Germán Retamosa and Jorge E. López de Vergara
Departamento de Ingeniería Informática, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Mobile Security, Mobile Malware, Security Platforms, Windows Mobile, Symbian OS, iPhone OS.
Abstract: Mobility is one of the most important features in users’ communications. The increasing progress carried
out by mobile communications has changed the concept of mobile phone. Nowadays, each new device
offers newer technologies and services adapted to user requirements. However, each added improvement
has a set of threats, which have to be taken into account for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of user and system data. In this paper, we analyze some important mobile security platforms,
such as Symbian OS, Windows Mobile and iPhone OS. Then, we compare these platforms giving some
advantages and drawbacks of each one and providing some conclusions about this study.
The progress carried out by mobile phone
manufacturers is a present reality, and theirs trends
are growing as the days go by. Furthermore, this
evolution has some advantages like newer features
adapted to current user requirements. However, it
also implies some difficulties, which have to be
taken into account, such as the creation of a
trustworthy mobile platform, which ensures user
privacy and security. The trustworthiness of these
systems must check the three main features on any
computer security: confidentiality, integrity and
availability. However, ensuring user privacy is a
difficult task, which has to be carried out throughout
the software lifecycle, from analysis to development
stage. For this reason, mobile manufacturers have
created security divisions for implemented
platforms, which protect users from different
attacks. But all these security mechanisms are not
completely effective, either because of the effort that
it implies or simply due to design failures. The goal
of this study is to analyze and evaluate the
trustworthiness of some important mobile security
The rest of this paper is divided into three sections:
the first one depicts an analysis of some relevant
mobile security platforms such as Symbian,
Windows Mobile and iPhone OS. Then, the second
section uses these obtained results for describing an
evaluation process, which sums up with some
positive and negative aspects of each studied
platform. Finally, the third part finishes with some
final conclusions obtained from the evaluation
The wide mobile security range includes several
types of mobile operating systems. Each one has its
own features and examples, described below (Heath,
Open Platforms enable the access to native
interfaces, and usually provide an SDK (Software
Development Kit) for accessing to these interfaces
and, develop third-party applications. Despite all
these advantages, these systems are the most
vulnerable due to the wide range of access to system
capabilities and, for that reason, are the main target
of any attacker. Symbian OS, Windows Mobile
(Compact Edition) are examples of this type of
Layered Execution Environments are considered
closed environments which deny access to native
interfaces, although sometimes enable access on
some restrictive circumstances, named sandboxed
environments. Moreover, these systems usually
provide an SDK (Software Development Kit) for
developing third-party applications. iPhone OS and
Google Android are examples of these types of
Closed OS denies access to native interfaces, and
usually does not provide an SDK (Software
Retamosa G. and E. López de Vergara J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 127-132
DOI: 10.5220/0002261101270132
Development Kit) to develop third-party applications
and so, the security platform is not known for any
attacker, unless reverse engineering techniques can
be used. For these reasons, it is very difficult to
develop malware on this type of systems. An
example of this type is the LG Proprietary OS (LG
Electronics, 2009). In response to previous
classification, layered execution environment and
closed platforms seem to be more secure than open
platforms but in fact, both are also exposed to many
attacks such as denial of service. The following
study focuses its efforts on analyzing open platforms
and layered execution environments for providing
user some security knowledge about these platforms.
2.1 Symbian OS
Currently, Symbian OS (Symbian, 2009) is the most
known and used operating system on the mobile
market. Symbian OS is a single-user and multitask
operating system with EKA2 (EPOC Kernel
Architecture 32bits) architecture and some specific
features (Savoldi and Gubian, 2008):
RTOS (Real-time Operating System)
Priority-based pre-emptive multitask.
Single-user feature reduces considerably the
complexity of security platform, achieving a
lightweight platform, which satisfies common
mobile restrictions, such as effectiveness and
efficiency. Furthermore, the security policies used
on these systems are based on capabilities list. The
following list enumerates some rules, which set up
the basis of Symbian OS security platform.
Each process must have resources and access
privileges list, which allow the access to
some system capabilities, which are
invariants during their execution.
Each process must have its own virtual address
space protected by the operating system.
Each application signature gives access to only
one system capability, although the operating
system allows multiple signed applications.
Each process can only use shared libraries
(DLL, Dynamic Load Library) with at least
the same level of trust.
Figure 1 shows the Symbian OS security
architecture, which is divided into four different
TCB, Trusted Computing Base.
TCE, Trusted Computing Environment.
Signed software.
Unsigned software.
Figure 1: Symbian OS Security Architecture (Heath,
TCB is the core component of the security platform
and so, the most trusted part, which controls the
lowest level of security mechanisms. It includes the
components described below.
Kernel: Assign privileges on process creation.
File Server (F32): Load program code on
process creation.
Software Installer (SWInstall): Install SIS
(Symbian OS Install Script) files, including
software validation.
TCE consists of a set of servers with specific
features. Each server is independent from the rest,
and needs a set of specific privileges to access it.
Signed software is a set of trusted applications
which have enough rights to access TCE interfaces,
and unsigned software is a set of untrusted
applications which does not have rights to access
TCE interfaces. Symbian OS capabilities are a set of
privileges installed on the system. In particular, it
has twenty capabilities divided into three groups:
TCB, user and system. Finally, the last component
of the Symbian OS security platform is the data
caging, which is used to protect the integrity and
confidentiality of the system. There are three special
containers protected by data caging:
\resource and \private.
Figure 2 describes the process followed by the
security platform on most of the software installation
process. Firstly, SWInstall verifies the presence of
signatures in the application. If so, TCB and TCE
enumerate the signature or signatures and then,
classify them into the different system servers. If
not, the application is unsigned, so it will not have
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 2: Symbian OS Execution Process.
2.2 Windows Mobile
Windows Mobile (Microsoft, 2009) is technically a
version of Windows Compact Edition CE. This
system is based on the Win32 API and .NET
Compact Framework, and it is optimized for several
mobile processors, such as XScale or ARM
(Advanced RISC Machines). However, it is not a
homogeneous platform because it is divided into
three different models according to the different type
of devices existing on telecommunications market,
Standard SDK for Smartphones, Professional SDK
for PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant) and Classic
SDK for PDAs with no phone. Taking this
disposition into account, this security platform is the
sum of a set of security policies, roles and
certificates. Windows Mobile supports three different
types of security policies defined on system registry
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies), which
set up the access permissions to the file system
(Microsoft, 2007)(Moreno, 2008):
Privileged or Kernel Mode. It allows read and
write access to the file system.
Normal or User Mode. It allows full access to
personal data areas and denies access to
protected zones.
Blocked. No access at all.
Security roles are the components responsible to
manage access to system resources, and it is
especially used for provisioning purposes.
Furthermore, certificate management is one of the
most important features because it provides
confidentiality to user data and manages the
execution of an application and the assignation of its
respective access rights. All certificates are saved on
certificates stores, each one with different privileges
and access rights. Finally, Windows Mobile defines
five security levels, which are listed below
(Microsoft, 2007) (Moreno, 2008):
Security Off (only for testing purposes).
One-tier prompt (see Figure 3).
Two-tier prompt (see Figure 4).
Mobile2Market locked.
Figure 3: One-tier Prompt Procedure.
Figure 3 shows the installation process followed by
the one-tier security platform. This type of security
platform is used on the Professional SDK and the
Classic SDK. Firstly, the certificate manager checks
for presence of certificates in the application. If
certificates cannot be found, it will apply security
policies for unsigned applications, elsewhere
certificates get validated. It will apply privileged
mode capabilities if the certificate is known,
otherwise it will apply security policies for unknown
Figure 4: Two-tier Prompt Procedure.
Figure 4 shows the installation process followed by
the two-tier security platform. This type of security
platform is used on the Standard SDK. This
procedure is analogous to the one-tier installation
process, but instead of assigning privileged mode
capabilities for known certificates, it assigns
permissions according to the certificates store.
2.3 iPhone OS
iPhone OS (Apple, 2009) is the last analyzed
operating system. It is widely known as the system
designed by Apple Inc. for its main mobile phone,
Apple iPhone. This system is a single-user and
multitask smaller version of OS X enhanced for
ARM processors and based on the Mach kernel. Its
origins are relatively newer with respect to other
mobile operating systems such as Symbian OS or
Windows Mobile. Figure 5 shows the main
architecture of iPhone OS and its security services.
The main architecture is divided into five different
and isolate tiers, which are listed below, although
this study will only analyze the security platform
included in the Core Services (Apple, 2008):
User applications.
Cocoa Touch.
Core Services.
Core OS.
In addition, there are some security services, which
define the security platform (Apple, 2008):
Keychain Services.
Sandboxing Services.
Figure 5: iPhone OS Architecture (Apple, 2008).
CFNetwork is the component responsible for
establishing secure communications between iPhone
and any external device connected to Internet
throughout TCP/IP by using protocols such as SSL
(Secure Socket Layer) or TLS (Transport Secure
Layer). Keychain services are responsible for
keeping secure user and system data storage by
ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and
availability. These features are based on
encryption/decryption interfaces and certificate
management. Its usage is very important: it protects
the personal data from any possible attacker.
However, the access to keychain services and root
certificates management are driven by the iPhone
OS security server daemon. For security reasons, the
daemon API (Application Program Interface) is not
accessible to software developers. Sandboxing
services are a fine-grained access control system
whose main task is to protect the resources of the
system. This type of system is implemented with
MAC (Mandatory Access Control) and every
installed application is inside of a sandbox
environment. Therefore, with this security
countermeasure, the file system is protected against
some attacks, or misuse. However, there are some
other attacks, such as buffer/heap overflow, which
can avoid this restriction and it is responsibility of
the application designer to create secure
applications, which protect this type of attacks or
malicious applications (Zdziarski, 2008)(Miller et
al., 2007).
Figure 6: iPhone OS Execution Process.
Figure 6 describes the steps followed by the iPhone
OS security platform during the installation of a
third-party application. Firstly, the certificate
manager and the keychain manager checks for
presence of certificates into the application. If so, the
installation process will finish inside of a sandbox
environment if the keychain manager validates the
existing certificate, otherwise the installation process
will fail. Finally, the last security feature is a simple
data caging procedure. The disk drive is divided into
two partitions, and one of them contains the kernel
file system with read-only permissions. Therefore,
this countermeasure protects the file system from
malicious attacks.
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
In the previous section, three of the most important
mobile security platforms were analyzed for better
understanding of the topics discussed below. This
section will define the most known vulnerabilities
and weaknesses of these operating systems by using
the following methodology schema:
Implementation Failures.
File System Failures.
Native Application Failures.
Communication Failures.
Bluetooth Failures.
MMS (Multimedia Messaging System)
3.1 Symbian OS
Nowadays, Symbian OS is considered the most
attacked operating system on the market, followed
by far by Windows Mobile (Heath, 2006). This
experience is translated into a robust security
platform with a really small number of
Implementation failures, also known as bugs, are
one of the most important loopholes in any operating
system. However, the wide range of this attack
vector exceeds the scope of this assessment, and it
will only analyze file system and native application
failures, which have been considered the most
relevant and harmful inside of a mobile phone.
Currently, the number of known Symbian OS
implementation vulnerabilities is really small or
Communications failures are the most recent
loopholes in any operating system, because the
growing evolution of the mobile phones involves the
creation of weak communications protocols adapted
to user requirements. Bluetooth and MMS failures
are the most known Symbian OS failures, but they
need to use social engineering techniques for
exploiting the mobile phone. The problem of the
social engineering techniques is that the mobile
phone user carries all the liability and the security
platform cannot perform any countermeasure.
Furthermore, Bluetooth attacks have a wide range of
varieties listed below (Gostev, 2008):
Bluetooth Propagation (Cabir/29.A).
Operating System Infection (Skulls).
Phonebook Access and MMS Propagation
3.2 Windows Mobile
Windows Mobile is nowadays one of the most
important mobile operating systems. This
importance is due to Microsoft Windows
predominance on the computer market and the
current growing number of devices with this
File system failures are the most dangerous case of
implementation failures because their presence are
extended to all mobile phones with the involved
operating system, but they are also the most cost-
effective to fix because only one patch release can
be applied to all the involved operating systems. A
sample of this type of vulnerability is described
Bypassing the code-signing protection in
Windows Mobile is relatively easy because, once
a mobile phone user accepts the installation of a
normal application, provided by Visual Studio
but used with malicious purposes
(, any installed application
signed with a special certificate
SDKSamplePrivDeveloper.spc) will have
full privileges (Moreno, 2008).
Native applications failures are the existing
implementation failures in each system application
and excluding third-party applications. These
failures are less dangerous than the previous type,
but the profitability to fix these failures will depend
on the number of existing application instances. If a
majority uses an application, the released patch will
be cost-effective. Some samples of these failures are
the numerous cases of denial of service in
ActiveSync and PIE (Pocket Internet Explorer)
(Dunham, 2009).
Bluetooth and MMS (Bluetooth, 2009) (MMS,
2003) are considered one of the main
communication failures in any operating system, but
in fact, it is commonly used for spreading malicious
applications. However, Bluetooth is vulnerable to
driver-level attacks and BD_ADDR Spoofing attacks
(Moreno, 2009) and MMS has some vulnerabilities
via shellcode-based applications in MMS Client and
Composer (Dunham, 2009).
3.3 iPhone OS
As we discuss in the previous section, iPhone OS is
a single-user operating system. However, the only
system user is the root account and all the
applications are running with no restrictions.
Implementation failures are the only existing
failures in the iPhone OS, because the
communications protocols are very restrictive and
theirs user interfaces are too limited. Currently the
most known implementation failures are the file
system failures and they are described below
(Zdziarski, 2008).
Root account involves that any system failure or
malicious application instantly gets a privileged
mode. For this reason, Apple Inc. restricts extremely
the third-party installation process.
Static addressing means that all the application
instances have the same memory address, instead of
the randomization methods used in the majority of
mobile operating systems.
Static systems means that currently, there are only
two phone models of Apple iPhone based on the
same hardware and software. This feature is useful
for an attacker because all the malicious programs
will have the same pattern.
Finally, earlier firmware versions of the iPhone OS
(1.1.4 – 2.0) had some native applications failures in
the Safari WebKit interfaces. These failures exploit
the mobile phone with denial of service attacks.
The obtained conclusions from this study show that
the maturity of the operating systems is a relevant
point to take into account because it is inversely
proportional to the number of vulnerabilities and
therefore, it can be used such as a security estimator.
As we discuss in the previous section, Symbian OS
is the most attacked platform and it has the smaller
number of vulnerabilities. In fact, Symbian OS has
the most secure execution procedures, followed
closely by Windows Mobile. Moreover, both
platforms have a normal level of security on
installation procedures based on code-signing and
certificates management. On the other hand, iPhone
OS is the least secure operating system because their
execution procedures are too permissive, and these
techniques waste all security efforts placed on the
installation procedures.
Finally, Table 1 shows a resume of the main
differences between each studied security platform.
In future works, we are going to research about
advanced methodologies, which enable the
automatic security assessment of any mobile
operating system. In addition, to improve the
existing procedures, we will research on different
mobile malware classification techniques.
Table 1: Mobile Security Platforms Overview.
iPhone OS
Security Level
Average Average High
Security Level
High Average Low
Average High Average
Security Level
Low Low Average
Average High Low
Data Caging High Average Low
Heath, C., 2006. Symbian OS Security Platform. Wiley.
Savoldi, A., Gubian, P., 2008, Symbian Forensics: An
Overview. IIHMSP ’08.
Zdziarski, J., 2008, iPhone Forensics. O’Reilly.
Miller, C., Honoroff, J., Mason J., 2007. Security
Evaluation of Apple’s iPhone. Independent Security
Apple Inc., 2008, Security Overview.
Microsoft, 2007, Security Model for Windows Mobile 5
and Windows Mobile 6.
Moreno, A., 2008, Windows Mobile Security Model,
Moreno, A., 2009, BD_ADDR Spoofing,
Symbian Software Ltd., 2009, http://www.sym
Microsoft, 2009,
mobile/ es-es/default.mspx
Apple Inc., 2009,
LG Electronics, 2009,
Dunham, K., 2009. Mobile Malware Attacks and Defense.
Bluetooth SIG, 2009,
Gostev, A., 2008. Mobile Virology Introduction. Hakin9.
MMS, 2003, 3GPP MMS Specification,
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography