new web applications denominated locus specific
databases and they usually contain information
about sequence variations among individuals for a
particular gene. In addition, content ownership and
its growing importance is gaining relevance. Despite
the fact that for regular end-users, access to
scientific content is easier when provided by a
centralized service, researchers who want to publish
their work are almost obliged to create their own
applications if they want to keep the authorship of
their work visible.
The described architecture and application intend
to overcome these problems with three key features
for both users and researchers. First, integration is
based on simple Internet URLs that are parsed and
processed to gather the most significant information.
This means that developers will not have to make
any changes to the application core and that we are
able to integrate any URL-accessible content.
Secondly, the original applications will be shown
inside our application. Thus, the content owners will
not be shown as a link but as part of a complete
application. Finally, external applications can be
extended inside our system: information exchanges,
text-mining and other user customization features
can be developed to enhance the original
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Community's Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under
grant agreement nº 200754 - the GEN2PHEN
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LINK INTEGRATOR - A Link-based Data Integration Architecture