A Comparison of Web of Science and Google Scholar
John Mingers and Lea Lipitakis
Kent Business School, University of kent, Canterbury CT7 2PE, U.K.
Keywords: Citations, Impact metrics, Research benchmarks.
Abstract: Assessing the quality of the knowledge produced by management academics is increasing being metricated.
Moreover, emphasis is being placed on the impact of the research rather than simply where it is published.
The main metric for impact is the number of citations a paper receives. Traditionally this data has come
from the ISI Web of Science but research has shown that this has poor coverage in the social sciences. A
newer and different source for citations is Google Scholar. In this paper we compare the two on a dataset of
over 1200 publications from a UK Business School. The results show that Web of Science is indeed poor in
the area of management and that Google Scholar, whilst somewhat unreliable, has a much better coverage.
Assessing researchers’ productivity and the impact
of knowledge generated is increasingly being
metricated and the number of citations is one of the
main measures that is used. This occurs at an
individual level in promotion and hiring decisions
and increasingly at an institutional level in
evaluating whole departments and universities. In
the UK, the Research Excellence Framework (REF)
intends to use citation analysis along with peer
review in future decisions about the allocation of
research funding. There are many complex issues
involved in using metrics for this purpose and the
Higher Education Funding Council for England
(HEFCE) has commissioned several reports and is
currently undertaking a pilot exercise.
One of the major problems, especially in the
social sciences, is the source of the citations. The
primary database has conventionally been
Thompson’s ISI Web of Science (WoS) which
records all citations from papers in about 8,700
journals. Whilst this coverage is reasonable in many
of the sciences it is acknowledged to be limited in
social science, partly because many journals are not
included and partly because much research is
published in books and conferences which are not
covered at all. In recent years alternatives have been
developed that work in a similar manner, e.g.,
Scopus, but one of the main rivals is Google Scholar
(GS). This works in a different fashion by searching
the internet and other digital repositories to find
citations in a wide range of sources.
Several studies have compared the two sources
in general (Jacso, 2005), and in particular disciplines
(Bakkalbasi, Bauer, Glover, & Wang, 2006; Bar-
Ilan, 2008; Meho & Yang, 2007), while HEFCE’s
commissioned reports have concentrated mainly on
the sciences because of the known problems in the
social science. Their pilot exercise, for example,
includes almost no social science subjects (HEFCE,
2008b). No one that we are aware of has looked
specifically at the management literature. So, the
purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent to
which WoS and GS do in fact record research
outputs and citations in business and management,
and to discover whether there are any particular
patterns in their coverage or lack of it. To do this we
have taken all the publications of academics at a UK
Business School over the period 2001-2007, together
with a selection from earlier years, and processed
them through WoS and GS. Our results are reported
after a review of the relevant literature and a
description of our methodology. The School is
representative in that it covers all the main business
disciplines and is in the top 30 in the UK.
The Web of Science. This covers over 8,700 primarily
Mingers J. and Lipitakis L. (2009).
MEASURING THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE - A Comparison of Web of Science and Google Scholar.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 112-116
DOI: 10.5220/0002278401120116
English-language journals out of approximately
22,500 listed in Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. It
does not include reports, books or conference
proceedings (although proceedings are just
beginning to be incorporated in 2008). WoS records
every paper published in these journals together with
their citations and then allows access in a variety of
ways including citation reports on journals and
individual authors.
In recent years a range of alternative databases
have emerged, some discipline specific such as the
ACM Digital Library and some generic such as
Elsevier’s Scopus. These are of three types: those
that involve searching the full text of the document
for citations where the text may be contained in the
database (e.g., Emerald full text or Scirus) or may be
home pages and repositories on the web (e.g.,
Google Scholar); those that allow the user to search
the cited reference field of the document (e.g.,
EBSCO products); and finally those like WoS that
are primarily designed for capturing citations (e.g.,
Scopus). Several studies have been carried out
comparing these different sources often in different
disciplines and Meho and Yang (2007) provide a
good overview.
In this study we limit ourselves to comparing
WoS with GS specifically in the discipline of
Business and Management. The two databases have
very different modes of operation. WoS has a clearly
specified list of journals and records all the citations
from those journals. Its coverage is generally
considered to be good in many of the natural
sciences but poor in the social sciences and
humanities (HEFCE, 2008a; Mahdi, D'Este, &
Neely, 2008; Moed & Visser, 2008). It has tools that
help with the unique identification of authors – one
of the major problems in collecting accurate
citations. In contrast, GS has a scope and reliability
that is in general unknown (Harzing & van der Wal,
2008; Jacso, 2008). It searches web pages and also
has access to the websites of certain publishers but
the exact details remain secret. The results generally
have a wide coverage but can include many works
that are not specifically research oriented, e.g.,
teaching notes, discussions and reports. It is
relatively difficult to pin down a specific author,
especially if they have a common name, and often
the bibliographic details of the citing sources are
wrong or incomplete hence getting accurate results is
extremely time consuming.
Meho and Yang (2007), in their study of a
Department of Library and Information Science,
found that 42% of GS citations came from journals,
34% from conference papers, 10% from
dissertations and theses and 14% from other sources.
They found 2023 citations to their source documents
(including only journal items and conference papers
from 1996-2005) in WoS, 2301 in Scopus and 4181
in GS. Combining WoS and Scopus produced 2733
unique citations while including those from GS
pushed the total up to 5285. Thus, WoS produced
only 48% of the citations in GS, and only 38% of the
citations generated by a combination of all three.
Walters (2007) studied 155 core articles in the area
of later-life migration across a range of citation
databases. GS had the greatest coverage (93%) and
WoS next best with 73%. Whilst this study did not
look at citations, it did examine the range of sources
used by GS in terms of publishers (sometimes a
source of criticism (Tenopir, 2005)) and found no
undue bias.
The Centre for Science and Technology Studies
at Leiden University (CSTS) has presented several
commissioned reports. In 2008 they analysed the
submissions to the 2001 Research Assessment
Exercise (RAE) (Moed, Visser, & Buter, 2008),
looking in the main at the science subjects. They did
however do some analysis across all units of
assessment. Table 1 shows the coverage of outputs
in WoS. We can see that economics has the best
coverage with 68% of its total outputs in WoS rising
to 78% of the journal papers. However, management
generally has only 38% covered and accounting and
finance a mere 22%. The latter result is because a
significant number of high quality accounting and
finance journals are not included in WoS.
Evidence Ltd (Evidence Ltd, 2004) conducted
research for ESRC producing a bibliometric profile
for selected disciplines including business and
management, accounting and economics. The main
results are also shown in Table 1. It is worrying that
the two results are not particularly close. This no
doubt reflects in part the difficulties of
unambiguously identifying individual papers in
these databases, and differing practices over what to
do with ambiguous references, but it is noticeable
that there is not even agreement on the total number
of submitted outputs to the RAE.
The research also looked in detail at the number
of cites per paper (cpp) for those papers that could
be found in WoS but only for the departments
graded as 4, 5 or 5* (the highest grades). The
number of citations is obviously time dependent so
these figures will be an average across the period of
the RAE, i.e, papers published in 1995 would have
five years of citations, those published in 2000 only
one year. Thus economics averages 8 cites per paper
but accounting and finance only 4. This is clearly
related to the coverage of journals – areas with a
higher coverage show greater numbers of citations.
MEASURING THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE - A Comparison of Web of Science and Google Scholar
Table 1: CSTS analysis of WoS coverage of RAE2001 outputs. Evidence Ltd figures are in brackets.
% of outputs
that are journal
% of outputs
that are in WoS
% journal
papers that are
in WoS
Mean cites per
paper (4-5*
Economics 2,879 (3255) 86.2% (76%) 67.5% (47%) 78.3% (62%) (8.0)
Business &
9,746 (9942) 81.8% (80%) 37.9% (31%) 46.3% (38%) (6.3)
Library & Information
1,259 59.0% 31.7% 53.7%
Accounting and
779 (811) 85.2% (82%) 21.7% (17%) 25.5% (20%) (3.9)
Table 2: GS and WoS citations by publication type.
Num. n%
No of
Pubs. in
% GS
No of Cites
found in
No of
Pubs. in
% WoS
No of
found in
GS Cites
Per Paper
Cites Per
19 1.57 11 57.89 405 36.82
Book Section
109 8.99 64 58.72 479 7.48
330 27.23 154 46.67 399
29 2.39 14 48.28 58
Edited Books
12 0.99 8 66.67 313 39.13
593 48.93 548 92.41 5608 292 49.24 1519 10.23 5.20
115 9.49 63 54.78 319 5.06
4 0.33 3 75.00 18
Web Pages
1 0.08 1
1212 100.0 866 71.45 7600 292 8.78
Citation rates normalised to the rates for the
disciplinary field were also calculated (the “Leiden
methodology (van Raan, 2003)). In this approach,
results above 1.0 show that the publications are
generating more citations than the average for the
field. The figures for business and management were
1.47 (for 4-graded departments), 1.90 (5-graded) and
2.27 (5*-graded) showing both high impact and that
the impact increases with the RAE grade. The
equivalent figures for accounting are: 0.28, 0.82 and
1.07 showing that it is not simply the lack of WoS
journals – accounting departments, especially at the
lower end, gain relatively very few citations.
The data consisted of over 1200 research outputs
produced by staff at Kent Business School from
2001 to 2007 (which is the RAE period) including
some from earlier years. Each publication was
individually looked up in GS and WoS (where it was
a journal paper). This is a very time-consuming
exercise, especially for GS, since the quality of the
data is poor – there are often multiple entries for a
single item because the forms of reference are
inconsistent or inaccurate (Jacso, 2008).
Table 2 shows the main results. We have
included all publication types even though many
would not be submitted to a REF. We can see that
the majority of the outputs are journal papers (50%)
with the next category being conference papers
(12%). Looking first at the GS coverage, we found
71.5% of all the publications including 92% of the
journal papers – a very significant proportion.
Surprisingly perhaps, given the high presence of
publishers’ websites, only 58% of books and 67% of
edited books were found. Other areas of low coverage
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Table 3: Citations by field or subject area.
GS cpp WoS cpp WoS/GS %
Agriculture, environment,
natural resources
110 784 326 7.1 3.0 42%
15 104 65 6.9 4.3 62%
61 601 194 9.9 3.2 32%
Operational research and
management science
95 1508 729 15.7 7.7 49%
Applied mathematics and
37 357 169 9.7 4.6 47%
Management, tourism,
public sector, industrial
146 2287 917 15.7 6.3 40%
Social science
37 295 90 8.00 2.4 30%
Information systems
and computer science
41 1332 205 32.5 5.0 15%
35 159 17 4.5 0.5 11%
were conferences and reports. In contrast, WoS
would only cover journal papers and only found
49% of those in the sample. This figure is similar to,
although slightly higher than, those found for the
RAE generally in Table 1. On some occasions the
journal was apparently on the WoS list but the actual
paper did not appear. This was generally found to be
because the journal was not part of WoS at the time
that the paper was published, sometimes because
there was a gap in the journal history.
Moving to citations, GS found a considerable
number for all publication types. The mean cpp were
highest for books (36.8) and edited books (39.1)
with the figure for journal papers being 10.2. WoS
found 1,519 citations for the 292 papers it included
giving a cpp of 5.2. Again, this was quite similar to
the RAE result of 6.3. These citations represented
only about 27% of the citations that GS found for
the same database of papers. This is significantly
lower than the 48% figure that Meho and Yang
We also looked to see if these proportions had
changed over time but in both cases there were year-
to-year variations but no apparent trend. It could be
argued that if the purpose of using these measures is
to compare departments or research centres then it
doesn’t really matter about the absolute level of
coverage – it would be the same for all. However,
this assumes either that the coverage rates are the
same for all subject areas, or that all departments
will have the same mix of subject areas so that
differences would not matter. We can throw some
light on this by considering the extent to which these
general results encompass more specific variations.
Table 3 looks at the different fields or subject
areas covered by the journal papers only. This is
very important if the Leiden methodology is used as
it normalises citations per paper to the mean for the
appropriate field but how does one determine how
many fields there should be and what they are? In
Table 3 we have taken all the papers and classified
them into a field based on the definitions and
journals from WoS. We have included in this
journals that are not themselves included in WoS.
We have then amalgamated 62 sub-categories into 9
major ones.
Generally, the cpp for WoS is under half that of
GS but there is quite a degree of variability. Clearly
in some instances there are small sample numbers.
For the general management field the WoS cpp is
6.3 which is 40% of the GS figure, a ratio that is in
general agreement with many of the other
evaluations in the literature. It is noticeable that
OR/management science has a higher cpp perhaps
reflecting its science orientation, and IS and
computing has a particularly high GS cpp but this
may just be a peculiarity of this sample. Business is
particularly low in WoS but in their categorisation
business includes finance and it is the case that a
particularly high proportion of finance (and
accounting) journals are not included in WoS
The knowledge produced by academic researchers is
increasingly being judged not just in terms of where
it is published but in terms of what impact it is
MEASURING THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE - A Comparison of Web of Science and Google Scholar
having. Currently, the major metric for impact is the
number of citations that papers, authors, departments
or journals receive. This, however, depends on the
source from which the citations are counted. The
traditional citation index – the Web of Science – is
reasonable in the sciences but has poor coverage of
social science. In this paper we have compared WoS
with a more recent, and rather different, competitor
– Google Scholar – on the publications for a
university business school. The results show that
WoS picks up less than half of the journals, papers
and citations found by GS. Moreover, the results
differ significantly between subject areas within
business and management making it difficult to
compare departments or individuals that might have
different subject mixes.
Google Scholar, on the other hand, suffers from
unreliable data and a lack of transparency about its
sources but overall it provides a more
comprehensive and less subject-dependent citation
Bakkalbasi, N., Bauer, K., Glover, J., & Wang, L. (2006).
Three options for citation tracking: Google Scholar,
Scopus and Web of Science. [Open Access].
Biomedical Digital Libraries, 3(7).
Bar-Ilan, J. (2008). Which h-index? - A comparison of
WoS, Scopus and Google Scholar. Scientometrics,
74(2), 257-271.
Evidence Ltd. (2004). Bibliometric profiles for selected
Units of Assessment. Leeds: Evidence Ltd.
Harzing, A.-W., & van der Wal, R. (2008). Google
Scholar as a new source for citation analysis. Ethics in
Science and Environmental Politics, 8, 61-73.
HEFCE. (2008a). Counting what is measured or
measuring what counts (No. 2008/14): HEFCE.
HEFCE. (2008b). Survey of institutions interested in
participating in the pilot of the bibliometrics indicator:
Jacso, P. (2005). As we may search - Comparison of major
features of the Web of Science, Scopus, and Google
Scholar citation-based and citation-enhanced
databases. Current Science, 89(9), 1537-1547.
Jacso, P. (2008). Savvy searching: Google Scholar
revisited. Online Information Review, 32(1), 102-114.
Mahdi, S., D'Este, P., & Neely, A. (2008). Citation
counts: Are they good predictors of RAE scores?
London: AIM Research.
Meho, L., & Yang, K. (2007). Impact of data sources on
citation counts and rankings of LIS faculty: Web of
Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. Journal
American Society for Information Science and
Technology, 58(13), 2105-2125.
Moed, H., & Visser, M. (2008). Appraisal of Citation
Data Sources. Leiden: Centre for Science and
Technology Studies, Leiden University.
Moed, H., Visser, M., & Buter, R. (2008). Development of
bibliometric indicators of research quality: Centre for
Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University.
Tenopir, C. (2005). Google in the academic library.
Library Journal, 130(2), 32.
van Raan, A. (2003). The use of bibliometric analysis in
research performance assessment and monitoring of
interdisciplinary scientific developments. Technology
Assessment - Theory and Practice, 1(12), 20-29.
Walters, W. (2007). Google Scholar coverage of a
multidisciplinary field. Information Processing and
Management, 43, 1121-1132.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing