S. Benferhat
CRIL-CNRS, Faculté Jean Perrin, Rue Jean Souvraz
Lens, France
A. Boudjelida, H. Drias
Institut National d’Informatique (INI), Alger, Algérie
Keywords: Intrusion detection, TAN.
Abstract: Bayesian networks are important knowledge representation tools for handling uncertain pieces of
information. The success of these models is strongly related to their capacity to represent and handle
(in)dependence relations. A simple form of Bayesian networks, called naive Bayes has been successively
applied in many classification tasks. In particular, naive Bayes have been used for intrusion detection.
Unfortunately, naive Bayes are based on a strong independence assumption that limits its application scope.
This paper considers the well-known Tree Augmented Naïve Bayes (TAN) classifiers in the context of
intrusion detection. In particular, we study how additional expert information such that “it is expected that
80% of traffic will be normal” can be integrated in classification tasks. Experimental results show that our
approach improves existing results.
Intrusion detection is an essential part of a complete
security policy in information systems. Its function
consists in analyzing information collected by
security audit mechanisms in order to find possible
attacks. Two main approaches are used to seek
intrusions trace: Misuse detection and Anomaly
Misuse detection approach uses attacks
signatures knowledge. These systems are very
precise to detect known attacks. Though, their
detection capacities are limited to attacks which
appear in their signatures data base. Thus,
continuous updates are required each time new
attacks are discovered.
Anomaly detection systems adopt an opposed
approach. It first defines a profile for normal traffic,
then checks deviations from this normal behaviour.
Thus, attacks, including new ones, are detected
when they deviate from the normal profile.
However, attacks having a profile close or similar to
the normal one can not be detected. Then often
legitimate users change their manners, the normal
behaviour should be redefined.
IDS have three common problems: temporal
complexity, correctness and adaptability. The
temporal complexity problem results from the
extensive quantity of data that the system must
supervise in order to perceive whole situation.
Positive false rate and negative false rate are
usually used to evaluate the correctness of IDS.
Positive false can be defined as alarms which are
triggered from legitimate activities. Negative false
are attacks, which are not detected by the system. An
IDS is more precise if it detects more attacks and
gives few false alarms. In case of misuse detection
systems, security experts must examine new attacks
to add their corresponding signatures. In anomaly
detection systems, human experts are necessary to
define relevant attribute for defining the normal
This leads us to the adaptability problem. The
currents IDS aptitudes to be adapted are very
limited. This makes them ineffective for new or
Benferhat S., Boudjelida A. and Drias H. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 61-64
DOI: 10.5220/0002262200610064
unknown attacks detection or to be adapted to an
evolutionary environment.
Machine learning approaches provide a potential
solution to adaptation and correctness problems in
intrusion detection context. Many classification
approaches try to construct an explicit function from
common set of features values to obtain instances
labels (category of attacks or normal).
Since (Denning D. E., 1987), several approaches
based on statistical learning were proposed for
intrusion detection. Among works which use TCP
packets analysis that of (Bykova, M. et al., 2001)
who have used simple statistics and (Ben Amor et
al., 2004) who have compared performances of
Bayesian networks and decision trees. (Valdes, A.,
Skinner, K., 2000) have used directly Bayesian
networks to model attacks and their temporal
evolution. Concerning Bayesian networks learning
for systems resources and users logs analyses we can
mention works of (Kruegel, C. et al, 2003, Scott, S.
L., 2004, John G., 1997).
The most adapted Bayesian classification model
for intrusion detection is naive Bayes. They present
several advantages due to their simple structure.
Bayesian naive networks construction is very
simple; it is always easy to consider new scenarios
(updates facility). Inference is polynomial, while
inference in Bayesian networks with general
structures is known to be a hard problem (Cooper,
G. F., 1990). However, naive Bayes networks
consider a very strong features independence
assumption: detection features are independent in a
session class context. Such hypothesis is not always
true in real applications.
This paper proposes an event classification
which uses TAN classifiers. This will enable us to
represent dependences between variables and to
integrate additional data, in order to improve
decision and detection process performances.
Section 2 shows how general expert information
can help in improving the detection rate of attacks,
while Section 3 presents comparative studies
between TAN and other classification approaches.
Finally, section 4 concludes the paper.
This section suggests a new procedure to deal with
this problem is to use additional information on
connections type. For example, we have information
that, on normal connections, usually there is X % of
these connections which are actually attacks and we
have to determine these connections.
In Bayesian networks, in order to determine
these connections, we need to sort classified
connections as normal according to probability that
they represent attacks (or according to another sort
function such difference between probability that
they represent attacks and probability that they are
normal), then the X % first connections will be taken
in order to be considered as attacks.
This information can be also related to several
attacks classes (Normal, Dos, R2L, U2R and
Probing in KDD’99 data set case), by making for
example assumption that on obtained normal
connections, there is X % of connections which are
actually DOS attacks and Y % which are R2L
attacks, thus it remains to determine normal
connections who represent these attacks. To do this
operation, we precede similarly, by sorting classified
connections as normal according to the probability
that they represent DOS attacks, then we take X %
first connexions.
The same thing for R2L attacks, but the sorting
function will be related to the probability that they
represent R2L attacks then the first Y % connections
will be taken.
The main remark drawn from the additional
information experiments results Table 1 is the
considerable PCC improvement, because this rate
have reached 96.69 % for five connections classes
case against 92 90 % without using additional
information and 97.40 % for two connections classes
case against 94.07 % without using additional
As in (Ben Amor et al., 2004) we have used 10%
of KDD' 99 set (KDD cup 99, 1999), which
corresponds to 494019 training connections and
311029 test connections, with 18729 new attacks
which do not appear in training set.
Each connection is described by 41 discrete and
continuous features (for example connection
duration, protocol type, etc.) and marked to be
normal, or an attack, with only one attack type per
line (for example Smurf, Perl, etc.).
Attacks are grouped in four classes:
Denial of Service (DOS).
Make some machine
resources unavailable or too busy to answer to
legitimate users requests.
User to Root (U2R).
Exploit vulnerability on a
system to obtain a root access.
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Remote to Local (R2L).
Use vulnerability in order
to obtain a local access like a machine user.
Collect useful information or known
vulnerabilities about a network or a system.
A more detailed study of preceding results, more
precisely negative false, shows that rest of selected
connections (which have incorrect classification
result) represent in their majorities another attacks
class than the considered class, which reduces
significantly number of negative false.
Table 1: TAN + Supplementary information results.
Five classes
Normal Dos R2L U2R Probing PCC
99.16% 99.46% 53.60% 31.43% 78.11%
Two Classes
Normal Abnormal PCC
98.80% 97.07%
A comparative study presented in Table 2 gathering
tests results leaded by (Ben Amor et al., 2004),
which have used the same experimental conditions
as those used in our study, and results obtained
previously, based on PCC, shows that considering
all attacks, five attacks classes or only two attacks
classes do not affect TAN classification quality.
We can also note that TAN results are generally
better than those of the other strategies.
Table 2: PCC Comparison between Decision trees, Naive
Bayes, TAN, TAN + Supplementary Information.
All Attacks
Five Attacks
Two Attacks
91.41 % 92.28 % 93.02 %
Naive Bayes 91.20 % 91.47 % 91.45 %
TAN 91.27 % 92.90 % 94.07 %
- 96.69 % 97.40 %
Another comparative study presented in Table 3
shows that TAN are competitive with the winning
strategy in KDD' 99 and also share with this latter it
failure to well classify R2L and U2R connections.
We can even note that TAN give better results than
the other strategy for Dos and R2L attacks detection.
The principal remark that we can draw from this
table remains the significant improvements given by
exploiting additional information with TAN.
This strategy has increased considerably R2L
and U2R attacks detection rate and it has minimized
false negative rate.
If we consider the global PCC, we can say that
TAN + Supplementary information is better than the
wining strategy in KDD' 99.
Table 3: Comparison between the wining strategy, TAN
and TAN + Supplementary Information.
Suppl. Info.
Normal 99.50 % 98.10 % 99.16 %
Dos 97.10 %
97.86 %
99.46 %
R2L 8.40 % 18.57 % 53.60 %
U2R 13.20 % 9.11 % 31.43 %
Probing 83.30 % 73.28% 78.11 %
PCC 92.70 % 92.90 % 96.69%
Performances evaluation results of TAN strategy
showed that it is better than naive Bayes. These
results also showed that PCC obtained by TAN is
better than that obtained by decision trees for the
five connexions class case. Details of these results
showed also that TAN is very competitive with the
winning strategy in KDD competition.
This paper has also shown how to use a new
procedure which exploits additional information.
Evaluation results of this new approach showed that
this approach provides better results than previous
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