limited (often they only
allow querying for the file name or type) and depend-
ing on the underlying peer-to-peer architecture we can
never be 100% sure that we have found all the de-
sired contents. Metadata based search can be used
to strengthen search capabilities and carefully chosen
network architecture can be used to minimise the loss
of search results.
In this paper we begin by introducing a peer-to-
peer network architecture, we proceed to describe
how Apache Lucene (LUC, 2008) can be used to pro-
vide rich search throughout the network and how we
can leverage the peer-to-peer infrastructure to provide
support services using a webservices based strategy;
finally we present some test data from a reference im-
plementation and draw some conclusions.
There are several projects that seek to harness the
power of peer-to-peer networks and use it in digital
libraries scenarios. In this section we reference some
of those projects.
P2P-4-DL (Walkerdine and Rayson, 2004) is a
plugin for the Lancaster P2P Application Framework
(Walkerdine et al., 2008) that allows the creation of a
digital library based on a peer-to-peer network. It uses
a Napster-like system where references (comprised of
author, title and keywords) are uploaded to an index
peer. The references can then be used when searching
the network for content. Since the references are con-
stituted by fixed fields there is little flexibility in the
search patterns that can be produced.
EDUTELLA (Nejdl et al., 2002) is a project
that aims to provide RDF based metadata search on
the JXTA peer-to-peer network, allowing for richer
search experiences than the ones currently used on
Pereira M., Fernandes M., Arnaldo Martins J. and Sousa Pinto J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 141-146
DOI: 10.5220/0002257501410146
most peer-to-peer applications. EDUTELLA is di-
rected to the exchange of educational content on an
internal level (inside an institution) and is presented
as a service within the JXTA network. EDUTELLA
is only responsible for handling metadata, leaving all
the data collection and metadata extraction for avail-
able backends.
Freelib (Amrou et al., 2006) is an ongoing open-
source project that proposes the usage of a peer-
to-peer network based on the Symphony protocol
(Manku et al., 2003) to build a digital library. Freelib
tries to leverage access patterns to bring content to
locations closer to where it is actually needed by di-
rectly connecting peers with common interests (or at
least place them close enough for them to benefit from
the small world effect (Kleinberg, 2000)). Freelib is
content-oriented and does not provide mechanism to
access support services that a digital library could re-
For our digital library we want to avoid the centralised
design that is the Achilles’ heel of the traditional im-
plementations and we also want to minimise loss of
search results. With those two requirements we ruled
out the possibility of implementing a peer-to-peer ar-
chitecture based on a pure centralised approach (for
example mandatory concentration of network search
capabilities in only one peer) and on fully decen-
tralised approach (due to the possible loss of search
results). We choose to adopt an hybrid architecture in
order to take advantage of the best traits of the cen-
tralised and decentralised approach. In our proposed
architecture the function of the Super peer will be to
collect individual peer indexes to help speed up the
search process.
We must recognise that in some special situations
it could be better to be in a decentralised network,
without any Super peer, so the developed architecture
allows for a peer to choose its operation mode. In our
architecture a peer can choose to register with a Super
peer using it to process queries, or it can remain in-
dependent and address queries to all neighbour peers
that he knows. Using this strategy the network can
survive the loss of all Super peers by having regu-
lar peers falling back to a decentralised architecture
when such failure is detected. The index that each
peer creates contains all the necessary information to
retrieve content from that peer. When retrieving con-
tent from the network we can explore redundancy. If
multiple peers have the same content we can transfer
Standard Interface
Local Index
Querying and Indexing
Apache, Lucene
P2P Transport - JXTA
Figure 1: Internal components of a peer.
it in parallel from all of them, to speedup content re-
trieval process. The peer-to-peer network can be used
for more than just storage and retrieval of content.
Spare cycles can be used to provide services to the
digital library. In order to implement the proposed
architecture we use the JXTA (JXT, 2008a) peer-to-
peer framework. With this framework we were able
to implement the proposed features. JXTA creates
an overlay network that makes peers appear to be di-
rectly connected with each other when in fact they are
not. By using Apache Lucene to index files we cre-
ate a rich search environment in the network (detailed
in section 4). JXTA provides a mechanism for search
of resources that can be used to find peers or services
on the network. Using this mechanism (called adver-
tisements) and the library JXTA-SOAP (JXT, 2008b)
we were able to provide services by creating simple
webservices. This process is detailed in section 5.
As was said in section 1 search in peer-to-peer net-
works is usually limited to the name or type of a
file. This is not a desired scenario in a network de-
signed to support digital libraries so we decided to use
an Apache Lucene based indexing system (Fernandes
et al., 2008b). By using this system we can lever-
age Lucene’s powerful full-text search exposing it to
the network, thus creating a rich search environment
where, for example, one could search for the author,
the year of publication or even content of a book in-
stead of searching for the name of the file that stores
the book. This indexing scheme can be extended to
handle every conceivable digital media.
Besides metadata specific to each content type we
also keep generic information about a file that can be
used to retrieve it. That information includes a hash
(that allow us to identify the same file stored in dif-
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
ferent peers), an identifier of the peer that has the file,
the physical file location on a peer, the file size and
name. These management fields can be used as part
of a query, along with content specific fields. There
are scenarios where it can be interesting for a peer
to index only specific content types (such as DICOM
or PDFs files). To support this approach we use Java’s
reflection capabilities combined with a properties file.
The file contains the mapping of the file extensions
to an appropriate Document Handler class, and can
be specified by any application that uses our library,
implementing the necessary infrastructure for the cre-
ation of specialised peers.
When using a network with a Super peer, Lucene’s
generated indexes should migrate from the original
peer to the Super peer. This is done to concentrate
the search in a few peers, thus reducing the need for
flooding the network with query messages. Index mi-
gration poses two potential problems: the migration
can generate significative amounts of network traffic
and migrated indexes can become out–of–date. This
issue can be solved by propagating any changes in the
indexes to the Super peers. In a digital library sce-
nario where changes in the indexes are not frequent
(and when happen they are scheduled) index migra-
tion will pose no major problems.
The architecture described in the above sections can
handle content search and transfer. This means that
we are using the storage resources available in the
network, but we can also leverage the peer-to-peer in-
frastructure to use some of the available CPU cycles
to provide support services to our digital library. By
using the JXTA-SOAP library we can make our peers
offer services using the known webservices interface.
For the time being these services are only visible on
the peer-to-peer network but they provide to the dig-
ital library load sharing capabilities and flexibility, as
well as an added layer of reliability. Using this ap-
proach services can be replicated (each peer should
have a pre-installed set of services), ensuring that
there is always at least one peer offer a required ser-
vice and creating an opportunity for sharing the work-
load among several peers. Each peer can offer a dif-
ferent set of services, and each service is announced
to the network using standard JXTA advertisements
(JXT, 2007), that have a WSDL (Web Services De-
scription Language (Christensen et al., 2001)) file em-
bedded. When a peer needs a service it can retrieve
these advertisements from the network and choose a
Peer 1
Service A
<Name> A </Name>
<PeerID> 123 </PeerID>
<WSDL> ... </WSDL>
P2P Network
Peer 2
Service A?
Figure 2: Service discovery.
peer (or several) that is providing the desired service.
The service itself is described by the WSDL file em-
bedded in the advertisements, but peers can use an ex-
tended set of attributes (such as service name or peer
id) placed in the advertisement to discover the service
(illustrated by Figure 2). A peer can query the net-
work for services by name and then use the extended
attributes to discover more information about the peer
that is offering the service, ensuring that he can select
the best peer (or peers) for the task. After this phase
a peer follows regular procedures to call a webservice
(with the difference that instead of having HTTP as
transport protocol it has JXTA).
A problem with the current implementation is that
only allows the use of byte arrays in SOAP messages
for file transfers. This is not an efficient method of
moving data and creates limits to the size of the file
that can be transferred and is also a possible threat on
the stability of the network, as it is possible to render
a peer useless by forcing it to run out of memory. The
solution would be the use of attachments, but we were
unable to use them in the JXTA-SOAP context since
when we added the attachment to the SOAP message
it disrupted the JXTA message, causing an exception.
Alternatives include contributions to the JXTA-SOAP
library (to provide proper attachments support) or the
use of other transfer mechanisms (such as the use of
an reference that would enable the use of an interme-
diary FTP or HTTP server or even a native JXTA file
transfer after the service has been requested). The last
alternatives will break the web services facade we are
striving to maintain.
We have selected a series of tests to be conducted on
a reference implementation of the peer-to-peer net-
work architecture. These tests are supposed to re-
flect some operations that would be used on a daily
basis on the network. We used a network of 7 com-
puters (described in Table 1) in a local network (100
mbits) environment, with all computers connected to
the same Ethernet switch (that provides connectivity
with the rest of the laboratory’s network). We could
have chosen to host several peers on each computer
but we believe that this would compromise the results
of the service test. Please note that all graphics pre-
sented use a logarithmic scale on the Y axis for read-
ability purposes.
6.1 Index Management
Index management can be seen as a two part process.
The first part deals with index creation and update
while the second part deals with Index migration.
Regarding index creation previous tests (Fernan-
des et al., 2008b) indicated that Lucene was the best
option to provide advanced search and indexing ca-
pabilities to a peer-to-peer network. Initial content
indexing is a task that should be made before expos-
ing the peer to network. Since Lucene allows queries
to be made while it is indexing content but offers no
assurance that the contents being indexed will appear
in the generated results it is important to plan when
to index new content (thus updating the indexes) in
order to provide the most complete result set to our
network users. Focusing on index migration we can
define two scenarios: initial index migration that oc-
curs when a peer joins the network for the first time
and elects to transfer its index to a Super peer and
migration updates sent to the Super peer when new
content has been indexed. We conducted an initial
index migration test where indexes migrated from a
peer to a Super peer. Index transfer was designed to
mirror a regular file transfer (with minor differences
on control issues). Test results (seen in Table 2) show
a regular increase in migration time as the size of the
index grows. Some indexes can achieve sizes in the
GB magnitude. The migration of one of those indexes
can cause some disruption on the network, so in order
to avoid any problems migration times should be care-
fully chosen, and an indexing strategy that allows in-
cremental updates must be adopted. In extreme cases
where a peer has an existing index that is too large
to be migrated we could implement a mechanism to
allow the Super peer to forward queries to that peer.
Based on test result coupled with the previous guide-
Table 1: Peer specifications.
Pentium III @
320Mb OpenSuse 11.0
2 Pentium 4 @ 2.8GHz 512Mb
Windows Server
3 Pentium 4 @ 2.4GHz 1Gb Windows XP Pro
4 Pentium 4 @ 2.8GHz 2Gb OpenSuse 11.0
5 Pentium 4 @ 3.2GHz 2Gb Windows XP Pro
Core2 Duo @
2Gb Windows Vista Basic
2x Quad Xeon @
Windows Vista Busi-
ness x64
Table 2: Time taken to transfer an index.
Index Size (Mb) Time (s)
4 × 10
0.86 0.87
1.7 1.17
18 7.53
53 19.78
100 38.67
lines index migration will not be a problem in our
peer-to-peer network.
6.2 Content Search
This test is designed to measure the time that a peer
takes to find content on the network. The test is di-
vided in two scenarios: in the first we use a Super
peer to centralise all the searches and in the second
we remove the Super peer in order to test search on
the network when a decentralised architecture is used.
In both scenarios we start with searches that return
no results and progress to obtaining each time more
results. As expected in both scenarios the time taken
to search the network increases as the number of re-
trieved results also increases. As we can see in Figure
3 the time taken to retrieve results from the network
is acceptable. Since the results arrive in small units
we can devise a strategy that would allow incremental
display of results to a human user in order to increase
the overall feeling of responsiveness of the peer-to-
peer system.
Comparing both scenarios we can see that using a
Super Peer presents better search times when there are
only a few results to be sent over the network. This is
behaviour can be explained by the overhead involved
in establishing connections with other known peers, a
network trait when using a decentralised architecture.
As the number of results increase the time taken to
perform the search in each scenario becomes similar.
This can be explained by the increased effort of per-
forming a centralised search and points out that Super
peers must be chosen carefully, not by what they can
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
40 500 1000 2000 5000 8000
Time (Seconds)
Search Results
Without superpeer
With superpeer
Figure 3: Time taken to search the network.
offer to the network but by their hardware capabilities
(in an ideal scenario Super peers would be dedicated
We can also discuss the results in the context of
the actual network topology used. When in the pres-
ence of fast connections (as in this case) results show
that a totally decentralised network will perform bet-
ter than a network with a super peer (there is always
the possibility of congestion if a large number of peers
is present). Since the time taken to search the net-
work in both scenarios appears to converge any net-
work induced delay will have impact on the search
time. This shows that when dealing with heteroge-
neous networks the best choice will be the use of an
hybrid topology with carefully chosen Super peers
that would ensure some degree of independence from
peers on slower connections when searching the net-
6.3 TIFF to PNG Conversion Web
In order to test the peer-to-peer implemented webser-
vice we designed a test to measure the time that takes
a conversion service to run and return results. Due to
constraints (described in section 5) the maximum size
of a file (or group of files) is limited. The conversion
service is available on six peers and the time taken
to convert a batch of files is compared with a refer-
ence time obtained when converting the same files in
sequence on only one computer (peer 2 described in
Table 1). The test files are tiffs generated from the
pages of a pdf, with an average size of 980kb.
When the conversion service is used the peer re-
questing the service is responsible for the distribution
of the load as he wishes. In this case a simple strategy
of statically assigning the files needing conversion to
each peer prior to actually requesting the service, so
that each peer had at least one file to convert. The
downside of this strategy is that a slow peer poten-
10 20 30
Number Of Files
Reference Time
Using all peers
Using top 3 peers
Figure 4: Conversion Times.
tially receives as much work as a fast peer, increasing
the overall time of the conversion. We initially con-
ducted two tests, one using only 3 peers (peers 5, 6
and 7 described in Table 1), selected because we con-
sider that they possess the best hardware configura-
tions and a test using 6 peers (peers 2 to 6 of Table 1).
As we can see on Figure 4 the time taken to convert
a given set of files using the distributed service was
lower than the reference time. It is important to no-
tice that increasing the amount of peers that offer the
conversion service yields only marginal benefits when
converting small amounts of files, since the overhead
of the parallel service calls offsets most of the per-
formance gains that would come from the increased
number of peers.
Table 3: Time taken to convert files.
No. of files Top 3 Peers (s) With Peer 1 (s) Ref. Time (s)
10 4.25 8.05 6.18
20 7.55 17.57 12.67
30 10.73 26.9 19.43
We also performed a test to illustrate the impact
that a peer single peer can have when it is ill equipped
to handle a service. In this test we repeated the first
test, replacing peer 5 with peer 1. Table 3 presents the
result of this test in comparison with the initial test.
As we can see a single peer can have a relevant impact
in the time that takes to execute a task. This result
underlines the relevance of choosing an appropriate
service replication strategy (since offering services in
a peer that is ill equipped to handle them is counter-
productive) and of the load distribution mechanism,
that should take into account hardware specifications
as well as the peer availability to actually execute the
task. It is important to note that since all peers were
on the same local network any transfer or network la-
tency problems that could arise in WAN scenarios are
not present.
In this article we proposed a peer-to-peer network that
is able to support digital libraries and support ser-
vices. The tests made with the reference implemen-
tation of our proposed P2P network architecture pre-
sented interesting results, that we believe that can be
improved thus providing a strong incentive to con-
tinue this project. The possibility of using the net-
work in both decentralised and hybrid architectures
provides flexibility, and by choosing the right archi-
tecture according with the number of peers and con-
nection type we can optimise network performance.
On the web services side, The performance gain is
interesting, yet raw performance gains are always de-
pendent of the degree of parallelism that a particular
application supports. As such we prefer to point out
that the added reliability, and the possibility of dis-
tributing the workload among different peers in sce-
narios where multiple services are available in the
network are the key features that justify the use of
P2P networks on digital libraries scenario. We con-
sider that more work is required in order to provide
an optimised strategy for choosing how to distribute
the workload in a way that the potentialities of the
peers with more resources are fully explored. In the
future it could prove to be interesting the creation of
a mechanism that would allow service migration, so
that when a peer considers that it would benefit the
network to replicate an existing service this could be
done without human intervention. This is a real possi-
bility due to the mechanisms that allow the discovery
of new services.
Although we are aiming to use this peer-to-peer
architecture on LANs we should never rule out the
possibility of extending it to WANs. This implies
that we should develop a way to reliably pass network
boundaries and firewalls so that our peer-to-peer net-
work can be used on larger scales. This is a scenario
where super peers will play a fundamental role.
This work was funded in part by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology grant
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ao Pereira
( for his help and feedback during data
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies