, Vojt
ech Sv
University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
Franc¸ois Scharffe
INRIA & LIG, Montbonnot, France
Ontology transformation, Ontology alignment, Pattern detection, Correspondence patterns.
Many use cases for semantic technologies (eg. reasoning, modularisation, matching) could benefit from an
ontology transformation service. This service is supported with ontology transformation patterns consisting
of corresponding ontology patterns capturing alternative modelling choices, and an alignment between them.
In this paper we present the transformation process together with its two constituents: a pattern detection and
an ontology transformation process. The pattern detection process is based on SPARQL and the transfor-
mation process is based on an ontology alignment representation with specific extensions regarding detailed
information about the transformation.
On-demand ontology transformation inside a formal-
ism such as OWL can be useful for semantic applica-
tions. The same conceptualization can be modeled in
diverse ways; (parts of) an ontology thus can be trans-
formed from one modeling choice to another, taking
advantage of ontology patterns for eg. n-ary relations,
specified values or naming variations. Although the
strictly formal semantics may change, the intended
meaning should be preserved.
In (Svab-Zamazal et al., 2009) are described three
use cases:
Reasoning. Some features of ontologies cause
performance problems for certain reasoners. Hav-
ing information about these features, possibly
gathered via machine learning methods, we can
transform parts of ontologies with such problem-
atic entities.
Modularization. Modular ontologies are a pre-
requisite for effective knowledge sharing. How-
ever, if the source and target ontology are mod-
eled using different styles (such as property- vs.
relation-centric), the user faces difficulties when
choosing fragments to be imported. modeling
style of the various modules.
Matching. Most ontology matching (OM) tools
deliver simple entity-to-entity correspondences.
When applying lexical methods on names of enti-
ties, they ignore matching of complex structures.
Complex matching can be mediated by correspon-
dence patterns, which however most OM tools do
not support. Attempting to transform, prior to
matching, an ontology to its variant using trans-
formation patterns, could thus help the OM tools.
These use cases share an ontology transformation
service that makes use of ontology transformation
patterns. In this paper we present details about the
ontology transformation service, based on the detec-
tion and transformation of patterns in ontologies. We
clearly distinguish the modeling of ontology patterns,
used for the detection phase of the transformation ser-
vice, and the transformation itself. The link between
the ontology patterns and the transformation is real-
ized through the use of an alignment between the pat-
tern to be detected and the pattern resulting from the
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents the overall work-flow of ontology
transformation service. Section 3 details the ontol-
ogy pattern detection phase using an illustrative ex-
ample. Section 4 details the transformation phase us-
ing ontology transformation patterns, following the
same example. The paper is wrapped up with Related
work, Conclusions and Future Work.
Šváb-Zamazal O., Svátek V. and Scharffe F. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 42-47
DOI: 10.5220/0002298300420047
This section presents the work-flow (See Figure 1) of
the ontology transformation service. The transforma-
tion service takes as input an ontology O
and an on-
tology transformation pattern. It outputs a new on-
tology O
resulting from applying an ontology trans-
formation pattern on given ontology O
. An ontol-
ogy transformation pattern consists of an ontology
pattern A, its counterpart ontology pattern B, and an
alignment between them. The ontology pattern A and
the ontology pattern B represent the same conceptu-
alization, but modeled in two different ways. The
alignment between the two ontology patterns is rep-
resented using an ontology alignment language (Eu-
zenat et al., 2007), with several extensions detailed
in Section 4. In a first step, an ontology pattern A is
detected in the ontology O
. This procedure is fur-
ther detailed in Section 3. If this ontology pattern
matches, the ontology O
is transformed into an on-
tology O
given the ontology transformation pattern
and generated transformation operations. Section 4
presents this second step in more details.
pattern A
ontology transformation pattern
pattern B
ontology pattern
ontology transformation
Figure 1: Ontology transformation service workflow.
During the ontology transformation process, many
ontology transformation patterns from the input li-
brary may be detected and applied. Moreover, an on-
tology transformation pattern may be applied many
times if its ontology pattern A was detected a number
of time in the ontology.
Generally, we do not expect full automation of the
ontology transformation, as there often would be nu-
merous alternatives that only a human could evalu-
ate. We thus aim at semi-automatic transformation
(with appropriate user interface) only. In fact, the
user will be shielded from this transformation service
with the system where (s)he could opt diverse level of
automation of the whole process eg. (not)selecting
and/or (not)changing the ontology patterns applied,
(not)modifying the ontology transformation patterns
if the transformation results are not satisfactory etc. In
this paper we concentrate merely on the core transfor-
mation service while issues such as ontology patterns
ordering, checking the consistency of the newly cre-
ated ontology (a validation step) and user interaction
are future work.
In this section we detail the ontology pattern detec-
tion phase. This phase takes as input the ontology
pattern A of an ontology transformation pattern and
tries to match this ontology pattern in the ontology
. Each ontology pattern A consists of three inter-
twined aspects: aspects related to the ontology struc-
ture, aspects related to the logical axioms such as dis-
jointness, and aspects related to entities names. For
detection we can use the SPARQL language
We illustrate an ontology pattern detection on a
simple example of ontology pattern A where a class
is defined using an existential restriction
. Let us as-
sume the following conceptualization of “Presented-
: Document w Paper w PresentedPaper Paper u
“PresentedPaper” is restricted on the value Ac-
cept” for the property “hasStatus”. This is a common
conceptualization (eg. man with married state, paper
with status poster). An alternative to this ontology
pattern is presented in Section 4. The SPARQL query
for detection of this ontology pattern is the following:
SELECT ?y ?p ?a
?y rdfs:subClassOf _:b.
_:b owl:onProperty ?p.
_:b owl:hasValue ?a.
FILTER ( !isBlank(?y) )}
There are several drawbacks using the SPARQL
language for such a detection, see Section 5. In our
current implementation, we use the SPARQL query
engine from the Jena framework
The following example of ontology pattern deals
with “specified values” representing specified collec-
tion of values expressing ‘qualities’, ‘attributes’, or
‘features’, see the left-hand side in Figure 3. The cor-
responding SPARQL query is:
SELECT distinct ?y ?c1 ?c2
?c1 rdfs:subClassOf ?y.
?c2 rdfs:subClassOf ?y.
?c1 owl:disjointWith ?c2.
All examples come from the conference organization
!isBlank(?c1) &&
!isBlank(?c2) &&
In order to better detect the “specified values”
ontology pattern, a lexical constraint on the entities
name is used. An average token-based similarity mea-
sure c is computed as the ratio of the number of mutu-
ally disjoint entities (?c1, .., ?cn) that are subclasses of
?y sharing a token with ?y over the number of all dis-
tinct such entities (?c1, ..., ?cn). If c is higher than cer-
tain threshold it is taken as an instance of the “speci-
fied values” ontology pattern. As we can see in Fig-
ure 3 the token “topic” is present in the superclass as
well as in both subclasses “MultimediaTopic” (MT)
and “ComputerNetworkTopic” (CNT).
The next example of ontology pattern A deals with
“n-ary relations”. In OWL there is direct support for
representing a binary relation. However, it is some-
times more natural to link more than two individuals
in one relation. In order to detect this kind of ontology
pattern, we define a structural bunch (Svab-Zamazal
and Svatek, 2009) which can be found with the fol-
lowing SPARQL query:
SELECT ?x ?p ?y ?q ?r ?z ?w
?p rdfs:domain ?x.
?p rdfs:range ?y.
?q rdfs:domain ?y.
?q rdfs:range ?z.
?r rdfs:domain ?y.
?r rdfs:range ?w
FILTER (?q!=?r)}
Additionally, a lexical constraint similar to the
aforementioned one can be used to refine the detec-
tion: an average token-based similarity measure c is
computed as the ratio of the number of entities from
a structural bunch that share a token with ?p over
the number of all distinct entities from the structural
bunch except ?y and ?p. If c is higher than a certain
threshold it is taken as an instance of ”n-ary relation”
ontology pattern.
The three ontology patterns presented in this sec-
tion can be classified as logical patterns. We have in-
cluded them into the ontology transformation pattern
library (ie. for each of them we have an ontology pat-
tern A, an ontology pattern B and an alignment). In
future work we will extend the ontology transforma-
tion library with other ontology patterns like eg. name
patterns (Svab-Zamazal and Svatek, 2008) capturing
awkward naming style.
Once an ontology pattern is detected, the corre-
sponding transformation can be applied as detailed in
Section 4.
In this section we detail the transformation phase of
the ontology transformation service. This phase takes
as input the result of an ontology pattern detection, ie.
bound variable(s) from the corresponding SPARQL
query, and the ontology transformation pattern related
to the detected ontology pattern A. Initially, the entire
ontology O
is copied into a new ontology O
. After-
wards, a set of specific transformation operations are
generated according to an appropriate ontology trans-
formation pattern. The new ontology O
is then trans-
formed applying the operations. We will detail how
to generate those transformation operations below in
this section. We will also present at the end of this
section three examples illustrating various aspects of
the transformation process.
Note that a given ontology pattern A can be trans-
formed in more than one way, ie. more than one on-
tology pattern B and appropriate alignment for each
ontology pattern A are possible. This issue is our fu-
ture work. The result of the transformation step is a
new ontology O
. It can be useful to enable reverse
transformation from the ontology O
back to the on-
tology O
. This can be realized using OWL-2 annota-
tions materializing information that can be lost during
a transformation.
There are three general rules how to generate spe-
cific transformation operations:
1. if there is a correspondence between entities of
ontology patterns A and B (entity-to-entity) in the
alignment then REMOVE the old entity and ADD
the new entity with proper name and proper type
There is an instruction how to name new entity in
the alignment.
2. If there is no existing correspondence from an en-
tity in ontology pattern A to any entity of ontology
pattern B in the alignment then REMOVE this en-
3. If there is no existing correspondence from an en-
tity in ontology pattern B to any entity of ontology
pattern A in the alignment then ADD this entity.
As a result, several ADD/REMOVE operations
are generated to be applied on copied version of O
The REMOVE operation must be done carefully in
order to avoid removing an entity which is used in an-
other part of the original O
. Consistency checking
and user validation need to be performed each time as
Entities types can be different in case there is a corre-
spondence between heterogeneous entities, eg. between a
class and a relation.
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
an ontology pattern is applied in order to avoid this
kind of problem.
Alignments between ontology patterns A and B
of the ontology transformation patterns are expressed
using an extension of the ontology alignment for-
mat (Euzenat et al., 2007). This format allows to
model complex correspondence arising when trying
to relate existing ontology patterns. This format also
has the advantage to be supported by many ontology
matching systems
Figure 2: Ontology pattern: class using an existential re-
Next, we illustrate a transformation on the running
example. The ontology transformation pattern is de-
picted in Figure 2. The corresponding alignment is
represented below in the extended alignment format
<alignment:Cell rdf:about="class-by-attribute-value-cell">
<alignment:relation rdf:resource="&alignment;equivalence"/>
<rdf:type resource="&alignment;Class"/>
<rdf:type resource="&alignment;Class"/>
<rdf:type resource="&alignment;Relation"/>
See the ontology alignment initiative:
<rdf:type resource="&alignment;Instance"/>
This example is a common pattern in on-
tology alignment (Scharffe, 2009) extended with
transformation-specific information. In order to bind
variables between ontology patterns and the align-
ment we introduce the class alignment:Variable. Vari-
ables in a correspondence of the alignment format are
bound to variables of an ontology pattern A or B us-
ing alignment:var_id. The alignment format extension
can be used to modify attribute values but not the re-
sources names themselves. We thus make use of an-
other extension transf:resourceName and external func-
tions enabling this transformation.
The transformation function transf:resourceName
contains information how to name a resource in on-
tology pattern B. This function concatenates the list
of entity names given in < rd f : Seq >. In the ex-
ample above, we use the specific lexical function
patomat:headnoun(?a) which returns the head noun of an
entity name on which all other tokens are depen-
dent. The head noun detection was introduced in
(Svab-Zamazal and Svatek, 2008). Regarding prop-
erty names, we can use several heuristics how to find
a main term, eg. for “hasStatus” it would be “status”
where “has” is prefix.
In this case, the generation of the transformation
operations gives the following result: REMOVE the
class “PresentedPaper” and ADD the class with name
AcceptStatusPaper”. These operations result from
applying rule #1. Accept” is the name of instance ?a,
“Status” is the head noun of property ?p, and “Paper”
is the head noun of class ?y. Then, “hasStatus” and
Accept” will be removed with REMOVE operations.
There are other alternatives regarding naming of the
new entity “PresentedPaper”. These alternatives can
be captured with the next transf:resourceName function:
This will cause naming the entity as ”PaperWith-
StatusAccept”. These options can be offered to the
final user for selecting the most appropriate one.
The “specified values” ontology transformation
pattern is depicted in Figure 3. According to the trans-
formation rules, the following transformation opera-
tions will be generated: REMOVE and ADD opera-
tions for each subclass. Because there are correspon-
dences between heterogeneous entities, classes will
be removed and instances will be added.
Figure 3: Pattern: specified values.
The “Nary relations” ontology transformation pat-
tern is depicted in Figure 4. According to the transfor-
mation rules, the following transformation operations
will be generated: REMOVE entity ?p, ?q, and ?v
because of rule #2 and REMOVE entity ?r, ?w, and
ADD new entity name according to original names of
?r and ?w in the following way:
Figure 4: Ontology pattern: specified values.
Regarding ontology pattern detection, there are two
related aspects: ontology patterns representation, and
patterns detection. Regarding patterns in ontologies,
here presented ontology patterns are based on re-
sults of Semantic Web Best Practices and Deploy-
ment Working Group
(SWBPD). There are further
activities in this respect like ontology design patterns
. The SWBPD concentrates on logical pat-
terns which are domain-independent, the ODP con-
siders many diverse kinds of ontology design patterns
(incl. logical patterns, content patterns, reasoning pat-
terns etc.). So far we did not directly reuse ODP pat-
terns but we plan to do so in the close future.
While the purpose of those two activities is to pro-
vide ontology designers with the best practices on
how to model certain situations, we are interested in
detecting these ontology patterns. On the one hand
ontology patterns can emerge by chance or they can
be used intentionally by the ontology designer. In the
latter case, detection of ontology patterns should be
easier. In both cases, since we have in mind an ontol-
ogy transformation we always take an ontology pat-
tern and its one or more alternative variants.
SPARQL enables us to match structural aspects of
ontology patterns by specifying a graph pattern with
variables. But SPARQL is a query language for RDF.
However ontology patterns are rather DL-like concep-
tualizations. Therefore we have to consider a transla-
tion step between DL-like conceptualizations and the
RDF representations which is not unique. In order
to overcome this kind of issue we could use some
an OWL-DL aware query language, eg. SPARQL-
DL(Sirin and Parsia, 2007). However this language
does not support some specific DL constructs e.g. re-
striction and it is not fully implemented yet. Next,
we should consider not only asserted axioms but also
hidden ones. This could be realized using a reasoner
which could materialize all hidden axioms. Further-
more the SPARQL language is not sufficient for spe-
cific lexical constraints (such as synonymy or hyper-
onymy). We need to either make some additional
checking (post-processing), or alternatively to imple-
ment a specific SPARQL FILTER function. Such
FILTER functions could make the SPARQL language
quite expressive however they are also usually com-
putationally expensive (P
erez et al., 2006). It raises
a question of right balance between the expressiv-
ity of the query language (here it holds for work-
ing with synonyms/hyperonyms in SPARQL query)
and computational efficiency. By now, we use a two-
phase process for detection of ontology patterns: a
SPARQL query for the structural aspects and then a
post-processing of the results for lexical constraints.
In (Svab-Zamazal and Svatek, 2008), the authors
worked on the detection of ontology name patterns.
These name patterns will be included into the ontol-
ogy transformation pattern library as a specific kind of
negative patterns. Furthermore, we reuse several con-
cepts for detection and transformation (lexical pro-
See e.g.
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Regarding the transformation part of our work, an
immediate solution would be to use XSLT. However,
XSLT transformations are not directly applicable to
RDF because of its alternative representations. XS-
PARQL (Akhtar et al., 2008) overcomes this limita-
tion by combining SPARQL with XSLT. XSPARQL
constitutes an alternative to detecting and transform-
ing ontology parts as we propose in this paper. It how-
ever mixes the detection and transformation parts. As
already mentioned in the introduction of this paper
we need to keep a clear distinction between the pat-
tern detection and the transformation process. For this
reason, we also do not directly base on other related
approach, the OPPL(Iannone et al., 2008), which is
a language for detecting and transforming ontology
patterns. Furthermore there is no support for lexical
aspect in this last approach.
Another related approach is GeRoMeSuite (Ken-
sche et al., 2007), a system for models management
(such as XML Schema, OWL, SQL) that implements
matching, merging and composing of models. It also
supports many kind of transformations such as trans-
formation of data, identifiers, dates, and transforma-
tion between different formalisms. This work how-
ever does not consider transformations between het-
erogeneous conceptualizations and detection of ontol-
ogy patterns. Furthermore, a lot of attention has been
paid to transformation between different modeling
languages, transformation based on meta-modeling
using UML, and specifically transformation of data-
models (Omelayenko and Klein, 2003).
In this paper we have presented the details of an on-
tology transformation service with its two phases:
ontology pattern detection and ontology transforma-
tion using ontology transformation patterns. The pro-
posed service makes use of the existing formalisms
SPARQL and the alignment format, combined with
transformation rules in order to detect and transform
parts of ontologies. This approach allows to reuse
ontology patterns and correspondence/transformation
patterns developed by third parties.
An implementation of the core service is our im-
minent future work. Further we will consider on-
tology transformation from a system viewpoint, incl.
user interaction, incremental selection of patterns,
consistency checking of the newly created ontology
etc. Furthermore we will extend the ontology trans-
formation pattern library with other ontology patterns,
e.g. name patterns and other patterns based on the
ODP portal. We also plan to further experiment with
ontology pattern detection using diverse approaches
presented in the previous section.
The research was partially supported by the IGA VSE
grant no.20/08 ’Evaluation and matching ontologies
via patterns’. The authors would also like to thank
ome Euzenat for consultations during writing this
Akhtar, W., Kopecky, J., Krennwallner, T., and Polleres, A.
(2008). XSPARQL: Traveling between the XML and
RDF worlds and avoiding the XSLT Pilgrimage. In
Euzenat, J., Scharffe, F., and Zimmermann, A. (2007).
D2.2.10: Expressive alignment language and imple-
mentation. Project deliverable 2.2.10, Knowledge
Web NoE (FP6-507482).
Iannone, L., Egana, M., Rector, A., and Stevens, R. (2008).
Augmenting the Expressivity of the Ontology Pre-
Processor Language. In OWLED 2008.
Kensche, D., Quix, C., Chatti, M. A., and Jarke, M. (2007).
GeRoMe: A Generic Role Based Metamodel for
Model Management. In Journal on Data Semantics.
Omelayenko, B. and Klein, M., editors (2003). Knowledge
Transformation for the Semantic Web. IOS press, Am-
sterdam (NL).
erez, J., Arenas, M., and Gutierrez, C. (2006). Semantics
and Complexity of SPARQL. In International Seman-
tic Web Conference, pages 30–43.
Scharffe, F. (2009). Correspondence Patterns Representa-
tion. PhD thesis, University of Innsbruck.
Sirin, E. and Parsia, B. (2007). SPARQL-DL: SPARQL
Query for OWL-DL. In OWLED2007.
Svab-Zamazal, O. and Svatek, V. (2008). Analysing Onto-
logical Structures through Name Pattern Tracking. In
EKAW 2008.
Svab-Zamazal, O. and Svatek, V. (2009). Towards Ontol-
ogy Matching via Pattern-Based Detection of Seman-
tic Structures in OWL Ontologies. In Znalosti 2009.
Svab-Zamazal, O., Svatek, V., David, J., and Scharffe, F.
(2009). Towards Metamorphic Semantic Models. In
In Poster session at ESWC-09.