New Paradigm of Context based Programming-Learning
of Intelligent Agent
Andrey V. Gavrilov
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Kark Marx av., 20, 630092, Russia
Abstract. In this paper we propose new paradigm combining concepts “pro-
gramming”, “learning” and “context” for usage in development of control sys-
tem of mobile robots and other intelligent agents in smart environment. And we
suggest architecture of robot’s control system based on context and learning
with natural language dialog. The core of this architecture is associative memo-
ry for cross-modal learning. Main features and requirements for associative
memory and dialog subsystem are formulated.
1 Introduction
One of challenges in development of intelligent robots and other intelligent agents is
human-robot interface. Two kinds of such known interfaces are oriented on pro-
gramming and learning respectively. Programming is used usually for industrial ro-
bots and other technological equipment. Learning is more oriented for service and toy
There are many different programming languages for different kinds of intelligent
equipment, for industrial robots-manipulators, mobile robots, technological equip-
ment [1], [2]. The re-programming of robotic systems is still a difficult, costly, and
time consuming operation. In order to increase flexibility, a common approach is to
consider the work-cell programming at a high level of abstraction, which enables a
description of the sequence of actions at a task-level. A task-level programming envi-
ronment provides mechanisms to automatically convert high-level task specification
into low level code. Task-level programming languages may be procedure oriented
[3] and declarative oriented [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] and now we have a tendency to focus
on second kind of languages. But in current time basically all programming languag-
es for manufacturing are deterministic and not oriented on usage of learning and
fuzzy concepts like in service or military robotics. But it is possible to expect in fu-
ture reduction of this gap between manufacturing and service robotics.
On the other hand in service and especially domestic robotics most users are naive
about computer language and thus cannot personalize robots using standard pro-
gramming methods. So at last time robot-human interface tends to usage of natural
language [9], [10] and, in particular, spoken language [11], [12]. The mobile robot for
example must understand such phrases as “Bring me cup a of tea”, “Close the door”,
“Switch on the light”, “Where is my favorite book? Give it to me”, “When must I
Gavrilov A. (2009).
New Paradigm of Context based Programming-Learning of Intelligent Agent.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Networked embedded and control system technologies: European and Russian R&D cooperation,
pages 94-99
take my medication?”.
Using natural language dialog with mobile robot we have to link words and
phrases with process and results of perception of robot by neural networks. In [13] to
solve this problem the extension of robot programming language by introducing of
corresponding operators was proposed. But it seams that such approach is not enough
In this paper we suggest novel bio- and psychology-inspired approach combining
programming and learning with perception of robot based on usage of neural net-
works and context as result of recognition and concepts obtained by learning during
dialog in natural language. In this approach we do not distinguish learning and pro-
gramming and combine: a declarative (description of context) and procedural know-
ledge (routines for processing of context implementing elementary behavior) on the
one hand, learning in neural networks and ordering of behavior by dialog in natural
language on the other hand.
2 Proposed Paradigm and Architecture of Intelligent Agent
Our paradigm is based on relationships with other known paradigms and is shown in
Fig. 1. Relationships between paradigm “Context based Programming-Learning” and other
Concepts are associations between images (visual and others) and phrases (words) of
natural language. In simple case we will name as concept just name of them (phras-
es). These phrases are using for determination of context in which robot is perceiving
environment (in particular, natural language during dialog) and planning actions. We
will name them as context variables.
of Equipment
and Robots
paradigm in
based Pro-
paradigm in
Networks in
Fig. 2. Intelligent agent functional structure oriented on context based programming-learning.
Context is a tree of concepts (context variables) and is recognizing by sensor in-
formation and determining by dialog with user. Feedbacks between concepts/context
and recognition of images/phrases mean that recognition is controlled by already
recognized things.
Dialog with user aims to describe elementary behaviors and conditions for its start-
ing. To start any behavior the system recognizes corresponding concept-releaser as in
reactive paradigm of control system of robot.
Behavior is not influence on just actions but also on context. Moreover, behavior
may be not connecting directly with actions in environment. In this case we have only
thinking under context variables. And even when behavior is oriented on execution of
actions it is possible to block this connection and in this case we have any simulation
in mind sequence of actions (e.g., it may be mean as planning).
The associative memory must satisfy to follow requirements:
1) to allow usage of both analog and binary inputs/outputs,
2) to provide incremental learning,
3) to provide storing of chain of concepts (as behavior or scenarios).
The elementary behavior is similar to subroutine and contains sequence of actions
adaptable to context variables which may be viewed as parameters of subroutine. Of
cause, we need to use some primitives directly connecting with elementary actions
and describing parameters of these actions or basic context variables. Connections
between these primitives and words of natural language must be a prior knowledge of
robot obtaining at development of robot or during a preliminary teaching by special-
ist. It may be simple language similar to CBLR, proposed by author for context based
programming of industrial robots in [9], [14]. Feature of this language is absence of
Current context
Recognition (understanding)
of natural language
Recognition of images
Sequence of actions
Speech or text
Associative memory
different motion primitives. There we have just one motion primitive. All other primi-
tives aims to represent of context variables needed for execution of this motion primi-
tive. To distinguish these primitives and usually using motion or geometric primitives
we will call its below as output primitives.
3 Cross-Modal Incremental Learning and Associative Memory
Associative memory satisfied to above requirements may be based on hybrid ap-
proach and similar to Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) [15] or table based memory
proposed by author in [16].
Concept in Fig. 2 is more common thing as context. Concepts are introducing by
dialog subsystem for determination of objects, events, properties and abstraction. But
context consists of several concepts separated by three rules: 1) preliminary defined
concepts (names) are using as names of “parameters” to utilize in elementary beha-
vior (see 4); 2) some concepts are using as values of these “parameters”; 3) some
concepts (releasers) are using as names of any events causing any behavior.
Dialog subsystem must provide robustness to faults in sentences. For it implemen-
tation may be used approach proposed by author in [17] and based on semantic net-
works combining with neural networks algorithms. This approach is oriented on
fuzzy recognition of semantics. Dialog subsystem must provide attend the visual
recognition subsystem to link word (phrase) with recognizing image. In this case the
recognition subsystem create new cluster with center as current feature vector. And
couple of this feature vector and word (phrase) is storing in associative memory for
concepts. It may be as result of processing of follow sentence “This is table”. In con-
trast to that case when system processes sentence “Table is place for dinner” the new
cluster is not created and associative memory is used for storing of association be-
tween words (phrases).
Thus associative memory must be able to store associations between both couple
of symbolic information and couple of word (phrase) and feature vector. Besides
concept storing in associative memory must have some tags: basic concept (prelimi-
nary defined) or no, name or value, current context or no. And every concept in asso-
ciative memory must be able to link in chain with other ones. The order of concepts
in chain may be defined by dialog subsystem.
4 Output Primitives for Mobile Robot
Set of output primitives may be selected by different way. One approach to that is
determination of enough complex behaviors, such as “Find determined object”, “Go
to determined place” and so on. These actions may be named as motion primitives.
Determined object and place must be obtained from context as value of correspond-
ing context variable. And these variables may be viewed as another kind of output
primitives: context primitives. In this case such actions must include inside any strong
intelligence and ones limit capabilities to learn mobile robot. Another approach may
be based on very simple motion primitives such as “act”, which may be just one. If we
want to make capability to say anything by robot not only during dialog inside dialog
subsystem we need introduce also at least one motion primitive “say”. All another
output primitives are context primitives and ones define features of execution of pri-
mitive “act”. In other words ones are parameters of subroutine “act”. Examples of
robot’s context variables are shown in Table 1
Table 1. Examples of context primitives.
Name of context
Possible value
How this parameter influence
on execution of motion primi-
Object Name of object May be used in action “say”
Internal state Good, Bad, Normal May cause motion to or from
Direction Left, Right, Forward, Back May cause corresponding turn
depending on Internal state
Person Name of person May be used in action “say”
Obstacle distance Far, Middle, Close May be used in “act”
Obstacle type Static, Dynamic May be used in “act”
Speed Low, Normal, High May be used in “act”
5 Conclusions
In this paper we have suggested new paradigm combining programming and learning
of mobile robot based on usage of context and dialog in natural language. Architec-
ture of programming/learning of mobile robot was proposed. Some features of asso-
ciative memory and dialog subsystem were formulated. Now this architecture is de-
veloping for simulated mobile robot and then to be implemented in real robot. This
approach may be used for programming/learning of smart object in ambient intelli-
gence [18].
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