B. Clemente
Sicubo Ltd., Avda. V. de la Montana, 18, 10002 C´aceres, Spain
M. L. Dur´an, A. Caro, P. G. Rodr´ıguez
Escuela Polit´ecnica, 10071 C´aceres, Spain; Universidad de Extremadura, C´aceres, Spain
Machine learning, Image classification, Human perception.
Image classification is one of the most important research tasks in the Content-Based Image Retrieval area. The
term image categorization refers to the labeling of the images under one of a number of predefined categories.
Although this task is usually not too difficult for humans, it has proved to be extremely complex for machines
(or computer programs). The major issues concern variable and sometimes uncontrolled imaging conditions.
This paper focuses on observation of behavior for different classifiers within a collection of general purpose
images (photos). We carry out a contrastive study between the groups obtained from these mathematical
classifiers and a prior classification developed by humans.
Research on image retrieval has steadily gained high
recognition over the past few years as a result of the
great increase in digital image productivity. Research
in Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is today a
very active discipline, concentrating on in depth is-
sues, such as learning or management access to in-
formation content in images. One of these issues is
content-based categorization of images. Some CBIR
applications aim to the retrieval of an arbitrary image
that is representative of a specific class. In general,
for CBIR systems, classifiers should be viewed as its
own subfield of machine learning. The construction
of systems capable of learning from experience (or
from examples) has for a long time been the object of
both philosophical and technical debates. This aspect
has received great appraisal, while some researchers
have demonstrated that machines can display a sig-
nificant level of learning ability.
The term image categorization refers to the label-
ing of images under one of a number of predefined
categories. The input/output pairings reflect a func-
tional relationship that maps inputs to outputs. When
an underlying function from inputs to outputs exits it
is referred to as the decision function. This is cho-
sen from a set of candidate functions which map from
the input space to the output domain. The algorithm
which takes the training data as input and selects a
decision function is referred to as the learning algo-
rithm, and, in this particular case the process is called
supervised learning (Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor,
Although classification is not a very difficult task
for humans, it proves to be an extremely difficult
problem for machines (or computer programs). The
main difficulties include variable and sometimes un-
controlled imaging conditions, complex and hard-to-
describe image objects, objects occluding other ob-
jects, and the gap between the arrays of numbers rep-
resenting physical images and the conceptual infor-
mation perceived by humans.
Classification techniques are usually applied in the
area of CBIR systems. Image categorization con-
tributes to performing more effective searches. In
the repertoire of images under consideration there is
a gradual distinction between narrow and broad do-
mains. A broad domain has an unlimited and un-
predictable variability in its appearance even for the
same semantic meaning (Smeulders et al., 2000).
The good performance of classifiers has been demon-
strated when the image domain is specific, i.e, it is a
narrow domain which has a limited and predictable
variability in relevant aspects for the specific purpose.
Clemente B., Durán M., Caro A. and Rodríguez P. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, pages 278-283
DOI: 10.5220/0002297002780283
An example is the case of medical environments (El-
Naqa et al., 2004), or text categorization (Dumais
et al., 1998). There are other various studies that clas-
sify images only by means of other types of image
features, such as color (Saber et al., 1996) or texture
features (Fern´andez et al., 2003). Some approaches
combine different features such as color and shapes,
e.g., proposals by (Forczmanski and Frejlichowski,
2008) and (Mehtre et al., 1998). However, it is less
common to find studies that focus on combining color,
texture and shape features for classification purposes.
When classification methods are applied to
general-purpose image collections the results are not
positive, even less so if we hope that the performance
of the classifier may match with the classification de-
veloped by non-expert humans. We find some exam-
ples in (Vailaya et al., 1999) and (Li and Wang, 2005).
This paper aims to observe the behavior of differ-
ent kinds of classifiers within a collection of general-
purpose images (photos). We thus describe a con-
trastive study between the groups made from these
mathematical classifiers and a prior classification per-
formed by humans.
To apply mathematical classifiers, it is necessary
that each image be represented by a feature vector,
i.e., each image is a point in a multidimensional space,
called the feature space. In narrow environments with
a defined purpose, feature extraction method are re-
stricted to those that highlight what is relevant and
necessary for the application. Because this paper fo-
cuses on natural images in a broad domain, we obtain
texture, color and shapes features. The reason is that
these require human knowledge in their perception.
Our collection consists of more than 2000 images re-
trieved from Internet, all withdrawn from different
sites. With the aiding guidance of untrained users,
these images are grouped according to perceptual cri-
teria, that is, 10 groups are made, because this is what
seemed logical from the standpoint of the people in-
volved. In the initial distribution, the number of im-
ages within each class was not homogeneous. Yet, in
order to conduct a more rigorous testing, each class is
maintained with a total of 200 images. It is important
that the distribution of the samples be uniform across
all groups. The grouping is entirely based on the per-
ceptual criteria related to how content is valued by
humans. Thus, we have 2000 images classified into
10 classes, namely trees, people, cars, flowers, build-
ings, shapes, textures, animals, sunsets, and circles.
Some samples of each group are shown in Fig. 1, one
respectively per row.
2.1 Feature Extraction
Each image is represented by a feature vector of 110
features. This feature vector is divided into three
groups: the first 60 are labeled as color features, the
following 41 as texture features, and the last nine as
shape features.
2.1.1 Color Features
The color features used in this work are based on the
HLS model (Hue, Saturation, Luminosity), since hu-
man perception is quite similar to this model. We
are using color discretization (MacDonald and Luo,
2002) in 12 colors in Hue and in addition three other
colors, white, grey and black in the luminosity axis
(15 colors), indicating the ratio of pixels for each one.
On the other hand, local color features are used in or-
der to achieve information about the spatial distribu-
tion (Cinque et al., 1999): in particular the barycen-
ter of every 15 discrete colors with its coordinates
in the image (x,y), with 30 other features. Finally,
the standard deviation information from barycenter is
also computed, and therefore there are 15 additional
features. Summarizing, the total number of color fea-
tures are 60.
2.1.2 Texture Features
These have been obtained by applying two well
known methods. The first one works on a global pro-
cessing of images, it is based on the Gray Level Co-
ocurrence Matrix proposed by Haralick (Haralick and
Shapiro, 1993). This matrix is computed by count-
ing the number of times that each pair of gray levels
occurs at a given distance and for all directions. Fea-
tures obtained from this matrix are: energy, inertia,
contrast, inversedifference moment, and number non-
uniformity. The second method is focused to detect
only linear texture primitives. It is based on features
obtained from the Run Length Matrix proposed by
(Galloway, 1975), where a textural primitiveis a set of
consecutive pixels in the image having the same gray
level value. Four matrices, one for each direction, are
made, computed by counting all runs into the image.
Every item in these matrices indicates the number of
runs with the same length and gray level. There are
four matrices obtained from angles quantized to 45
intervals. One for horizontal runs (0
), one per ver-
tical runs (90
) and the other two for the two diag-
onals (45
and 135
). The features obtained from
these matrices are long run emphasis (LRE), short run
emphasis (SRE), gray level non-uniformity (GLNU),
Figure 1: Some samples of the image collection.
run length non-uniformity (RLNU), run percentage
(RPC), short runs in low gray emphasis (SRLGE),
short runs in high gray emphasis (SRHGE), long runs
in low grey emphasis (LRLGE), and long runs in high
grey emphasis (LRHGE) (Chu, 1990). These nine
features have been obtained four times, one per di-
2.1.3 Shape Features
The images are processed by using Active Contours
(Caro et al., 2007a) as segmentation a method, and,
then some shape features are obtained from these con-
tours. Shape features are based on Hu’s moments
(first and second moments), centroid (center of grav-
ity), angle of minimum inertia, area, perimeter, ratio
of area and perimeter (RAP), and major and minor
axes of fitted ellipses. The methods to obtain these
features are referred in (Caro et al., 2007b).
2.2 Classification
When each image is represented in the features space
by its feature vector, the next step is the application
of classification methods. Three applied methods be-
long to the supervised learning classifiers, the first one
(Support Vector Machine) is one of the latest purposes
on classifiers, the other two are the most traditional
and frequently applied classifiers.
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
2.2.1 Support Vector Machines
Support Vector Machines (SVM) are learning struc-
tures based on the statistical learning theory to solve
classification, regression, and probability estimate
problems. SVMs working on a space of linear func-
tions hypotheses with high dimensionality attributes
space. The learning algorithm has to solve a quadratic
programming problem to return the hypothesis that
separates, with a maximum margin, the positive ex-
amples set of the negative examples. The margin is
defined as the distance from the hyperplane to pos-
itive and negative examples closest to it. SVMs in-
duce a linear hyperplane in the input space, therefore
they belong to the method family called linear learn-
ing machines. Among all possible separation hyper-
planes, the SVM choose the maximum margin (Cris-
tianini and Shawe-Taylor, 2000).
The LIBSVM software has been used to test the
performance of SVM (Chang and Lin, 2001). This
provides an efficient multi-class classification using
the ”one-against-one” approach in which k(k 1)/2
classifiers are constructed and each one trains data
from two different classes. In classification, LIBSVM
uses a voting strategy.
2.2.2 Multilayer Perceptron
The advantage of using neural networks in pattern
recognition is based on the fact that regions of nonlin-
ear decision can be separated depending on the num-
ber of neurons and layers. Therefore, the artificial
neural networks are used to solve classification prob-
lems with high complexity (Cristianini and Shawe-
Taylor, 2000).
Within the neural networks, the ones most com-
monly used are the networks with multiple layers that
work forward. This type of neural network is com-
posed of a layer of input neurons, a set of one or more
hidden layers and a output layer. The input signal
starts from the input layer and spreads forward, go-
ing through the hidden layer until it reaches the output
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is based on the Back
Propagation algorithm. This is a generalization of the
rule of least squares, which is also based on error cor-
rection. The Back Propagation algorithm provides an
efficient method to train such networks. Importance is
in ability to adapt the weights of intermediate neurons
to learn the relations between the input set and its cor-
responding output, and that relations can be applied to
new patterns. The network must find an internal rep-
resentation that allows to generate the desired outputs
for the training stage, and later during the test phase it
must be capable of generating outputs for which en-
tries were not shown during learning, but that resem-
ble one which was shown.
2.2.3 Bayesian Classification
This method is based on statistics that use the calcu-
lus of probabilities from the Bayes Theorem. Given a
set of training examples and a priori knowledge about
the probability of each hypothesis, Bayesian learning
can be seen as the process to find the most proba-
ble hypothesis. The way of applying the Bayes theo-
rem for classification consists of calculating the most
probable posteriori hypothesis (Domingos and Paz-
zani, 1996). This method presents some difficulties
such as the need to have previous knowledge and the
high computational cost. Moreover, this method has
a restriction as strong as the independence of the at-
tributes. To prevent this restriction, a preprocess stage
has been applied to the features. This preprocess has
consisted of the principal components analysis and
the result is a vector with 46 features. 32 color fea-
tures, 8 texture features and 6 shape features, all of
them supporting 90% of the variability.
Software provided by WEKA has been
used to apply these two last types of classifiers
Considering the methods described in the previous
section, a comparative study to determine the perfor-
mance of the different classification methods is con-
sidered an important issue. To achieve this, the appli-
cation of such classification methods is tested on the
digital image collection.
In all the achieved experiments, a training set of
800 images (40% of the samples) is selected, and the
remaining 1200 images (60% of the image collection)
are used as test set. All the classifiers are trained by
only using color, texture or shape features. A fourth
possibility is then considered, taking into account all
the color, texture and shape features at once. Fig.2
summarizes the results for all the experiments.
Color-based feature vectors are used in the first
experiments of the ones achieved. Fig.2.a shows the
obtained results. SVM obtains the best rate, which
reaches 62.4%. Multilayer Perceptron achieves an
acceptable rate of 58.7%, while the Bayes classifier
obtains the worst result (50.2%), by 12% below the
results of SVM.
Moreover, Fig.2.b illustrates the results obtained
in the second experiment. In that case, texture-based
Figure 2: Results of classification with a) color features, b) with texture features, c) with shape features, and d) with all
feature vectors are used. Again, the best rate is ob-
tained by SVM (63.6%), similar to that achieved by
color-based feature vectors. The performance of the
Multilayer Perceptron was inferior to the previous ex-
periment (53.6%), and so was the Bayes classifier
(35.1%). Particularly striking are the results obtained
by this last classifier, which correspond to almost half
of the SVM marks.
The third test classifies the images according to
the shape features. Multilayer Perceptron reaches a
percentage (40.3%) slightly higher than the one ob-
tained by SVM (39.5%). Again, the worst result is
obtained by the Naive Bayes classifier, as Fig.2.c. il-
The last one of the experiments is based on all the
features (color, texture and shape). The images are
classified by considering all the combined features,
and the final results are shown in Fig.2.d. The best
results are obtained by SVM (71.8%), followed by
Multilayer Perceptron (71.3%). In contrast, the Naive
Bayes classifier achieves the worst marks (56.5%).
As aforementioned, both SVM and Multilayer
Perceptron yield positive success rates, considering
the high complexity of the images on the database
used in the experiments. Average results of these two
classifiers are quite similar, for vectors composed of
color, texture and shape features, as well as for a com-
bination of all the features.
This paper has demonstrated the improvement im-
plied in the SVM application to manage progress in
such image categorization. In addition, we have con-
trasted this performance of the SVMs with other ro-
bust methods of classification such as the neural net-
works and the Naive Bayes classifiers. We should
highlight the fact that, even though they are only
three, these classifiers are diverse and deal with very
different aspects.
We consider that the results obtained with LIB-
SVM are quite positive if we account for differences
in color among images of the same class. Such is the
case of the animal group, where we can find a photo of
a white horse and at the same time an image of a black
pig. Another example can be found in the images of
the people group where the color is very rich and var-
ied. In this sense, this type of occurrences takes place
when we apply shapes and textures to broad domains.
SVM has demonstrated to be an algorithm with
a significant level of learning ability, even within a
broad domain, with photos or images with general
purposes. We should emphasize that the images in
each class are very different, and, about all, we are
dealing with a very wide multi-category classification
with ten classes.
Finally, we wish to add, for future studies in this
line of work, that there must be a need for human
perception in the evaluation of the system. In addi-
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
tion, we should attempt to integrate high-level fea-
tures originating from low-level features in the re-
search. Then another important aspect would be the
phase for the relevance feedback processes, and the
increase of the image database size for the testing of
the system as a multilevel classification process.
The authors wish to acknowledge and thank the
Sicubo Ltd. for their strong belief and firm sup-
port in this work. This work is financed by the
Spanish Government (National Research Plan) and
the European Union (FEDER founds) by means of
the grant ref. TIN2008-03063 and the Junta de Ex-
tremadura (Regional Government Board - Research
Project #PDT08A021).
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