Unıversal Wireless Sensor Networks Technology
Platform and its Applications
L. S. Voskov
, P. B. Panfilov
, A. N. Vabischevich
, M. M. Komarov
and S. G. Efremov
VEK-21 Ltd., Startovaya str., 33-105, Moscow, 129336, Russia
Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics
Wireless Sensor networks Laboratory, Department of Computer Systems and Networks
B. Tryohsvyatitelsky, 3, Moscow, 109028, Russia
Abstract. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are becoming more and more
popular due to the growing area of their application. However, finding a single
approach to different tasks is rather difficult, as each task has its own
peculiarities. In this paper we propose a universal hardware platform as the first
step to a quicker development of finished solutions based on WSN. We
demonstrate the use of our platform in different types of applications.
1 Introduction
A wireless sensor network [8] is a distributed self-organizing network, consisting of
miniature electronic devices, which exchange data through wireless channels. These
devices (nodes) do not require special installation and do need to be serviced. The key
feature of a sensor network is a possibility of retranslating messages from one node to
another, which allows covering large territories without using high-power
A common node of a WSN uses the ZigBee standard for wireless data
transmission. The ZigBee is an international open standard, which was developed by
the ZigBee Alliance. This standard allows using wireless connection with low-power
consumption for different applications for monitoring and/or management. The
Zigbee supports different network topologies, it has special network functions for
self-organization as well as several methods to ensure secure transmission.
The most popular applications for WSN are different monitoring systems (e.g.
security monitoring), different management and control systems (climate-control,
home automation systems etc.), remote access control and positioning systems
(tracking systems).
2 Universal Platform for WSN [1]
A proprietary universal wireless sensor network (WSN) platform was proposed,
developed and released by the Wireless Sensor Networks Lab (VEK-21 Ltd.) of the
Department of Computer Systems and Networks at Moscow State Institute of
Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM) (Fig. 1) because now it’s necessary to use