From Texts or Thesauri
Sylvie Szulman, Jean Charlet
LIPN, Paris 13 University, Villetaneuse, France
INSERM UMR S 872, Eq. 20, Paris, France
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Adeline Nazarenko
CNRS/IRIT, Universit Toulouse, Toulouse, France
LIPN, Paris 13 University, Villetaneuse, France
Eric Sardet, Valery Teguiak
LISI-ENSMA, CRITT-Informatique, Poitiers, France
Platform, Ontology, NLP, Ontology-based Database.
This paper describes a new platform for building ontologies using many entries (texts, terminologies, thesauri
or database). However, They may be build from scratch and bound with texts afterwards. After a description
of the used data model, a meta-modelisation architecture is presented as well as the database implementation,
which allows to manage large ontologies with large corpora.
Although text-based ontology engineering gained
much popularity in the last 10 years, very few ontol-
ogy engineering platforms exploit the full potential of
the connection between texts and ontologies.
We propose DAFOE
, a new platform for build-
ing ontologies using different types of linguistic en-
tries (text corpora, results of natural language pro-
cessing tools, terminologies or thesauri). DAFOE
supports knowledge structuring and conceptual mod-
elling from these linguistic entries as well as ontol-
ogy formalization. DAFOE outputs models with two
main original features: an ontology articulated with a
lexical component and a connection with the text or
linguistic entry that motivated their definition.
The requirements of the platfom and its develop-
ment focus 1) on integrating various kinds of tools
currently used within a single modelling platform,
2) on guaranteeing persistence and traceability of the
whole ontology building process, and 3) on develop-
ing the platform in an open source paradigm with pos-
sible plugin extensions.
This paper focuses on the terminological and
knowledgerepresentation in DAFOE: after the presen-
tation of various ontology engineering environments
from texts, we describe the data model of the DAFOE
platform and the corresponding meta-modelling ar-
chitecture that allows its database implementation.
2.1 Ontology Engineering
There is a growing interest for ontologies and related
tools, including Ontology Engineering Environments
(OEEs). Since an early overview of tools support-
ing ontology engineering (Duineveld et al., 2000),
several joint efforts provided extensive state-of-the-
art overviews, like the review of OntoWeb thematic
network (Gomez-Perez et al., 2002), the comparison
of ontology editors (Denny, 2004) or the evaluation
of OEEs at EON 2002 workshop (Sure and Angele,
In DAFOE perspective, we carried out a survey of
about 15 OEEs. Many of them are pure ontology ed-
itors that support the development of formal ontolo-
Szulman S., Charlet J., Aussenac-Gilles N., Nazarenko A., Sardet E. and Teguiak V. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 372-375
DOI: 10.5220/0002276203720375
gies (often represented using OWL) but do not as-
sist the tasks of knowledge acquisition or structuring.
Knowledge engineers are supposed to have a first of
ontology draft before using such tools.
Among the tools that take text as input knowledge
three major approaches can be identified.
The first one aims at building an ontology auto-
matically out of text analysis (Bozsak et al., 2002).
An alternative approach is based on human-machine
cooperation. Systems like ASIUM (Faure and
Nedellec, 1999), OntoGen
or Cam´el´eon (Aussenac-
Gilles and Jacques, 2008) support parts of an in-
cremental and interactive ontology development. A
third approach, TERMINAE (Aussenac-Gilles et al.,
2008), integrate results from several NLP tools like
but do not constrain their selection or
combination. The result is more than an ontology, as
long as lexical entries are associated to concepts. It is
called a termino-ontological resource.
2.2 Original Features of DAFOE
The goal of DAFOE is both to extend the variety of
human language technologies that can be used and
to support scalable ontology engineering. It claims
that there are several ways to get an ontology, and
that tools and processes must be selected according to
each ontology case-study. DAFOE will propose tools
similar to those of Text2Onto, but human supervision
will play a major role for selecting tools, validating
their results and conceptualizing. Knowledge con-
ceptualization requires that a human selects and orga-
nizes properly concepts and relations, but this process
can be guided.
To sump-up, this survey of the state-of-the-art em-
phasizes the major motivations for developing the
DAFOE platform:
we want DAFOE to keep track of the linguistic
items that justify the conceptual modelling; this
would help not only to maintain and update the
ontology, but also to produce richer ontologies as-
sociated with a lexical component. DAFOE will
build termino-ontological resources.
since we argue that extracting an ontology from
texts is a complex process that requires several
modelling steps and that the models produced
at each stage are worth being stored, we want
DAFOE to support that multi-step modelling pro-
cess and to store the intermediary models as a
modelling track.
we want DAFOE to make it possible to use the
links between those various models to come back
from the ontology to the text that has been used to
build it, to definitions and comments that justify
the content of the ontology.
we want DAFOE to support large-scale ontologies
and lexical resources, which is a major argument
towards a database implementation (Sec. ??) and
an important difference with systems like TERMI-
NAE or Prot´eg´e.
DAFOE data model has to take into account vari-
ous ontology building strategies, whatever informa-
tion source (texts, terminologies, thesauri or human
expertise) is used. Moreover, DAFOE must evolve to
offer new functionalities in satisfaction to new needs,
which means that plugin extensions will be supported
and that the data model allows these extensions.
3.1 Overall Architecture
The data model is based on a valid methodology for
building ontologies from texts, which has inspired
tools such as TERMINAE (Aussenac-Gilles et al.,
2008) or Text2Onto (Cimiano and Volker, 2005). This
methodology takes into account the whole process of
“transforming” textual data into ontologies and split
it into different phases, which correspond to various
input levels if one wants to start with a thesauri rather
than text, for instance. This methodologies relies on
two main ideas: 1/ textual data are an important in-
formation source to build ontologies, especially if the
ontology is to be used to annotate textual documents
but 2/ textual data cannot be mapped directly into an
ontology and the transformation must be mediated.
The data model is therefore structured into four
layers. Each one corresponds to a specific method-
ological step.
3.2 Corpora Layer
The corpora layer is useful for the knowledge engi-
neer willing to build an ontology from text. He/she
can build a working corpus by selecting different
source documents and browse that corpus, either as
plain documents or as segmented ones. In the data
model the corpus is represented as a sequence of sen-
tences, each one having a unique identifier.
3.3 Terminological Layer
The terminological layer gives a view over the do-
main specific lexicon of the corpus. It gathers the
terms of the domain and their relationships. Termino-
logical knowledge is traditionally produced by NLP
tools such as term extractors applied on the working
corpus. An alternative approach would consist in im-
porting a preexisting terminology of the domain. The
underlying assumption is threefold: text analysis can
extract term candidates that are relevant for a given
domain, those terms are likely to be turned into on-
tology concepts and the distribution of these terms re-
flects their semantics (Harris, 1968).
3.4 Termino-Conceptual Layer
This layer represents a semantic structure of unam-
biguous termino-concepts and termino-conceptual re-
lations. The knowledge engineer may build that layer
by importing a preexisting termino-conceptual re-
source such as a thesaurus or out of the analysis of
the terminological layer. In that case, he/she analyses
the meaning of terms and relations that appear at the
terminological layer with respect to each other and by
looking at their occurrences. He/she clusters terms
and relationships that have the same meaning, dis-
tinguishes the various meanings of ambiguous terms,
compares the contexts in which they are used. He/she
thus defines non ambiguous termino-concepts (TC)
and termino-conceptual relations (RTC) holding be-
tween CTs.
The termino-conceptual layer is pivotal for trans-
forming linguistic elements into conceptual ones and
tracing the ontology back to the linguistics. This
traceability improves ontology readability and main-
tenance. The terms and terminological relations that
are connected to termino-conceptual elements are
said to be ”conceptualised”.
3.5 Ontology Layer
The ontology data model allows to formalize TCs and
RTCs in a formal language equivalent at OWL-DL.
Concepts are described as classes, individuals as in-
stances of classes, properties between classes as ob-
ject properties and properties between a class and a
value as data properties or attributes. An automatic
process will translate TCs and RTCs into formal con-
cepts in a hierarchy with inherited properties as usual
subsumption in description language. This translation
exploits the structure of the semantic network repre-
sented in the termino-conteptual layer and the differ-
ential criteria associated with TCs and RTCs.
DAFOE platform is intended both to support large
volumes of data and to provide a variety of ontol-
ogy engineering methods. As such a diversity can
not be managed in a unique and static model, we
adopted for DAFOE platform an extended Ontology-
Based Database (OntoDB) architecture that supports
model management. In this section, we present the
original OntoDB model, we show how it is extended
to cope with DAFOE specificities, we illustrate the
resulting architecture with a simple example and we
give some implementation details.
4.1 Ontology-based Database (OntoDB)
The OntoDB model has two characteristics: (1) ontol-
ogy and data are stored in the database and support the
same processes (insert, update,...), (2) every piece of
data is associated with an ontological element that de-
fines its meaning. The OntoDB architecture is quite
similar to the layers defined in the MOF
ture, which consists of three levels of modelling: the
M1 level allows to represent the models, the M2 level
represents the meta-models and the M3 level repre-
sents the meta meta model (instances are represented
in M0). An important feature provided by OntoDB
is its capability to support model evolution and data
intensive applications (H. Dehainsala, 2007). This is
one reason why we have proposed an OntoDB-like
architecture for DAFOE.
4.2 DAFOE Architecture: A
Model-based Database (MBDB)
Since corpora and extracted terminologies are gener-
ally large, we opted to store corresponding data in a
database and the choice of a MOF architecture led
us to adopt an OntoDB architecture. The integra-
tion of DAFOE data model into OntoDB is not triv-
ial, however. The main difficulty stems from the fact
that an OntoDB architecture relies on a single model,
while the DAFOE approach is based on three different
models: a Terminological Model (TM), a Termino-
Conceptual Model (TCM) and an Ontological Model
(OM). Hence, the idea is to represent each of DAFOE
three models in a separate OntoDB based architec-
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
More generally, this integration requires an effort
of identification and distribution of DAFOE data ac-
cording to a MOF architecture.
4.2.1 Data Distribution
The data exploited in DAFOE for building ontologies
from texts is distributed according to the three ab-
straction levels of MOF. The particularity of this ap-
proach is that it provides, for each part (data, model
and meta-schema) of the managed information lay-
ers (terminology, termino-conceptual and ontologi-
cal), a meta-modelling level supporting the evolution
of those part structures. It is represented by the MOF
syntax (Mi/Mi-1), which means that the information
model Mi-1 is represented as instances of the infor-
mation (meta) model Mi.
4.2.2 Model Transformation
Even if the integration of DAFOE into OntoDB solves
the problem of model evolution thanks the various ab-
straction levels defined by MOF, the problem of tran-
sition from one modelling layer to another remains
open. To solve this problem, we propose to use model
transformation mechanisms to enhance the DAFOE
DAFOE is a new platform to assist a knowledge engi-
neer throughout the ontology building process. It al-
lows him/her to integrate domain specific knowledge
sources (text corpora, terminologies, thesauri or hu-
man expertise) and to define a formal ontology. The
strength of DAFOE approach is i) a precise definition
of the various steps by which one can design a for-
mal ontology; ii) a data model guaranteeing persis-
tence and traceability of the whole ontologies build-
ing process; iii) the supply of flexible methodological
guidelines that support the knowledge engineer with-
out constraint; iv) an architecture based on the MOF
model and plugins adaptability to ensure extensibil-
ity of the model and processes around a core tool; v)
the specification of various modelling strategies based
on different input/output of the platform; vi) the final
production of an ontology which is associated to a ter-
minological component.
A prototype of the DAFOE platform is under im-
plementation. We use Model Driven Engineering and
the EXPRESS language.
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