We can conclude that adding agents to the cellular
network produced better call rates under all condi-
tions. Agents self-organize to reduce the percentage
of calls blocked significantly. Considering all call
models, agents were able to reduce the number of
calls blocked by 55% - 82%. On average, the agent-
based solution decreased the number of calls blocked
by a remarkable 72%. Call generation rate had no ef-
fect on the qualitative results. With a high call rate of
10, when one assumes the network may be too over-
loaded to have any affect, the addition of agents al-
ways improved network performance. Another inter-
esting fact was when the simulation results attained
the minimum call blocking rate, the addition of more
agents did not overload the system but continued to
produce the same performance results. Although the
Random Hotspot model generated more fluctuations,
the agents adapted efficiently to the continuous flow
of random network hotspots.
The DAP algorithm was extremely good, produc-
ing call rates that were as good as any of the fixed
agent methods. It managed to adapt to a minimal
number of agents under most situations, with the ex-
ception of the Random Hotspot were slightly more
agents were utilized. Even so, call rate results were
not affected. An average reduction in blocked calls
in excess of 62% was achieved using the DAP algo-
rithm, considering all call models and call rates; a sta-
tistically significant difference.
Al agha (Al agha, 2000) proposes a multi-agent so-
lution for intelligent base stations resource allocation
in wireless networks. Agents are able to combine
knowledge and experience with neighboring agents to
make the best decisions. This is achieved by agents
cooperating, communicating, reasoning, and perceiv-
ing. Agents corresponding with a base station are
capable of communicating its state to neighbors and
learning from past events in the environment to opti-
mize the utilization of resources. The agent solution is
used in conjunction with a resource allocation scheme
known as Channel Segregation (CS). Channel Seg-
regation differs from traditional dynamic allocation
schemes because it has a simple form of self-learning.
It involves segregating physical channels from a com-
mon pool by each base station to form a preferred list
of channels. Base stations attempt to allocate chan-
nels at the top of their priority list. The learning as-
pect of CS is achieved though the way in which prior-
ity lists are formed, resulting in differing lists across
the network cells - and stabilizing over time. Simu-
lation results have shown that the integration of intel-
ligent agents with channel segregation had improved
call rates by decreasing the number of calls blocked.
An overview of research done in the field of both
Communication Networks (CN) and Distributed Arti-
ficial Intelligence (DAI) can be found in (Hayzelden
and Bigham, 1999). Articles in (Hayzelden and
Bigham, 1999) identify current trends in agent-based
network control and management. They discuss ar-
eas that would most benefit from agent technologies
and deployment strategies for agent-based solutions,
some of which are ant-based.
This paper has demonstrated that an adaptive popu-
lation of agents using principles from swarm intelli-
gence can effectively allocate resources in a dynamic
The resizing algorithm can be thought of as a re-
cruitment algorithm.
Using division of labor and adaptive task alloca-
tion, agents modeled after social insects produced a
decentralized, robust, and adaptive system. The sim-
ple interconnected agents were able to self-organize
and exhibit intelligent behavior to dramatically de-
crease blocked call rates.
We propose that future work should include agent-
to-agent communication. This may be accomplished
by agents simulating other agents, or cooperative ne-
gotiation between agents. The latter possibility was
a proposed solution by Bigham, where agents asso-
ciated with the cellular base station would negotiate
with other agents to optimize local cell coverage (Du
et al., 2003).
Al agha, K. M. (2000). Resource management in wire-
less networks using intelligent agents. Int. J. Netw.
Manag., 10(1):29–39.
Bonabeau, E., Dorigo, M., and Theraulaz, G. (1999).
Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Sys-
tems. Oxford.
Bonabeau, E., Theraulaz, G., and Deneubourg, J.-L. (1998).
Fixed response thresholds and the regulation of divi-
sion of labor in insect societies. Working Papers 98-
01-009, Santa Fe Institute.
Du, L., Bigham, J., Cuthbert, L., Nahi, P., and Parini, C.
(2003). Intelligent cellular network load balancing
IJCCI 2009 - International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence