Uffe Kock Wiil, Nasrullah Memon and Jolanta Gniadek
Counterterrorism Research Lab, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Denmark
Keywords: Knowledge management processes, Tools, and techniques, Counterterrorism domain, CrimeFighter toolbox.
Abstract: Knowledge about the structure and organization of terrorist networks is important for both terrorism
investigation and the development of effective strategies to prevent terrorist attacks. Theory from the
knowledge management field plays an important role in dealing with terrorist information. Knowledge
management processes, tools, and techniques can help intelligence analysts in various ways when trying to
make sense of the vast amount of data being collected. This paper presents the latest research on the
CrimeFighter toolbox for counterterrorism. CrimeFighter provides advanced mathematical models and
software tools to assist intelligence analysts in harvesting, filtering, storing, managing, analyzing,
structuring, mining, interpreting, and visualizing terrorist information.
Knowledge about the structure and organization of
terrorist networks is important for both terrorism
investigation and the development of effective
strategies to prevent terrorist attacks. However,
except for network visualization, terrorist network
analysis remains primarily a manual process.
Existing tools do not provide advanced structural
analysis techniques that allow for the extraction of
network knowledge from terrorist information.
Theory from the knowledge management field
plays an important role in dealing with terrorist
information (Chen, Reid, Sinai, Silke, and Ganor,
2008). Knowledge management processes, tools,
and techniques can help intelligence analysts in
various ways when trying to make sense of the vast
amount of data being collected. Several manual
knowledge management processes can either be
semi-automated or supported by software tools.
This paper presents the latest research on the
CrimeFighter toolbox for counterterrorism.
CrimeFighter provides advanced mathematical
models and software tools to assist intelligence
analysts in harvesting, filtering, storing, managing,
analyzing, structuring, mining, interpreting, and
visualizing terrorist information.
CrimeFighter is based on previous work from
several research projects performed in the areas of
knowledge management, hypertext, investigative
data mining, social network analysis, graph theory,
visualization, and mathematical methods in
counterterrorism. Work on iMiner was targeted at
constructing a framework for automated terrorist
network analysis, visualization, and destabilization
(Memon, Wiil, Reda, Atzenbeck, and Harkiolakis,
2009). Work on ASAP (Advanced Support for Agile
Planning) aimed at constructing a tool to assist
software developers perform structural analysis of
software planning data (Petersen and Wiil, 2008).
Finally, several projects have been performed to
harvest terrorist information from the Web
(Henriksen and Sørensen, 2009; Knudsen, 2009;
Dasho and Puszczewicz, 2009). The important
results from the above work are now being
incorporated into the CrimeFighter toolbox.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the knowledge management processes,
tools, and techniques used by CrimeFigther to
support the counterterrorism domain. Section 3
describes the current status of the work on
CrimeFighter, while Section 4 outlines open issues
and future work. Finally, Section 5 concludes the
Wiil U., Memon N. and Gniadek J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 29-36
DOI: 10.5220/0002291900290036
This section discusses how knowledge management
processes, tools, and techniques can play an
important role for counterterrorism exemplified by
the presentation of the CrimeFighter toolbox.
2.1 Processes
Several knowledge management processes are
involved in the attempt to provide a toolbox that can
support intelligence analysts in their work with
terrorist information as shown in Figure 1.
Knowledge Management Processes
Data Information Knowledge
Acquiring Data
from Open Source
Harvesting Data
from the Web
Other Sources Defining Patterns
Processing Data Mining Data
Figure 1: Knowledge management processes for
Overall, the red processes involve acquiring data
from various sources, the yellow processes involve
processing data into relevant information, and the
green processes involve further analysis and
interpretation of the information into useful
knowledge that the intelligence analysts can use to
support their decision making.
Data Acquisition. Real intelligence data is hard to
get due to its sensitive nature. In fact, very few
researchers have been granted access to such data.
Several options are available in the data acquisition
Data can be acquired from open source
databases that contain authenticated
information about terrorists and their activities. is an example of a
database that contains authenticated open
source information about the Al Qaeda terrorist
network. (
Data can be harvested from the Web (including
the dark Web – which is data not indexed by
major search engines like Google, MSN,
Yahoo, etc.). The Web contains many sources
that potentially contain terrorist related
information (i.e., regular Web pages, blogs,
forums, search engines, RSS feeds, chat rooms,
Data can be obtained from other sources such
as databases maintained by intelligence
Our tools and techniques have so far only been
tested with open source data (the first two items
Information Processing. The Processing Data step
focuses on pre-processing of data. Data is cleaned
from unnecessary elements and checked considering
quality and completeness. The Mining Data step is
concerned with processing of data using defined
patterns (e.g., activities of people living or staying in
the same city). Data mining algorithms are used in
order to discover such hidden patterns and obtain
relevant knowledge. The Evaluating Knowledge step
is used to check whether the acquired knowledge is
relevant. Errors are recognized and eliminated to
improve the overall information processing.
Possibly, new patterns are defined and old patterns
are enhanced in the Defining Patterns step and the
pre-processing of data in the Processing Data step is
fine-tuned based on the feedback from the
Evaluating Knowledge step.
Knowledge Management. The Interpreting
knowledge step focuses on performing social
network analysis in order to find new patterns and to
gain deeper knowledge about the structure of
terrorist networks. The Analyzing knowledge step
focuses on supporting the work with emergent and
evolving structure of terrorist networks to uncover
new relationships between people, places, events,
etc. The Visualizing knowledge step deals with the
complex task of visualizing the structure of terrorist
2.2 Tools
To support the knowledge management processes
described in Section 2.1, CrimeFighter provides a
number of tools. The toolbox philosophy is that the
humans (intelligence analysts) are in charge of the
knowledge management processes and the tools are
there to assist the analysts. Thus, the purpose of the
tools is to support as many of the knowledge
management processes as possible to assist the
intelligence analysts in performing their work more
efficiently. In this context, efficient means that the
analysts arrive at better analysis results much faster.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
In general, the tools fall into two overall categories:
Semi-automatic tools that need to be configured
by the intelligence analysts to perform the
dedicated task. After configuration, the tool will
automatically perform the dedicated task.
Manual tools that support the intelligence
analysts in performing specific tasks by
providing dedicated features that enhance the
work efficiency when performing manual
intelligence analysis work.
The tools of the CrimeFighter toolbox are shown is
Figure 2.
Open Source
Data Mining
Data flow
Figure 2: Tools in the CrimeFighter toolbox.
The heart of the toolkit is a knowledge base that
contains data related to terrorism, which has been
gathered and processed by dedicated tools. The
content of the knowledge base is used by the various
tools for further analysis and visualization.
The toolbox contains the following semi-
automatic tools:
Web harvesting tools make use of data
acquisition agents (spiders) to harvest data from
the Web. The spiders are controlled by the data
conversion tools.
Data conversion tools are responsible for both
collecting (through spiders) and transforming
Data mining tools provide selected data mining
algorithms to discover new knowledge in data
based on defined patterns.
Social network analysis tools perform analysis
to uncover new patterns and to gain deeper
knowledge about the structure of terrorist
Visualization tools use graph layout algorithms
to visualize discovered knowledge regarding
terrorist networks. It can also be used as a
graphics engine to support some of the tasks
performed by the other tools in the toolbox.
The toolbox also contains the following manual
Knowledge base tools help maintain the
knowledge base by allowing intelligence
analysts to explore and revise the knowledge
base content as well as to work with meta data.
Structure analysis tools focuses on supporting
the manual work with emergent and evolving
structure of terrorist networks to uncover new
relationships between people, places, events,
Figure 3 shows how the different tools are related to
the three overall knowledge management processes
described in Section 2.1.
Tools in Knowledge Management Processes
Data Information Knowledge
Open Source
Data Mining
Figure 3: Tools supporting the knowledge management
Some processes cannot be supported by tools and
still have to be performed manually. The Evaluating
knowledge step is an example of this. Intelligence
analysts need to examine the quality of the
knowledge and possibly alter the configuration of
certain tools (i.e., data conversion, data mining, etc.)
to obtain more relevant knowledge for their decision
2.3 Techniques
A number of advanced software techniques are used
to develop the features of the tools (data mining,
social network analysis, criminal geographic
profiling, syndromic surveillance, hypertext,
visualization, etc.). We will briefly describe these
techniques to provide a better understanding of how
they are deployed in our work.
Data Mining is a technique involving pattern-based
queries, searches, or other analyses of one or more
electronic databases, where a department or agency
may conduct the queries, searches, or other analyses
to discover or locate a predictive pattern or anomaly
indicative of terrorist or criminal activity on the part
of any individual or individuals (Mena, 2003).
Among the more prominent methods and tools used
in data mining are (Devlin and Lorden, 2007):
Link analysis: looking for association and other
forms of connecting among say, criminals or
Software agents: small, self-contained pieces of
computer code that can monitor, retrieve,
analyze, and act on information.
Machine learning: algorithms that can extract
profiles of criminals and graphical maps of
Neural network: special kind of computer
programs that can predict the probability of
crimes and terrorist attacks.
Social Network Analysis. The events of 9/11
instantly altered the perceptions of the words
“terrorist” and “network” (Alam, 2003), and the
United States and other countries rapidly started to
gear up to fight a new kind of enemy. In
conventional warfare, conducted in specific
locations, it is important to understand the terrain in
which the battles will be fought. In the war against
terror, there is no specific location. As 9/11 showed
only too well, the battleground can be anywhere.
The terrorists’ power base is not geographic; rather,
they operate in networks, with members distributed
across the globe (Carpenter, and Stajkovic, 2006).
To fight such an enemy, we need to understand the
new “terrain”: networks – how they are constructed
and how they operate. Using techniques of graph
theory and network analysis to analyze social
networks, such as terrorist networks, a specialized
sub-discipline known as social network analysis
rapidly developed in the years leading up to 9/11 and
has been a hotter topic since. The applicability of
social network analysis to fight crime and terrorism
had been known to specialists for many years, but it
was only after 9/11 that the general public realized
the critical importance of “connecting dots” in
investigations and surveillance of terrorists (Devlin
and Lorden, 2007).
Criminal Geographic Profiling is a technique
originally designed to help police forces to prioritize
large lists of suspects typically generated in cases
involving serial crime (Raine, Rossmo, and Comber,
2009), for instance, murder and rape (Rossmo and
Velarde, 2008). The technique uses the location of
related crime sites to make inferences about the most
likely area in which the offender might live (or visit
regularly), and has been extremely successful in this
field (Bennell and Corey 2007; Canter and
Hammond 2007). The need for such a technique
arises because investigations of serial crimes
frequently generate too many, rather than too few,
Syndromic Surveillance is an innovative electronic
surveillance system (automated extraction and
analysis of routinely collected data) which use data
based on disease symptoms, rather than disease
diagnosis (Maciejewski, Hafen, Rudolph, Tebbetts,
Cleveland, Grannis, and Ebert, 2009). It involves
collecting and analyzing statistical data on health
trends (such as symptoms reported by people
seeking care in emergency rooms or other health
care settings) or even sales of flu medicines.
Because bioterrorist agents such as anthrax, plague,
and smallpox initially present “flu-like” symptoms, a
sudden increase of individuals with fever, headache,
or muscle pain could be evidence of a bioterrorist
attack (Yan, Chen, and Zeng, 2007). By focusing on
symptoms rather than confirmed diagnoses,
syndromic surveillance aims to detect bioterror
events earlier than would be possible with traditional
disease surveillance systems.
Hypertext. Organizing and making sense of
information is an important task for intelligence
analysts and has been the main focus of hypertext
research from its very beginning. Hypertext systems
aim at augmenting human intellect – that is
“increasing the capability of a man to approach a
complex problem situation, to gain comprehension
to suit his particular needs, and to derive solutions to
problems” (Engelbart, 1962). The most widely used
structure abstractions in hypertext are nodes and
links. Nodes are informational units that can be
connected through links. Users can traverse links
and thereby navigate through a hypertext (graph).
Nodes and links, however, have been criticised for a
lack of support for emergent and evolving structures.
Spatial hypertext was designed for and is well suited
for dealing with emergent and evolving structures
(Shipman, Hsieh, Maloor, and Moore, 2001). Thus,
hypertext theory (in particular spatial hypertext
theory) plays an important role for the structure
analysis tools.
Visualization. Information synthesis and analysis
can be facilitated by a visual interface designed to
support analytical processing and reasoning. Such an
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
interactive visualization approach is also known as
visual analytics (Thomas and Cook, 2006). Visually
analyzing social networks has been receiving
growing attention and several visualization tools
have been developed for this purpose. Vizster (Heer
and Boyd, 2005) provides an environment to explore
and analyze online social network, supporting
automatically identification and visualization of
connections and community structures. SocialAction
(Adam and Shneiderman, 2006) allows users to
explore different social network analysis measures
to gain insights into the network properties, to filter
nodes (representing entities), and to find outliers.
Users can interactively aggregate nodes to reduce
complexity, find cohesive subgroups, and focus on
communities of interest. However, the measures
used in these systems are topological-oriented. Xu
and Chen (2005) proposed a framework for
automatic network analysis and visualization. Their
CrimeNet Explorer identifies relationships between
persons based on frequency of co-occurrence in
crime incident summaries. Hierarchy clustering
algorithm is then applied to partition the network
based on relational strength. A visual analytic
system Jigsaw (Stasko, Gorg, Liu, and Singhal,
2007) represents documents and their entities
visually in multiple views to illustrate connections
between entities across the different documents. It
takes an incremental approach to suggest relevant
reports to examine next by inspecting the co-
occurred entities.
This section describes the current status of our
research by briefly presenting our existing tools for
counterterrorism. Additional detail can be found in
the provided references.
Open Source
Data Mining
iMiner tools
Other tools
Figure 4: Previous research on counterterrorism.
Currently, many of the identified knowledge
management processes for counterterrorism are
supported by our tools. Figure 4 shows the current
status of our work.
The iMiner prototype includes tools for data
conversion, data mining, social network analysis,
visualization, and for the knowledge base. iMiner
incorporates several advanced and novel models and
techniques useful for counterterrorism like subgroup
detection, network efficiency estimation, and
destabilization strategies for terrorist networks
including detection of hidden hierarchies (Memon,
Wiil, Reda, Atzenbeck, and Harkiolakis, 2009).
In relation to iMiner, several collections of
authenticated datasets of terrorist events that have
occurred or were planned have been harvested from
open source databases (i.e.,
Figure 5 shows the dataset on Al Qaeda.
Figure 5: iMiner screenshot.
Work has also been conducted on the ASAP tool
(Figure 6) to assist software developers to perform
structural analysis of software planning data
(Petersen and Wiil, 2008).
Many of the spatial hypertext concepts and
techniques that supports working with emergent and
evolving structures (Shipman, Hsieh, Maloor, and
Figure 6: ASAP screenshot.
Moore, 2001) used in ASAP are domain
independent and can be re-used in a tool that
supports intelligence analysts working with terrorist
Finally, several prototypes have been
constructed to harvest terrorist information from the
Web. Henriksen and Sørensen (2009) have
developed a focused web crawler for regular web
pages. Knudsen (2009) has developed a tool to
harvest information from RSS feeds. Dasho and
Puszczewicz (2009) have developed a tool to harvest
information from blogs.
As described in Section 3, we provide support for
many of the processes based on novel models and
advanced software tools. However, we have
identified some open issues in relation to our work.
Structure Analysis. As mentioned, we have
experiences from developing a structural analysis
tool for the software planning domain. While some
of the concepts from spatial hypertext can be re-used
for the counterterrorism domain, it is still wide open
how this should be done. Atzenbeck, Hicks, and
Memon (2009) provide an analysis of the
counterterrorism domain and lists requirements in
relation to developing a structure analysis tool:
Supporting the emergent and fragile nature of
the created structure and fostering its
communication among analysts.
Integrating with the information sources used
by the analyst, permitting them to be
represented and structured in a common
information space.
Supporting awareness of, and notification based
on, linked information across information
source boundaries.
Permitting multiple directions of thought
through versioning support.
Thus, supporting emergent and evolving structure as
a means for knowledge representation,
communication, integration, versioning, awareness,
and notification is central to this tool.
Web Harvesting. The three independent prototypes
mentioned above form a good starting point for
developing web harvesting tools that can support the
data acquisition process in relation to the Web. The
challenge is to combine the individual prototypes
into an overall configurable, semi-automatic web
harvesting tool. Related work regarding design and
implementation of web crawlers (Shkapenyuk and
Suel, 2002), information gathering in a dynamic
world (Hornung, Simon, and Lausen, 2006), and
studies of cyber communities in blogs (Chau and
Xu, 2008) provides important pointers for this work.
Knowledge Base. The knowledge base used by
iMiner stores terrorist information in the form of
<subject, object, relationship>
where “subject” and “object” are entities of interest
and “relationship” is a link between exactly two
entities (Memon, Wiil, Reda, Atzenbeck, and
Harkiolakis, 2009). This domain model with nodes
(entities) and links (binary relations) supports
development of advanced software tools to assist
intelligence analysts. Figure 7 shows how this type
of domain model can be used to model a complex
terrorist networks – example from (Krebs, 2002).
Figure 7: Part of 9/11 terrorist network (Krebs, 2002).
Nodes are entities with attributes allowing
relevant information to be stored about the entities.
Social network analysis techniques can be used to
identify key nodes in the network. This type of
information can be used for network destabilization
purposes. Taking out key nodes will decrease the
ability of the network to function normally.
However, the above domain model also poses
limitations. Links only exist as a text string
describing the nature of the relation between two
nodes (e.g., person A “met with” person B). Links
are not first class entities with the same properties as
nodes. This is in contrast to the fact that the links
between the nodes provides at least as much relevant
information about terrorist networks as the nodes
themselves (Gloor and Zhao, 2006).
A domain model with links as first class entities
(like nodes) will allow additional features to be built
into the social network analysis and visualization
Using Links Weights. Currently, all links have
the weight “1”. Having links as first class
entities allows individual weights to be added
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
to links. Weights can be based on information
such as the reliability of the information and the
level of the relation. Thus, links can be treated
differently based on weights allowing more
accurate information to be deducted from the
terrorist network.
Finding Missing Links. Investigative data
mining techniques (Memon, 2007) could be
used to suggest (predict) missing links in the
terrorist network revealing relations that were
previously unknown to the intelligence
Identifying Key Links. Just like social
network analysis techniques can be used to
identify key nodes, they can also be used to
identify key links in the terrorist network. A
key link could for instance be “the flow of
finances” between two persons. Taking out key
links can also be used to destabilize terrorist
These are just a few examples of how a more
powerful domain model inspired by the basic
hypertext node link model (Engelbart, 1962) can
provide additional features for intelligence analysts.
Future research is likely to reveal many additional
features made possible by the new domain model.
The above open issues are currently being
addressed in various projects to further strengthen
our toolbox approach to counterterrorism.
The CrimeFighter approach towards a toolbox for
counterterrorism is inter-disciplinary involving
many different research topics as described in the
previous sections. To our knowledge, no other
approach provides a similar comprehensive coverage
of tools and techniques to support the involved
knowledge management processes.
The individual tools are based on theory from
various research fields. Theory and related work
from these fields are discussed throughout the paper
– especially in Section 2.3 on techniques.
This paper described the latest research on the
CrimeFighter toolbox for counterterrorism. The
work reported in this paper has primarily made the
following contributions:
We have identified and described knowledge
management processes, tools, and techniques
that are central to the counterterrorism domain.
We have developed and implemented advanced
mathematical models and software tools that
help automate and support knowledge
processes for counterterrorism to assist
intelligence analysts in their work.
We have presented past, ongoing, and future
work on CrimeFighter – a novel toolbox for
counterterrorism that provides advanced
support for the counterterrorism domain.
So far our tools and techniques have only been
tested with open source data from authenticated
terrorist databases and the Web. We have not had
access to real intelligence data. We are currently in
the process of making a Memorandum of
Understanding with an intelligence agency from
Asia. We expect that this will allow us to test our
tools and techniques in the future with real
intelligence data and with intelligence analysts as
end users. This will take the research to the next
level. Testing the tools and techniques with real data
and real end users is the ultimate test that will
validate the value of our approach.
The authors wish to acknowledge the support from
the Faculty of Engineering and the Maersk Mc-
Kinney Moller Institute (both University of Southern
Denmark) to establish the Counterterrorism
Research Lab.
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