Supporting Adaptation in Learning Processes
Manuel Caeiro, Luis Anido and Martin Llamas
Department of Telematic Engineering, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain
Model-driven engineering, Process-based Modeling, e-Learning, Educational modeling languages.
Adaptation is a key feature of e-learning systems. The educational process performed by the support of e-
learning systems should be carried out taking into account the cognitive and other particular characteristics
of the students, of the teachers and of the environments. However, this adaptation is not a simple process.
It implies the conjunction of technical and pedagogical issues. This paper introduces a solution to support
adaptation in the context of an Educational Modeling Languages (EML). EMLs have been conceived to allow
us the modeling of learning units, enabling the expression of different pedagogical approaches. Eventually,
these models are intended to control and support the development of the corresponding learning units.
During the last years there have been several initia-
tives trying to support e-learning based on a model-
oriented approach. Instructional Engineering has
been proposed by (Paquette, 2004) as ”a method that
supports the analysis, the creation, the production,
and the delivery of a learning system, integrating
the concepts, the processes, and the principles of in-
structional design, software engineering, and knowl-
edge engineering”. A main result of this initiative
is a proposal for a modeling language in accordance
with the previous description. Similarly, Educational
Modeling Languages (EMLs) have been proposed re-
cently as process-based modeling languages to de-
scribe learning units and support their execution (Vi-
gnollet et al., 2006). More specifically, IMS Learning
Design (IMS-LD) is the current de-facto EML stan-
dard (Koper et al., 2003). This language has been
developed as a computational EML that can be used
by suitable Learning Management Systems (LMSs) to
support, control and manage the development of e-
learning experiences (Koper and Olivier, 2004). A
review of these and other modeling languages from a
graphical point of view has been recently performed
in (Botturi and Stubbs, 2007).
Despite the existence of numerous initiatives and
proposals, the support of e-learning based on the
model-oriented approach has not succeeded, yet. A
main problem in this approach is the difficulty to
create models of learning units by final users. The
achievement of a single language that enables to cre-
ate models in accordance with different pedagogical
approaches is feasible (at least following a process-
based approach, as IMS-LD), but it is not very usable.
This paper introduces a new EML to sim-
plify the modeling of learning units named as
Perspective-oriented EML (PoEML). Following a ba-
sic separation-of-concerns idea, PoEML approaches
the modeling of learning units through several per-
spectives and aspects. Each perspective and aspect
involves the modeling of a part of the whole learning
unit in a way (almost) separated from the other per-
spectives. As a result, these separation into perspec-
tives brings many beneficts. Particularly, this paper is
focused on the description of the support of adapta-
tion based on perspectives and aspects.
This section introduces a new EML devoted to in-
crease the expressiveness of existing EMLs while ob-
serving important capabilities such as adaptability. It
has been adopted a separation of concerns approach.
Basically, the modeling of educational units is not
attained as a single and whole stuff, as in existing
EMLs, but the learning units are observed from sev-
eral perspectives that are modeled separately . Fol-
lowing this approach the new EML has been named
as Perspective-oriented EML (PoEML). Next sections
Caeiro M., Anido L. and Llamas M. (2009).
PERSPECTIVES AND ASPECTS IN POEML - Supporting Adaptation in Learning Processes.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 226-231
DOI: 10.5220/0002258202260231
describe the PoEML language at abstract and struc-
tural levels.
2.1 Foundations
The key strategy for the development of Po-
EML has been the separation-of-concerns principle.
Separation-of-concerns is a long-standing idea that
simply means that a large problem is easier to manage
and solve if it can be broken down into parts and each
part can be approached separately. It is an important
design approach in many areas, such as software de-
sign (Parnas, 1979), used to facilitate the understand-
ing, design and management of complex systems. In
addition, UML is a modeling language for software
engineering where different diagrams are proposed to
model different issues: use cases, analysis, design,
etc. A similar example in other domain is the architec-
tural plans, which follow a separation of concerns for
the development of buildings. In the learning domain
there are also some proposals in which a certain kind
or separation of concerns is provided, such as (Strij-
bos et al., 2004), where learning units are considered
through several orthogonal axis. Anyway, as long as
we know, PoEML is the first attempt that takes the
separation of concerns as driven development princi-
Another important foundation of PoEML is Activ-
ity Theory (Engestrom et al., 1999). This theory has
been used to analyze the issues involved in learning
units and to identify an appropriate separation of con-
cerns (Caeiro-Rodr´ıguez et al., 2007). The Activity
Theory has guided us in the separation-of-concerns
in learning units towards the identification of 13 per-
spectives and 4 aspects. They have already been de-
scribed in a previous document (Caeiro-Rodr´ıguez,
2.2 The PoEML Conceptual Model
The PoEML conceptual model describes the main
concepts of the language and the relations among
them. From a conceptual point of view PoEML is
mainly characterized by two important issues: the
adoption of a special kind of task concept as basic
building block and its hierarchical and structured na-
ture. In addition, there is one root element with spe-
cial components. Next sections describe these impor-
tant features.
2.2.1 The Basic Concept
PoEML is a process-based language, as other EMLs.
Nevertheless, the basic concept of PoEML is not the
task, but the Educational Scenario (ES). There are
two main differences that distinguish the PoEML ES
and the typical EML task concepts:
The Goal is recognized as a first-class entity in Po-
EML. It includes its own identifier, sub-elements
and control information, as if it is compulsory
or optional, input/output parameters, etc. By the
contrary, in existing EMLs goals are represented
just as a textual description that informs partici-
pants about what they have to do at each task. In
this way, there is no control information associ-
ated with the goal. Actually, this control informa-
tion is available in the models of learning units,
but in the relations among tasks. More important,
this informationis completely interleavedwith the
specification of the learning unit structure. In this
way, it is very difficult and complex to change
the goals of a learning unit without changing the
Second, the ES includes not just elements
(namely: Goals, Roles, Environments, Data El-
ements), but also specifications related with the
control, management and coordination of such el-
ements. Particularly, an ES includes specifica-
tions to support the modeling of the issues such
as the assignment of permissions to participants,
the notification of events, the invocation of oper-
ations, the ordering among Sub-ESs and the tem-
poral plan of Sub-ESs. The control involved in
these specifications affects only to the elements
included in the ES.
In this way, the ES provides a completely encap-
sulated model that facilitates a separation of concerns
approach to the modeling of learning units. On the
one hand, an ES does not make reference to any issue
outside of its own contained elements. On the other
hand, each one of these elements and specifications is
considered at a different perspective. In practice, the
model of an ES is made up by the sub-models of its
Goals, Roles, Environments, Data Elements and spec-
ifications of Authorization, Awareness, Interaction,
Order and Temporal. In addition all these elements
and specifications are modeled as first-class entities,
each one of them involving its own unique identifier,
sub-elements and control information. This model
is completetly different from the solution adopted on
IMS-LD, where the several concerns are interleaved.
Figure 1 illustrates this ES concept. It is shown
how an ES can include several elements: Goals (at
least 1), Roles, Environments, Data Elements and
Causal Descriptions; and specifications: Awareness,
Authorization, Interaction, Order and Temporal. It is
important to stress that the modeling of each one of
these elements and specifications can be performed
PERSPECTIVES AND ASPECTS IN POEML - Supporting Adaptation in Learning Processes
using different PoEML packages, namely: Func-
tional, Participants, Environments, Data, Authoriza-
tion, Awareness, Interaction, Order and Temporal. In
the figure, it is also shown that Goals, Roles and En-
vironments can also include Data Elements.
Educational Scenario
Specification Specification Specification Specification
Environment Goal
* * * * *
Figure 1: The ES elements and structure.
2.2.2 The Hierarchical and Structured Modeling
of Learning Units
This conceptual view of PoEML is completed by con-
sidering the hierarchical aggregation of ESs to model
learning units. Basically, any model of learning unit
is made up by several ESs that are aggregated in a
hierarchical way. As it is stated in the previous sec-
tion, each ES includes its own Goals, Roles, Envi-
ronments, Data Elements and Specifications. The hi-
erarchical aggregation of ESs indicates that a certain
ES (parent-ES) can be made up by several ESs (sub-
ESs or children ESs). This hierarchical structure of
the learning unit can be specified using the PoEML
Structural package.
In addition to the hierarchical structure, a learn-
ing unit can require the establishment of relations be-
tween Goals, Roles, Data Elements, sub-ESs and En-
vironments. These relationships have been identified
in the separation-of-concerns analysis as particular
The Functional Flow involves the relations that
can be established among Goals included in dif-
ferent ESs. These relations can be of two different
Completion relations. They can be used to in-
dicate what conditions over the state of some
Goals have to be satisfied to complete a cer-
tain Goal (generally this Goal is contained in
a parent-ES and the other Goals in its sub-ESs).
For example, to obtain the car driven license is
required to pass the theoretical test and to have
succeeded on the practical exam. Another ex-
ample, to pass the theoretical test it is required
to pass at least three of the four parts in which
the test is divided.
Attempt relations. These relations can be used
to indicate what conditions over the state of
some Goals have to be satisfied to enable the
attempt of other Goal (generally all these Goals
are contained in sub-ESs of the same parent-
ES). For example, the practical exam can be
attempted when the theoretical test has been
The Participants Flow involves the relations that
can be established among Roles included in dif-
ferent ESs. They are used to represent the transfer
of participants among Roles. For example, the as-
signment of learners to a Role ”team”, mada up
by 4 learners.
The Data Flow involves the relations that can be
established among Data Elements, indicating the
transfer of data among them. For example: the
grade obtained in the assessment of a question-
naire has to be transferred to the next ES and also
maintained in the transcript of the learner.
The Control Flow involves the relations that can
be established among the sub-ESs of a certain
ES. Basically, this flow indicates what sub-ES has
to/can be done at a certain moment. It can be de-
termined in two different ways:
In relation with the state of performance of
other ESs. For example, when the learner pass
the theoretical exam she can initiate any of the
practices assigned. Then, when the learner fin-
ishes all the practices, she has to perform a
practical exam.
In accordance with a temporal planification.
For example, the presentation of the subject is
going to be produced on March 11 at 5pm. An-
other example, the final exam has to be per-
formed in less than 1 hour.
There is not any Environment Flow, as the con-
tents of the Environments cannot be transferred,
but it is possible to establish relations between En-
vironments. For example, the lab used to perform
the final practice exam has to be the same lab in
which the learners performed all the practices.
We would like to stress that the modeling of each
one of these issues can be performed using a different
PoEML package, producing as a result a specific sub-
model. In addition, this modeling is done in a very
structured way, as the relations have to be established
among elements included in the same ES or in its sub-
This hierarchical and structured approach is rep-
resented in Figure 2. There is as a main block, repre-
senting the Root ES, that contains two blocks repre-
senting sub-ESs: ES A and ES B. In addition, ES A
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
contains three further sub-ESs: ES A.1, ES A.2 and
ES A.3. The figure shows this structural arrangement
and the relations established between Goals, Roles
and Data Elements. It is quite obvious that the view
in a single picture of all these issues is very confus-
ing and complex. The PoEML separation on several
perspectives provides a clearer view, enabling us to
observe the different issues and relations in separated
2.2.3 The Root ES
To complete this conceptual model it is necessary to
introduce the concept of Root ES. The Root ES rep-
resents the global learning unit. It can include the
same elements than any other ES. In addition, as it
represents the global learning unit, it can also include
further elements that capture the connections of the
learning unit with the ”outside world”. This outside
world is composed by real resources, tools, partici-
pants, environments and organizations that exist out-
side of the learning unit. For example, a learning unit
model should enable to indicate that a certain PDF
document has to be used. The connections between
these external elements and the model of learning unit
are established in the Root ES and they can be refer-
enced from any sub-ES of the Root ES, independently
of its depth level in the hierarchical ESs’ structure.
The specification of tools and organizations involves
special features and it is performed in specific per-
In this way, from a conceptualpoint of view, an ES
is an encapsulated entity including all the elements
that made up it and the specifications that define its
structure and behavior. Furthermore, a root-ES is a hi-
erarchical and structured model that can represent any
piece of learning at different levels of aggregation,
from simple lessons to complete curricula, and that
includes all the connections with the ”outside world”
required to perform its ”enactment”.
Adaptation is a central subject in e-learning and it can
be considered in many different ways. In general, e-
learning adaptation is focused on the optimization of
certain measures (e.g., learning time, economic costs,
user satisfaction) in order to improve the effectiveness
and efficiencyof the educationalprocess. This section
consider adaptation in the general e-learning domain
firstly and then in PoEML.
3.1 Adaptation in e-Learning
Traditionally, adaptive hypermedia has captured the
efforts in the e-learning adaptation domain (Henze
and Nejdl, 2004), focusing on the student and on
the contents (Brusilovsky, 2000) (Weber and Specht,
1997) (Bra et al., 2003). These proposals are based
on the model of a single learner that is provided with
contents in accordance to her/his characteristics and
progress (determined through the grades obtained in
tests and questionnaires). Nevertheless, this is just
one of the approaches that can be followed to achieve
learning. As in conventional face-to-face educational
settings, many current e-learning systems are build
on the basis of different pedagogical aproaches, such
as constructivist or social ones. These systems pro-
vide functionalities that allow learners to communi-
cate with other learners and teachers, to play, to exper-
iment, to perform authentic activities, etc. Therefore,
in this kind of e-learning systems, a broader view of
adaptation should be supported, taking into account
not just the contents and learner characteristics, but
all the elements involved: participants, communica-
tions, activities, context, etc.
The search of a general solution to support adap-
tation in e-learning needs to take into account the va-
riety of issues and approaches already considered. An
interesting classification framework to analyze adap-
tation in e-learing is described in (Specht and Burgos,
2007) based on four main questionsis:
What parts or components in the learning process
are adapted? This question focuses on the part of
an adaptive application that is adapted. Examples
can be to personalize the pace of the instruction,
adaptation of content presentations, the sequenc-
ing of contents, etc.
What information does the system use for adap-
tation? In most proposals a learner model is the
basis for the adaptation, taking into accout her/his
knowledge, preferences, interests or cognitive ca-
pabilities. Nevertheless there are examples where
the adaptation takes place to the learner setting,
accessing devices, etc. Especially in social soft-
ware the information for adaptation can come out
of external information resources, collective log-
ging information, or even contextual sensor infor-
mation like the location of a learner.
How does the system gather the information to
adapt to? There are a variety of methods to collect
information about learners to adapt to. Mainly im-
plicit and explicit methods like described in works
from user modeling can be distinguished.
Why does the system adapt? This question mainly
PERSPECTIVES AND ASPECTS IN POEML - Supporting Adaptation in Learning Processes
Root ES
ES A
ES B
Control Flow
Data Flow
Functional Flow
Participant Flow
Environment Goal
ES B
Environment Goal
ES B
Environment Goal
ES B
ES A.1 ES A.2 ES A.3
Figure 2: The modeling of learning units using an hierarchical aggregation of ESs.
focuses on the pedagogical models behind the
adaptation. Classical educational hypermedia sys-
tems mainly adapt according for compensation of
knowledge deficits, ergonomic reasons, or adapt
to learning styles for an easier introduction into a
3.2 Supporting Adaptation in PoEML
The support of adaptation in EMLs has been a main
topic. IMS-LD is able to manage different types of
adaptation (Burgos et al., 2006): Learning flow, con-
tent adaptation, evaluation and interactive problem
solving support are best supported. Group adaptation
is supported via administrative tools for user group-
ing and group properties and modification of a course
on-the-fly can be partially implemented based on cur-
rent runtime environment restrictions. Also interface-
based adaptation is possible as long as the modifica-
tions are made inside the Unit of Learning and not in
the player tool itself. Nevertheless, the provided so-
lutions are complex because the models of learning
units in IMS-LD have mane interdependences.
The support of adaptation in PoEML has been ar-
ranged in accordance with the previous four ques-
tions. In this way, the adaptations can be modeled
in clear and simple ways. Basically, there is a direct
relatioship among the language structure and the con-
sidered questions that facilitate the specification:
What parts or components in the learning process
are adapted? In PoEML these parts and compo-
nents are given by the several perspectives (except
the causal perspective). Each one of the perspec-
tives involves the structures and control that can
be modified.
What information does the system use for adap-
tation? The information used for adaptation is
included in the four aspects. Depending of the
aspect it can be used data elements, events or de-
How does the system gather the information to
adapt to? In the case of data the gathering of in-
formation is performed using the data perspective.
In the case of events, it has to be used the aware-
ness perspective. In case of decisions, the way in
which information is collected is managed by ex-
ternal tools (e.g., a voting application) that can be
managed by the tools perspective.
Why does the system adapt? The rationale about
the adaptation can be maintained in the causal per-
The main approach adopted in PoEML is the
separation-of-concerns. As in other engineering dis-
ciplines, the management of complexity is a key
point to facilitate the solution of problems and the
separation-of-concerns is a well-known technique to
tackle with it. This strategy enables us to focus the
attention on one perspective at each time, while ab-
stracting from others. In this way, PoEML is not pro-
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
vided as a single set of elements, constraints and rela-
tionships, but it is made up by several sub-languages
(packages), each one of them involving particular ele-
ments, constraints and relationships focused on a cer-
tain perspective.
The paper devotes a special attention to the sup-
port of the variety of adaptation. The separation-of-
concerns approach adopted in PoEML is particularly
appropriate to translate the general ideas managed
about adaptation in e-learning to EMLs. In relation
with other EMLs, uniquely IMS-LD has considered
the support of adaptation. At this point, the solution
adopted in PoEML is much more simple and power-
This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministe-
rio de Educacion y Ciencia under grant TIN2007-
68125-C02-02,and by the Galician Conselleria de In-
novacion e Industria under grant PGIDIT06PXIB32
2270PR. It is also supported by the eContentplus
programme ECP 2007 EDU 417008 (www.aspect-, a multiannual Community programme to
make digital content in Europe more accessible, us-
able and exploitable.
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PERSPECTIVES AND ASPECTS IN POEML - Supporting Adaptation in Learning Processes