with 794 training patterns and an increasing number of training epochs from 10
As shown in [7], parameters such as the number of training patterns and the
number of adjustable connections of NN (number of weights and thresholds) define
the computational complexity of the training algorithm and, therefore, exert influence
on its parallelization efficiency. Therefore, research efficiency scenarios should be
based on these parameters. In this case the purpose of our experimental research is to
answer the question: what is the minimal/enough number of MLP connections and
what is the minimal/enough number of training patterns in the input data set for the
parallelization of batch pattern BP training algorithm to be efficient on a general-
purpose high performance computer?
The following architectures of MLP are researched in order to provide the analysis
of efficiency: 3-3-1 (3 input neurons × 3 hidden neurons =
9 weights between the
input and the hidden layer +
3 weights between the hidden and the output layer + 3
thresholds of the hidden neurons and
1 threshold of the output neuron = 16
connections), 5-5-1 (36 connections), 5-10-1 (71 connections), 10-10-1 (121
connections), 10-15-1 (181 connections), 15-15-1 (256 connections), 20-20-1 (441
connections). The number of training patterns is changed as 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 400,
600 and 800. It is necessary to note that such MLP architectures and number of
training patterns are typical for most of neural-computation applications. During the
research the neurons of the hidden and output layers have logistic activation
functions. The number of training epochs is fixed to 10
. The learning rate is constant
and equal
01.0)( =t
The parallelization efficiency of the batch pattern BP training algorithm is
depicted in Figs. 3-5 on 2, 4 and 8 processors of NEC TX-7 respectively. The
S=Ts/Tp and E=S/p×100% are used to calculate a speedup and efficiency
of parallelization, where
Ts is the time of sequential executing the routine, Tp is the
time of parallel executing of the same routine on
p processors of parallel computer. It
is necessary to use the obtained results as the following: (i) first to choose the number
of parallel processors used (Fig. 3 or Fig. 4 or Fig. 5), (ii) then to choose the curve,
which characterizes the necessary number of perceptron’s connections and (iii) then
to get the value of parallelization efficiency from ordinate axes which corresponds to
the necessary number of training patterns on abscissa axes. For example, the
parallelization efficiency of the MLP 5-5-1 (36 connections) is 65% with 500 training
patterns on 4 processors of NEC TX-7 (see Fig. 4). Therefore the presented curves are
the approximation characteristics of a parallelization efficiency of the certain MLP
architecture on the certain number of processors of a general-purpose parallel
As it is seen from the Figs. 3-5, the parallelization efficiency is increasing when
the number of connections and the number of the training patterns is increased.
However, the parallelization efficiency is decreasing for the same scenario at
increasing the number of parallel processors from 2 to 8. The analysis of the Figs. 3-5
allows defining the minimum number of the training patterns which is necessary to
use for efficient parallelization of the batch pattern training algorithm at the certain
number of MLP connections (Table 1).