growth of the state space, we also recommend limiting the network monitoring to a
reasonable vicinity of the vehicle.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Survey of relevant literature is given
in section 2. Section 3 establishes modeling recurrent congestion and dynamic vehicle
routing for the problem. Section 4 presents experimental settings and discusses the
results. Finally, section 5 offers some concluding remarks.
2 Literature Survey
Shortest path problems with stochastic and time-dependent arc costs (STD-SP) are
first studied by Hall [1]. Hall showed that the optimal solution has to be an ‘adaptive
decision policy’ (ADP) rather than a single path. Hall [1] employed dynamic
programming (DP) approach to derive the optimal policy. Later, Fu [2] discussed
real-time vehicle routing based on the estimation of immediate arc travel times and
proposed a label-correcting algorithm as a treatment to the recursive relations in DP.
Waller and Ziliaskopoulos [3] suggested polynomial algorithms to find optimal
policies for stochastic shortest path problems with one-step arc and limited temporal
dependencies. For identifying paths with the least expected travel (LET) time, Miller-
Hooks and Mahmassani [4] proposed a modified label-correcting algorithm. Miller-
Hooks and Mahmassani [5] extends [4] by proposing algorithms that find the
expected lower bound of LET paths and exact solutions by using hyperpaths.
All of the studies on STD-SP assume deterministic temporal dependence of arc
costs, with the exception of [3] and [6]. Polychronopoulos and Tsitsiklis [7] is the first
study to consider stochastic temporal dependence of arc costs and to suggest using
online information en route. They defined environment state of nodes that is learned
only when the vehicle arrives at the source node. They considered the state changes
according to a Markovian process and employed a DP procedure to determine the
optimal policy. Kim et al. [8] studied a similar problem as in [7] except that the
information of all arcs are available real-time. They proposed a DP formulation where
the state space includes states of all arcs, time, and the current node. They stated that
the state space of the proposed formulation becomes quite large making the problem
intractable. They reported substantial cost savings from a computational study based
on the Southeast-Michigan’s road network. To address the intractable state-space
issue, Kim et al. [9] proposed state space reduction methods. A limitation of Kim et
al.[8], is the modeling and partitioning of travel speeds for the determination of arc
congestion states. They assume that the joint distribution of velocities from any two
consecutive periods follows a single unimodal Gaussian distribution, which cannot
adequately represent arc travel velocities for arcs that routinely experience multiple
congestion states. Moreover, they also employ a fixed velocity threshold (50 mph) for
all arcs and for all times in partitioning the Gaussian distribution for estimation of
state-transition probabilities (i.e., transitions between congested and uncongested
states). As a result, the value of real-time information is compromised rendering the
loss of performance of the dynamic routing policy. Our proposed approach addresses
all of these limitations.