Figure 7: BIA Prototype.
enployees to guarantee a fast processing.
Fig.7 shows our prototype system that consists of
an integrated data warehouse system as well as ex-
tended BIA analysis and ETL facilities. These ex-
tended ETL facilities enable the integration of oper-
ational and process data based on their correlations
which are introduced in (Radesch¨utz et al., 2008).
For performing the extended analysis techniques
BIA-OLAP and BIA-Mining, we developed a BIA-
Cube Model that holds both operational data and pro-
cess data dimensions. We extended the usual OLAP
operators by a new function BIASUB in order to sup-
port the right query abstraction and efficiency. Early
experience shows the usefulness of the architecture
and the benefits obtained by the BIA approach. A
practical example that sketches the assets behind our
BIA approach is given in Section 4.4.
In our future work we will further explore the
adaption of data and process mining algorithms for
process optimization in order to develop concrete
BIA-OLAP and BIA-Mining algorithms for realizing
the analysis examples introduced in this paper.
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KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing