technological process acquire principally new qualities. Particularly they allow moni-
toring in real time the states of complex technological process characterized by great
number of measured parameters under structure reconfiguration of the controlled
objects. The proposed information technology rises the automation level of complex
technological processes control, increases possibilities of control of objects under
degradation of their structures, improves reliability and efficiency of control
processes, increases possibilities of early detection of various technical faults as well
as timely prediction of catastrophes allowing to make right decision and to undertake
appropriate prevention measures. The proposed approach to the problem of MS struc-
ture reconfiguration control in the terms of general context of MS structural dynamics
control enables the following: common goals of MS functioning can be directly
linked with those implemented (realized) in MS control process; a reasonable deci-
sion and selection (choice) of an adequate consequence of problems to be solved and
operations to be fulfilled related to structural dynamics can be made (in other words,
MS control method can be synthesized and developed); a compromise(trade-off)
distribution of a restricted resources appropriated for a structural dynamics control
can be found without additional expenses.
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