Early Creation of Cross Toolkits for Embedded Systems
Nikolay Pakulin and Vladimir Rubanov
Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Abstract. Cross toolkits (assembler, linker, debugger, simulator, profiler) play a
key role in the development cycle of embedded systems. Early creation of cross
toolkits and possibility to quickly adapt them allows using them as early as at
the hardware/software codesign stage, which becomes an important success fac-
tor for the entire project. Challenging issues for cross toolkits development is
efficiency of simulation and CPU instruction set alterations at the design phase.
Developing cross toolkits in C/C++ produces highly efficient tools but requires
extensive rework to keep up with instruction set changes. Approaches based on
automatic toolkit generation from some top level specifications in Architecture
Description Languages (ADLs) are less sensitive to this problem but they produce
inefficient tools, especially simulators. This paper introduces a new approach to
cross toolkits development that combines the flexibility of ADL and efficiency
of C/C++ based approaches. This approach was implemented in the MetaDSP
framework, which was successfully applied in several industrial projects.
1 Introduction
Nowadays we witness emerging of various embedded systems with rather tough con-
straints (chip size, power consumption, performance) not only for aerospace and mil-
itary applications but also for industry and even consumer electronics. The constant
trend of cost and schedule reduction in microelectronics hardware design and devel-
opment makes it reasonable to develop customized computing systems for particular
applications and gives new momentum to the market of embedded systems. Such sys-
tems consist of a dedicated hardware platform developed for a particular application
and a problem-specific software optimized for that hardware.
The process of simultaneous design and development of hardware and software
components of an embedded system is usually referred to as hardware/software code-
sign and codevelopment. This broad term covers a number of subprocess or activities
related to embedded system creation:
1. design phase, including functional design, when requirements are studied and trans-
formed into functional architechture, and hardware/software partitioning, when func-
tions are divided between hardware and software components;
2. development phase or software/hardware codevelopment when both hardware and
software teams develop their components; both development activities may influ-
ence each other;
3. verification; it spans from unit and module tests to early integration testing in sim-
Pakulin N. and Rubanov V. (2009).
Early Creation of Cross Toolkits for Embedded Systems.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Networked embedded and control system technologies: European and Russian R&D cooperation,
pages 108-119
Hardware/software codesign and codevelopment are crutial factors for success of
embedded systems. They reduce time-to-market by better parallelization of the devel-
opment wrokflows, and improve the quality by enabling early identification of design
flaws and optimization the performance of the product.
Cross toolkits play an important role in hardware/software codesign and codevel-
opment. Primary components of such cross toolkits are assembler, linker, simulator,
debugger, and profiler. Unlike chip production, development of cross toolkits does not
require precise hardware design description; it is sufficient to have just a high-level
definition of the target hardware platform: the memory/register architecture and the in-
struction set with timing specification. This allows developing cross tools as soon as
the early design stages even if the detailed VHDL/Verilog specification is not ready yet.
Cross tools could be used in the following scenarios:
Hardware prototyping and design space exploration (e.g. [4] and [15]) early
development, execution and profiling of sample programs allows study and esti-
mation of the overall design adequacy as well as efficiency of particular design
ideas such as adding/removing instructions, functional blocks, registers or whole
Early software development including development, debugging and optimizing the
software before the target hardware production.
Hardware design validation. The developed cross-simulator could be used to run
test programs against VHDL/Verilog-based simulators. This capability could not
be overestimated for the quality assurance before the actual silicon production.
1.1 Paper Overview
In this paper, we present a new approach to cross toolkit development to be used in
hardware/software co-development environments. The method enables software devel-
opers to create the cross tools as early as the system design phase, to follow rapidly
hardware design changes, most notably instruction set modifications, thus reducing the
overall time frame of the design phase.
The article is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses generic requirements to
cross toolkit develpment that hardware/software codevelopment imposes. Section 3
presents the new ADL language for defining instruction set called ISE. Section 4 in-
troduces MetaDSP framework for cross toolkit development that uses hybrid hardware
description with both high-level ADL part and efficient C/C++ part. Section 5 briefly
overviews several industrial applications of ISE and MetaDSP framework. Conclusion
summarizes the lessons learned and gives some perspectives for future development.
2 Hardware/Software Codesign and Codevelopment
Requirements to Cross Toolkit Development
Let’s consider a typical co-development process depicted at the fig. 1. The development
process involves at least two teams - one is working on the hardware part of the system
while another one focuses on software development.
2.1 Related Work
Efficient cross toolkit development process requires automation to minimize time and
effort necessary to update the toolkit to match new requirements. Such automation is
built around a machine-readable definition of the target hardware platform. There are
three groups of languages suitable for this task:
Hardware Definition Languages (HDL, [10]) used for detailed definition of the
Architecture Description Languages (ADL, [9] and [13]) used for high-level de-
scription of the hardware;
and general purpose programming languages (such as C/C++).
HDL specifications define CPU operations with very high level of detail. All three
major modern HDL VHDL [5], Verilog [6], and SystemC [7] have execution en-
vironments that can serve as a simulator to run any assembly language programs for
the target CPU: Synopsys VCS, Mentor Graphics ModelSim, Cadence NC-Sim and
other. Still, low performance of HDL-based simulators is one of the major obstacles
for HDL application in cross toolkit development. Another issue is the late moment of
HDL description availability: it appears after completing the instruction set design and
functional decomposition. Furthermore, HDL does not contain an explicit instruction
set definition that makes automated assembler/disassembler development impossible.
These issues prevent from using HDL to automate cross toolkit development.
Architecture Description Languages (such as nML[1], ISDL[2], EXPRESSION[3])
are under active development during the recent decade. There are tools created for rapid
hardware prototyping at the high level including cross toolkit generation. Correspond-
ing approaches are really good for early design phase since they help to explore key
design decisions. Unfortunately, at the later design stages details in an ADL description
become smaller, the size of the description grows and sooner or later it comes across the
limitations of the language. As a result, is breaks the efficiency of the simulator gener-
ated from the ADL description and makes the profiler to give only rough performance
estimates without clear picture of bottlenecks. Cross toolkits completely generated from
an ADL description are not applicable for industrial-grade software development yet.
Manual coding with C or C++ language gives full control over all possible details
and allows creation of cross toolkits of industrial quality and efficiency. Many compa-
nies offer services on cross toolkit development in C/C++ (e.g. TASKING, Raisonance,
Signum Systems, ICE Technology, etc.). Still it requires significant efforts and (what
is more important) time to develop the toolkit from scratch and maintain it aligned
with the requirements. Long development cycle makes it almost impossible to use cross
toolkits developed in C/C++ for hardware prototyping and design space exploration.
3 ISE Language
We developed ISE (Instruction Set Extension) language to specify hardware design ele-
ments that are subject to most frequent changes: memory architecture and CPI instruc-
tion set. ISE description is used to generate assembler and disassembler tools com-
pletely and to generate components of the linker, debugger and simulator tool.
The following considerations guided the language design:
the structure of an ISE description should follow the typical structure of an instruc-
tion set reference manual (like [14] or [12]) that usually serve as the input for the
ISE description development;
support for irregular encoding of instructions typical for embedded DSP applica-
tions including support for large number of various formats, distributed encoding
of operands in the word, etc.;
operational definition of data types, logic and arithmetic instructions, other exe-
cutable entities should be specified in a C-like programming language.
ISE module consists of 7 sections:
1. .architecture defines global CPU architecture properties such as pipeline stages,
CPU resources (buses, ALUs, etc.), initial CPU state;
2. .storage defines memory structure including memory ranges, I/O ports, access
3. .ttypes and .otypes define data type to represent registers and instruction operands;
4. .instructions defines CPU instruction set (see 3.1);
5. .aspects defines various aspects of binary encoding of CPU instructions or specifies
additional resources or operational semantics of instructions;
6. .conflicts specifies constraints on sequential execution of instructions such as po-
tential write after read register or bus conflict; assembler uses conflict constraints
to automatically insert NOP instructions to prevent conflicts during software exe-
3.1 Instruction Definition
.instruction section is the primary section an ISE module. It defines the instruction set
of the target CPU. For each instruction cross toolkit developers can specify:
mnemonics and binary encoding;
reference manual entry;
instruction properties and resources used;
instruction constraints and inter-instruction dependencies;
definition of execution pipeline stage.
Mnemonics part of an instruction definition is a template string that specifies fixed
part of mnemonics (e.g. ADD, MOV), optional suffixes (e.g. ADDC or ADDS) and operands.
A singe instruction might have several definitions depending on the operand types. For
example, MOV instruction could have different definitions for register-register operation,
register-memory and memory-memory operations.
Binary encoding is a template that specifies how to encode/decode instructions de-
pending on the instruction name, suffixes and operands.
Reference manual entry is a human-readable specification of the instruction.
Properties and resources specify external aspects of the instruction execution such
as registers that it reads and writes, buses that the instruction accesses, flags set etc. This
information is used to detect and resolve conflicts by the assembler tool. Besides this the
instruction definition might specify explicit dependencies on preceding or succeeding
instructions in the constraints and dependencies section.
ISE language contains an extension of C programming language called ISE-C. This
extension is used to specify execution of the operation on each pipeline stage. ISE-C
has extra types for integer and fixed point arithmetic of various bit length, new built-in
bit operators (e.g. shift with rotation), built-in primitives for bit handling. ISE-C has
some grammar extension for handling operands and optional suffixes in mnemonics.
Furthermore ISE-C expression can use a large number of functions implemented in ISE
core library.
An example of instruction specification is presented at figure 2.
Please note that unlike classic ADL languages ISE specification does not provide
the complete CPU model. The purpose of ISE is to simplify definition of the elements
that are subject to the most frequent changes. All the rest of the model is specified using
C/C++ code. This separation allows for flexible and maintainable hardware definition
along with high performance and cycle-precise simulation.
4 Application to the Codevelopment Process
The proposed hybrid ADL/C++ hardware definition is supported by the MetaDSP frame-
work for cross-toolkit development. The framework is intended for use by software
developers. Typical use case is as following:
1. hardware developers provide the software team with hardware definition in the form
of ISE specification;
2. software developers generate cross tools from the specification;
3. software team develops the software in Embedded-C[8] and build using the gener-
ated cross-assembler and cross-compiler;
4. the machine code is executed and profiled in simulator.
To support this use case the framework includes:
ISE translator that generates components of cross tools from the ISE specification;
pre-defined components for ISE development (e.g. ISE-C core functions library);
an IDE for hardware definition development (in ISE and C++), target software de-
velopment (in Embedded C and assembly languages), controlled execution within
simulator; the Embedded C compiler supports a number of optimizations specific
for DSP applications[11].
The figure 3 presents the structure of the MetaDSP framework.
MetaDSP toolkit uses ISE specification to generate cross tools and components.
For example, the MetaDSP tools generate assembler and disassembler tools completely
from the ISE specification. For linker MetaDSP generates information about instruc-
tion binary encodings, instruction operands and relocatable instructions. Debugger and
profiler use memory structures and operand types from the ISE specification.
The cycle-precise simulator is an important part of the toolkit. Figure 4 presents its
architecture. MetaDSP tools generate several components from the ISE specification:
memory implementation (from .storage section), resources (from .architectu-
This is a C-style block comment.
// This is a C++-style one-line comment.
// <ALU001> - the identifier of the definition.
// ADD[S:A][C:B] - instruction mnemonics with
// optional parts. Actually defines 4 instruc-
// tions: ADD, ADDS, ADDC, ADDSC.
// GRs, GRt - identifiers of a general-purpose
// register. Rules for binary encoding of GRs
// and GRt are defined in .otypes section.
<ALU001> ADD[S:A][C:B] {GRs}, {GRt}
// Binary encoding rule.
// For example, "ADDC R0, R1" is encoded as
// 0111-0001-1000-1001
// The reference manual string.
"ADD[S][C] GRs, GRt"
// instruction properties:
// reads the registers GRs and GRt,
// writes the register GRs.
properties [ wgrn:GRs, rgrn:GRs, rgrn:GRt ]
// Operation of the EXE pipeline stage
// specifies using ISE-C language.
action {
alu_temp = GRs + GRt;
// If the suffix ‘C’ is set in mnemonics
// use ‘getFlag’ function from the core
// library.
if (#B) alu_temp += getFlag(ACO);
// If the suffix ‘S’ is set in mnemonics
// use ‘SAT16’ function from the core
// library.
if (#A) alu_temp = SAT16(alu_temp);
GRs = alu_temp;
Fig. 2. An example of instruction specification.
re section), instruction implementations and decoding tables (from .instruction
section), as well as conflicts detector and instruction metadata.
Within the presented approach certain components are specified in C++:
control logic, including pipeline control (if any), address generation, instruction
memory control;
model of the peripheral devices including I/O ports.
16-bit RISC DSP CPU with support for Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) sound com-
pression algorithm. Produced 25 major releases of the cross-toolkit.
32-bit RISC DSP CPU with support for Fourier transform and other DSP exten-
sions. Produced 39 major releases of the cross-toolkit.
16/32-bit RISC CPU clone of ARM9 architecture.
16/32-bit VLIW DSP CPU with support for Fourier transform, DMA, etc. Produced
33 major releases of the cross-toolkit.
The following list summarizes lessons learned from the practical applications of the
approach. We compared time and effort needed in a pure C++ development cycle of
cross toolkits with the ISE-enabled process:
size of assembler, disassembler and simulator sources (excluding generated code),
in lines of code: reduced by 12 times;
cross-toolkit development team (excluding C compiler development): reducing from
10 to 3 engineers;
number of errors detected in the presentation of hardware specifications in cross
tools: reduction by the factor of more than 10;
average duration of the toolkit update: reduced from several days to hours (even
minutes in many cases).
5.1 Performance Study
This section presents a performance study of a production implementation of the AMR
sound compression algorithm. The study was performed on Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz.
The size of the implementation was 119 C source files and 142 C header files, and
25 files in the assembly language; total size of sources was 20.2 thousand LOC without
comments and empty lines. The duration of the audio sample (10 seconds voice speech)
lasted 670 million of cycles on the target hardware.
Table 1 presents elapsed time measurements of the generated cross tools for the
AMR case study. Table 2 presents measurements of the generated simulator in MCPS
(millions of cycles per second).
Table 1. AMR sample – cross toolkit performance.
Operation Duration, sec.
Translation (.c .asm) 22
Assembly (.asm .obj) 14
Link (.obj .exe) 1
Build, total 37
Execution on the audio sample
(fast mode)
Execution on the audio sample
(debug mode with profiling)
Table 2. AMR sample – simulator performance.
Execution mode MCPS
Fast mode 12.6
Debug mode with profiling 7.2
Peak performance on a synthetic sam-
6 Conclusions
The paper presents an approach to automation of cross toolkit development for special-
purpose embedded systems such as DSP and microcontrollers. The approach aims at
creation the cross tools, namely assembler/disassembler, linker, simulator, debugger,
and profiler, at early stages of system design. Early creation of the cross tools gives
opportunity to prototype and estimate efficiency of design variations, co-development of
the hardware and software components of the target embedded system, and verification
and QA of the hardware specifications before silicon production.
The presented approach relies on a two-level description of the target hardware:
description of the most flexible part the instruction set and memory model using
the new ADL language called ISE and description of complex fine grained functional
aspects of CPU operations using a general purpose programming language (C/C++).
Having ADL descriptions along with a framework to generate components of the target
cross toolkits and common libraries brings high level of responsiveness to frequent
changes in the initial design that are a common issue for modern industrial projects.
Using C/C++ gives cycle-accurate simulation and overall efficiency of the cross toolkits
that meets the needs of industrial developers. The approach is supported by a family of
tools comprising MetaDSP framework.
The approach is applicable to various embedded systems with RISC core architec-
tures. It supports simple pipelines with fixed number of stages, multiple memory banks,
instructions with fixed and variable cycle count. These facilities cover most of mod-
ern special purpose CPUs (esp. DSP) and embedded systems. Still some features of
modern general purpose high performance processors lay beyond the capabilities of the
presented approach: superscalar architectures, microcode, instruction multi-issue, out-
of-order execution. Besides this, the basic memory model implemented in MetaDSP
does not support caches, speculative access, etc.
Despite the limitations of the approach mentioned above it was successfully applied
in a number of industrial projects including 16 and 32-bit RISC DSPs and 16/32 ARM
CPUs. Number of major design changes (with corresponding releases of cross toolkits)
ranged in those projects from 25 to 40. The industrial applications of the presented
approach proved the concept of using the hybrid ADL/C++ description for automated
development of cross toolkits in a volatile design process.
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