Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles and Mouna Kamel
IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse, 118, route de narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex9, France
Keywords: Natural language processing for ontology learning, Extraction of semantic relations, Information extraction
from structured documents.
Abstract: Most existing methods for ontology learning from textual documents rely on natural language analysis. We
extend these approaches by taking into account the document structure which bears additional knowledge.
The documents that we deal with are XML specifications of databases. In addition to classical linguistic
clues, the structural organization of such documents also contributes to convey meaning. In a first stage, we
characterize the semantics of XML mark-up and of their relations. Then parsing rules are defined to exploit
the XML structure of documents and to create ontology concepts and semantic relations. These rules make
it possible to automatically learn a kernel of ontology from documents. In a second stage; this ontology is
enriched with the results of text analysis by lexico-syntactic patterns. Both ontology learning rules and
patterns are implemented in the Gate platform.
Ontology learning from text has been investigated
from around 2000, with early works like the
Terminae (Aussenac-Gilles, Despres and Szulman,
2008) and the Text-to-Onto methods and tools, and
several reference books like (Buitelaar, Cimiano and
Magnini, 2005). These methods define how to select
and combine relevant natural language processing
(NLP) tools to find out linguistic clues for ontology
items, or, better, to learn and enrich automatically an
ontology. High level tasks, like term or relation
extraction (Bourigault, 2002), combine several basic
text processing. Relation extraction plays a major
role to structure the ontology with hierarchical and
other kinds of semantic relations, to assign
properties to concepts and also to identify concepts.
Relation extraction techniques (Grefenstette, 1994)
include statistics (looking for repeated segments or
meaningful predicate argument structures (Hindle,
1990)), robust or shallow linguistic analyses (mainly
pattern matching on syntactically tagged corpora)
(Giuliano, Lavelli and Romano, 2006) and learning
(to learn new patterns from tagged corpora)
(Nédellec and Nazarenko, 2003). A recent state-of-
the-art on pattern-based relation extraction from text
(Auger and Barriere, 2008) shows that a pattern may
correspond to very different characterizations of
how a semantic relation may be expressed in a given
language and corpora. A pattern defines a way to
explore a sequence of words, lemmas, POS,
syntactical relations, or semantic classes. These
patterns are often defined or checked by manual text
browsing, although many linguists tend to use
simple and efficient tools like concordancers
(Daoust, 1996), KeyWordsInContext like
SystemQuick (Ahmad and Holmes-Higgin, 1995),
or basic text browsing functions in text editors.
A major assumption is that each pattern
occurrence should appear within one sentence. But a
text is much richer that a list of sentences
(Charolles, 1997): its material presentation (Virbel
and Luc, 2001), the sentence and paragraph
sequencings (the discourse structure) (Asher,
Busquet and Vieu, 2001), as well as the context
surrounding the reader contribute to the
interpretation process. Such features also contribute
to relation identification and should be included in
pattern definitions.
We propose here an approach which takes into
account both the material structure of a document
and its textual content. In fact, structural tags
implemented in a document (section title, sub-
section title, enumeration, etc.) express hierarchical
relations on which we rely to elaborate a first
ontology kernel. Furthermore, a text analysis allows
enriching this ontology. We test our approach on
Aussenac-Gilles N. and Kamel M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 159-165
DOI: 10.5220/0002293301590165
database specification documents (in the scope of
the GEONTO project) where the database structure
is reflected by the document structure and
constraints on the database content are expressed in
natural language. A first evaluation of the tool that
implements the method shows some strengths and
limitations that draw directions for future works.
We propose a method for ontology learning that
combines two complementary document analyses:
the first one bears on the document structure when it
is described using languages such as HTML,
SGML, XML taking advantage of the semantics of
tags and their relations; the second one explores the
document textual content by processing natural
language. Each process is carried out independently
thanks to a specific set of rules that lead to the
definition of concepts and relations in an ontology.
2.1 Rules for Parsing XML Document
The markup language provides a description of both
the text structure and the relationships between the
tagged textual units thanks to tree structure of the
tags. In the case where tags mark textual units which
are short phrases that correspond to linguistic
formulations of concepts or relations, semantic
relations can be defined thanks to specializations of
the following prototypical rule:
When - A and B are tags, B being covered by A
- C
an d C
are concepts respectively labelled by
the text marked by A and B
Then a semantic relation exists between C
and C
Specializing this rule requires human reading
and interpretation of the tags and their relations to
define a set of extraction rules. Indeed, the
semantics conveyed by the tags in the tag tree
depends on the context. But once these rules are
written for a type of document compliant with an
XML schema, they can automatically analyse any
valid corpus compliant with this Schema, and
provide a core ontology for each document of that
2.2 Rules for Natural Language
The body of an XML document corresponds to
natural language text and may contain relevant
information for enriching the ontology obtained at
the end of the previous step. According to Barrière
and Agbado (2006), knowledge-rich contexts are
text fragments that contain linguistic marks of
semantic relation. We choose to use lexico-syntactic
patterns to identify semantic relations in these text
fragments. A lexico-syntactic pattern describes a
regular expression, composed with words, syntactic
or semantic categories, and typographic symbols to
identify text fragments matching this format. These
features are assigned by various NLP tools
(tokenizer, parser, tagger, etc.). We defined a set of
patterns for three basic semantic relations:
hypernymy, meronymy, functional relations. Text
analysis with these patterns leads to enrich the
ontology kernel with new concepts and relations.
Within the GEONTO project (http://geonto.lri.fr/),
one of the partners owns heterogeneous
geographical databases and aims at reaching
interoperability among them. The GEONTO
partners have planned an ontology-based solution:
one ontology will be built up for each database and
should reflect its content as much as possible; then
these ontologies will be mapped to a unique
reference ontology.
In most previous works on ontology learning
from database schema (Grcar, Klein and Novak,
2007), the resulting ontologies have a low level of
depth due to the flat structure of the relational
schema. The only constraints which can be taken
into account are those allowed by the definition
language (Tirmizi, Sequeda and Miranker, 2008).
As database specifications are richer than database
schemas, we assume that GEONTO document
analysis will provide richer ontologies.
For each database specifications is an XML
document validated by the same XML Schema. This
XML schema is compliant with the INSPIRE1
standard which is a directive of the European
Parliament and of the Council (2007) establishing an
Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the
European Community.
3.1 GEONTO Document Features
The experiment reported in this paper bears on the
BDTopo database. A translated excerpt of the
original French MSWord document is shown in
INSPIRE : http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
A – Road thoroughfare
Trail section
Definition: Earth thoroughfare with no rails dedicated to pedestrians, cycles or animals …
Aggregation: Cf. the various values of the <nature> attribute.
Selection: Cf. the various values of the <nature> attribute.
Geometrical modelling: Along the axis, on the ground.
Attribut: Nature
Definition: Makes it possible to differentiate several kinds of earth thoroughfares.
Type: Enumerated
Values: Dirt road / Trail / Hiking trail / Stairs / Cycling path
Nature = « Dirt Road »
Definition: Road with poor surfacing or dirt road (no surfacing or surfacing in bad shape) but that is suitable to family motor vehicles whatever the
weather conditions.
Aggregation: Lane (carriage way) | Country road | Stoned road
Selection: Includes all stoned or dirt roads.
Figure 1: Translated excerpt of specifications related to the “Trail Section” class.
Figure 1 (related to the “Trail section” (Tronçon de
chemin) class) and the corresponding extract of the
XML specification appears in Figure 2.
In the BDTopo specifications, object classes (2
in Figure 1) are distributed over 9 information areas
(titles as (1) in Figure1). The objects of a particular
class listed in the Aggregation feature (4) share a
single definition (3), the same kind of geometry (5)
and the same list of attributes. In turn, each attribute
value has its own definition (6) and can list object
names (7).
3.2 XML Document Processing
Exploiting Tags and Tag Dependencies
A systematic study of the XML schema proved that
tags and their dependencies could be interpreted
with regularity as indices of domain concepts,
semantic relations and concept properties. We report
here below how to identify ontology elements.
: each of the terms inside tags like
<PackageName>, <className>, <attributeName>
(for qualitative attributes), <valueName> or
<TermList>, lead to a concept definition with the
corresponding term as label.
Hierarchical Relations
: they are derived from
dependencies between some specific tags (i.e.
<PackageName> and <className>, <className>
and <TermList>>, <attributeName> and
<valueName>, <valueName> and <TermList>) and
from the concepts identified thanks to these tags.
: properties are identified thanks to the
terms inside <attributeName> tags when these
attributes are quantities, and they relate to the
concepts identified thanks to the terms marked by
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<featureCatalogue> <package>
<packageName>A – Road Thoroughfare
<className>Trail section</className>
<description type=”definition”>Earth
Thoroughfare … </description>
<description type=”extensionalDefinition”>
the various values of the <nature>
attribute </description>
<attributeName> Nature </attributeName>
<descrition type=”definition”> Makes it
possible to differentiate several kinds
of … </description>
<valueType> Énumerated</valueType>
<enumeratedValues >
<value name=”Dirt Road”>
<valueName> Dirt road </valueName>
<description type=”definition”>
Road with poor surfacing …
<description type=”extensionalDefinition
Lane (carriage way)|Track|
Stoned road </description >
</class></package> </featureCatalogue>
Figure 2: Excerpt of the XML document in Figure 1.
<className> tags.
Non-hierarchical Semantic Relations
: semantic
relations are identified thanks to the terms marked
by <attributeName> tags when these attributes are
qualitative, and they relate to the concepts identified
thanks to the terms marked by <className> tags.
The semantics of properties and non-hierarchical
relations cannot be determined unless the text
marked by <valueType> tags is analysed.
The identification of all correspondences between
XML specifications and ontology elements did not
raise any major difficulty as long as tag labels
convey their own semantics and relations can be
easily identified with some common-sense
Text Analysis with Lexico-Syntactic Patterns
The specification document of the BDTopo database
contains very short and very synthetic paragraphs,
where expressions of conceptual relations are quite
sparse. Nevertheless, the definition field of any
section may contain sentences that express
hierarchical relations, metonymy relations or even
some property definitions (Rebeyrolle and Tanguy,
2000). We propose to exploit these short paragraphs
to enrich the core ontology.
a) Semantic Relation Identification
Corpus analysis shows that the most recurrent
lexical relation is the meronymic one. Meronymy is
characterized by key words like part of, portion of,
section of, etc.
To find the maximum number of ways to express
this relation, we use dictionaries and WordNet
synsets. We show below a part of the pattern (Rule
1) that matches all these formulations (patterns are
written according to the JAPE
({Token.lemma== "portion"}|{Token.lemma== "part"}|…)
({Token.categoty== "PREP"})
({Term}) :annot)
- -> annot.ANNOT1 = { rule="Rule1"}
Rule1 looks for an ontology concept (obtained by
construction in 3.2.1) followed by a sequence of one
of the part, portion, etc. lemmas, a preposition,
eventually a determinant, then by a term annotated
Term (recognized by a term extractor, here
). If such a sequence is recognized, the
term will be tagged as ANNOT1.
Then a parser will read those tags, define a concept
from this term tagged as ANNOT1, and have to
set a part-of relation between C
and the concept C
where this definition occurs. Two cases may arise:
JAPE : Java Annotation Pattern Engine
TermoStat : developed at the Montreal University
- if C
already exists in the ontology, the relation is
established between C
and C
- If C
does not exist, we create it and apply one of
these processes (Buitelaar, Olejnik and Sintek,
a) if C
is a concept of the ontology the label
of which is included in that of C
be considered as more specific than C
), C
becomes a child of C
b) if C
is a concept of the ontology the label
of which includes that of C
may be
considered as more specific than C
), C
becomes a father of C
c) otherwise C
becomes a child of the
ontology Top concept.
Then the relation is stated between C
and C
For instance, take the following definition: "Road
section: part of thoroughfare dedicated to cars". By
construction, Road section is a concept of the
ontology. Rule1 annotates thoroughfare as a term. A
concept labelled Thoroughfare is created and linked
to the Top concept as a child. The part-of relation is
then established between the Road section and
Thoroughfare concepts.
A further stage consists in making the concept
Thoroughfare as the father concept of the concept
Earth thoroughfare (which is yet under the concept
Top) using the lexical inclusion principle.
b) Property Identification
A property expression is characterized by an
adjective or a noun adjunct when it is associated to a
term. We give below the pattern that identify these
({Concept} {Term}
{Terme}) : annot1) | ({Token.category==”ADJ”}):annot2)
) - - > annot1.ANNOTA = {rule="Rule2"},
annot2.ANNOTB = {rule="Rule2"},
When applied to the definition of the Road section,
this pattern identifies a new property dedicated to
cars which will associated to the Road section
This first step of the ontology learning process has
new annotations in the input corpus, and the result is
an annotated corpus. In a further stage, these
annotations can be read or processed by JAPE Rules
or Java programs. As long as GATE makes
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
available an Ontology API, it is easy to build up an
ontology by processing text annotations. Moreover,
GATE considers that the XML tags of an input
document are annotations. Hence, the GATE
platform makes it possible to define a unified
process that supports the exploitation of (1)
structural tags to get a first ontology kernel, and (2)
annotations resulting from processing resources to
enrich the ontology.
Figure 3 presents an extract of the resulting concept
hierarchy in the ontology. The Trail section
(Tronçon de chemin) concept is a child of Road
thoroughfare (Voies de Communication Routière)
and has Trail (Chemin), Dirt road (Chemin
empierre), Stairs (Escalier), Cycling_path (Piste
cyclable) and Dirt_road (Sentier) as children
concepts. The three children concepts of Dirt road
are Carriage lane (Allée carossable), Track (Piste),
Dirt road (Route empierrée).
Furthermore, rules (1) and patterns (2) state new
concepts, relations and properties. Let’s consider the
concept Trail section.
(1) it has an attribute (represented as
DataTypeProperty) labelled has-name and
is of type String. Trail section is related to
the concept passage (Franchissement) by
the semantic relation has-Crossing
modelled as ObjectType Property.
(2) The property dedicated to pedestrians is
linked to the concept Trail section.
As a same term may appear in several parts of the
text with different definitions or properties, we
choose to differentiate these concepts by labelling a
concept with its father concept labels and its own.
Figure 3: Extract of the ontology resulting from
processing the specifications given in Figure 1.
We have tried to estimate the gain brought by our
method on this corpus compared with similar known
approaches. Given the formulation of the
specifications, any statistical method cannot provide
significant results: very short natural language
paragraphs with few redundancies, very few
occurrences of each term, many terms used in list
without meaningful linguistic context. For similar
reasons, linguistic approaches are not efficient as
long as there are quite few written paragraphs (most
of the phrases marked by tags are terms that define
concept labels or attributes).
A previous work had been carried out on the
same specification document (BDTopo) and had led
to a first ontology (Laurens, 2006). This work
explores the text visual lay-out (paragraph style,
character type and caption, frames, etc.) considered
as bearing semantics. The overall process produces
a taxonomy.
So we have compared the effectiveness of both
methods by comparing the quality of the resulting
4.1 Comparison of the Two Resulting
Onto_SV and Onto_ST, the two ontologies obtained
respectively by Laurens using the visual structure
and by us using our approach, result from the same
specification document of the BDTopo database. In
both cases, setting up the document analysis process
requires a precise manual interpretation of the
semantics of original tags and of the way they are
entwined. Human interpretation was also required at
several other stages of the Onto_SV development
process: to select/validate geographical terms, to
clean up the XML hierarchy before the automatic
generation of the concept taxonomy, to reorganise
and improve the OWL representation of this
taxonomy. An opposite option has been selected to
build the Onto_ST ontology: the ontologist is
supposed to modify only the ontology once it is
automatically generated, to correct inconsistencies
due to errors in the specification. Table 1 compares
several features of both ontologies.
Onto_ST is built up automatically, contains more
concepts (because our method is able to differentiate
concepts with the same label but with different
properties) and more relations (non hierarchical
relations are extracted) than Onto_SV. Onto_ST is
not the best domain ontology regarding concept
definitions, relations or its hierarchical structure,
Table 1: Features of the two ontologies.
Onto_SV Onto_ST
Number of concepts 615 1251
Depth 6 6
Hierarchical IS_A relations yes yes
Properties No yes
Meronymy relation No yes
Other semantic relations No yes
Learning process Supervised Unsupervised
but it is the closer one to the domain knowledge
as expressed in the specification document.
4.2 Limitations and Advantages of our
The quality of the resulting ontology depends
entirely on the quality of the specification
document: when inconsistencies appear in the
specification file, human interpretation is required to
correct their consequences in the ontology. This is
one of the advantages of formalization: it helps
localize any fuzzy information or inconsistency
within highly structured documents like these
specifications. Whatever the effort made by their
authors, meaning variations (whether lexical,
syntactical or related to the text material
presentation) are one of the features of natural
language in text. While processing the document,
several such cases occurred: either the semantics of
the relation was not the expected one, or one of the
items of an enumeration had a different status from
others, etc. A detailed study is given in (Kamel and
Aussenac, 2009).
We have shown that, in the very positive context
where texts are structured with well-defined tags
with a clear semantics, it is possible to define a text
processing chain that results efficient for the
automatic construction of an ontology. This chain,
implemented with the GATE platform, includes
rules that exploit together several features of the
document: its explicit structure through available
tags and its content in natural language. The
ontology obtained with this automatic process
results rich in concepts and relations, and each of its
element is precisely connected to the text from
which it originates. This method is applicable to all
XML documents referring database specifications
and validated by the INSPIRE standard.
We are aware that this ontology contains
inconsistencies that should be manually corrected.
In the scope of the GEONTO project, ontology
manual cleaning is planned.
For the time being, we feel like enriching the
ontology automatically built up, in particular thanks
to a more systematic analysis of definitions
(especially when they contain conjunctions or
disjunctions) and the text material presentation (we
have identified several kinds of typographic marks
that were not considered yet).
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