Optimization of Digital Wireless Transceiver
Embedded System Built on Xilinx FPGA
Konstantin Tafintsev, Victor Barinov, Alexander Bahtin and Vyacheslav Litvinov
Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University)
Telecommunication Systems Department
Pas. 4806 bld. 5, Zelenograd, 124498 Moscow, Russia
Abstract. FPGA is becoming the most popular technology for developing new
wireless systems. It makes design flow easier to realize even in a small
company or academic institution with limited resources (human and/or budget).
But when system is ready to enter production stage some drawbacks may stop
its further progress. A short description of the wireless transceiver project for
mobile vehicles is presented. Drawbacks are highlighted. The most critical of
them, that reduces market attractiveness, is cost. To reduce cost a decision has
been made to replace expensive Virtex4 by cheaper Spartan3 FPGA. This
required making some changes in architecture. But the most part of previously
created software and firmware were reused in new design.
1 Introduction
Today we can see a rapid growing market demand of high-rate wireless
communication lines for mobile vehicles: cars, trains, ships, even more for unmanned
vehicles. This communication line could be used to create ad-hoc type networks.
Typical requirements for wireless transceivers of this communication line are
Data rate up to 10 Mbits per second for uplink (to base station or control site);
Data rate up to 100 kbits per second for downlink (control commands to mobile
Traffic types: high resolution color video, voice, control commands and
Vehicle speed from 0 up to 1000 km/h.
Existing and successfully selling technologies such as WiFi and WiMAX were
tried to solve the problem but they do not fit requirement and are unusable. Fast
movement of communicating objects causes OFDM signal structure totally degraded.
Mobile WiMAX is not stable for today also. These technologies are too complex and
have excessive functionality for asynchronous managed or ad-hoc networks.
Furthermore implementations of WiFi and WiMAX modules presented at the market
do not allow measuring power and other characteristics overload baseband and
network layer logic required for cross layer optimization.
Tafintsev K., Barinov V., Bahtin A. and Litvinov V. (2009).
Optimization of Digital Wireless Transceiver Embedded System Built on Xilinx FPGA.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Networked embedded and control system technologies: European and Russian R&D cooperation,
pages 26-30
Worth mentioning that flexible and energy efficient ad-hoc networks needed cross
layer interaction, another words, tight communication between baseband processing
and software implementing network management should be enabled.
The challenge we have stated to ourselves is to create wireless digital
communication line for mobile vehicles with parameters and characteristics described
2 Existing System
There is a short description of currently existing wireless transceiver that was
designed at our labs. The transceiver uses super heterodyne architecture that
implemented in two parts: analogue front-end and digital baseband processing
coupled with control unit based on embedded system with embedded Linux OS
running on PowerPC 405 CPU (Fig.1).
Fig. 1. Wireless transceiver embedded system.
Analog front-end made as digital-IF heterodyne architecture [1] and is presented
on Fig.2. This architecture has some advantages and disadvantages:
only single channel ADC and DAC are used,
quadrature modulation/demodulation is in digital domain,
absence of quadrature imbalance due to demodulation made in digital domain.
high sample rates and dynamic range of AD/DA converters is required to
digitize IF,
extra band pass filtering stage (BPF2) for image rejection,
reduced ability of miniaturization due to a big amount of external components.
Fig. 2. Wireless transceiver analog front-end. f
– carrier frequency; f
– intermediate
frequency; f
– image center frequency; f
– local oscillator frequency.
FIFO, frame
HW core
Ethernet MAC
External com
onents: FLAS
, DRAM, Eth PHY etc.
Fig. 3. Existing embedded system architecture for wireless transceiver based on Xilinx Virtex
Main drawback of described transceiver is its cost. Main part of the transceiver is a
Virtex 4 FPGA. This FPGA is very comfortable for engineer and is as flexible as it
allows changing design and debugging in a very simple way. However, the price of
Virtex 4 is few thousand dollars and it really disappoints potential customer.
Another one disadvantage is high sample rates of converters and additional
bandpass filter stage for image rejection. The SAW filters are used in this
architecture. They are expensive too and can not be used in reconfigurable SDR.
3 Modified Transceiver Architecture
Fig. 4. Modified analog front-end architecture.
Fig. 5. Modified embedded system architecture for wireless transceiver.
As it can be seen after replacement of Virtex4 FPGA with Spartan3 embedded
processor and peripheral bus are also changed from Power PC 405 hard-IP and PLB-
bus to MicroBlaze soft-IP and OPB-bus. Fortunately there is Linux kernel and drivers
for both architectures [2]. But we need to find proper Linux distribution for embedded
Xilinx MicroBlaze CPU. A number of Linux embedded distributions are presented in
Table 1.
Table 1. Embedded Linux Distributions supporting Xilnx FPGA embedded CPUs.
Name URL Supported
License Real-time
ELDK www.denx.de PPC only free soft
Petalinux www.petalogix.com MB only free ?
BlueCat www.lynuxworks.com both commercial soft/hard
MontaVista www.montavistalinux.com both commercial soft/hard
WindRiver www.windriver.com both commercial soft/hard
As we decided too reduce cost we refused commercial Linux distributions such as
BlueCat, MontaVista and WindRiver. PetaLinux is the best choice for us.
Unfortunately it does not have any real-time support. Possible solution is to use
another SW platform, Quantum Leaps [3], for example. But major code revision will
be required even more totally new code should be created.
Currently a novel ad-hoc network architecture is under development. One of the
challenges we faced is to reduce real-time requirements of this network protocol. To
determine what degree of real-time is requred the ad-hoc network immitation should
be evaluated. This network can be created with cheap Spartan FPGA based
development kits like “Spartan 3A Starter Kit” [4] with embedded PetaLinux
4 Conclusions
Two different wireless transceiver architectures are described. The first one has
critical drawbacks that blocked successful entering to the market. The main core of
the transceiver is an embedded system built on FPGA. The solution is to replace more
powerful but expensive Virtex4 by Spartan3 FPGA. Such replacement requires to
make some architecture improvements that were found and now are being
implemened. Also a novel methods and algorithms of ad-hoc networks managing can
be verified on this platform. We expect that this architecture with novel ad-hoc
networking will help us to start commercial producing and distribution.
1. Gianini, V., Craninckx, J., Baschirotto, A.: Baseband Analog Circuits for Software Defined
Radio, Springer, Dordrecht (2008).
2. Xilinx Open Source Linux Wiki, http://xilinx.wikidot.com
3. Quantum Leaps Innovating Embedded Systems, http://www.state-machine.com
4. Spartan-3A Starter Kit, http://www.xilinx.com/products/devkits/HW-SPAR3A-SK-UNI-