confirms that our approach was able to correctly
identify the subset of measurements that is of
importance, which needs to be incorporated into
current practices to streamline clothing design.
One of the biggest challenges for the apparel
industry is to produce garments that fit the
customers properly and are aesthetically pleasing.
Better characterizations of our populations are thus
needed. Furthermore, the different sizes must
correspond to real body shapes, i.e. one or more
archetypes should represent the individuals
belonging to the same size accurately. In the context
of tailoring, however, the optimal scenario is to
cover the largest number of people with the fewest
number of sizes. Here, it is preferred to have only
one archetype, since each new size increases the
complexity in the manufacturing.
Our approach satisfies the aforementioned
requirements, since we were able to group the
individuals into clusters with a well-defined
Centroid. Our verification, when using the Cleopatra
system, indicates that the cluster membership
corresponds to the reality. Our results show that the
number of body measurements may be significantly
reduced by applying interestingness measure-based
feature selection and feature extraction. Moreover,
these new sets of reduced body measurements
improve the predictive accuracy. These sets contain
the most important body measurements for defining
the body sizes, and may be used in garment design
to identify those body measurements that require
special attention, when tailoring clothes for a
specific population and gender.
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