Remark 6. Although the analysis of the performance of the proposed observer in the
presence of noise is not within the scope of the paper, it is worth noting the following.
The Lyapunov argument establishing uniform asymptotic stability of the zero equilib-
rium of the (η, e
, e
)-subsystem yields robustness againsts small additiveperturbations
on the measured variables u and y. In the presence of such perturbations the variables
and e
do not converge to zero. Nevertheless, as long as they are sufficiently small,
equation (38) can be regarded as describing a linear (non-autonomous) scalar differen-
tial equation in which, by equations (34), the coefficient of the linear term is uniformly
negative. This ensures boundedness of r(t) for all t.
5 Conclusions
A definite affirmative answer has been given to the question of existence of a globally
convergent speed observer for general mechanical systems of the form (1). No assump-
tion is made on the existence of an upperbound for the inertia matrix, hence the result
is applicable for robots with prismatic joints. Also, no conditions are imposed on the
potential energy function. The only requirement is that the system is forward complete,
i.e., that trajectories of the system exist for all times t ≥ 0—which is a rather weak
In some sense, our contribution should be interpreted more as an existence result
than an actual, practically implementable, algorithm. Leaving aside the high complex-
ity of the observer dynamics, that can be easily retraced from the proof of Section 4, the
difficulty stems from the fact that the key function β is defined via the integrals (31),
whose explicit analytic solution cannot be guaranteed a priori. Of course, the (scalar)
integrations can always be numerically performed leading to a numerical implementa-
tion of the observer. Given the recent spectacular advances in computational technology
this does not seem to constitute an unsurmountable difficulty.
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