Embedded Agents in a Human-centered World
M. J. O’Grady, G. M. P. O’Hare, R. Tynan
CLARITY- Centre for Sensor Web Technologies, School of Computer Science & Informatics, University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
R. W. Collier, C. Muldoon
School of Computer Science & Informatics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Keywords: Ambient Intelligence, Embedded agents, Human-centered computing.
Abstract: Supporting people in the pursuit of their everyday activities is a laudable objective and one which
researchers in various disciplines including computing, actively seek to accomplish. The dynamic nature of
the end-user community, the environments in which they operate, and the multiplicity of tasks in which they
engage in, all seem to conspire against the desired objective of providing services to the end-user
community in a transparent, intuitive and context-aware fashion. Indeed, this inherent complexity raises
fundamental problems for software engineers as they frequently lack the tools to effectively model the
various scenarios that dynamic user behaviour give rise to. This difficulty is not limited to exotic
applications or services; rather, it is characteristic of situations where a number of factors must be identified,
interpreted, and reconciled such that an accurate model of the prevailing situation at a given moment in time
can be constructed. Only in this way, can services be delivered that take into account the prevailing human,
social, environmental and technological conditions. Constructing such services calls for a software solution
that exhibits, amongst others, diffusion, autonomy, cooperation and intelligence. In this paper, the potential
of embedded agents for realising such solutions is explored.
Computing is a multi-faceted concept and is
perceived in a number of diverse ways. Quite how it
is perceived is influenced by a number of factors but
one prominent issue concerns the role and
prominence that computing plays in a persons'
everyday life. For some, designing, implementing
and administrating computing systems is their
everyday task. For others, computing forms an
indispensable tool in the fulfilment of their work.
However, for a significant number, software
applications and services have a peripheral role in
their lives. Why this is the case must remain a matter
of conjecture. However, it does indicate that a
significant opportunity exist for harnessing
computational resources for the benefit of people in
the pursuit of their everyday lives – Ambient
Assisted Living (Nehmer at al, 2006) being a
particular case in point. To avail of this opportunity
it beholds software professionals to demonstrate
clear and tangible benefits if their technological
solutions are to be adopted. Financial considerations,
though important, are not paramount. Moreover, the
learning curve must be short and the services
themselves easy and intuitive to use. Achieving
these objectives is, of course, a challenging and
formidable task.
In focusing on the technological, there is a
significant risk that the desires and requirements of
people may be neglected. For example, people may
be perceived as black-boxes - objects about which
very little is known about, and the circumstances in
which they operate inscrutable. Alternatively, people
may be treated as a homogenous entity and ascribed
a worldview remarkably similar to the designers of a
piece of hardware or software. In either case, people
lose. Clearly, focusing solely on the technology is a
deficient approach, and to remedy this, it is
necessary to obtain a broader picture of the
J. O’Grady M., M.P. O’Hare G., Tynan R., W. Collier R. and Muldoon C. (2009).
AMBIENCE & COLLABORATION - Embedded Agents in a Human-centered World.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 361-364
DOI: 10.5220/0002281503610364
prevailing situation at the time people are actively
using applications and services or, in other words,
their context (Greenberg, 2001).
Before a context can be incorporated into the design
of a service, it is necessary to articulate the elements
of context that the services in question require. It
must then be ascertained how the necessary
contextual elements can be captured. In some cases,
this may be accomplished by asking the user in
question. In other cases, the application may be able
to dynamically determine the device parameters
under which it is operating and adapt accordingly,
displaying some limited autonomic behaviour in the
process (Kephart and Chess, 2003). Finally,
individual contextual elements may be determined
using suitably equipped sensors and Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSNs). Assuming that the required
contextual elements are available, software
designers may need to consider if the cost, both
computationally and financially, of capturing
context is worth the effort. Of particular relevance to
this discussion is the case where individual
contextual elements must be explicitly and
continuously monitored such that a model of user
behaviour may constructed that would enable the
identification of scenarios where proactive
intervention would aid the user in the
accomplishment of the task at hand. Such an
intervention would only be possible after a
significant quantity of context-related data had been
captured, filtered and characterised. Identifying
patterns in individual context data streams, and
reconciling those with patterns identified from other
context data streams, as well as patterns from
previous behaviour models, is a computationally-
intensive task and suggests the need for harnessing
intelligent techniques.
An array of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques
exists, and depending on the requirements of the
services in question, any individual or combination
of techniques may be harnessed as appropriate.
However, the use of such techniques incurs a cost
which may be measured in at least two ways. Firstly,
AI techniques are notoriously computationally
intensive. Thus the immediate availability of
powerful workstations is a prerequisite. However, if
an interconnecting network that incorporate a
wireless component is utilised, there may be
problems due to latency and poor data throughput.
This leads directly to the second cost penalty which
concerns the perceived response time and,
ultimately, the usability of the service in question.
Recall that the primary objective is to incorporate
proactive and anticipatory behaviour for aiding users
in the fulfilment of their everyday tasks. A small
window of opportunity exists where such behaviour
can be fruitfully activated. Hence, the response time
to changes in the various contextual elements must
be such that these opportunities can be availed of in
a timely fashion.
It is interesting to reflect at this juncture that the
Ambient Intelligence (AmI) (Vasilakos and Pedrycz,
2006) initiative, as its name suggests, envisages the
incorporation of intelligent techniques. To recall:
AmI was formulated in response to anticipated
difficulties arising in scenarios where ubiquitous
computing environments were deployed. Such
environments would incorporate a significant
number of artefacts or objects that had been
augmented with computational technology. As such
artefacts increasingly proliferate, a scenario was
envisaged arising where competition for the user's
attention would be at a premium. The net result
being that such environments would be unusable and
inhospitable to users - a most unfortunate state of
affairs when the original objectives are considered.
Thus AmI anticipates the use of intelligent
techniques, especially Intelligent User Interfaces
(Maybury and Wahlster, 1998), as a means of
managing interaction within the environment and
minimising the need for explicit intervention. For
the purposes of this discussion, we are interested in
the potential of AI for identifying opportunities
where the user may be opportunistically aided in the
fulfilment of their tasks. AmI complements this
objective but does not seek to fulfil it.
To develop and maintain an accurate model of
user behaviour, it is essential to harness as much
contextual data as possible, using an array of sensors
and other devices. Ideally, these data streams would
be processed as near to their source as possible,
implying the need to employ a Distributed Artificial
Intelligence (DAI) or agent-based approach. In the
later case, one practical implementation for
resource-bounded devices is that of embedded
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
3.1 Embedded Agents
Historically, agents have been deployed on fixed
networked nodes where access to computational
resources is not a problem. However, developments
in mobile and embedded technologies, both
hardware and software related, are extending the
reach of agent technologies towards the extreme
periphery of the network. Indeed, examples of
embedded agents for AmI applications have been
documented (Keegan et al, 2008; O’Grady et al,
2005; Hagras et al, 2004). The current range of
PDAs and smartphones are capable of running
multi-tasking and multi-threaded applications.
Admittedly, the screen size of ¼ VGA is one
obvious limitation but it is a significant
improvement over the screens that supported a few
lines of text that were state-of-the art just a few short
years ago. In addition, a number of popular
communications protocols are supported. However,
it is developments in tools and languages for
designing and developing software for mobile
devices that has had the most impact. In particular, a
significant number of mobile devices comprise a
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) compliant with the
Java ME specification.
Embedding agents (Figure 1) on sensor devices
may appear impractical initially but recent
developments suggest otherwise. A number of
sophisticated sensor platforms are commercially
available whose specifications are similar to many
PDAs and mobile phones, albeit not from a GUI
perspective. A JVM is available for such platforms
thus enabling them to support relatively
sophisticated applications, either in isolation or,
more likely, as a node in a distributed application or
service. In a standard Wireless Sensor Network
(WSN) topology, sophisticated sensors could act as
base stations, collecting data from nearby leaf nodes,
sharing it with other nodes and collaborating with
them to make sense of the data.
From a software platform perspective, a number
of embedded agent platforms have been developed
in the past number of years. O’Hare et al (2006)
provides a useful survey of some common
platforms. One particular example of a system that
demonstrates the feasibility of agents on WSNs is
Agilla (Kok et al, 2005). This is a middleware
solution that adopts mobile agents for coordination
and migration in the fulfilment of WSN specific
Figure 1: Embedded agents can be deployed on suitably
equipped devices ranging from workstations to smart
phones to embedded sensors in everyday objects. In this
way, the necessary contextual elements can be captured
and interpreted, enabling the construction of sophisticated
behaviour models, and facilitating the identification of
opportunities where proactive and anticipatory activities
by applications and services can be enabled.
Having discussed the broad nature of embedded
agents, it is now appropriate to revisit the original
motivation for this discussion, namely how to
monitor users so as to anticipate their needs and
proactively help them in the course of their everyday
activities. The solution to this problem does not
solely manifest itself either in an exclusively
hardware or software solution. Both have an
indispensable role to play in fulfilling this objective.
WSN technologies represent a significant step
forward in the pursuit of the ubiquitous computing
vision. However, it must be acknowledged that there
are significant technical obstacles outstanding before
the transparent integration of computational
elements into everyday objects becomes a reality.
Power management is one critical issue that springs
to mind.
Traditionally, it has been the software element
that has been lagging behind hardware
developments. However, the increasing
incorporation of runtime environments such as Java
ME into both mobile devices and embedded
technologies is giving rise to a situation where, for
the first time, a common platform is available to
software developers. Again, it must be
acknowledged that there are limitations and
incompatibly issues amongst others; nevertheless,
the vision of various heterogeneous hardware
elements all sharing a common software element is
beginning to crystallise. Thus the foundations are
AMBIENCE & COLLABORATION - Embedded Agents in a Human-centered World
laid for realising software services that are
inherently distributed yet adaptable to the prevailing
context at the time of invocation.
Now that both the hardware and software
foundations are in place to begin constructing
services that can harness and interpret various
aspects of the user's context, the question arises as to
how best to engineer such services. Based on the
previous discussions, it can be seem that the
embedded agent paradigm is a particularly apt one
as agents incorporate a significant number of
features that can be fruitfully harvested to deliver the
necessary adaptivity. This is not to say that it is the
only approach or the best approach. It is just an
acknowledgment that, at this moment in time at
least, embedded agents singularly possess some of
the essential characteristics necessary for collecting
and interpreting the necessary contextual elements
essential to the provision of human-centered
To reflect further on some of the more pertinent
agent characteristics: autonomy and reactivity are
essential to the continuous monitoring of contextual
cues. Collaboration is essential for the integration of
the contextual cues and the construction of a model
of the user's world. Intelligence is necessary for
interpreting the meaning of the collated contextual
cues and the construction of models of past
behaviour that can be used to predict likely future
actions. Agents can then proactively use those
models to anticipate and pre-empt user requests.
Finally, agents are inherently distributed software
entities. This makes them ideal for implementing
solutions that must harness data from numerous
diverse sources, interpreted it in an intelligent and
collaborative manner, and collate the results such
that an accurate model of the prevailing context at
any given time may be constructed. Only in this way
can sophisticated behaviour models be constructed,
patterns of behaviour identified and future activities
predicted, paving the way for the delivery of truly
adaptive human centered applications and services.
Embedded agents offer one vision of how disparate
data sources may be captured and interpreted to
realize services in a range of applications that are
human-centric. Their inherent characteristics make
them a particularly apt solution for modelling such
services. Ongoing developments in WSN
technologies are continuously extended the number
of platforms on which such agents can be
realistically deployed. Yet many challenges remain,
including identifying effective strategies for data and
decision fusion such that contexts and tasks can be
recognised within a time frame that allows effective
responses and interventions.
This material is based upon works supported by the
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under Grant No.
(Grant No. 07/CE/I1147).
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies