(a) (b)
(c) (d) (e)
Figure 9: Fusion results for multimodality MMW image(a)visual image(b)MMW image(c)Proposed method (d) DWT & (e)
Li’s method.
In this paper, new region based image fusion method
using region consistency rule is described. This
novel idea is applied on large number of dataset of
various categories and simulation results are found
with superior visual quality compared to other
earlier reported pixel and recently proposed Li’s
region based image fusion methods. The novel
MMS fusion rule is introduced to select desired
regions from multimodality images. Proposed
algorithm is compared with standard reference based
and nonreference based image fusion parameters and
from simulation and results, it is evident that our
proposed algorithm preserves more details in fused
image. Proposed algorithm can be further improved
by designing more complex fusion rule.
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