decision concerns which path a box must follow on the network and in which terminals
it must change the train. This aspect is also treated in tactical problems, i.e. service net-
work design problems, as described in [3], in which the optimal paths are searched for
aggregated cargo flows instead of single load units as in the present paper. The latter
decision aspect deals with the assignment of boxes to wagons of the trains selected to
transport them. This aspect has been treated in [4], where rapid transshipment yards
are considered as in the present paper; moreover, in [5] a load planning problem, i.e.
the assignment of containers to train slots, is treated. In addition, differently from [6]
and [7], we assume the train scheduling and routing as given and fixed. Therefore, the
problem described in this paper provides a new approach for a planning procedure in
a railway network with rapid rail-rail transfers, in which, for each box, the decisions
to be taken concern the route to cover, the trains and the wagons to be placed in. Even
though all these aspects have been already treated in various works that can be found in
the literature, the main novelty of this paper (a preliminary version of this work can be
found in [8]) stands in the consideration of all these decision aspects together.
The planning procedure is divided in two sequential phases, so that the output data
of the former phase are input data of the latter. In the former phase, called preprocessing,
each order is considered separately: by taking into account the network structure, the
timetables and routes of trains, the origin, destination and time requirements of orders,
all the sequences of trains that can be used for serving the boxes of the considered
order are computed. In the latter phase, called optimal assignment, the assignment of
each box to a train sequence and to a wagon of the trains composing the sequence is
obtained by considering all the sequences of trains for each order and by taking into
account some specific data about boxes and wagons. This is the result of a specific
mathematical programming problem.
These two phases of the proposed planning procedure are described, respectively, in
Section 2 and in Section 3. The effectivenessof this procedure is then verified with some
experimental tests reported in Section 4. The conclusions and future developments of
the work are then described in Section 5.
2 Preprocessing
The railway network is described by means of a directed graph G = (N , L) where
nodes represent railway terminals and links are railway connections between terminals.
The input data of the preprocessing are referred to nodes of the network, a set R of
trains and a set O of orders:
fixed cost for handling one box at terminal n ∈ N
hourly cost for the storage of one box at terminal n ∈ N
number of links covered by train r ∈ R
vector 1 × N l
indicating the path (as a sequence of links) covered by train r ∈ R
expected departure time on link l inL
for train r ∈ R
expected arrival time on link l in L
for train r ∈ R
origin railway terminal for order o ∈ O
destination railway terminal for order o ∈ O
time instant in which goods of order o ∈ O are ready at the origin node