tools, reuse, organizational-economical, documental, and others elements are
Certain elements of architectural representation we shall name aggregates. Thus,
the architectural aggregate (AA) represents a base element of the system design
AA, describing not all aspects, is named an abstract. Complete AA (describing all
project aspects), which cannot be realized now by a concrete team in an element base
accessible to it, we name virtual. It mast be said, that AA virtuality can be determined
not only by objective limitation of the element base, but also by subjective
restrictions, such as requirements specification, predilections, and interests of the
team. Accordingly, complete AA for which there are all necessary conditions of
realization, we shall consider realizable.
The system model expressed in AA terms, we shall name architectural model or A-
model of the system. A-model can be abstract, virtual and realizable.
Abstract A-model contains at least one abstract AA. The model essentially
unrealizable and demands further completion. But such models have their way of
application, namely, such models should be considered as platforms. Abstract A-
models, passed in the category of the standard platforms is possible to consider
standard interfaces, protocols, computational cores, operational systems, and many
others. Some abstract A-models are convenient as a reusable platform within the team
bounds which can fix the certain successful decision, designate a direction of
development, to provide continuity, having determined abstract A-model of the
system and developing it in variety of concrete applications.
Virtual A-model. In such model abstract AA’s are not present, but there is at least
one virtual AA. Such model cannot be realized because of the virtual AA’s, but it is
already completely determined and, in principle, can be realized if to expand
accessible element base. For successful realization of the model it is necessary to get
rid of virtual AA’s. It is achieved in two ways: by changing the model or changing
external factors. In the first case developers change model (carry out design process)
until virtual AA’s don’t remain in its structure. In the second case the model remains
constant, and external factors vary (requirements specification accurate definition
along the lines of restrictions changes; team education; transition to other
computational cores; use of new technologies for team).
Realizable A-model consists only of realizable AA. Such model can be realized by
the team in an element base and a technology accessible to it.
During designing of target system at the initial stages there is a concrete definition
and verification of A-model. The result of that becomes "golden" model. The
"golden" model is the verified and fixed architectural model of the system, which is
not limiting ways of the implementation. An important task of the "golden" model
becomes a creation of initial specifications for developers who are engaged in final
realization of components and units of the system. Being A-model the "golden" model
specifies the whole set of aspects of ES being realized.
An architectural platform acts as the reuse tool of the conceptual decisions within
the bounds of aspect ideology. The architectural platform should be considered as
association of following elements of design:
− aspect space of design process (the list of design aspects);
− model (models) of computation (MoC, behavioral aspect);