static nodes communicated with a base node that
was connected to a PC. The dynamic tracking
model, implemented on the PC, determined a user’s
position based on a Multi-Hypothesis Estimation
The base and static nodes were implemented
using the Fleck
-3 platform. Our localisation
network uses the Fleck Nano platform for mobile
inertial sensing. The Fleck Nano platform is ideal for
our purposes because it has an onboard integrated
microcontroller and wireless transceiver, an
accelerometer for inertial sensing and also has a
small form factor. The user was also able to use a
mobile phone to view their current position. The
mobile phone was connected via a WLAN link to
the base node’s PC.
We also developed a dynamic position tracking
model for improving the localisation tracking of the
mobile node. The model used a Monte Carlo Multi-
hypothesis estimation algorithm. The model
determines the mobile node’s position by combining
the mobile node’s proximity to static nodes, heading
from onboard gyroscope and antenna angular
position and the building’s floor-plan. We found that
by using multi-hypothesis estimation we could
achieve robust localisation accuracy, in realtime.
The position resolution of the localisation network
was found to have a maximum error between 1m
and 3.5m.
Further work involves extensive testing the
localisation network with multiple mobile nodes and
over a larger test region. Other areas of investigation
involve looking at how multiple mobile nodes
placed on a person, can be used to improve the
estimate of the person’s position. We will also
investigate the use of the motion sensitive mobile
phones for estimating a person’s position.
The authors acknowledge the support provided to
this project by the Urban Interfaces Project,
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WINSYS 2009 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems