The Experimental MyMIDP Caching Framework
Hagen H¨opfner, Sebastian Wendland and Essam Mansour
International University in Germany, Campus 3, 76646 Bruchsal, Germany
Mobile information systems, Data caching, MIDP, Database connectivity, MySQL.
Data caching is an appropriate technique for reducing wireless data transmissions in mobile information sys-
tems. The literature describes numerous caching approaches on a theoretical level. Semantic, preemptive, or
context aware caches are discussed but not implemented for mobile devices even evaluated in real applications.
The problem here is the complexity of data management tools. Software for mobile devices must consider the
limited footprint of the used hardware as well as the restrictions of the application programming interfaces. In
this poster paper we describe the caching framework of our MyMIDP database driver. The framework pro-
vides interfaces that allow to implement the caching approaches discussed in the literature and to test them on
MIDP 2.0 enabled mobile devices in a MySQL environment. Hence, we provide researchers with a necessary
tool for proofing the efficiency of their caches.
Nowadays data access is almost possible everywhere
and at any time. Mobile information systems (mIS)
use wireless links for data communication. Current
technologies like UMTS or wireless LAN provide
high transmission rates, and flat rate contracts reduce
the monetary costs. However, wireless data trans-
mission is energy intensive, and using it reduces the
up-time of mobile devices drastically. One solution
to this problem is to cache data once it has been re-
ceived. The literature on mIS focuses on semantic
caching. At this, query results are completely stored
and indexed using the corresponding query (Keller
and Basu, 1996; Lee et al., 1999; Ren and Dunham,
1999). This allows for analyzing the cache content.
In the best case new queries can be answered with-
out communication with the server. To a certain de-
gree it is also possible to supplement cached data to
answer a query (Godfrey and Gryz, 1999; H¨opfner
and Sattler, 2003; Ren and Dunham, 2003). In addi-
tion to this semantic caches even more enhanced ap-
proaches have been researched in the context of mIS.
Preemptive caches, a technology that is also known as
“data hoarding”, (Peissig, 2004; Kubach and Rother-
mel, 2001; Liu et al., 1996) use query rewriting tech-
niques in order to cache data before it is explicitly
used. This increases the probability of re-usability of
the cache content. Context aware caches (Ren and
Dunham, 2000; Zheng et al., 2002) take the context
of the usage of the system into account when decid-
ing upon caching and/or replacing data.
However, almost all of these ideas were discussed
but not implemented for mobile devices or even eval-
uated in real applications. The challenge addressed in
this paper was to provide researchers with a tool for
proofing the efficiency of their caches while consid-
ering the limited footprint of mobile devices and the
restrictions of the available application programming
interfaces. Taking this into account, we developed a
caching framework for implementing various caching
approaches. It is an extension to our MyMIDP
(H¨opfner et al., 2009a; H¨opfner et al., 2009b) driver
that allows for directly accessing MySQL databases
from MIDP 2.0 enabled mobile devices.
The remainder of this poster paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 presents the caching extension of
the MyMIDP driver. Section 3 illustrates the usage
of the caching framework. Section 4 concludes this
short paper and gives an outlook on future research.
The MyMIDP cache extension transparently extends
the MyMIDP driver with a caching system. It pro-
Höpfner H., Wendland S. and Mansour E. (2009).
DATA CACHING ON MOBILE DEVICES - The Experimental MyMIDP Caching Framework.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 256-259
DOI: 10.5220/0002281302560259
initialize connection
(and cache)
create statement
retrieve from
retrieve from
store in cache
result set
close connection
(and cache)
extended ’database querying’ step
Figure 1: Cache framework general workflow.
vides local data caching for database query result
sets, thus reducing the mobile device’s dependency
on unreliable and low bandwidth connections for data
transfer and, therefore, saving energy.
Here, transparency means that an application does
not notice the difference between a cached and a not
cached connection, or the difference between a result
set from the database and one from the cache. As the
workflowin Figure 1 shows, most of the caching logic
is hidden in the normal “database querying” step and
is thus not visible to the user.
Overall, the caching workflow works as follows:
If the result set of a SQL statement is found in the
cache, it is loaded, processed and returned to the
user without the need of any communication with the
database server. Otherwise, the statement is executed
and its result set cached. On default the driver uses a
per-statement caching approach with a ten entry cache
and a first-in, first-out (FIFO) replacement strategy.
All cached data is kept in MIDP’s record man-
agement system (RMS), a nonvolatile collection of
records of binary data. A database result set is seri-
alized into a set of records (one record for each row
in the result set) and written to a record store. A cen-
tral cache handler is responsible for tracking the re-
sult sets and can retrieve them as required. There are
two reasons for this approach. First, the MIDP stan-
dard does not define a file-access API. Second, mobile
devices only have a few hundred kilobytes of main
memory, prohibiting an in-memory cache.
The driver defaults to a simple per-statement caching
with a FIFO queue. However,the frameworkprovides
two extension points for application programmers to
change this default behavior. Utilizing them allows
to implement more enhanced caching approaches as
discussed in Section 1.
The rst extension point provides a way to cus-
tomize the caching strategy the way the driver de-
cides what to store in the cache. The second one deals
with cache replacement the way the cache is kept
up-to-date. Both extension points are implemented as
Java interfaces (cf. Listings 1 and 2) and are set dur-
ing the driver’s initialization phase.
Listing 1: FIFO Cache Replacement.
public interface
Cac heSt ra tegy
String p ro ce ss Que ry( String query )
SQ LE xcept io n;
String c ac he Mi ss( String query )
SQ LE xcept io n;
Ca ch edRes ul tS et po st Pro ce ss Qu ery( String
query , Ca ch edRes ul tS et resu lt )
SQ LE xcept io n;
Listing 2: FIFO Cache Replacement.
public interface
Ca ch eRepl ac em entSt rat egy
Vector s es si on Sta rt( En um er ation
ca ch eCont en t) ;
Ca ch eEntr y ne wE nt ry( E nu me rat io n
cacheContent , Ca cheEn tr y ne wE nt ry);
public boolean
se ss ionEn d() ;
3.1 Cache Strategy
The cache strategy controls the way the driver de-
cides what to store in the cache. This is accomplished
via three lifecycle methods which are called during
the execution of an SQL statement. These meth-
ods roughly correspond to the stages in the workflow
shown in Figure 1.
Before a statement is executed, the driver scans
through the cache index to check, whether the state-
DATA CACHING ON MOBILE DEVICES - The Experimental MyMIDP Caching Framework
ment is already cached or not. This is preceded by a
call to the
method, which determines
the cache index key from the SQL statement.
If the search for the key comes up empty, the
method is called. The task of this method
is to modify the original SQL statement into the SQL
statement required
by the caching strategy, which is
then send to the MySQL server instead of the origi-
nal statement. The produces result set is then added
to the cache, using the cache key provided by the
After the driver finished creating a result set, either
from cache or from the remote database, it is post-
processed by the
method. The
task of this method is to create a result set that is iden-
tical to the one which would have been created with-
out the use of caching, thus ensuring transparency.
The new result set is then passed to the application.
A Preemptive Cache Example. To show the capa-
bilities of this interface, lets have a look at how the
included preemptivecaching strategy is implemented.
It uses the idea of expanding the column selections
of the SQL statement to include all columns, leaving
the other clauses untouched (i.e. a
SELECT a, b, c
FROM xyz
becomes a
First, the
method uses the
(and following
...) clause as cache
index key. It simply cuts the front of SQL statement
off and returns the part beginning at the
tifier (i.e. a
SELECT a, b, c FROM xyz
). When the entry is not found, the
method simply takes the result of the
method and adds a
to its beginning, thus
creating a valid SQL query which is then send to
the database server. Finally, the
method creates a new result set based on the origi-
nal query. For each column definition in the original
SQL statement the corresponding column from the
database result set is selected and added to the new
one. Afterwards, eventual renaming is applied where
necessarry (as defined by SQL
clauses). Finally,
the new result set is returned to the client.
Of course, this kind of caching can fail quite eas-
ily, for example with the use of SQL functions or
joins. However, the application developer knows the
properties of the strategy used in his application and
can thus write the SQL statements in a more robust
way. Also, there is always the option of not us-
ing caching for some statements. Furthermore, most
problems can be avoided with a more intelligent SQL
analysis. However, please note that the current ver-
sion of MIDP does not implement any regular expres-
e.g. for enabling preemptive caching
sion engine, a developer must hence implement his
own, a comprehensive undertaking in it’s own.
3.2 Cache Replacement Strategy
The cache replacement strategy controls the actual
content of the cache. This is done via the three
methods listed in Listing 2. The
methods are both only called once dur-
ing the drivers lifecycle, namely during the initial-
ization and termination phases, respectively. The
method on the other hand is called every
time the cache content is to be modified.
During the initialization phase of the driver,
the cache content index is read from the RMS
by the cache manager and is then passed to the
method of the cache replacement
strategy. This method identifies the obsolete cache
entries and returns them in order to be deleted. Simi-
larly, the
method is called during driver
shutdown, indicating whether or not the cache should
be cleared or not. Overall, the job of these two meth-
ods is to move the cache into a valid state. For in-
stance, because the default FIFO strategy indicates a
cache flush during driver shutdown, it also marks the
entire cache content for deletion during initialization.
The task of the
method, on the other
hand, is to manage the cache content. It is called
whenever a new entry is to be added to the cache and
identifies at most one cache entry which is to be re-
moved from the cache. The default FIFO strategy, for
instance, does return the oldest cache entry once the
cache reached a predefined size of ten entries.
This paper presented our caching framework for mo-
bile devices. It is an extension for the MyMIDP
database driver for MIDP 2.0 compatible devices. As
mentioned in Section 1 we had to consider device and
API limitations during the design and development
process. The given goals were reached. Our current
development version of the MyMIDP driver (incl. the
described cache implementations) has a footprint of
27kB, only. The caching framework provides flexible
and transparent data caching for database result set.
For testing purposes we implemented only one
straight forward caching strategy. However, more en-
hanced approaches like semantic, preemptive or con-
text aware caches can also be implemented with our
framework. Therefore, future areas of research in-
clude also the implementation of a MIDP 2.0 com-
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
patible SQL analysis library that is necessary for an-
alyzing queries. Also, given the current rapid growth
in mobile device capabilities, a memory based cache
will sooner or later move into the area of feasibility.
The final goal is to provide a database framework
similar to the capabilities of the standard Java imple-
mentation (i.e. Java SE).
Note: The GPL lizensed MyMIDP source code
as well as our proof-of-concept MySQL client for
mobile phones are available online at http://it.i-
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DATA CACHING ON MOBILE DEVICES - The Experimental MyMIDP Caching Framework