Guadalupe Aguado de Cea, Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Elena Montiel-Ponsoda
and Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa
Ontology Engineering Group, Dpto. de Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo s/n, 28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Ontology development, Ontology design patterns, Ontology statements, Lexico-syntactic patterns.
Abstract: In this paper we describe how linguistic patterns can contribute to ontology development by enabling an
easier reuse of some ontological resources. In particular, our research focuses on the reuse of ontology
design patterns and ontology statements by relying on linguistic constructs at different stages of the reuse
process. With this aim, we propose the employment of lexico-syntactic patterns with two objectives: 1) the
reuse of ontology design patterns, and 2) the validation of ontology statements for their subsequent reuse in
the ontology development. To illustrate the proposed approaches, we will present some examples of lexico-
syntactic patterns and their employment in the reuse of ontology design patterns and in the validation of
ontology statements.
The 1990s and the first years of this new millennium
have witnessed the growing interest of many
practitioners in methodologies and methods that
support ontology development. A complete
overview of the methods and methodologies for
developing ontologies from scratch has been
reported in (Gómez-Pérez et al., 2003). All these
efforts have contributed to transform the art of
constructing single ontologies into an engineering
activity. However, in the last years, ontology
developers are starting to reuse and re-engineer as
much as possible knowledge-aware resources (e.g.,
ontologies, ontology modules, ontology statements,
ontology design patterns, thesauri, lexicons,
classification schemas, and databases) as opposed to
custom-building ontologies from scratch. This new
ontology development paradigm has the following
benefits: (a) allows speeding up the ontology
development process, (b) saves time and budget, and
(c) promotes the application of good practices.
In this new paradigm, design patterns have
appeared into scene. Design patterns are generally
defined as archetypal solutions to design problems
(Gangemi, 2005). According to (Menzies, 1997),
design patterns are generally perceived as having
three kinds of benefits: (1) reuse, (2) guidance, and
(3) fluent communication. Intuitively, these benefits
can also be applied to Ontology Engineering, and
recently experiments have empirically proven this
intuition (Dzbor et al., 2009). On the light of these
benefits, the Ontology Engineering community is
devoting many efforts to the development of
ontology design pattern repositories (e.g. Ontology
Design to encourage users the reuse of
best practices while speeding up ontology
development. However, experiments in the reuse of
Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs hereafter) have
also revealed that users with different levels of
expertise in ontology modelling face difficulties
when trying to reuse ODPs. The set of ODPs used in
this study have been designed in the NeOn project
(, and are included in
(Suárez-Figueroa et al., 2007).
Other ontological resources worth reusing for
accelerating the ontology development process are
ontology statements. We consider an ontology
statement (or triple) as containing three components:
subject, predicate and object. Such ontology
statements are available in the Semantic Web (SW)
and can be used to build a preliminary model of the
ontology or to extend and improve an existing one.
Nevertheless, an important issue here is the quality
of the retrieved ontological knowledge represented
by the ontology statement.
With the aim of offering a solution for a
flawless reuse of both ODPs and ontology
statements, we are currently developing an
de Cea G., Gómez-Pérez A., Montiel-Ponsoda E. and Suárez-Figueroa M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 206-213
DOI: 10.5220/0002300002060213
innovative approach based on a Natural Language
human interface. In the same way that the
knowledge of the world used to build knowledge
systems is normally captured in Natural Language
(NL), it seems reasonable that NL be one of the most
appropriate means to identify and validate encoded
Based on previous work on knowledge
extraction from texts summarized in (Cimiano,
2006), our intuition is that some linguistic constructs
reliably convey ontological relations. The linguistic
constructs we deal with in the present work combine
lexical items with syntactic dependencies and have
verbs as main elements. For the purposes of our
research, we have adopted the term Lexico-Syntactic
Patterns or LSPs (Hearst, 1992) to designate those
linguistic constructs that have been defined in
(Aguado de Cea et al., 2008) as “formalized
linguistic schemas or constructions derived from
regular expressions in NL that consist of certain
linguistic and paralinguistic elements, following a
specific syntactic order, and that permit to extract
some conclusions about the meaning they express”.
To guarantee an easy reuse of ODPs, a
repository of LSPs corresponding to ODPs has been
developed and published in (Aguado de Cea et al.,
2008). The purpose of this repository is to enable the
reuse of ODPs starting from sentences in NL
formulated by users. In this paper, we will contribute
with some enhancements to the LSPs repository.
Regarding the reuse of ontology statements, the goal
is to provide a way for predicting the truth value of
these statements also by means of LSPs, with the
aim of ensuring the correctness of the knowledge to
be reused. Thus, when developing ontologies, LSPs
will be highly useful because they facilitate 1) the
reuse of the ODPs that represent the phenomenon or
domain aspect the user wants to model in the
ontology, and 2) the reuse of validated ontology
statements drawn from online ontologies.
The reminder of this paper is structured as
follows. Section 2 is devoted to the motivation.
Section 3 presents some examples of LSPs and
improvements to the initial repository. Section 4
includes an enhanced version of the guidelines for
reusing of ODPs. Section 5 proposes some steps for
the validation of ontology statements. Finally, we
conclude the paper and outline some future lines of
research in section 6.
Ontology Design Patterns Reuse. Some
experiments reported in (Aguado de Cea et al.,
2008) showed common problems, errors and
misunderstandings faced by novice users when they
tried to reuse ODPs to solve modelling problems
expressed in NL. The ODPs used in the mentioned
experiments are included in (Suárez-Figueroa et al.,
2007), and have been classified into Logical and
Content ODPs. Examples of Logical ODPs are the
Logical Pattern for modelling SubclassOf relation,
the one for Universal Restrictions, or the one for
Disjoint Classes. Under the category of Content
Patterns, we find the Participation, the Role-Task, or
the Simple Part-Whole relation patterns. Subjects
participating in the mentioned experiments had
problems in correctly reusing the Part-Whole
relation Content pattern, for example, and mistook it
for the Logical ODPs for Object Property,
SubclassOf, or SubpropertyOf. Another typical error
was the incorrect use of the Exhaustive Classes
ODP, when the Disjoint Classes ODP should have
been employed.
Ontology Statements Validation. One crucial issue
in the current SW is related with the trust assigned to
the knowledge accessed through SW portals like
Watson ( Several
studies (Sabou et al., 2008; Suárez-Figueroa et al.,
2008) have revealed the need for evaluating
ontology statements before reusing them, because of
the large number of incorrect or misleading
statements retrieved from the Web. For a
classification of the identified problematic
statements see (Sabou et al., 2009). Problematic
statements that are of interest to this research are the
so-called modelling errors, i.e., the ones that express
an incorrect relation from a (formal) modelling
perspective. One of the most common errors in
online ontologies reported in (Sabou et al., 2008)
was the use of the SubclassOf relation (or
subsumption) “as a way to model the fact that there
exists some type of relation between two concepts”.
This resulted in examples like Biographies
subclass_of People. Another quite common error
was the use of the SubclassOf relation to model
Part-Whole relations. For example, Branch
subclass_of Tree.
The results of these experiments shed some light
about incorrect modelling of some of the most
common ontological relations when reusing ODPs
or ontology statements. This brought us to propose a
NL-based approach to facilitate the access to ODPs,
and to validate the knowledge expressed in ontology
statements, since NL is the way humans have to
communicate knowledge.
Lexico-Syntactic Patterns (LSPs) were first applied
by Hearst (1992) in the context of relation discovery
from machine readable dictionaries. Hearst’s
patterns had prepositional phrases, paralinguistic
signs or conjunctions as main elements. The object
of her research was to identify hyperonymy-
hyponymy relations between concepts. Since then,
many authors have followed Hearst’s approach for
the automatic discovery of semantically related
lexical items from unstructured texts with different
purposes. In Ontology Engineering, LSPs have been
mainly applied in two directions: 1) to learn classes,
attributes or instances for ontology population
(Aussenac-Gilles and Jacques, 2006; Berland and
Charniak, 1999; Cimiano and Wenderoth, 2007;
Etzioni et al., 2004; Pasca, 2005; Reinberger and
Spyns, 2004; among others), and 2) to learn
taxonomic and non-taxonomic relations for ontology
building (Kavalec and Svátek, 2005; Sánchez and
Moreno, 2008; among others).
For the purposes of this research, we will focus
on two specific sets of patterns that represent two of
the most important taxonomical relations in
ontologies: the SubclassOf relation and the Part-
Whole relation. As already mentioned in section 2,
in the two activities that concern us here, namely,
ODPs reuse and ontology statement validation, these
two relations are the source of many modelling
errors. For that reason, we will concentrate when
showing how LSPs can contribute to solve novice
users’ problems in reusing the ODPs to model those
relations. Besides that, LSPs will be applied to
discern if an ontology statement models correctly a
SubclassOf or a Part-Whole relation. We will
contribute to the LSPs repository in (Aguado de Cea
et al., 2008) by proposing some enhancements to the
LSPs present in the SubclassOf and Part-Whole
It is unusual to find a one-to-one correspondence
between LSPs and ODPs. ODPs are classified
according to the modelling problem they address,
but in NL different modelling aspects can be
linguistically realized with one and the same lexical
element. In this case we have a NL statement
corresponding to a combination of ODPs. For
example, the verb to classify in/into implies the
arrangement of objects in different categories that do
not normally share instances, i.e., it combines the
SubclassOf relation ODP with the Disjoint Classes
ODP. Apart from that, sometimes the same linguistic
construct can convey two different relations, or,
what is the same, correspond to two or more
pairwise disjoint ODPs. An example of this is the
verb to include, which can either list the types into
which a certain class is divided, or the parts into
which an object is divided (this can also be applied
to the verb to divide). In the latter case, a further
disambiguation process is required. Let us illustrate
these cases with the LSPs in the tables (The set of
restricted symbols and abbreviations used is
included in Appendix):
Table 1: LSPs corresponding to SubclassOf or Part-Whole
LSP Identifier : LSP-SC-PW-EN
NeOn ODPs Identifier : LP-SC-01 / CP-PW-01
NP<class> include | comprise | consist of [(NP<class >,)*
and] NP<class>
NP<class> be divide | split | separate in|into [CD] [CN]
[(NP<class >,)* and] NP<class>
(a) Common mass storage devices include disk drives
and tape drives. (SC)
(b) Reproductive structures in female insects include
ovaries, bursa copulatrix and uterus. (PW)
(a) Marine mammals are divided into three orders:
Carnivora, Sirenia and Cetacea. (SC).
(b) The cerebrum is divided into two major parts: the
right cerebral hemisphere and left cerebral hemisphere.
In Table 1 we present the LSPs for the pairwise
disjoint ODPs SubclassOf and Part-Whole,
signalized by the use of “/” in the NeOn ODPs
Identifier (taken from the ODPs repository in
(Suárez-Figueroa et al., 2007)). In this Identifier, LP
stands for Logical Pattern and CP for Content
Pattern. The LSP Identifier in the LSPs template
consists of an acronym of the relation captured by
the ODP (SC for SubclassOf and PW for Part-
Whole), and the ISO-639 code for the language to
which the LSP belongs.
As already mentioned, patterns in Table 1
contain polysemous verbs conveying both
ontological relations, SubclassOf and Part-Whole.
We have contributed to the LSPs repository by
including a new verbal form in LSP 1, namely, the
verb to consist of.
In Table 2, LSPs corresponding to the
SubclassOf relation are shown. In this paper, some
modifications to the LSP-SC-EN in Aguado de Cea
et al. (2008) have also been made, namely:
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 2: LSPs corresponding to SubclassOf relation ODP.
LSP Identifier: LSP-SC-EN
NeOn ODPs Identifier : LP-SC-01
[(NP<subclass>,)* and] NP<subclass> be [CN]
[(NP<subclass>,)* and] NP<subclass> (classify as) |
(group in|into|as) | (fall into) | (belong to) [CN]
There are CD | QUAN [CN] NP<superclass> PARA
[(NP<subclass>,)* and] NP<subclass>
[A(n) | QUAN] example | examples | [CN] of
NP<superclass> be | include [(NP<subclass>,)* and]
1 Odometry, speedometry and GPS are types of sensors.
15,5% of Spaniards are classified as obese.
Thyroid medicines belong to the general group of
hormone medicines.
There are several kinds of memory: fast, expensive, short
term memory, and long-term memory.
Some examples of peripherals are keyboards, mice,
monitors, printers, scanners, disk and tape drives,
microphones, speakers, joysticks, plotters and cameras.
a) LSPs 1 and 2 in the original repository have
been merged into LSP 1 here;
b) A new verbal form has been included in the
new LSP 2, namely, to classify as, and Class Name
(CN) has been turned into an optional element;
c) LSP 4 in the original repository has proven to
belong to the LSP for “SubclassOf relation, Disjoint
Classes, and Exhaustive Classes ODPs” (see pattern
number 3 in Table 3) and has been moved to that
LSP. This decision is supported by a preliminary
experiment reported in (Aguado de Cea and
Montiel-Ponsoda, 2009) that has demonstrated that
verbs such as to classify in/into, to divide in/into, to
split in/into, and to separate in/into predicate about a
set of subclasses that do not share any individuals
(disjointness). Although more evidence is required,
we would dare to say that for the rest of patterns
represented in Table 2, no assertions can be made
about disjointness or exhaustiveness without further
d) A new LSP has been included in
namely, LSP 4.
Regarding the LSPs corresponding to
“SubclassOf relation, Disjoint Classes, and
Exhaustive Classes ODPs” (see Table 3), a new
pattern has been included, namely, LSP 1. In this
case, one LSP corresponds to a combination of three
ODPs, and it is signalized by the use of “+” in the
NeOn ODPs Identifier. Moreover, we claim that
exhaustiveness is also a feature of the linguistic
constructs identified in this case, although further
evidence is needed.
Table 3: LSPs corresponding to SubclassOf relation,
Disjoint Classes, and Exhaustive Classes ODPs.
LSP Identifier : LSP-SC-Di-EC-EN
NeOn ODPs Identifier: LP-SC-01 + LP-Di-01 + LP-EC-
NP<superclass> be | CATV [either] NP<subclass> or |
and NP<subclass>
NP<superclass> be divide | split | separate | group in|into
[either] [(NP<subclass >,)* and] NP<subclass>
NP<superclass> CATV [CD] [CN] [PARA]
and NP <subclass>
1 Animals are either vertebrates or invertebrates.
Sensors are divided into two groups: contact and non-
contact sensors.
Membrane proteins are classified into two major
categories, integral proteins and peripheral proteins.
Table 4: LSPs corresponding to Part-Whole relation ODP.
LSP Identifier: LSP-PW-EN
NeOn ODPs Identifier: CP-PW-01
1 (NP<part>,)* and NP<part> COMP [CN] NP<whole>
2 NP<whole> be COMP [CN] (NP<part>,)* and NP<part>
The part | parts of a NP<whole> be [PARA]
NP<part>,)* and NP<part>
1 Proteins form part of the cell membrane.
2 Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.
The parts of a tree are the root, trunk(s), branches, twigs
and leaves.
In Table 4 we include those lexico-syntactic
constructs that can identify a Part-Whole relation.
The following modifications have been carried out
to the LSP-PW-EN:
a) Verbal forms composing the set of the so-
called Verbs of Composition (COMP), to which the
verbs to contain and to hold have been added, and
the verb to consist of has been removed;
b) LSP 3 has been included.
Finally, in Table 5 we show the pairwise disjoint
ODP LSP-OP-DP-PW-EN from Aguado de Cea et
al. (2008) that contains a polysemous verb (to have),
which can also correspond to different modelling
patterns. In this case, disambiguation is also related
with modelling decisions, i.e., if we have already
discerned that we are not dealing with parts of an
object (PW), but with properties, we have to decide
if we want to model a certain property as an
ObjectProperty (OP), or as a DatatypeProperty (DP).
Table 5: LSP corresponding to Object Property, Datatype
Property and Part-Whole relation ODPs.
LSP Identifier : LSP-OP-DP -PW-EN
NeOn ODPs Identifier: LP-OP-01 / LP-DP-01 / CP-PW-01
1 NP<class> have NP<class>
Birds have feathers.
Water areas have names in natural language.
The repository introduced in section 3 is the core
element of the method we present here. The main
purpose of this repository is to bridge the gap
between NL and the modelling solutions represented
by ODPs. In this way, this method aims at enabling
an easier reuse of ODPs to users with different
expertise in Ontology Engineering. The whole
process needs to be supported by a system that
automatically analyses the sentence in NL
introduced by the user, and looks for the linguistic
structure that best matches the input in the LSPs
repository. However, some LSPs are ambiguous, i.e.
the same linguistic structure can equally express the
information encoded in pairwise disjoint ODPs (as
already exemplified in Tables 1 and 5). This means
that the user input may need to be revised or refined
during the process, so that only one option is valid.
The method is mainly divided in three tasks:
Task 1: Formulation. The goal of this task is to
formulate in NL the domain aspect to be modelled.
We assume that the user has a good command of the
knowledge parcel (s)he wants to model in the
ontology. Contrary to the proposal made in (Aguado
de Cea et al., 2008), in which the user was allowed
to introduce in full NL the domain aspect to be
modelled, we claim here that some
recommendations on the use of NL should be made
in order to guarantee the results. For example, to
express sentences in present tense; to express one
topic or idea per sentence; to avoid coordination of
phrases, that will be only used when necessary; to
avoid redundant information (adjectives, adverbs) or
modal verbs; or to use full stop to end up sentences,
among others.
Task 2: Refinement. The goal of this task is to
refine the input because an LSP matches pairwise
disjoint ODPs. This task will take place when LSPs
of the type represented in Table 1 and Table 5 are
matched. Different strategies for the performance of
this task are being investigated, such as interaction
with the user; search in available ontologies
modelling the same domain of knowledge; search in
lexical resources with some semantics (e.g.
WordNet); etc.
Task 3: Validation. The goal of this task is to
confirm that the ODP proposed as modelling
solution is correct. The validation is foreseen to be
manually carried out by the user.
4.1 Example of Use
In this section, our aim is to exemplify the proposed
method for the reuse of ODPs having as starting
point sentences in NL. Since the relations dealt with
here are SubclassOf and Part-Whole, we will focus
on the employment of the proposed method with one
example of a polysemous LSP conveying both
ontological relations (see Table 1). The method
could help in the following way:
Task 1: Formulation. Let us assume that the user
wants to model the Part-Whole relation holding
between the brain (cerebrum) and its parts (the right
hemisphere and the left hemisphere). The first task
consists in formulating that knowledge according to
the recommendations introduced in the method. If
we take Example 2 (b) in Table 1: The cerebrum is
divided into two major parts: the right cerebral
hemisphere and left cerebral hemisphere, the
adjective “major” appearing in this sentence should
be removed, since it is redundant here.
Task 2: Refinement. The sentence in NL matches
the LSP-SC-PW-EN corresponding to pairwise
disjoint ODPs: LP-SC-01 and CP-PW-01 (see Table
1). There would be two options for refining the
input: 1) interaction with the user by asking him or
her if the right cerebral hemisphere and left cerebral
hemisphere are “types of” cerebrum or “parts of”
cerebrum; 2) search for cerebral hemisphere in a
lexical or terminological resource such as WordNet
and check which relation it bears to cerebrum.
Task 3: Validation. In return, the user receives an
ODP represented by a UML diagram instantiated
with the information of the input sentence in Task 1.
Then, the user has to confirm the ODPs suitability.
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
The repository of LSPs introduced in section 3 can
also be very useful when verifying the quality of the
ontology statements the user wants to reuse for
ontology building or enrichment. Our starting
hypothesis here was that if the knowledge expressed
in the ontology statement was formally correct from
a modelling perspective, it had to be found in
domain texts expressed by means of the linguistic
constructs identified as usually conveying the
relation represented in the statement.
This means that we could expect to find the concepts
in the statement (let us say, Branch part_of Tree),
forming part of NL structures identified in the LSPs
repository as conveying the Part-Whole relation (e.g.
Trees have branches). On the contrary, if the
relation said to be hold between the ontology
concepts in the statement were (formally) false
(Branch subclass_of Tree), we would not find
sentences expressing SubclassOf relation (Trees are
classified into branches or Branches are trees), or at
least a smaller quantity. The proposed approach to
validate ontology statements before reuse can be
summarized in three steps:
Step 1: LSPs Instantiation. The purpose is to
instantiate the set of LSPs in the repository with the
ontology concepts in the statement to be reused. By
instantiation we understand the replacement of Noun
Phrases (NP) contained in LSPs, with the ontology
labels in ontology statements.
The following aspects need to be taken into account
before proceeding with the instantiation:
1. Ontology labels have to be used in its plural form.
In ontologies, labelling style guides (see Fliedl et al.,
2007) recommend to express labels that designate
concepts in singular. However, when referring to
classes in general, the English language makes use
of the plural form of nouns. For instance, tress have
branches. Therefore, the first thing is to obtain the
plural form of each ontology label.
2. Optional elements have to be removed, thus
maintaining the basic form of the pattern. The set of
optional elements that appear in LSPs are included
in square brackets, and, if omitted, they do not
modify the basic meaning conveyed by the pattern.
The reason for using the pattern in its basic form is
motivated by the effort required by the manual
instantiation of LSPs with optional elements. Should
the approach be automated, this problem would
3. The semantic role of the concepts in the ontology
statement is maintained in the pattern instantiation.
Semantic roles are signalized in LSPs by means of
angle brackets (<superclass>), as detailed in the
Appendix at the end of the paper. Semantic roles in
LSPs are closely related with the grammatical
function of a certain Noun Phrase in the pattern, and
are essential components of LSPs. As a first
approach to the modelling error presented here, we
create equivalences between “superclasses” and
“wholes”, and “subclasses” and “parts”, and keep
those roles in the instantiation. However, this
strategy is just one of several possible strategies. We
are now investigating the possibility of instantiating
LSPs allowing the two labels in the ontology
statements to play any semantic role in LSPs.
Step 2: Web Search. The purpose is to introduce
the resulting NL sentences in a Web search engine to
check their frequency in domain texts.
Step 3: Validation. The purpose of this step is to
evaluate the resulting matches for each LSP. The
instantiations of those LSPs conveying the relation
that really holds between the ontology concepts
should appear in Web documents more frequently.
In the near future, the idea would be to automate
these steps to achieve an automatic validation of
ontology statement before its reuse. However, up to
now, we have only evaluated the proposed approach
manually, as explained in section 5.1.
5.1 Example of Use
In this section, our aim is to describe how to proceed
with a manual validation of ontology statements
with LSPs. We will concentrate on those ontology
statements that incorrectly express the SubclassOf
and the Part-Whole relations, since these relations
account for some of the most common errors in
ontologies, as already outlined in section 2.
Let us take as example the erroneous ontology
statement chapter_subclass_of_book. This is a real
example of an ontology statement accessed through
Watson from a subset of the AKT Reference
Ontology (Portal Ontology) written in OWL LITE
Step 1: LSPs Instantiation. The terms or labels that
name the concepts “chapter” and “book” will now
be used to instantiate the different LSPs in which the
SubclassOf relation and the Part-Whole relation are
involved, i.e., the LSPs described in section 3. Let us
illustrate the instantiation process with LSP 1 in
Table 2 corresponding to the SubclassOf relation:
[(NP<subclass>,)* and] NP<subclass> be [CN]
1. The first action is to obtain the plural forms of the
terms in question: chapters and books.
2. Optional elements are removed. This is the case of
[CN] in the pattern taken as example. CN stands for
“Class Name: Generic names for semantic roles
usually accompanied by a preposition, such as
(sub)class, type, or category” (as detailed in the
Appendix). By keeping this optional element, the
LSP in our example could have the following
instantiations: chapters are books, chapters are
types of books, chapters are subclasses of books, etc.
3. Semantic roles are maintained. In the present case,
chapter_subclass_of_book, “chapter” plays the role
of subclass, and “book” the role of superclass. These
roles should be maintained in the instantiation of
LSPs for the SubclassOf relation. In the LSPs for the
Part-Whole relation, “chapter” would be considered
playing the role of “part”, and “book” the role of
Step 2: Web Search. Once we have instantiated all
LSPs in which the SubclassOf relation and Part-
Whole relation are involved (see Table 6), we
proceed to manually include the resulting NL
sentences into the Google search engine. The
Google configuration options used in this step were:
It should only find those pages that contained
the exact wording or phrase.
It should only look in pages in English.
It could access files in any format.
The first configuration option is the most important,
because in this way Google only counts the number
of appearances in which web documents exactly
contain the resulting NL sentences.
This step would result in numerical data about how
many times sentences appear in Google. It is worth
mentioning that Google does not give information
about the total amount of indexed pages it accesses
during the search (e.g., for the instantiation
“chapters are books” Google returned 7 matches,
whereas for “books contain chapters”, it returned
547 matches).
Step 3: Validation. According to the results, the
relation to be hold between the ontology concepts in
the ontology statements is confirmed to be valid, or
proved to be false. We are currently working on the
establishment of statistical parameters to
automatically validate ontology statements.
Table 6: Ontology statement instantiation example.
1 “chapters are books”
2 “chapters are grouped into books”
3 “chapters fall into books”
4 “chapters belong to books”
5 “examples of books are chapters”
6 “books are classified into chapters”
7 “books include chapters”
8 “books consist of chapters”
9 “books are divided into chapters”
10 “chapters are contained in books”
11 “chapters compose books”
12 “chapters make up books”
13 “chapters are part of books”
14 “books are made up of chapters”
15 “books contain chapters”
16 “books have chapters”
The main purpose of the work presented here was to
show the suitability of Lexico-Syntactic patterns
(LSPs) in the development of ontologies,
particularly, in the reuse of Ontology Design
Patterns (ODPs), and for the validation of ontology
statements. The initial hypothesis was that some
linguistic constructs reliably convey ontological
relations. By establishing correspondences between
LSPs and ODPs in the LSPs repository, we provide
a method that enables novice users the formulation
of modelling aspects in NL, which are then
transformed into ODPs. Additionally, the LSPs
repository can be employed in the quality
assessment of ontology statements, since the
information captured in the statement has its
correspondence to expressions in NL collected in the
repository. Our proposal has been detailed and
illustrated in two examples of use. The examples
already point out some of the future lines of
research, such as the establishment of statistical
parameters for analyzing “ontology statements
validation results” (Step 3). Additionally,
experiments are also needed to test the proposed
method for the reuse of ODPs, and to further
improve the LSPs repository.
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
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Methodology for Building Contextualized Ontology
Verbs of Classification. Set of verbs of classification plus
the preposition that normally follows them. Some of the
most representative verbs in this group are: classify
in/into, categorize in/into, subclassify in/into,
subcategorize in/into.
Cardinal Number.
Class Name. Generic names for semantic roles usually
accompanied by preposition, such as class, type, category
Verbs of Composition. Set of verbs meaning that
something is made up of different parts. Some of the
most representative ones are: contain, hold, consist of,
compose of, make up of, form of/by, constitute of/by.
Noun Phrase. It is defined as a phrase whose head is a
noun or a pronoun, optionally accompanied by a set of
modifiers, and that functions as the subject or object of a
verb. NP is followed by the semantic role played by the
concept it represents in the conceptual relation in
question in <…>, e.g., class, subclass.
Paralinguistic symbols like colon, or more complex
structures as as follows, etc.
Quantifiers such as all, some, most, many, several, every.
( )
Parentheses group two or more elements.
Asterisk indicates repetition.
[ ]
Elements in brackets are meant to be optional, which
means that they can be present either at that stage of the
sentence or not, and by default of appearance, the pattern
remains unmodified.