A Case Study
Julian Bahrs and Priscilla Heinze
Chair of Business Information Systems and Electronic Government, Potsdam University
August-Bebel-Str. 89, 14482, Potsdam, Germany
Keywords: Case study, Knowledge intensive business process, Business process oriented knowledge management,
Process modelling, Knowledge process.
Abstract: The Knowledge Modeling and Description Language (KMDL) is a method for analyzing knowledge
activities in business processes. This contribution presents version 2.1, the latest version of the method
KMDL in a real life scenario. In the case study presented in this contribution we aim to review the
practicality of the KMDL procedural model and the benefit gained from its application as it allows the
identification of problems. KMDL analysis delivers the identification of causes as well as measures to
overcome these problems, which are highly accommodating for process improvements.
Knowledge management has not derived to an
ultimate solution. A mixture of methods and
instruments individually combined has to match the
company specific goals, culture and requirements.
Business process oriented knowledge
management is seen as bridging link that
individually combine methods and tools from both
worlds in the context of a process with a demand
driven perspective. The business process itself
stands as a starting point and the design concept for
knowledge management (Abecker et al., 2002). In
fact, it is the area for application and learning as well
as context for sharing knowledge. Several
approaches have been developed from various
researchers (Woitsch and Karagiannis, 2005, Heisig,
2003, Kim, Lim and Mitchell, 2006, Allweyer, 1998,
Remus, 2002). However, only limited results and
experiences from projects have been published.
Exceptions are (Telesko and Karagiannis, 2002) as
well as (Fröming, Gronau and Schmid, 2006), who
present the application of a prior version of KMDL
(Gronau and Weber, 2004) in the domain of
software engineering.
One of the aims of this paper is to introduce the
expanded functionality of the former Knowledge
Modeling and Description Language (KMDL)
version 2.1 (see To facilitate
this aim, we will provide some practical evidence to
answer the following research questions by means of
a case study:
How does KMDL help to identify and to
highlight the knowledge activities or
How is KMDL an appropriate method to
analyze and improve knowledge intensive
business processes?
How can KMDL be improved? Which benefits
do the expanded functions in version 2.1
Our reason of choosing case study as the approach is
explained by (Yin, 1993), as he defined case study
as „[…] an empirical inquiry that investigates a
contemporary phenomenon within its real-life
context, especially when the boundaries between
phenomenon and context are not clearly evident“.
The underlying theory of the KMDL application was
described in the former section.
2.1 Case and Data Selection
The selected case study took place in a major
German household appliances producing company,
Bahrs J. and Heinze P. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 280-283
DOI: 10.5220/0002296402800283
which has chosen to stay anonymous in this
publication. The project this case represents covers a
thorough implementation of the KMDL method in
evaluating the company’s innovation and production
ramp-up processes.
A qualitative data gathering approach as research
method was selected, due to its conformation with
the KMDL method. The result of the examination
will be analysed along with a comprehensive
literature research. However, since it is not up to the
analysts to perform the recommended measures and
changes, the direct impact of the KMDL method to
the company cannot be presented in this paper.
2.2 Implementation
In the next sub-section, we will define the actors
involved in the case study (from hereon will be
referred to as project) and the identified problems.
Subsequently, we will illustrate the application of
KMDL following the structure of the KMDL phases
(see Chapter 2), including its achieved results.
Generally categorized, there are two types of
actors involved in the project: The client and the
The client in this case is a large and globally
active company, which comprises of multiple
business units. The one focused on has a central
product development with more than 10 globally
distributed production sites. Approximately 200
people work in the product development, including
hardware engineering and software customizing.
Fourteen people are directly involved in the project
from the client side while the analysts comprise of
two assistant researchers with expertise in the
KMDL method and experiences from former other
process evaluation and optimization projects The
project was initiated at the first place because there
was a disparity between the anticipated and actual
processes at the client side, as discovered and agreed
on in several initial meetings by means of
unstructured interviews.
Due to the global distribution, the client had
been faced with a delayed production start. The
problem lies in the handover process of the bill of
material from the development to the production
sites, despite the fact that a central product
development was instigated.
2.3 KMDL Phases Implementation
2.3.1 Project Acquisition (P0)
A thorough KMDL analysis dealing with the
structure, the processes, and the information systems
of the client was offered. The project also includes
particularly the factors related to information or
knowledge transfer and creation in the handover
The subject of analysis is the product
development process including the handover process
as part of the process.
2.3.2 Setting Focus (P1)
During the initial meetings possible areas of
examination within the production development
processes were also discussed. In order to examine
the process intensively, the analysts decided to
observe two process instances from the recent past,
which represent a real-life example and serve as
basis of the interviews. As a matter of fact, one of
these instances has an exceptionally long delay of
production start.
The objectives for every KMDL project were
derived in mutual discussions. In this project, they
include a complete, unambiguous and redundant-
free documentation, a punctual handover and
development process cycle and the employment of
minimal efforts for the hand-over.
2.3.3 Capturing the Process-based View (P2)
A kick-off workshop including a KMDL basic
training was performed in conjunction with Phase 2
and Phase 3. During this workshop the prepared
objectives were approved by the project participants.
Due to the limited time frame, Phase 2 was
performed backwards. Instead of performing
interviews to gather data, the analysts primarily
generated a draft model of the process view based on
the information they obtained in the initial meetings
and presented them afterwards in the kick-off
workshop. Suggestions for improvements and
possible focus points for the activity view were then
discussed among the project participants.
By discussing the (pre-modelled) process view
with the project participants, the analysts gain the
validation needed for them to proceed to the next
phase. Through the workshop, the client gains a
prompt understanding of the process as well as a
new perspective of the examined process.
A validated process view visualizing the
important steps of the development project including
initialization, conception, pre-series conduction up
to the hand-over to production sites, which marks
the start of the production was produced.
This phase aims to identify performed the
knowledge intensive tasks. As explained before,
since a pre-modelled process view was developed
and presented in the workshop, the identification of
the tasks took place simultaneously.
Identifying knowledge intensive tasks provides
an outline. This outline is essential for the
development of the activity view, which provides
process visualization in a higher detail. After the
tasks were identified, relevant interview partners
were identified.
2.3.4 Capturing the Activity-based View
In capturing the activity-based view, the analysts
used the interview method as recommended by the
KMDL procedural method. This phase aims to
gather as much information as possible about the
activities taking place within each task in the
A total of twelve semi-structured interview
sessions were performed with the client. They
included employees from the engineering, the
management and ramp-up agents from production
sites. The process model as well as the two selected
process instances were used as a guideline for the
Each interview was documented in a protocol,
which was used to developthe activity models.
Subsequently, each protocol was mailed to the
interview partner for approval and clarification of
any remaining ambiguities. A total of 10 activity
models were generated.
For the analysts, this phase serves as the basis
and data resource for their further examination.
2.3.5 Analysis (P5)
The identified problem lies in the handover of the
bill of materials. Two different process instances
from the past reflecting distinctive bill of materials
compilation processes were selected.
The first instance shows that only segments of
the bill of materials are compiled at the development
site, which results in an inconsistency as the
compilation was completed at the production sites.
The second instance shows a complete compilation
of the bill of material.
In both cases, adoptions to local markets take
place at the production site. Most development
works are split up into technical segments
anddocumented within these segments. The
documentation involves a central database with
change notes as well as material follow-up chart per
Using the KMDL method, it was found that the
first instance relies predominantly on informal
communication mainly dealing with identifying
which version of a segment should be used for a
complete product. This finding interestingly
contrasts the documentation efforts made during the
actual development.
Furthermore, required documents are often no
longer up to date and must be validated. This might
be caused by the fact that the ramp-up personnel
from the production site only has limited access to
these documentation.
In the second instance, a significant domination
of internalization and combination was found. A
large number of documents, often having no
relevance to the production site, need to be
interpreted. A crucial document called the material
follow up chart, despite its employment across all
segments, within each segment, and sometimes even
each project, uses individual formats. Having to
adjust each time to a new document format
containing the same content is a waste of time and
increase risk of error. Furthermore, a large number
of development projects were found, although it
often entails only minor changes.
Based on the above findings, the analysts
suggested a standardization of processes, especially
by defining responsibilities for pre-series purchasing
as well as by reverse scheduling, i.e. by assigning
roles for list maintenance as well as processes
review. The use of the list should be encouraged or
even made mandatory. Subsequently, this list could
be linked with the existing systems, e.g. to access
drawings or change orders. The centrally created
master bill of material of the one instance should be
made part of the standardized interface towards
production sites, since it would provide an immense
time saving at the production site. Their creation at
the development site would allow informal
knowledge acquisition and validation of documents.
Lastly, the total number of products and variants
developed should be examined, whether the amount
is truly necessary.
They also suggested a standardization of the
interfaces towards production sites to make contacts
known at both ends. The material follow-up chart
should use a common template in order to improve
its comprehensibility.
For the client, the recommended measures
should serve as a basis for their process
optimization. Being shown the actual process as
observed from the knowledge management angle,
the client gets a direct overview of their process’
vulnerability. However, the analysts cannot directly
influence the positive result of the improvement of
the process since the implementation of the
measures remains the task of the client.
2.3.6 Development of a Qualified Concept (P6)
The preliminary results and measures were discu-
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
ssed with the client. Their feedback serves as a basis
to validate the above findings and to check the
possibilities for the measures to be suggested. The
potentials and problems as well as excerpts from
KMDL models were presented during the result
workshop. Subsequently, the client discussed the
measures described above and jointly prioritized
them by considering their estimated benefit and
Objective 1: How does KMDL help to identify and
to highlight knowledge activities or processes?
KMDL enables process analysts to gain an in-
depth understanding of a process and the underlying,
often previously unidentified knowledge activities.
By means of interviews as well as feedbacks and
approvals on various levels, the actual situation can
be reflected and intensely examined.
The interviewed employees can bring up the
problems concerning the knowledge transfer,
generation, sharing and the like according to their
field of expertise. The client is able to look into their
business processes beyond the typical flow oriented
point of view. The process and the activities are
reviewed by multiple actors from different
perspectives, which encourages unbiased views. As
a result knowledge activities are documented and
made visible.
Objective 2: How is KMDL an appropriate
method to analyze and improve knowledge intensive
business processes?
Prior to the application of the method the client’s
understanding of the problem was only vague.
During the project, this understanding was
broadened and concrete causes of the problem were
identified by obtaining transparently reflected
processes and activities within the processes. They
also benefit from the analysis and the recommended
Apart from that, clients of KMDL projects do not
need a comprehensive method knowledge Any
inquiries about the method or the analysis could
easily be transferred during the two workshops.
By focusing on concrete instances of the process
a better caption of the actual activities was obtained.
However, two instances are hardly enough evidence
for empirical analysis. It remains an issue of
interpretation to evaluate the models, which is why
the analysts are required to have sufficient
experiences in the field.
Objective 3: How can KMDL be improved?
Which benefits do the expanded functions in version
2.1 offer?
As described, in this case the procedural model
has been simplified, due to very limited resources.
However, the separation of the process and activities
views has proven to be a significant improvement.
The process model acts as source for an overview
and reference for a detailed analysis of knowledge
activities. Transfers and applications can also be
traced within various activities.
In capturing the general characteristic of the
communication, the evaluation of small numbers of
process instances produces only exemplary results.
Formal and quantitative methods are more
appropriate to capture communication. These
communication acts can indicate additional
knowledge exchange.
Only recently KMDL was extended with an
additional view for communication (Müller, 2008),
which captures actors, communication acts as well
as communication instruments. The view
differentiates types of communication by anytime /
anyplace matrix. New angles such as a planned
(e.g. scheduled during a meeting) and random (e.g.
met in the hall) communication act are used to
validate the activity view and to incorporate random
acts of (informal) knowledge exchange into the
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Allweyer, T., 1998. Knowledge Process Redesign -
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Heisig, P., 2003. Business Process Oriented Knowledge
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Kim, S.-K., Lim, S.-H. & Mitchell, R. B., 2006.
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