Image Enhancement Technique using Adaptive
Multiscale Retinex for Face Recognition Systems
Khairul Anuar Ishak
, Salina Abdul Samad
M. A. Hannan
and Maizura Mohd Sani
Dept. of Electrical, Electronics and Systems Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, University Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600, UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics, University Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600, UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract. Various illumination effects in an image are one of the states of
difficulty that should be solved in order to get a satisfactory result in face
recognition task. The inhomogeneous intensities of the image has led to many
plans and algorithms to devastate the cause and next to eliminate the
illumination. The focus of this paper is to enhance the image by reducing
illumination effects; employing a preprocessing step i.e. adaptive multiscale
retinex as the illumination correction method before accomplishing the
recognition task. The performance of this method is evaluated using the Yale
database and has lower equal error rate compared with single scale retinex and
conventional multiscale retinex.
1 Introduction
In face recognition, usually there are some inconsistencies between the real scenes
and the training set images. One of them is illumination variations such as shadow,
blur, dark and noise occurring in the images. Sometimes this can cause degradation in
the algorithm to recognize the face image. In this paper, we want to reduce the
unwanted effects in face images by applying adaptive multiscale retinex as a
preprocessing step. Multiscale retinex was initially used to provide stability in color
images; however it is also competent to be used in gray scale images.
Lightness and color uniformity refer to wide range of intensity and spectral
illumination variations [1]. Multiscale retinex is formed from the retinex theory by
Edwin Land [2]. Land proposed the idea of retinex as a model of lightness to measure
the lightness response in an image.
However Land did not apply the model to image enhancement algorithm, but this
is done by Jobson where they define the properties of the surround/center retinex
function [3]. The characteristic they describe is single scale retinex when they
performed logarithmic after the surround function. They also apply ‘canonical’ gain
offset to the retinex output to clip certain parts of the highest and lowest signal
excursion. However, single scale retinex can either provide dynamic range
Ishak K., Abdul Samad S., Hannan M. and Mohd Sani M. (2009).
Image Enhancement Technique using Adaptive Multiscale Retinex for Face Recognition Systems.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing, pages 43-49
DOI: 10.5220/0002262600430049