Table 1. The results of the experiment: amount of pixelwise difference calculation for Lucas-
Kanade and SPSA-based algorithms.
Characteristic Lucas-Kanade SPSA-based
Number of measurements per iteration 24960 2
Number of iterations 3 1201
Number of measurements 74880 2402
not require possibility of direct gradient measurement, needs only 2 function measure-
ment on each iteration and once differentiable function. Drift is only assumed to be
limited, which includes random and directed drift. It was proven that the estimation er-
ror of this algorithm is limited with constant value. The modeling was performed on a
multidimensional case.
The results show the potential performance gains of using the SPSA-type algorithms
for tracking of objects on video. Probably, more sofisticated algorithms based on op-
timization such as kernel-based methods of tracking [2] can also be improved by the
same technique. Authors want to try such application in future.
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