Dominique Renaud, Cecilia Zanni-Merk and François Rousselot
LGeCo, INSA Strasbourg, 24 boulevard de la Victoire, Strasbourg, France
Keywords: Expert systems, Ontology engineering, Intelligent multi-agent systems, Ontology sharing and reuse,
Ontology matching and alignment.
Abstract: This article reports our work on a strategy for results aggregation coming from a multi agent system. Each
set of results is related to a specific ontology. The application is the organisation analysis of Small and
Medium Enterprises (SME). In this context, different Knowledge Bases (KB) are used. Depending on their
origin, the different KB may be close, complementary and sometimes contradictory. The proposed approach
uses a strategy based on two key ideas. The first one is general and aims at selecting a combining method of
ontologies and the second one is focused on the selection and combining of sub-parts of ontologies. The
combination of these two strategies should improve the understanding of the results produced by the multi
agent system.
In recent years, software agents (MAS) have become
a well studied and frequently applied technical
implementation for distributed systems. In this work,
a MAS is used as a multi-experts eco-system for
analysis and diagnostic of Small and Medium
Enterprises (SME) organization. The targeted
system analyzes the management activities of an
enterprise and provides suggestions to help address
those areas in which it is less successful. To
introduce the notion of multiple point of views, each
agent is associated to a particular knowledge base
(KB) and ontology. This situation implies the
production of many pieces of results related to a
limited topic. To be well understood by an external
user, all the produced results must be aggregated by
topic. The aggregation of results raises some issues
about combining multiple ontologies.
Section 2 describes the context of these works
and the following sections present the problem of
aggregation of results associated with related
ontologies (section 3). A first draft solution is
proposed in the form of an assembled ontology in
section 4. Finally, section 5 presents our conclusions
and perspectives of future work.
MAEOS is a project on the modelling of the support
to the organizational and strategic development of
The main objective of MAEOS is to improve the
efficiency and performance of business advice to
SMEs. To do this, the main part of this work is
devoted to the modelling of knowledge coming from
management sciences.
Unlike the current trends, which are to create a
homogeneous KB covering the domain of a
problem, our choice is different. It is to keep to a
maximum the plurality of each KB with their field of
interest, constraints and richness. The interest and
the difficulty of this project are to combine a large
variety of sources and origins of knowledge around
SME topics.
The targeted knowledge is separated into two
kinds of expertise. On the one hand, the theoretical
knowledge in the area of change in SMEs
(organization, strategy,...) are used as core models
and on the other hand, expert knowledge
accumulated during practice is used as
complementary knowledge.
The main outputs of this project are a set of
methods and software tools for analysis and
diagnosis of SMEs. The software tools must be able
to evolve according to the state of the art on SMEs
and, in particular, their administrative or legal
environments. In addition, they must also be able to
reflect the richness and contradictions inherent to the
models coming from management sciences.
To achieve these objectives, a multidisciplinary
team was created. Three main research areas are
represented: artificial intelligence, software
engineering and management sciences. This work
involves, therefore, two major points consisting of
Renaud D., Zanni-Merk C. and Rousselot F. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 200-205
DOI: 10.5220/0002299802000205
the building of KBs related to SMEs and the
implementation of an expert system based on
software agents. This part of the project uses three
technologies: the ontologies are described with
OWL-DL (OWL-DL, 2004), OMV is used for meta-
data (OMV, 2007) and the MAS is programmed in
Knowledge bases, in progress, are designed to
cover a significant portion of aspects relating to
organization and managerial behaviours of SMEs.
An ontological study was conducted with the
aim of providing the theoretical foundations
necessary for the development. Several ontologies
have been studied. Our main sources were the
ontology MASON (Lemaignan, 2006), TOVE (Fox,
1992, 1998) and ENTERPRISE (Uschold, 1998).
Each knowledge base which we are building is
divided into three parts: an ontology, a collection of
best practices with facts and/or rules, and meta-data.
Later in the project, other KBs will be added to the
existing ones. All of them will build sets of SMEs
modular models.
The expert system is intended to use the different
KBs. It will be an ecosystem of reactive agents
(Figure 1). At present, the ecosystem is written in
Java and is not complete. Indeed, no direct
communication exists between agents. All
exchanges are made through a common bag. An
agent is associated with a particular KB. Therefore,
all agents are characterized by a knowledge field
through an ontology, a collection of facts and/or
rules and a set of meta-data.
Figure 1: The multi-agents system.
Each agent picks information up in the common
bag. It accomplishes its deduction tasks. At the end,
it adds the results to the bag. an agent is triggered
when there are pieces of information in the common
bag matching some of its characteristics. The
process is considered as finished when the agents
have nothing new to add to the common bag.
In the context of this ecosystem, our research
activities focus on the post-processing of results.
The main issue is related to the aggregation of
results coming from related domain ontologies.
Indeed, the KBs used in this project are limited to
SMEs management. Depending on their origin, their
contents may be close, complementary and
sometimes contradictory.
The current trend is to create a homogeneous
ontology covering the domain of a problem. The
choice of this project is different. It is to keep to a
maximum the plurality and the growth potential of
each KB over the process of analysis and diagnosis.
The objectives are to address the constraints, on the
one hand, related to the expression of the richness
and contradictions inherent to the models and, on the
other hand, related to the evolution of a MAS and its
Our answer is intended to create local ontologies
to the problems. Each set of results from the MAS is
supported by an ontology of its own. The main
approach is to push the ontology combining as far as
possible in the process. This is to keep our goals of
multiple point of views.
3.1 Aggregating Results
The aggregation of results based on ontologies
requires more than a mere correspondence between
terms or parts of models. This is because the
production of results is carried out with several facts
bases and/or rules and because each of these bases is
related to a specific ontology. Each ontology that is
used contains its own taxonomy, roles and axioms
and is built with an intention and a point of view.
This results aggregation must ensure a coherent
semantics. Therefore, it is, at best, the integration of
several ontologies into a new one covering all the
results. Finally, once aggregated, the results must
also be consistent with the facts and rules
implemented by the software agents.
3.2 Combining Ontologies
There are many tools and works on ontologies
combining (Klein, 2001), (Choi, 2006), (Bruijn,
2006), (Flouris, 2007). Four classes of methods are
applicable to the MAEOS problem:
“Merging” ontologies implies the creation of a
new one by linking up existing ones. Each
important concept is selected, based on its
relevance. There are particular cases, such as
the “integration” that is to complement or
build an ontology with smaller specific
ontologies or the “inheritance” method that
uses the notion of a “is_a” relationship to
merge several ontologies from the most
general to the most specific concept.
“Mapping” is about building a translation
model, via a bijection or not, among
ontologies. A special case called “refinement”
appears when the atomic concepts of a first
ontology have their equivalent in the non-
atomic concepts of a second one.
“Alignment” corresponds to a partial or
complete translation of concepts and/or the
possible addition of relations in order to create
a new ontology from several ones. The
operation is called “unification” if the
alignment is done on all the concepts of an
ontology over another.
“Mediation” is quite a different class. It uses
the idea of negotiation to find the best
building compromise for an ontology from
several ones.
All these methods cannot always be applied in a
systematic and / or automated way. As highlighted
by (Noy, 1999), the intervention of an expert may be
Some methods, such as the alignment is better
suited to a fusion where different ontologies are
complementary or have different semantic levels. It
is necessary to know the criteria for selecting a
combining method as well as the limitations of these
The combining of several ontologies implies, at
least, the presence of common or relative conceptual
entities in them.
Different criteria can be applied to identify the
similarities between two conceptual entities
(Maedche, 2002):
The similarity of terms;
The similarity of properties;
The similarity of the entities subsuming or
being subsumed.
In real situations, several penalizing cases may
appear at different levels. Disparities in the
definitions may not only arise at the conceptual,
terminological or taxonomy level but also at the
syntactic level. Between two close ontologies, it is
common to have the same term with different
meanings or several terms referencing the same
concept. Depending on the ontology author’s
viewpoint, several definitions may relate to the same
concept. Mismatches among ontologies are
numerous. They are summarized in (Klein, 2001),
(Visser, 1997) and (Hameed, 2004) with a series of
examples (Figure 2).
These differences affect the implementation of
the combining methods. The most extreme case
happens when disjoint ontologies are considered and
makes impossible the application of any combining
method. In the case of close ontologies, a choice
cannot be made if the degree of similarity among
several terms is equivalent (Colomb, 2007).
Mism atch
Categ o rization
Attribute-Assignem ent
Concept & Definiens
Concept & Term
Term & Definiens
Figure 2: Ontology mismatches taxonomy.
Next, even if connections are established among
conceptual entities, there is no guarantee that they
will be bijections. Conflicts at semantic level may
also appear. Finally, the difference of granularity
between ontologies can result in the elimination or
aggregation of some entities. It should be noted that
the number of mismatches cases increases when
ontologies are larger. Different ways should be
studied in order to minimise these mismatches.
4.1 A Compound Strategy
For this project, two solutions are combined to
reduce the incidence of mismatch in ontologies
combining: selecting the combining method and
using small size ontologies.
4.2 Method Selection
In general, choosing a combining method for
ontologies is a critical issue. It becomes even more
problematic if these combinations have to be
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
performed in an automated way. The use of multiple
ontologies may be reduced to alignment of parts or a
full ontology merging.
A partial alignment may be sufficient in the case
of the use of ontologies on complementary
knowledge domains or of different semantic levels.
Merging is more appropriate if the contents of the
ontologies overlap. Finally, in the case where a
choice can not be operated in an automated way,
there is the mapping solution with a previous work,
or the use of mediation. This last method remains
complex to implement and is now set aside.
The criteria based on the works of (Flouris,
2007) and (Colomb, 2007) allow the following cases
(Figure 3):
Merging is used when the implemented
ontologies are complementary. For two
ontologies A and B , merging both of them
implies that the two ontologies are treated as
sub-parts of a more comprehensive ontology.
In other words, ontologies have common parts
and distinct ones. The easiest situation is the
merging by “inheritance” when the most
general concepts of one ontology correspond
to more specific concepts of the other.
Alignment can be achieved when ontologies are
close and do not correspond to the merging
Mapping is used in preparation of merging
among multiple ontologies. It is used when the
ontologies do not seem to have clear common
concepts. Although this technique is very
reliable, it requires some previous work.
1 Does mapping exist ?
3 Does overlap exist (modularity) ?
5 Is alignment applicable?
Use fusion
Use Alignement
Use mapping 2
Figure 3: Combining method algorithm.
Finally, in the context of this research work, if
no choice can be made, ontologies are not combined.
4.3 The Use of Reduced Ontologies
It is not always possible to be in the best situation
for combining ontologies. The size of the ontologies
has an important influence on the possibilities of
combining: big ontologies are more complex to
combine. Indeed, the cases of mismatch are much
more frequent if ontologies are important.
Use of small complementary ontologies can
facilitate the construction of a more comprehensive
one. At best, a solution can be to use modular
ontologies or at least, that are possible to be split.
The adopted strategy consists in selecting only the
necessary concepts for the aggregation of the results.
The objective is to only keep the necessary
knowledge for the interpretation of the results
supplied by the MAS. This is to facilitate the
combining of the ontologies.
The decomposition of ontologies in sub-
ontologies seems to be an attractive possibility.
However, it supposes several assumptions:
There are ontologies that are modular or
decomposable into partitions
There exist coherent sub-ontologies
The number of extracted concepts is sufficient
for the combining of the sub-ontologies
And for our system:
The results produced by the MAS are relative to
close concepts
All the ontologies graphs are single “is-a” trees.
It is evident that these assumptions cannot apply
to every combining of ontologies. The context
defined by all the produced results is important. This
context helps collecting close sub-parts of ontologies
around a particular subject.
4.4 Selection of Sub-parts of an
The basic idea is to extract, from a set of ontologies,
the smallest consistent sub-ontologies with a
maximum coverage of the concepts used by the
results. For that purpose, an algorithm based on the
properties of partitioning and modularity of graphs is
The algorithm considers an ontology as a
semantic network. It treats the network as a directed
graph that has nodes as concepts and edges as roles
with their properties and their constraints.
It is clear that some characteristics are taken into
account in the handling of these graphs. The
semantic networks are graphs containing a tree
structure related to the taxonomy of the described
subject, relationships related to their constraints
(transitive, symmetrical…) and to their properties
(mandatory, attributes…). Within this framework,
the search for a partition in the graph of a semantic
network respects certain criteria.
These criteria aim at selecting the concepts
intervening in the interpretation of the results and at
only preserving a coherent sub-graph. They are
expressed as:
A sub-graph must contain all the necessary
concepts to link every part of the result.
A sub-graph can be extracted if and only if it is
connected to the rest of the graph by incident
A sub-graph must preserve the hierarchy
formed by the “is_a” relations.
Each node must keep its concept definition.
These facts lead to the algorithm in Figure 4.
The first step selects all concepts used by the
results. To maintain the consistency, steps two and
three extend the selection to sibling concepts.
The second step completes the previous selection
with the "is-a" relation tree. The third one adds the
shortest mandatory paths between the selected
The main loop, from step four to step eleven,
aims at selecting complementary concepts in relation
with the current selection.
Finally, the secondary loop allows enumerating
and choosing the necessary relations and neighbour
The algorithm stops when no concept or no
relationship can be selected.
Yet, this strategy has some limitations. On the
one hand, the extracted sub-ontology can represent
all the ontology in particular cases:
If the graph is connected or strongly connected.
The high number of edges among nodes
requires the extraction of a bigger sub-graph.
If the selected concepts belong to a clique
located at the bottom of the “is_a” relations
If the useful concepts are distributed in a too
homogeneous way in the graph. The paths
making possible to go from a selected node to
another are then more important.
((Incidential relation) & (cardinality > 0))
| ((selected concept) & (cardinality > 0)) ?
2 Select is-a subtrees
3 Select shortest path between concepts
1 Select mandatory concepts related to results
For each local relation
7 Select relation
(unselected concept) ?
9 Select concept
12 Extract sub-ontology
Last relation ?
Last concept ?
For each concept
Figure 4: Sub-ontology selection algorithm.
On the other hand, the selected sub-ontology
does not necessarily contain all the concepts
required to be combined with another ontology. In
that case, this sub-ontology must be completed.
This extraction algorithm allows selecting
partitions of ontologies. It is integrated in the main
aggregation algorithm.
4.5 The Main Algorithm
The strategy of results aggregation aims at
producing concise knowledge and at facilitating its
interpretation. In the MAS ecosystem of MAEOS,
the closeness of the contents of the KBs generates
many similar results. For that purpose, it is
necessary to be able to combine the whole contents
of the bag into groups of homogeneous results.
The proposed algorithm is separated in four steps
(Figure 5).
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Sort results by Ontology
Aggregate results by Ontology
Publish to Common Bag
Matches between Ontologies?
Select required concepts
Merge Ontologies
order of relatedness
Figure 5: The main algorithm.
The first one aggregates results related to the
same ontology. The following one selects the sub-
ontology relative to the results. The third one
combines sub-ontologies and verifies their validity.
And finally, the results are to be aggregated
according to the new ontologies.
In this article, we presented an approach for results
aggregation coming from multiple ontologies. This
approach aims at solving the many limitations
resulting from the use of ontologies whose contents
are closely related.
The suggested strategy is articulated around two
key points: the choice of the combining method and
the partitioning of ontologies.
The first tests carried out showed the interest of
the approach by sub-ontologies. However, the
applied strategies are only efficient on close
ontologies with a simple “is_a” relationship tree
graph and that are slightly connected or modular.
Our next works will be to improve and expand
the selection of sub-ontologies. Indeed, our initial
investigations only apply to simple “is_a”
hierarchies. To be more robust and versatile, the
algorithm must be used on more complex
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