works Cremona (Ludwig et al., 2004) and WSAG4J
(Waeldrich, 2008). Both provide functionality for the
negotiation and monitoring of SLAs based on the WS-
Agreement specification. The provided interfaces can
be extended by domain specific implementations.
The focus of the ASG and SalMon approaches
was on the handling of technical services and their
QoS parameters. In contrast, our approach handles
a variety of service attributes such as pricing, pay-
ment information, and legal aspects which is impor-
tant for business services. The GRIA system supports
the specification of business level SLOs. The focus is
on the application domain of the user but not on SLA
aspects which are specific to the trading of services.
While the Cremona framework is not available,
we analysed in how far we can base our implemen-
tation of the SLA Manager component on WSAG4J.
While this would have been possible for the nego-
tiation and monitoring functionality, the integration
with service engineering, i.e. deployment and unde-
ployment of SLA templates would have required the
adaptation of core parts of the WSAG4J functionality.
None of the approaches for handling SLAs known to
us supports the comprehensive business service prop-
erties which are necessary for trading business ser-
vices. This is achieved in our approach by integrat-
ing USDL into SLAs. Our approach is also differ-
ent from other approaches in that it supports much of
the work of service providers and consumers. It of-
fers core SLA management functionality via the ser-
vice marketplace. In addition to that, the integration
of the SLA management with the service engineering
methodology and toolset is achieved by supporting
the creation of SLA templates from service descrip-
In this paper we presented the SLA lifecycle and man-
agement infrastructure developed within the TEXO
project. We also presented the SLA management
components and described how they are integrated
into the different parts of the service engineering, pro-
visioning, and marketplace infrastructure. By inte-
grating important parts of the SLA management in-
frastructure into the marketplace, the infrastructure
requirements for service providers and consumers,
who want to participate in the marketplace, are min-
imized. If service providers utilize the service engi-
neering and runtime tools all needed functionality is
provided to them. An important requirement for the
trading of services was that SLAs could express rele-
vant attributes from the business domain. To achieve
that we based our implementation on USDL, an ex-
pressive service description language, which was de-
signed to meet the specific requirements for describ-
ing business services.
Further work is necessary to evaluate our ap-
proach in an end-to-end logistics scenario. We plan
to use a supply chain simulator to simulate the execu-
tion of a logistics process. Simulated monitoring data
can be used to evaluate the SLAs.
Furthermore, we are currently extending our work
with regard to the efficient SLA management in ser-
vice compositions where dependencies between dif-
ferent services in a composition need to be considered
when SLAs are renegotiated.
The TEXO project was funded by means of the Ger-
man Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology
under the promotional reference 01MQ07012. The
authors take the responsibility for the contents.
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ACT4SOC-EHST 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies