waiting consequent problems. Problems in the
interaction may be resolved without waiting errors
blocking the systems. The management action may
involve a rebinding of the activity to another service,
the rescheduling of activities in the process or the
planning of new activities to be executed to handle
the new situation. As we have seen activity and
process related values are not the only data that may
be used. Context measurement is also really useful
in the process management. They allow for
retrieving information, external to the specific
activities in execution that may alter the operational
environment, demanding for adaptation of the
process control flow, or even change the overall goal
of the process. Dynamic monitoring enables the
execution of process that otherwise may be not
described if not using complex syntax and detailed
description of each anomalies to be handled in the
control flow.
Our experimental work is related to SAWE
(SAWE) a Workflow Enactment System designed to
be autonomic and adaptive, able to execute process
using Web Services, Java local or remote objects,
and Grid resources. In our work we have defined a
conceptual checkpoint model and used an XML
extension to model it.
Future activities are related to the realization of a
higher level language for the definition of
monitoring policy coupled with the definition of an
interface for dynamically managing the process
execution. The objective is to make totally
automated the monitoring and the management.
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ACT4SOC-EHST 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies