Ontology Explorer
Matteo Busanelli, Massimo Bondi and Nicola Gessa
ENEA Bologna, Via Martiri di Monte Sole 4, Bologna, Italy
Keywords: OWL, Ontology, AJAX, GWT, Browser, Semantic Web, Web Usability.
Abstract: OWL ontologies are one of the fundamental bricks of the Semantic Web architecture. In spite of this,
ontology visualization on a web browser is nowadays not so easy; commercial browsers just show
ontologies in plain text, with the OWL code. To avoid this, many ontology developers have implemented,
together with their own ontologies, specific web applications to display them. But this can not be the right
direction: a common Internet user does not have an easy way to browse an online ontology. Starting from a
wide analysis of these applications for ontology visualization, considering their limitations and the last
solutions for the development of dynamic web tools, the authors propose a GWT based architecture that,
exploiting AJAX technologies, can ease the interfacing of web users with OWL ontologies.
Starting from the first paper that delineated the
vision of the Semantic Web (Berners-Lee et al.,
2001) many efforts have been done to produce
specifications, technologies, guidelines and so on to
develop this vision, where data could be understood
by automatic applications. The architecture of the
Semantic Web nowadays is strongly based on the
definition of a set of technologies, (XML, RDF,
etc.). Among these, OWL, a language for ontology
definition, is surely one of the fundamental.
Ontologies have been defined in different ways.
One of them is “An ontology is an explicit
specification of a conceptualization” (Gruber, 1995);
ontologies should then represent the “knowledge
below plain data. They can perhaps be considered as
the meeting point between the human vision and the
automatic applications. For this reason new tools
should be provided to help users that are non expert
in software or informative tools, to approach the
Semantic Web technologies.
Starting from these considerations, our work
targets to the development of a web-based tool that
could represent the right support for those that do
not know (and that also do not want to know)
anything about the technologies underling
ontologies, but that can obtain from them serious
advantages in their activities. After the analysis of
the limits of the main common software for ontology
management, we present an innovative web
application, named Ontology Explorer, for the
ontology browsing that, avoiding installation or
configuration activities, aims to improve the
usability and comprehensibility of ontologies that
are published online. In our perspective, ontology
browsing is a relevant feature that should be well
supported by a software architecture that aims to
improve the ontology and Semantic Web usability.
In the next section we will present the state of art
about web applications for ontology browsing.
Section 3 will present our design approach for the
development of the application. In section 4 we will
more deeply describe the implemented interface and
the functionalities, detailing the innovative aspects
we have introduced in respect of other solutions.
In chapter 5 we will describe our first
conclusions and the future developments.
The first consideration starting this work was that
ontologies are written in OWL file, and this format
is not well supported by browsers like Internet
Explorer™ or Opera™, that are not able to represent
OWL files in a convenient manner, but instead in
Busanelli M., Bondi M. and Gessa N. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 83-88
DOI: 10.5220/0002270200830088
general show the plain XML representation.
Studying the state of art, our main references
have been a set of web applications for ontology
browsing and Protégé, which is a widespread java-
based desktop application for ontology management.
Regarding the web applications, we have
selected and analysed a set of 9 products. They are:
Owl to Ace (Kaljurand, 2006): transforms
an OWL ontology in Attempto Controlled
English (ACE). It can be considered, instead of a
browser, like an application that translates an
ontology from a machine-readable form in a
human-readable one.
HarmonISA Ontology Viewer (Hall,
), Csml Ontology Viewer (Jeong et al.,
2006), Nature Navigator (the guide - What is
Nature Navigator?, 2007), IASCF Taxonomy
Viewer (International Accounting Standards
Committee Foundation., 2005): allow the
visualisation and browsing of a predefined
ontology. It is based on a set of html pages
linked each other.
RxNav (Lussier, & Bodenreider, 2007):
allows the browsing of a specific predefined
ontology about pharmaceutical products. It is
based on a java application that is invoked by the
link on a web page.
Ontology Lookup Service (Cote et al.,
2006): allows the visualisation and browsing of a
predefined ontology about genetics. It displays
the information in a tree structure, representing a
taxonomy that is the starting point to access to
cards about the elements of the ontology.
GoFish (Berriz et al., 2003): allows the
visualisation and browsing of a set of specific
predefined ontologies about genetics. It is
implemented in an application that displays the
information in structures like trees, cards or
Pellet (Sirin et al., 2003): it acts more like
an ontology analyser than an ontology browser,
managing any kind of ontology (RDF, OWL). It
runs in batch mode, and there is no runtime
interaction with the user. It allows to specify the
target ontology. The analysis consists in a plain
text file that reports the extracted information.
KSMSA Ontology Browser (Ševčenko,
2003): it is a web application for browsing the
SUMO (Niles & Pease, 2001) ontology and all
the connections with WorldNet, developed
within the KSMSA project. In particular this tool
is an online version of the more powerful editor
that could be downloaded. All the ontologies are
defined in the KIF (Knowledge Interchange
Format) language. The browser is strictly
developed for this set of ontologies.
Clearly, this list reports only the main aspects of
each tool. The main considerations about these
applications, starting from which we will fix a set of
requirements for the Ontology Explorer, are:
These tools do not allow the browsing of an
ontology specified by the user.
These tools are not configurable, in any
perspective. This means that the user cannot
customise the interface and some functions in
order to make the tool more useful.
Sometimes, the description level is too
high, with too many unclear technical details,
making it too cumbersome and discouraging.
In many of them there is not the possibility
to execute research operations on the ontology.
It is worth to note that the wide amount of web
tools to allow Internet users to visualize online
ontologies demonstrates the need for the ontology
designers to show on the web in a useful manner
their work. In other words, up to now, many
ontology developers not only design their own
ontology, but also they implement brand new
“specific” tools to allow the consultation of their
ontologies. In many cases this approach tries just to
solve isolated issues, without considering the online
visualisation of ontologies as an issue that is
common for ontology designers, and without
pursuing a unique solution.
After this first analysis, we concentrated on the
characteristics of Protégé, that is not a web
application, but that perhaps represents the main
reference in the ontology definition field.
We have identified the following drawbacks in
ontology browsing using Protégé (we refer to
version 3.2):
The use of labels is inadequate, and quite
accessory. The browsing functionalities are
based on the use of IDs, which are used to
provide semantic information to the users.
The interface for class management is
separated from the interface for instance
management. This presupposes in the user the
knowledge of the differences between classes
and instances;we want to avoid such assumption.
Class visualisation: Protégé imposes the
distinction between the logical and the property
view; this is not intuitive for a common user, and
again requires specific skills. Moreover, the
default visualisation is the logical one, that does
not display the list of the properties for a selected
class, that we consider one of the fundamental
information that is sought about classes.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
The research functionality acts separately
on classes and instances: it is impossible to do a
research on both classes and instances from the
same entry point. Moreover, the research is
performed only on IDs, and not on labels. Again,
this is a strong limitation, and prevents the
definition of multi-language ontology (since
research can be performed only in one language).
The research interface for instances is also
laborious and not easy to use.
Instance visualisation is not well-structured.
The descriptions, both for classes and for
instances, are displayed in tables with
property/value keys, and are reported with the
label rdfs:comment. Such descriptions could be
instead provided in a more clear way (for
example using tooltips on the labels).
Some of these limitations will be faced in the next
releases of Protégé. Finally, we considered also
SWOOP and Longwell, but these are not web-
applications, and they are out of our context.
Differently by other well-recognized widespread
formats in Internet, OWL/XML files are always
displayed by web browsers as plain XML files.
Although we did not develop a plug-in, we wanted a
way to visualize in the browsers (not in the OWL
code) OWL/XML ontologies that could be found in
Internet, without the need to download specific
software, install it, etc. etc.
The Ontology Explorer is designed to be
intuitive to use (also for the inexpert user) and many
visualization and navigation configuration
alternatives are available. During the design phase,
we first considered the limitations listed in section 2.
Then we have outlined for the tool some use cases
that have been identified in different projects (Moda-
ML (Gessa et al., 2005), DDTA Puglia (Regione
Puglia DDTA, 2006) and Leapfrog IP (LEAPFROG-
IP project)) for the development of solutions for
business interoperability and we identified the
generic requirements and features for the software.
3.1 Use Cases for Ontology Browsing
Without going to much in details, one of the results
of the Moda-ML project has been the definition of a
vocabulary of terms upon which a set of XML
document schemas has been defined for data
exchange in the Textile/Clothing sector (De Sabbata
et al., 2005). For this vocabulary we built a semantic
representation (defined with a set of OWL ontology)
of both the terms and the documents defined in the
vocabulary (Gessa et al., 2006).
On the other hand, the DDTA project
(Digitalizzazione dei Distretti a supporto della
filiera produttiva del Tessile/Abbigliamento)
supports the definition and implementation of
services to enable the constitution of enterprise
networks within the textile supply chain in Puglia.
This project exploits the results of Moda-ML. In
these contexts domain experts are fundamental.
Usually, domain experts have great knowledge about
concepts that concern their expertise area, but their
knowledge about ontology implementation is quite
absent. Then, an example of a typical user of the
Ontology Explorer (OE) could be a textile expert
who consults the Moda-ML vocabulary and
documents from a semantic point of view.
In this scenario of B2B interoperability:
1. It has been identified the need to search for
specific concepts defined in a domain ontology
in order to understand their properties and to
design the proper applications and data formats
to manage and exchange the related information.
2. In order to manage XML Schema
documents, it has been identified the need for the
designer to search for semantic concepts
modelled in the XML Schema documents. In this
case we need a tool to easily browse among the
concepts treated in the documents, without
studying the document structure. This procedure
is useful to identify reusable components already
defined in existing documents.
3.2 Requirements for the Tool
We have identified a set of non-functional
requirements for the tool to develop. The tool
must be able to load, read and visualize every
ontology that is written in OWL.
must hide the technical and formal aspects
related to the ontology language.
should be as much as possible interactive,
allowing a fast and friendly use.
should be configurable at different levels.
must provide a powerful and easy to use search
mechanism, regardless the way the concepts
have been formalised (for example, if they are
classes or instances).
must be able to visualize classes and instances
in parallel and in a homogeneous way.
The Ontology Explorer allows the loading of an
OWL ontology, to browse and display every kind of
information related to the concepts defined in the
ontology and to perform a search on the items of the
ontology. In the following sections the capabilities
of the application will be detailed deeply.
3.3 Architecture of the Application
In order to achieve the objectives fixed during the
analysis phase, we adopted the AJAX technology,
which allows developing highly interactive web-
applications, exploiting asynchronous
communication between client and server. The
architecture of the tool is composed of:
A service (server side) that implements the
OWL logic and manage the loaded ontology; we
called it Ontology Service.
A set of beans-like Java objects, called
OWL Wrappers, that have only to carry the
information extracted from the ontology between
the service and client.
A client interface running on the web
browser that is based on GWT AJAX dynamic
widgets plus CSS style sheets for layout
The client will represent all the information
coded in the wrappers using graphical components
that we have called Semantic Widgets. These
widgets are derived from the basic ones that GWT
offers (like tree, textbox, etc…). They have been
built to implement and exploit the logic of many
OWL elements (i.e. taxonomy or relations between
instances). The wrappers are used to populate the
widgets with the needed content. In some cases, a
different content “forces” the same widget to assume
a specific behaviour: the behaviour of a widget
depends on the characteristics of the content to
display. The main idea behind these Semantic
Widgets is to have a library of reusable graphical
components that could “understand ontological
structures” and to use them to better represent
information and to improve the user experience.
All the Semantic Widgets were developed in a
way that makes them easily graphically
customizable, allowing the setting of colours, layout,
images and so on simply using CSS stylesheets.
The interface of the Ontology Explorer
lingua=en&p=247&node_id=6.1.1) has been
structured in three different sections, in order to well
separate and identify the different operations that
can be performed, to reduce the confusion and the
embarrassment for the user and to improve the
understandability of the information.
4.1 The Loading Section
In the top of the program interface an area is
dedicated to the management of the application.
Here is the form to load the target ontology, to
provide general information about it, to configure
some aspects related to the browsing and finally to
show error messages if need.
There are two ways to start the Ontology
Explorer and to load a remote ontology in the tool:
In the first way by connecting to the tool
OntologyExplorer.html) and then specifying the
URL of the OWL file in the text box.
The second way allows to visualize in the
Ontology Explorer, linked directly by another
web source (like an HTML page), a specific
concepts within its ontology. In other words,
appending to the URL of the application,
respectively the URL of the OWL file of an
ontology and the name of the concept you are
looking for (i.e. adding to http://
gyExplorer.html the string “?ontologyUrl=
ontologyURL&concept =conceptName”), the
Ontology Explorer will be open directly on the
Figure 1: The interface of the Ontology Explorer.
When an ontology is already loaded (as in Fig. 1;
due to space constraints, we show only a small
image), here the user can find the ‘More Info button
that opens a pop-up panel showing all the general
information about the loaded ontology. Also, the
user can find the New Ontology’ button that is useful
to load a new ontology.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
4.2 The Navigation Section
The left part of the interface is dedicated to show a
dynamic taxonomy tree used to browse and manage
the taxonomies defined by the ontology. Once the
ontology has been loaded, the tree is filled with all
the information related to the taxonomies. The
taxonomies can show both the classes and the
instances or only classes. This aspect is in any case
configurable (see about application configuration in
the following). In this part of the interface it is also
available a “search field” that allows to search in the
taxonomy tree the desired concepts. The search is
dynamic in the sense that while the user is typing
text in the search box, if he presses the “Enter” key,
a dynamic list of all the concepts matching the typed
text is presented. In this way the user could change
the search on the fly and, in many cases, he doesn’t
have to complete the text that he is looking for. In
fact, by clicking on the list and pressing the ‘Go’
button, the tree will be opened at the concept level in
the taxonomy and the corresponding detail panel
will be displayed in the description section. Since
classes and instances are both visualised in the tree,
in order to distinguish them we represent them with
different formatting styles: in particular the classes
are always presented in bold, while instances are
presented in italic. Another important feature of the
tree is the tip that, if enabled by the configuration,
shows a brief textual description (if exists) of the
concept every time the mouse pointer passes over it.
4.3 The Description Section
The right part of the interface is dedicated to the
visualisation, in specific tab panels, of the details
related to the concepts (classes or instances) selected
in the taxonomy tree. In fact, by clicking an element
in the tree, a tab is opened here. If the user clicks on
a class the opened tab panel will show the class
name (label), the description, the super class and two
sub-panels: one for the list of the properties (each
one containing its description and other property
information like domain and range) and another for
the list of the instances (each one containing its
description tip and being clickable to open the
relative detail panel). If the user clicks on an
instance the opened panel will show, together with
the name and the description, also the list of the
property values for the instance. This part of the
browser can collect at the same time many tabs to
hold information about different selected objects.
The informative elements in the panel are all
clickable, in order to open directly from here other
tabs and to allow a more powerful navigation
between the different concepts crossing the whole
ontology. Together with this interface, other kinds of
information are provided using pop-up, in order to
not fill the interface with too many data.
4.4 Configuration
In our perspective, an ontology can be used by
different kinds of persons, with different skills. We
consider very important to allow the configuration of
our tool in order to match with the browsing
requirements of the different users.
We then predisposed our application to provide a
set of configuration parameters. For this purpose
there is a panel where the user can decide if to show
the classes along with their instances or not, and to
show labels instead of names (OWL IDs) for a better
explanation and research of the concepts modelled in
the ontology. The configuration section of the
Ontology Explorer consists in a pop-up that appears
when the user clicks on the ‘Options’ button.
Through this pop-up the user can configure many
visualization aspects of the OE:
To show or not instances of classes in the tree
(the search will be performed also among
instances accordingly to this choice).
To show or not tooltips with the description (if
any) of the concepts.
To show concepts in the tree by their unique
ontology names (ID) or by their labels.
To set the search in “start with” (fast search)
mode or in “substring” mode (slow).
To show instances in a tab of a class by default
using names or, if any, labels.
Nowadays proper tools for online OWL ontology
reading and browsing are lacking, or are limited.
As shown in the use cases we identified in
section 3.1, Semantic Web technologies can solve a
set of problems related to business vocabulary
management. We developed an AJAX-based web
application named Ontology Explorer that
overcomes some of the limitation of existing tools
and allows an intuitive ontology browsing for every
kind of Internet user. In particular, the OE:
1. is able to load every OWL/XML ontology
on the Internet; in this sense it is not built to
manage a specific ontology. We have tested it
with many online ontologies, and with the Moda-
ML ontology, that includes 373 classes, 44
relationships and 1098 instances.
2. matches with the skills of a person that is
not an ontology expert. To this aims, the
concepts of classes, instances, datatype or object
property are completely transparent to the users.
A central issue has been also the design of
friendly forms for information visualisation.
3. provides a powerful research interface.
4. exploits the use of labels, that allows the
browsing of multi-language ontologies, a more
strong comprehension of the terms and a stronger
search and browsing. The concept IDs in an
ontology should be used as are primary keys in a
database, just to identify a class/instance/-
property, but IDs should not be used to provide
semantic information (as usually happens).
It is worth to note that the Ontology Explorer
distinguishes itself from other tools like Protégé
because it should be considered not like an editor for
Ontology Expert (like Protégé), but like a powerful
browser for Domain Expert. Considering our use
cases, exploiting the semantic representation of the
Moda-ML business vocabulary, the tool has
simplified the interfacing with the terms and the
XML Schema documents, allowing a more easy
search and analysis of them. The future steps to
improve the Ontology Explorer will concern mainly:
To enhance the configurability of the tool
providing a new set of customizations about the
domain of user’s interest. This will be achieved
by defining some Semantic Profiles that could be
adopted by the user (externally to the ontology)
to browse a specific ontology.
To add a new Advanced Semantic Search
that could use logic inference to deduce non
explicit information and that allows enlarging the
resulting set of the matching concepts to all the
semantically related ones.
To improve the graphical aspect and the
usability and to solve some compatibility issues
with some browsers (for instance Opera™ and
Firefox™ don’t render some widgets so well).
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KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing