Christian Kop
Institute of Applied Informatics, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt
Universitaetsstrasse 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria
Keywords: Focus of ontology, Ontology structure, Main concept.
Abstract: Whereas OWL is suitable for machine interpretation, it is hard to read for a human and it is hard to
understand what the real focus of the ontology is. This paper will discuss if measures based on the ontology
structure can help.
Whereas OWL (McGuiness et.al., 2004) is suitable
for machine interpretation, it is hard for a human to
get an overview of the ontology focus in order to
decide if the content of the ontology is correctly
expressed by it’s name or it’s introductive
comments. For instance, does the name of an
ontology (e.g. pizza.owl) also reflect the ontology’s
content (it’s structure)? Such information is useful to
decide if the ontology or it’s elements are
appropriate in a similar domain.
In order to get this kind of information, the
ontology structure is searched for concepts (main
concepts) which seem to be important (Huang et.al.
Therefore the paper is structured as follows. In
the next section it will be discussed how main
concepts can be detected. Afterwards, possible
application scenarios are given in section 3. Section
4 finally gives a conclusion.
With regard to an ontology purpose there are always
concepts which have a richer description within an
ontology than others to underline their importance
for that purpose. Such descriptions might be the
involvement in a generalization hierarchy or
relationships to other concepts. These concepts are
called main concepts in this paper.
If these concepts can be detected, then they are
helpful to get an overview of the ontology structure.
Thus, the expectations of the human can be
compared with the ontology focus derived from the
2.1 Measures based on the Structure
Whereas, in (Huang et.al. 2006) only one measure
was used, this approach discusses four measures
namely: Weighted number of successors (wNS),
number of object properties (P), weighted number of
object properties (wP) and instances of an OWL
class (I). They reflect possible different ways how
main concepts can be modeled (Guarino, 1995).
Weighted Number of Successors (wNS). The
modeling construct often used in ontologies is
generalization. In (Bezerra et.al, 2009) the number
of direct children is counted. Alternatively, the
number of successors (NS) in the whole subclass
hierarchy of a certain concept is counted here. To
avoid that OWL classes at the top of the hierarchy
will always be the winners, the number of successors
are multiplied with a weighting (figure 1).
This weighting is defined as follows: The root
element (“Thing”) is weighted with 0. From the root
element the path to the concept is calculated as
“distance from root” (dfr). Additionally, the
maximum distance to a leaf from that concept is
calculated (maxdtl).
For a class which is a leave in the hierarchy,
maxdtl is defined as 1. The weighting factor is dfr /
maxdtl. The weighted number of successors for a
concept X then is: wNS(X) = NS * (dfr / maxdtl)
Kop C. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 404-407
DOI: 10.5220/0002294204040407
wNS(c4) = 4 * (1 / 2)
from root
(dfr) = 1
distance to
a leaf of c4
(maxdtl) = 2
number of
successors of
c4 (NS) = 4
wNS(c4) = 4 * (1 / 2)
from root
(dfr) = 1
distance to
a leaf of c4
(maxdtl) = 2
number of
successors of
c4 (NS) = 4
Figure 1: Example for wNS calculation.
Number of Object Properties for a Domain Class
(P). An OWL object property points from the
domain class to the range class. In other words, the
domain is described with the range. Thus domain
classes are more likely main concepts. If a certain
class is involved as a domain in an object property,
then a counter is incremented by 1 for that class.
Weighted Number of Object Properties (wP). A
more refined version to count is to add the weighted
number of successors of the range class to the
domain class. However, if wNS for the range is 0
then wP is incremented by 1. In this case, it
degrades to P. With this strategy the importance
(weight) of the range is forwarded to the domain.
Instances of an OWL Class (I). Defining many
instances of a class can be an additional way to
describe a main concept.
2.2 Discussion
The measures in the previous section were tested on
6 ontologies which were found on the web site:
http://krono.act.uji.es/Links/ontologies/. Particularly
the well known pizza-, food- and wine-ontology as
well as an ontology of photography, of rheumatic
patients and a simple ontology of an university were
selected. These ontologies were chosen for the
following reasons: According to the filenames it was
expected, that they describe typical domain
ontologies. Furthermore these domain ontologies are
not too specific (e.g. very specific medical,
biological or technical domains) but domains, which
represent general knowledge also known to the
author. Hence it is possible to easily compare the
results of the measures with the author’s
understanding of the ontology.
Pizza Ontology. Using the wNS, Named Pizza
followed by Pizza, Pizza Topping, Vegetable
Topping, Cheese Topping, Domain Concept are the
best ranked concepts. Using wP, there are three
important concepts, namely Pizza Topping followed
by Pizza Base and Pizza. Pizza Topping and Pizza
Base are important concepts, since in the original
ontology, they are also domains of an object
property (Pizza Topping has Topping of Pizza and
Pizza Base is base of Pizza). The same holds for P
but now Pizza is top ranked because it is involved in
two object properties whereas the two others are
only involved in one object property as a domain
class. Using I, only Country appears on top of the
list. Hence this measure alone does not give good
hints for main concepts in this ontology. What can
now be said on the basis of three of the four
measures is that in fact the ontology describes Pizzas
and how they are made (e.g. made with some
Topping and some Pizza Base). The measures
reflect the author’s intuitive understanding and
expectations of this domain.
Food Ontology. The measures applied on the food
ontology return the following results. With the wNS
the three top ranked concepts are Meal Course,
Edible Thing and Consumable Thing. Then some
other concepts like Pasta, Seafood, Fish, Pasta with
red sauce
etc. follow. But these concepts did not get
that high score. Meal and Meal Course were also top
ranked in the wP measure. Consumable Thing got
the third position in the P and wP ranking. For I,
Oyster Shellfish, Sweet Fruit and some other
concepts were top ranked. Once again except of the
instance counter (I) the results look promising.
Wine Ontology. During determination of the
concept statistics one problem arose. The wine
ontology imports the food ontology. If also the
imported concepts from the food ontology are
measured, then the concepts of the food ontology are
top ranked and not the concepts of the wine
ontology. However if the wine ontology is
determined locally, then the following can be said:
According to wNS the concept Wine is the highest
ranked concept. The next concept is Loire.
Afterwards, Bordaux, Medoc, White Wine follows.
But these concepts do not have the same high score
like the concept Wine. Applying wP and P, Wine,
Region and Vintage were best ranked. Finally with
I, Winery, Region, WineGrape were top ranked,
followed by some other concepts. Here the first time
also the concepts ranked by their number of
instances make sense.
Photography Ontology. With wNS, Film,
Equipment, Lens, Light Sensitive Auto Focus,
Camera, Filter, Physical Thing, Shutter Speed, Test
Lens, Exposure Parameter are on top of the list. No
values were determined for wP, P and I. The reason
is, that the object properties are totally independent
in this context. Also, no instances are defined for the
specified concepts. However, on the basis of wNS, it
can be said, that this ontology focuses on the
concepts named above.
Simple University Ontology. On the basis of wNS,
the top ranked concept in the university ontology
was the concept Module. Then the concept
Academic Rank follows. Afterwards the concepts
Age_group_simple_VT, Module Format, Salary
Range Value Type, Teaching Unit, Value Partition
appear in the list. Once again no statistics could be
derived for wP, P and I. The reasons are the same as
in the photography ontology. Here it was a little bit
surprising, that the concept Module was on the top
of the list. A detailed look on this concept showed
that Module is a Teaching Unit. Hence the top
ranked concepts fits with the idea of this ontology,
though it might be expected from the file name
“Simple University-01.owl” that the organizational
structure of the university is described. The
measures showed that this is not the case. In fact
concepts for “Teaching” are described. Also those
restrictions referring to external concepts defined in
another ontology refer to a resource “Teaching-1-
01.daml”. Thus the top ranked concept reflects the
main concepts of the ontology.
Patient Rheuma Ontology. The last examined
ontology was the patient/rheuma ontology. Although
it focuses on a special medical domain, it was
assumed that there are at least some top ranked
notions which are also known to non specialists (e.g.
“patient”, “rheuma”). Surprisingly, the top ranked
concepts are not patient or rheuma as it might be
expected from the name of the file
(“PatientRheuma.owl”). Instead, applying wNS the
concepts Ward, Number, Hospital, Medical
Organisation, Joint Inflammation and Physician are
firstly listed. Applying wP, Transport, Flight, List of
Hospitals, Diagnosis are the four top ranked
concepts. With the P measure, the ordering of the
first four concepts is slightly different: Transport,
Flight, Organization, and Diagnosis (resp. Patient
or Address which have the same result for P as
Diagnosis). The concepts Gene, Diagnosis, Address
and Patient have instances (I) but there are not so
many. Gene has only 2 instances. The others have
only 1 instance. Looking at these results the question
arose, why they do not match with the expectations.
Why is e.g. Number at a very good ranking position
in the wNS ranking? Why has Patient such a bad
ranking? What about “rheuma”? The reasons for that
can be found inside the ontology. Everything that is
a number (e.g. Booking Number, Credit Card
Number, Flight Number etc.) was subsumed to
Number. Patient does not have a deeper
substructure. Instead it is a subclass of Person and is
also a leaf in the taxonomy tree. The concept
Rheuma does not exist as such. Instead “Rheumatoid
Arthritis” is mentioned in the ontology. This once
again is a leaf in this local ontology. Whereas
Rheumatoid Arthritis references another external
ontology, Patient does not have such a reference.
Most surprising was the fact, that in the object
properties sections, many properties have the
domain class Flight or Transport. The concept
Patient is involved only in two object properties as a
domain class. Even together with its super class
(Person) the number of object properties was less
than the number of object properties defined for the
concept flight. The super class Disease can be found
in only one object property. A look on the number of
restrictions for a patient concept showed that Patient
was involved in two someValuesFrom restrictions.
Although it was a surprise, in fact the results gave a
good picture of the ontology structure, since the
concepts “patient” and “rheuma” are not really
described in detail in the local context of the file
“PatientRheuma.owl”. Instead the ontology
engineers focused more on the description concepts
like ward, hospital, flight, transport etc. Thus if
someone would like to (re)use detailed information
about patients, this ontology is not the best one for
doing it.
The results of the measures can be the basis for two
application scenarios.
These results can be used to generate a natural
language abstract (summary) of the ontology.
Strategies how to verbalize ontologies are described
in (Fuchs et.al. 2005), (Hewlett et. al. 2005) and
(Fliedl et. al 2007). In combination with the
described measures a summary can be generated if
only main concepts are verbalized.
Another application scenario is the mapping of
ontology elements to a conceptual database schema
or the support of information systems design
(Guarino, 1998), (Sugumaran 2006). Strategies for
mappings are described in (Vasilecas et.al. 2005)
and (Kalibatiene et.al. 2009). With the measures, a
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
selection of appropriate concepts can be made before
the mapping is applied on these concepts. Hence this
strategy would consider that the ontology and the
future database schema have a different scope and
focus, though belonging to the same domain.
From the examination of the six ontologies, the
following can be learned: Except the instance
measure (I), the three other measures (wNS, wP, P)
give a good first impression about the focus of an
ontology structure. This can be observed also in the
case of the university and patient/rheuma ontology.
The weighted number of successor measure
(wNS) can be applied more often than the others,
since often taxonomies are used. Nevertheless also
the weighted property (wP) measure as well as the
property measure (P) are important. Especially for
users who want to re-use an ontology for conceptual
modeling, knowledge about the “relationships
between concepts is interesting.
In order to give human readers the ability to
examine an ontology according to the measures, a
prototype was built (see figure 2 for the screenshot).
This prototype also allows browsing through the
ontology and it is a basis for the two application
Figure 2: Screenshot of the prototype.
In future also statistics of how often a certain
concept appears in a restriction (e.g.
someValuesFrom, allValuesFrom etc.) will be
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