Claude Moulin
CNRS Heudiasyc, University of Compiègne, France
Cristian Lai
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies in Sardinia, Italy
Keywords: Semantics and Ontology Engineering, Information Search and Retrieval, Distributed Data Structures,
Distributed Systems.
Abstract: In this paper we present some issues relating the semantic indexing of resources in distributed decentralized
systems. We discuss some matter regarding the navigation between indexed resources and the way to
enhance our model for answering more generic queries. The argument is introduced with a brief scenario
focusing on e-learning domain, even if our goal is more general purpose. We discuss the role of ontologies
in semantic indexing, moving from centralized systems to the distributed paradigm. We explain how to
distribute a common index of resources semantically identified, composing a distributed knowledge base.
The paper highlights the importance of an ontology system for the key generation and the use of specific
domain ontologies.
In the last years, research in the field of Knowledge
Engineering has addressed technologies able to
create modular and more efficient knowledge-based
systems. An important requirement is the
improvement of response time and the quality of the
discovery facilitating the selection of results more
related to a specific request. Semantic indexing
seems to be a valid candidate to fulfill this
requirement. Main search algorithms based on
sequences of keywords also try to get better results
but they often lack of contextual information.
Instead, selective search takes into account the
meaning, the importance of the words within the
resources content, mutual vicinity, etc. Moving from
client-server paradigm to Peer to Peer (P2P)
networks model, information retrieval problem
becomes more articulated. Even if P2P networks
architectures can not offer a hyper textual navigation
between resources and lost the hierarchical
organization of data, they keep some advantages
such as the easy scalability of resources, the
reliability on data transferring, and low operating
costs. A P2P architecture will avoid both physical
and semantic bottlenecks that limit information and
knowledge exchange (Staab, Stuckenschmidt, 2006).
In this paper we face the problem of the semantic
indexing of resources in decentralized networks, in
which traditional discovery is based on documents
title. Our studies address techniques able to create an
index of managed resources, distributed and
semantically annotated. Semantic structures are
introduced through ontologies. Distribution is gained
by P2P paradigm. The distribution of the index is
performed by a Distributed Hash Table (DHT), and
thus the generation of keys remains an important
aspect. The semantic information strictly related to a
resource is included in a semantic annotation and
then inserted in the index.
In the case of textual documents annotation, two
approaches can be followed: metadata are either
inserted within the document or found outside the
content as external resources. In our work we prefer
extracting the semantics of annotation from
ontologies. The solution we propose allows to fasten
to a document the meta-information that describes
its content and to publish it in the network. The URL
of the resource tied up to the meta-information
Molin C. and Lai C. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 420-423
DOI: 10.5220/0002298604200423
allows its further access. Our solution lets open the
choice of the ontologies required for the
descriptions. The user has just to select ontologies
really shared among communities (Gruber, 1993)
else the discovery of the documents published in the
network would be impossible. The only
characteristic we use is the Unified Resource
Identifiers (URI) of concepts, relations and instances
of concepts. We also chose ontologies because we
want that any software agent can reason on the
structure of knowledge in order to build the most
appropriate queries when searching for resources.
Indeed, we consider that the resources published in
the network may be used diversely. The resources
we want to index are not always textual, so a manual
indexing is necessary; some interesting information
is not contained within the resource, thus the
automatic indexing would not have effect on this.
It’s the case when somebody wants to express a
point of view on a resource.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
describe a scenario where our indexing system can
be used. Section 3 reports briefly the related works.
Section 4 presents the core of our indexing system
and the way keys are generated.
We consider teachers writing didactic material for
their courses and wanting to share them with other
teachers or students thanks to a simple mechanism.
They don’t want to deal with heavy tools or to
depend on centralized repositories. Teachers only
have to semantically describe their material in
relation with one or more ontologies. Obviously,
tools are supplied for that and the use of ontologies
is transparent to users. Then the documents are
published in a P2P network in conjunction with their
semantic description. Publication of semantically
annotated document in P2P networks was also
presented as a real challenge in (Davies et al., 2003).
Students and other teachers can discover the
resources making queries based on the concepts
expressed from ontologies. In this scenario the
choice of the ontologies is crucial and ontologies
really shared among communities should actually be
Resources of various types can be handled and
are not necessarily textual. Semantic annotations can
represent objective information about resources
(nature, concepts of scientific domain, etc.) but can
also represent a point of view on documents
(difficulty level, usefulness in some context, etc.).
This example of semantic indexing in P2P
networks is planned to be integrated in a large
project concerning Organizational Memories. In this
kind of memories, resources can also be
semantically indexed on ontologies and can be
annotated. An ontology used for a memory is also a
part of this memory and is used for navigation.
Centralized memories may have some disadvantages
when they need to be filled up. Such a distributed
system could be a solution to this issue.
Using ontologies in distributed systems like P2P
networks is closely considered by scientific
community. In 2002 Edutella project (Nejdl et al,
2001), handled by Sun Microsystems, did a first
approach for the association of semantics to
educational content through an open source
infrastructure based on RDF metadata for the
interoperation between different schemes
(IEEE/LOM, IMS Learning Design
l), ADL SCORM), performing a mapping among
them. The SWAP project (Ehrig et al, 2003),
managed by the University of Karlsruhe, pays a
special attention to topics related to Semantic Web.
Its aim is to allow computers to actually comprehend
the meaning of its processed data. Using the model
of ontologies, the project allows to develop a
technology in the area of knowledge management
and P2P. Complex structures can be easily encoded
in a set of RDF triples. In (Della Valle et al, 2006) is
supposed that RDF should become the bases of the
Semantic Web. Nevertheless, RDF isn’t enough; it
does not supply a sufficient expressive ability to
represent the whole knowledge schema. DHT based
overlays systems offer an interesting alternative to
existing information system architectures. We
propose to express the semantic classification
through concepts articulated by ontologies that
describe the specific domain and to formulate such
expression by the OWL formalism.
We generally consider two kinds of models for
indexing resources: boolean (see Salton et al., 1982)
and vectorial. In the boolean model, the index of
documents is an inverse file which associates to each
keyword of the indexing system the set of
documents that contain it. A user’s query is a logical
expression combining keywords and Boolean
operators (NOT, AND OR). The system answers
with the list of documents that satisfy the logical
expression. The keywords proposed by the user are
supposed contained in the index.
In the vectorial model a document is represented
by a vector whose dimensions are the keywords of a
vector and the coordinates correspond to the weight
of the document in each dimension. A request is also
a vector of the same nature. The system answers a
request with the list of documents which present a
similarity with the request thanks to a specific
measure based on the vectors coordinates.
In centralized indexing both models are
available. However, in our case the index must be
distributed and the numbers of queries sent to the
index when searching for resources should
minimized, because they are time consuming. The
model of a distributed index is necessarily Boolean.
Our model should be able to satisfy logical
expressions and we have to construct different keys
for keeping this feature.
Our solution also allows a file sharing but the
semantic information is not contained in the title of
the resource. It’s contained in keys that describe the
resources. Ontology element identifiers are the
essential part of the indexing keys.
4.1 Ontological Elements
Our solution lets open the choice of the ontologies
requested for the descriptions. However, users of the
community should share them else the discovery of
the documents published in the network would be
impossible. The resource provider is responsible of
the choice of the ontology describing the concepts.
In our example at least two ontologies are pointed
out, one for the theoretical domain of the resource
(theory of language) and another for the description
of the resources. It’s generally the case when
indexing resources for e-learning. In case of a
manual semantic indexing, first is necessary to select
the ontologies used for building the indexing key. A
key may contain several concepts belonging to
different ontologies. For having homogeneity in our
knowledge representation and for preserving agent
reasoning based on ontologies, we use the LOM
ontology developed at “Université de Technologie
de Compiègne” for representing learning objects.
Studying the previous example and analyzing the
selected ontologies, we are led to the following
conclusion: a user can select a concept (the concept
of grammar is described in the first ontology) or an
instance of a concept (Exercise is an instance of the
concept of Learning Resource Type, and Difficult is
an instance of the concept of Difficulty Level).
Within the ontology, an element is completely
defined by its unique URI. It is enough to insert the
URIs of ontological elements for characterizing a
document in the key that indexes it. From this
information any software agent can discover the type
of the element inside a key and can decide to build
new queries if some do not give satisfying results.
4.2 Distributed Knowledge Base
We aim at creating a community, i.e. a set of nodes
of a P2P network, and at distributing a common
index of resources semantically identified. The data
structure that has been considered suitable for that is
a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) (Stoica et al.,
2006). The index is composed of entries that are
pairs of data (key, value). Each node of the network
contains a part of the whole data structure. The
publication, or indexing, is the operation of insertion
of a resource inside the DHT. More exactly it is the
operation of inserting a new index entry in the DHT.
The discovery is the operation which allows to find
some resources in the network that correspond to a
research key.
4.3 System Ontology
We consider that a key used for indexing a
document is based on a RDF semantic description,
i.e. a graph pattern of triples representing subjects
linked to objects by predicates. What is the meaning
of “indexing a document on the concept of
automaton” (in theory of language)? That
corresponds to the fact that the content of the
document has something to see with the concept. In
RDF, the document is represented as a blank node of
type Document and treating of the concept of
“automaton”. We had to create a system ontology
for representing these data. The RDF representation
of the document is then in N3 notation:
[] rdf:type syst:Document ;
syst:hasInterest lt:Automaton.
The system ontology is represented by the syst
prefix and the domain ontology by lt. “hasInterest”
is an annotation property allowing to attach any type
of elements (concept, relation or individual). The
system ontology also contains the concept of
Ontology, subconcept of Document for representing
the ontologies used by the users for indexing. Such
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
an ontology is published in the network under the
[] rdf:type syst:Ontology
The discovery system first looks for all the
ontologies used in the network for indexing and can
load them in the navigation sub system. For indexing
a document that occurs to be an ontology people can
use the following description:
[] rdf:type syst:Document ;
syst:hasType syst:Ontology.
4.4 Key Generation
An interesting feature of the navigating through an
ontology is the way to suggest for accessing other
resources. We can say that resources are close if
they are indexed by close ontological elements.
Concepts are close if one is a specialization of the
other or if they are domain and range of the same
property. From a selected concept, it’s simple to find
close concepts and then to build the query that
allows to access close resources. Instances of
concepts are close if they have the same type or if
their types are close.
Due to the Boolean model of the distributed
index, it’ necessary to create different keys when
publishing a document, so to be discovered with
different requests. The indexing must allow the
reasoning by subsumption. A request on a super-
concept must allow the discovery of documents
indexed on a sub-concept. The difficulty is to stop
the reasoning about the transitivity of subsumption,
for not indexing on a too general concept. We
consider that only two levels are enough in this case.
It is also possible to index on an attribute. A
document may show the interest for a country to
have a population and if this notion is modeled by
using an attribute, the description could be:
[] rdf:type syst:Document ;
syst:hasInterest ex:hasPopulation.
In this paper we have presented a solution which
aims at distributing semantically indexed resources
on P2P networks. The distribution of the index is
performed by a Distributed Hash Table. The
semantic information strictly related to a resource
and representing a point of view on the resource is
inserted in the key used to index the resource. The
semantic information comes from ontologies. Any
ontology can be used by our system. The drawback
of our solution is that the user has to navigate the
suitable ontologies and this operation can be time
consuming. Domain specific expert users have to
look for interesting ontologies and to publish them
in the network. Currently we are enhancing the tools
used to manage the ontologies in a way to hide their
underlined structures and to present them in a
comprehensive way. Our solution can supports the
building of online communities of users that want
share easily digital resources. We consider that the
building, storage and maintenance of ontologies are
the duty of the community the user belongs to. The
semantic indexing is strictly related to these issues.
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