J. M. Herrero, X. Blasco, M. Martínez and J. Sanchis
Instituto Universitario de Automática e Informática Industrial, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain
Multiobjective optimization, Evolutionary algorithms, Predictive control.
In this article a procedure to tune robust Generalized Predictive Controllers (GPC) is presented. To tune
the controller parameters a multiobjective optimization problem is formulated so the designer can consider
conflicting objectives simultaneously without establishing any prior preference. Moreover model uncertainty,
represented by a list of possible models, is considered. The multiobjective problem is solved with a specific
Evolutionary Algorithm (ev-MOGA). Finally, an application to a non-linear thermal process is presented to
illustrate the technique.
Generalized predictive control (GPC) (Clarke et al.,
1987a) (Clarke et al., 1987b) has been shown to be an
effective way of controlling single-input single-output
processes. The strategy proposed by GPC is simple to
understand and makes good practical sense: predict
the behaviour of the output as a function of future con-
trol increments and minimize over these increments a
cost index. This cost includes the errors between pre-
dicted and desired outputs and the control effort. De-
spite its advantages, tuning GPC methods are based
on a linear models, which are usually adjusted around
an operating point. When the process operates out-
side the validity zone of the model (where differences
between model and process behaviour increase) poor
control performance is obtained since in that case the
tuning is suboptimal even close-loop stability could
take place.
To avoid that, robust GPC tuning approach is as-
sumed. In this case model uncertainties are taking
into account to cover non-modelled dynamics (such
as non linearities, high frequency dynamics, and so
on) and measurement noise (Reinelt et al., 2002). The
simpler the model is the bigger uncertainties are, pro-
ducing an excess of conservativeness in the tuning
result, which give as a result a loss of performance
in the close-loop control. Therefore the goal is to
achieve robust tunings with good performance at the
same time, for instance, minimizing error or control
effort. Objectives that are usually in contraposition.
The GPC tuning methodology that is presented
tries to achieve that goal by:
• Using non-linear parametric models with uncer-
tainty. The uncertainty is consider by means of a
set of models, the Feasible Parameter Set (FPS
Although the real process is not known, assume
that it lies within the FPS
(Walter and Piet-
Lahanier, 1990).
• Proposing a Multiobjective optimization (MO)
GPC tuning approach.
Optimal tuning considers not only a nominal model
but the FPS adjusting the controller parameters for
the worst case (the most unfavorable model). More-
over, because the tuning method has to consider
conflicting objectives, an optimization multiobjective
problem is stated where each objective minimizes the
maximum cost function for all the models in the un-
certainty description.
Multiobjective optimization (MO) techniques
present advantages as compared with single objective
optimization techniques due to the possibility of giv-
ing a solution with different trade-offs among differ-
ent individual objectives so that the Decision Maker
(DM) can select an appropriate final solution.
The presence of multi-modal MO functions and
non-convex constrined spaces needs optimizer with
good performance. A good choice are stochastic op-
timizers such as the Evoluationary Algorithms (EAs)
(Coello et al., 2002) that can work well with multi-
modal and non-convex problems, in particular, the al-
M. Herrero J., Blasco X., Martínez M. and Sanchis J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, pages 263-268
DOI: 10.5220/0002269102630268