and gives the driver comfortable riding experience. Furthermore, the 50% and 75%
areas of system performance are more centralized than the driver. This result indicates
that the THW and TTCi fluctuations during system control state are much smaller and
the system is more stable than the driver.
6 Conclusions
In this paper, an Adaptive Cruise Control system prototype with self-learning func-
tions is developed on a passenger car test-bed.
(1) Driver real traffic tests are carried out and the driver behavior database for the
system upper controller design is established. The data analysis of steady car-
following show that the driver prefers to keep THW and TTCi in specific ranges, and
a driver model is designed based on this result.
(2) The Recursive Least Square method with forgetting factor can identify the driver
model parameters online from data sequence of driver manual operation state, and the
self-learning algorithm for driver characteristics is proposed with this method.
(3) The experimental results show that the ACC system can be adaptive to the driver
characteristics automatically with the learned parameters. The system has similar
performance with the driver manual operation and favorable acceptability of driver.
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