organization, ENEA aims to spread and transfer
technologies and provide managerial and technical-
scientific support to both public and private bodies
and enterprises, underling the relevant role of
training for developing new skills. For this reason,
ENEA is one of the key actors about Italian e-
learning, thanks to the knowledge and the highly
specialized skills of the researchers in supporting
innovation. The Agency has been involving for a
long time in the process of knowledge transfer
towards enterprises and schools. Transferring and
spreading the results of its research, and promoting
their valorization with social and production
purpose, ENEA supports the technologic innovation
processes of the National production system with
particular attention to Small and Medium
Enterprises (from here on, SMEs).
The ENEA e-learning platform was born in 1996
and now it is a well-established reality offering a
number of about 170 courses, which are more and
more increasing, with more than 18.000 users in the
last two years (from January 2006 to June 2008, as it
is shown in the charts below for a depth analysis of
the end-users).
2.1 Our Experience
ENEA offers a system that can be considered as a
self training one by its users: it means that they can
learn whatever, whenever, wherever they want. The
ENEA e-LEARN model has been considered to be
one of the best 10 practices internationally by CEN
(Comité Européen de Normalisation), the European
Committee for standardization (CWA 15660
Providing good practice for E-Learning quality
approaches). The structure of the e-learning
platform, called MATRIX Multi Platform (that will
be better described below) is the result of years of
work and experimentation of a panel of researchers,
which leads to the fourth generation of the
aforementioned platform.
A lot of studies (ASTD, 2001) have shown the
advantages of e-learning in being able to provide
flexible, “just in time” learning with smaller learning
“components” than traditional course structures.
This has fuelled the movement toward modular or
unit based learning and the development of learning
objects. Learning objects are based on the idea of an
open standard supporting the creation of small
components of learning. The key benefits of object
based e-learning materials are seen as follows:
Content of learning objects can be more
readily reused for different purposes and it
can be easily updated by replacing only the
outdated content rather than having to
rebuild a new course;
Customized learning can be created to meet
specific individual needs;
Learners are able to locate the particular
information they need according to the
context of their own work.
In our modular approach, the subject is decomposed
into its essential parts and each of them starts from
very basic concepts going to deep details in the
successive modules. This learning system enables
personalization within a learning design, so that the
contents and activities within a unit learning can be
adapted depending on the preferences, portfolio,
previous knowledge, educational needs, and
situational circumstances of users.
The so built courses are suitable for any worker at
any educational level. Indeed, this modular approach
by itself can solve the problems of those, with more
expertise, who would be bored if they had started
from the beginning. A self-evaluation test has been
introduced between successive modules: in this way,
any user can make the test to evaluate his knowledge
of the subject and, then, decide whether to study the
course from the beginning or skip the simplest
The platform, has been successfully used in the
frame of several projects such as the awarded project
DESIREnet, (Sustainable Energy Europe Awards,
Category Co-operation Programmes), the DEPUIS
Project (one of the six Europe INNOVA Standards
Networks (2006-2008) working towards achieving a
more successful exploitation of existing standards
and enhancing innovation in Europe), the
deployPromis, e-QUEM etc.
DESIREnet project on renewable sources of energy
(www.desire-net.enea.it) produced some e-learning
courses on:
photovoltaic energy;
solar thermal energy;
geothermal energy;
biomass energy;
energy efficiency for building;
wind energy;
hydrogen energy and fuel cells;
geographic systems to support decision
makers energy scenario.
All those ones were produced using both traditional
hypertext e-learning courses and video-web-
The DESIRE-net web-seminaries have been
transmitted both in synchronous and in
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing