Data-mining Approaches for the Study of
Emotional Responses in Healthy Controls
and Traumatic Brain Injured Patients:
Comparative Analysis and Validation
F. Riganello
, L.Pignolo
, V. Lagani
and A. Candelieri
S. Anna Institute, RAN – Research on Advanced Neuro-rehabilitation, Crotone, Italy
Laboratory for Decision Engineering and Health Care Delivery
Department of Electronic Informatics and Systemistics
University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy
Abstract. Relationship between Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and emotions
subjectively reported by 26 healthy subjects during symphonic music listening
have been investigated through Data Mining approaches. Most reliable decision
models have been successively adopted to forecast an emotional assessment on
a group of 16 Traumatic Brain Injured patients during the same type of
stimulation, without algorithms retraining. The most performing decisional
models have been a Rule Learner (ONE-R) and a Multi Layer Perceptron
(MLP) but, comparing them, the first one was the best in terms of reliability
both on validation and independent test phases. Furthermore, ONE-R provides a
simple “human-understandable” rule useful to evaluate emotional status of a
subjects depending only on one HRV parameter: the normalized unit of Low
Frequancy BandPower (nu_LF). Specifically, the classification by HRV nu_LF
matched that on reported emotions, with 76.0% of correct classification; tenfold
cross-validation: 70.2%; leave-one-out validation: 71.1%. On the other hand,
MLP approache has provided an accuracy of 82.69% on healthy controls, but it
has decreased to 47.11% and 46.15% on 10folds-cross and leave-one-out
validation respectively. Finally, the accuracy has resulted in 51.56% when the
MLP model has been applied to the posttraumatic subjects, while the ONE-R
accuracy has resulted in 70.31%. Data mining proved applicable in
psychophysiological human research.
1 Introduction
Data-mining or hybrid techniques are used in medicine to sort significant information
out of large databases in mutagenicity studies, predictive toxicology, disease
classification, selective integration of multiple biological databases, etc. Applications
in neurology have focused on prognostic studies [1-2] or in the classification of
emotional responses [3] . The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is an emerging objective
measure of the continuous interplay between the sympathetic and parasympathetic
autonomic nervous sub-systems. It is thought to provide information also on complex
Riganello F., Lagani V., Pignolo L. and Candelieri A. (2009).
Data-mining Approaches for the Study of Emotional Responses in Healthy Controls and Traumatic Brain Injured Patients: Comparative Analysis and
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing, pages 125-133
DOI: 10.5220/0002263901250133
patterns of brain activation, including emotional responses [4-11]. For instance, HRV
abnormalities are reportedly common in psychiatric or brain damaged patients [12-
14]; HRV proved a useful predictor of outcome in brain injured patients [15-16].
HRV studies require quantitative approaches and large numbers of parameters are
generated when the parametric and non-parameric HRV spectra are computed.
In our study we measured several HRV parameters from 26 healthy subjects
during the listening of music samples, suitably selected to induce specific emotional
status. At the end of each listening we asked to report felt emotions, without any
reference to pre-selected categories and to the feelings that the subjects thought the
music was intended to induce. On the basis of these interviews, we identified to
macro-categories of emotions (positive and negative emotions) and defined a two-
classes classification problem. The same procedure has been adopted for acquiring
data from a group of 16 posttraumatic subjects. More details about the two datasets
construction are reported in another our study [3]. Since the great amount of variables
(35 HRV parameters) and the relatively weak consolidated knowledge about the
problem, data mining techniques have represented an effective solution for identifying
a relationship between HRV parameters and emotions, without any preliminary
assumption about data distribution.
We compared different classification learning strategies through suitable
validation techniques, such as 10folds-cross and leave-one-out validation and test on
the independent test set.
2 Material and Methods
2.1 Patients and Controls
Two groups of subjects were studied:
1. twenty six healthy volunteers (14 women; mean age: 31.7±7.1 yrs., age range:
21-45 yrs.; high-school to university education);
2. sixteen patients without severe disabilities completing rehabilitation after severe
traumatic brain injury (5 women; mean age: 21.6±3.0 yrs., age range: 17 to 33
yrs., grammar to high school education); and
Subjects were informed in full detail about the study purpose and experimental
procedures and the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (1964) by the
World Medical Association concerning human experimentation were followed. The
procedures for data collection and the experimental setting caused no physical or
emotional discomfort and were discontinued whenever the subject felt tired or tense
or at the subject’s request. Controls and posttraumatic subjects had no musical
training (see [3] for methodological detail).
2.2 Stimulus Conditions
Four music samples (Table 1) were selected following characterization by intrinsic
structure and expected emotional response as indicated by the available formal
complexity and dynamics descriptors. These descriptors reportedly relate music
structure to self-assessed emotions and allow to characterize the emotional status
along a continuum from euphoria and well-being to melancholy, severe anxiety and
perceived aggressive tendencies [17-18].
Table 1. Selected music samples.
1) Luigi Boccherini: Quintet op. 11 n. 5, Minuetto (duration: 3’ and 50”);
2) Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski: sixth symphony, op. 74, first movement (duration: more than 10”);
3) Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky: St. John's Night on the Bald Mountain
(duration: more than 10”);
4) Edvard Grieg: Peer Gynt, op 23, The morning (duration: 4’ and 20”)
Experiments on patients and control took place at the same time of the day in a
familiar environment and did not interfere with the posttraumatic subjects’
medical/rehabilitative schedules. Subjects were comfortably lying on an armchair,
with constant 24º C ambient temperature and in absence of transient noises. They
were exposed binaurally (earplugs) to the four selected music samples balanced for
loudness and played in random sequence to minimize carry-on effects. There was a
20-min rest between consecutive samples to avoid overstimulation and excessive
The heart beat was recorded from the beginning of the music sample and for a
total of 300 beats (3',36"±24", with 83.7± 9.5 beats/min and a resulting total recording
time between 3',12" and 3':55") by means of the Virtual Energy Tester (Elamaya
Instruments, Milano, Italy). The photopletismographic sensors were positioned on the
third phalange of the left hand middle finger in order to minimize the subjects’
discomfort consistent with the guidelines of the Task Force of European Society of
Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology[19].
The photopletismographic signal was sampled at 100 samples/sec; the series of
consecutive intervals between heart beats was analyzed in the time and frequency
domains by the HRV advanced analysis software developed at the Department of
Applied Physics, University of Kuopio, Finland [20]. The non-parametric (Fast
Fourier Transform, Welch spectrum) and parametric (autoregressive) spectra were
computed (Table 2). The power spectral density from 0.01 Hz to 0.5 Hz was
computed with 0.001 Hz resolution and three frequency ranges (very low frequency
[VLF]: 0.01-0.04 Hz; low frequency [LF]: 0.04-0.15 Hz; and high frequency [HF]:
0.15 Hz – 0.5 Hz) were considered (Table 2).
At the end of each music sample, controls and posttraumatic subjects were
requested to classify their emotions, without reference to any pre-selected categories
and irrespective of the emotional feeling they thought the music was intended to
induce. The distribution of the emotions expressed for each music sample was
determined [17-18].
Table 2. Spectral and Statistical Parameters.
Statistical Parameters Spectral Parameters
Mean RR interval (Mean RR) and SD
Mean Heart Rate (Mean HR) and SD
Root mean square of SD (RMSSD);
number (NN50) and percentage
(pNN50) of NN intervals longer than
50 ms
Very Low Frequency (VLF), Low Frequency (LF), High
Frequency (HF) and normalized unit (nu) in FFT and
autoregressive spectra
VLF Peak frequency in FFT and autoregressive spectra
LF Peak frequency in FFT and autoregressive spectra
HF Peak frequency in FFT and autoregressive spectra
Power Spectrum of VLF, LF, HF and Total in FFT and
autoregressive spectra
% of VLF, LF, HF in FFT and autoregressive spectra
Ratio LF/HF, nu LF, nu HF, nu LF/HF in FFT and autoregressive
2.3 Data Mining Techniques
We adopted several classification approaches for identifying an association between
HRV parameters and the self-assessed emotions. To this aim, two different classes or
categories were defined for the reported emotional status: positive (happiness, joy,
serenity, calm,…) and negative (fear, anxiety, tension, scare,…). The control group
was selected as training set for several data-mining classification techniques, such as
Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines, Artificial Neural Networks and Rules
Learner, provided by the WEKA open source software (Waikato Environment for
Knowledge Analisys) [21, 22].
Training set included 104 cases (26 healthy subjects x 4 music samples) and 35
variables (Table 2). In a first step, two internal validation techniques based on training
data (namely the 10 folds-cross and leave-one-out validation) were used to evaluate
how much extracted models would fit the new data.
Most reliable decision models have been selected and adopted to forecast an
emotional status assessment” on the independent test set (16 posttraumatic subjects).
The models used to obtain this assessment on the test set has been not “re-learned”
from it. The independent test set included 64 cases (16 posttraumatic subjects x 4
music samples) and the aforementioned 35 HRV parameters.
In this way, we have been able to estimate “real” reliabilities for the selected
models. Figure 1 shows how we have designed our study.
Since every classification technique adopts a different structure for explaining the
relationship between input variables and output (HRV parameters and subjectively
reported emotions, respectively in our study) it may be really difficult to select a
priori a strategy for learning the relationship from the available data. For such reason
we decided to adopt several classification learning procedures applicable to our
problem, such as Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines, Rule Learners and
Artificial Neural Networks, all available in WEKA.
Fig. 1. Phases of the Study.
Respect to 10fold-cross and leave-one-out validation, we have obtained that the
most reliable classification techniques were ONE-R [23] and Multi Layer Perceptron
[24]. The first one is a Classification Rule Learner and works in a very easy way: it
accepts a training set as input and searches for a “1-rule” classifying instances on the
basis of a single variable (attribute). Initially, the algorithm ranks attributes according
to error rate on the training set then, if the attribute is numerical, the algorithm divides
the range of possible values into several disjoint intervals. In order to avoid
overfitting (that is when each interval contains only a value belonging to one class)
ONE-R permits to set a parameter named “bucket-size” that is the minimum number
of instances in an interval. We obtained the best performing ONE-R configuration
setting 7 as minimum number of instances in one interval. In figure 2 we report the
extracted rule (note that nu_LF can belong to only one interval, so only one prediction
is possible).
Fig. 2. Decision model for emotional status assessment learned through ONE-R algorithm on
healthy controls.
If nu_LF is in
[0; 29.35)
[29.45; 46.37)
[46.37; 64.25)
[64.25; 72.45)
[72.45; 100]
negative emotion predicted
positive emotion predicted
negative emotion predicted
positive emotion predicted
negative emotion predicted
[ . ; . ) inferior extreme included – superior extreme excluded
Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) is a particular Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
architecture also known as “feed forward architecture”, and it is composed by, at the
least, three different layers: input layer, hidden layer and output layer. Generally, the
hidden layer can be more then one and also the number of neurons into hidden layers
can also vary, where a neuron is the “simple” processing unit of the net.
As each ANN, MLP is a mathematical/computational model based on biological
neuronal networks and is commonly applied to model complex input/output
relationships or to identify data patterns of distribution/correlation. Structurally, an
ANN is composed by a set of neurons, linked each other by a large number of
(usually nonlinear) weighted connections. Each neuron is able to calculate a specific
function, given the inputs and the weights on the connections are adjusted in order to
minimize some criteria as, usually, the errors number.
Using MLP we have obtained the best results setting up the following net
parameters: only one the hidden layer with 5 neurons, Learning Rate=0.2,
Momentum=0.1 and 1000 training epochs. Moreover we have previously ranked the
variables by preprocessing the dataset by ONE-R WEKA Filter, which evaluates the
worth of an attribute by using the ONE-R strategy. Finally, the best results for MLP
were obtained selecting the first 8 ranked attributes (nu_LF, powerHF, STDRR,
gender, powerVLF, peakVLF, peakLF and peakHF). The MLP architecture is showed
in figure 2.
Fig. 3. Multi Layer Perceptron architecture.
3 Results
ONE-R procedure sorted out the nu_LF descriptor as the more significant spectral
parameter in the selected experimental conditions and for the study purpose. The
ONE-R allowed a good trade-off between the portion of correct sample/label
association on the entire training set (recognition) and the portion of correct
sample/label association on validation and independent test phases (generalization).
In table 3 we summarize our results both for ONE-R and MLP. For the first one,
an overall correct classification on training set (healthy controls) has been obtained on
about 76.0% of the instances, 81.0% and 69.0% of negative and positive emotions,
respectively; (tenfold cross-validation: 70.2%; leave-one-out validation: 71.1%).
When applied to the independent test set (posttraumatic subjects), the
classification accuracy performed by the ONE-R decision model was comparable:
70.3% of correct classification on the entire test set, 65% and 74% of positive and
negative emotions, respectively.
Despite the greater accuracy of the MLP on the entire training set (82.7% vs.
76.0%, for MLP and ONE-R respectively), MLP accuracy decreased to 47.11% and
46.11% on 10folds-cross and leave-one-out validation phases respectively. Moreover,
also the correct attribution for each class of emotion has decreased: 33.33% and
57.63% for positive and negative emotions, respectively, on 10folds-cross validation,
and 26.67% and 61.02% for positive and negative emotions, respectively, on leave-
one-out validation.
Furthermore, also on independent test phase MLP has provided lower reliability
than ONE-R approaches: 70.31% of accuracy for ONE-R versus 51.56% for MLP
(32% and 64.10% for positive and negative emotions respectively). All the results are
summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. Results One-R vs MLP.
Analysis of data: ONE-R vs MLP
On training data 10 Folds-cross Leave-one-out Independent Test Set
75.96% 70.19% 71.15% 70.31%
82.69% 47.11% 46.15% 51.56%
Attribution of positive emotions
On training data 10 Folds-cross Leave-one-out Independent Test Set
68.89% 57.78% 64.44% 68.00%
68.89% 33.33% 26.67% 32.00%
Attribution of negative emotions
On training data 10 Folds-cross Leave-one-out Independent Test Set
81.36% 79.66% 76.27% 71.79%
93.22% 57.63% 61.02% 64.10%
4 Comment
Although the HRV is an emerging objective measure also in neurophysiology, there is
still a lack of knowledge about a possible and tangible relationship between heart
activity and the emotional status assessment. On the other hand, Data Mining
techniques may offer practical advantages for analyzing data, also medical [25, 26],
and they have proved useful analysis tools in our study, searching for the most
reliable and frequent relationships between HRV parameters measured during
symphonic music listening and emotions subjectively reported by a group of 26
healthy subjects at the end of each listening. Several data mining methods have been
investigated and evaluated through the most suitable validation techniques. Reliability
of resulting relationships has been then tested on an independent test group of 16
posttraumatic patients, without algorithm retraining.
ONE-R algorithm (a classification rule learner) has provided the best
performances and reliability, identifying a single HRV parameter (notably the nu_LF
measure) as the most relevant for assessing the emotional status, both for healthy
controls and posttraumatic subjects.
In this study ONE-R proved more effective then the best MLP configuration and
provided a simple “if…then” rule. Furthermore, this rule can be easily applied, in
combination with the non-invasive technique for HRV data acquisition (by a
photopletismographic sensor), to evaluate the emotional conditions of unconscious
subjects (such as subjects in vegetative state) in order to establish, in a more objective
way, when is better to continue or interrupt any contact or stimulation.
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